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Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
File Number: | DN-ZLB-008 Beta SP |
Color: | B W |
Type: | Newsreel |
Year: | 1965, 1966, 1967 |
Description: | B W 1965 Miscellaneous Universal Newreels. . Universal Newsreel, volume 38, #91, November 1965. 08:01:13:00 B W 1965 THE BIG BLACKOUT! (New York City and Northeast): VS a hydroelectric dam and the insulators, power coils and electrical power lines at a power plant New York City skyline at night Times Square at night policemen traffic cops direct traffic at night with flashlights, traffic cop speaks through a bullhorn megaphone New York City highway and bridge traffic at night people sit at tables in darkened restaurant illuminated only by candlelight people waiting on line at a telephone booth people crowd around a taxicab hoping to hail a ride people gathered around in a well-lit hotel lobby, playing cards, smiling, sleeping on floor, etc. people waiting on long lines on sidewalks for buses people stand outside the Port Authority Bus Terminal waiting for taxicabs VS New York City street scenes - pedestrians and traffic. 08:03:55:00 B W 1965 PRINCESS MEG VISITS STUDIO AND SEES HOW MOVIES ARE MADE: Princess Margaret and the Earl of Snowdon visit Universal City in Hollywood and are greeted by MCA Chairman Jules Stein, Bobby Darin, Sandra Dee, Lana Turner, Robert Eaton and Maurice Chevalier the Princess and the Earl take a tour of the backlot, visit Alfred Hitchcock on his set during production, the set of "Beau Geste" and watch the studio's "Stunt Show." [English Royalty]. 08:05:15:00 B W 1965 SPORTS - FOOTBALL: Air Force defeats Army 14-3, VS highlight plays from the game at Soldier Field (?) in Chicago crowd of uniformed Air Force men rushes onto the field after the game. B W 1966 Universal Newsreel, volume 39, #13, February 1966. 08:07:05:00 B W 1966 VIETNAM'S FUTURE - PARLEY IN HAWAII AFFIRMS US AIMS: LBJ, Secy of State Dean Rusk, South Vietnam Prime Minister Ky and "Chief of State" Su (sp? Thieu?) greet each other before the conference, VS the US and South Vietnam officials sit together at conference table to formulate the Declaration of Honolulu VS Vice President Humphrey waiting on Los Angeles airport tarmac to greet the returning LBJ Air Force One taxis to a stop LBJ and Humphrey give a press conference to discuss details of the Declaration. 08:09:52:00 B W 1966 FINAL CURTAIN - SOPHIE TUCKER'S DEATH ENDS 60-YEAR CAREER: CU Tucker VS Tucker and friends guests at a 1955 gala event held in honor of Tucker's singing career, at podium Tucker becomes emotional. 08:11:27:00 B W 1966 SPORTS: VS from various boxing matches during the Golden Gloves tournament. B W 1966 Universal Newsreel, volume 39, #24, March 1966. 08:13:27:00 B W 1966 RENDEZ-VOUS WITH TOMORROW - GEMINI VIII: VS astronauts Neil Armstrong and David Scott and their space capsule are recovered by the USS Mason after splash-down the two men deplane at Cape Kennedy and are greeted by officials VS the docking procedure successfully performed by the Gemini space capsule and an Agena Rocket the two vehicles disengage and the capsule begins its spinning descent. 08:17:53:00 B W 1966 SPORTS - COLLEGE BASKETBALL: VS highlight plays from the National Collegiate Championship game, Texas Western defeats Kentucky (whose team includes the player Pat Riley) 72-65 at College Park, Maryland trophy is presented to winning team after game. B W 1966 Universal Newsreel, volume 39, #35, April 1966. 08:19:41:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 NATO FAREWELL? SWEEPING CHANGES WOULD MARK EXIT FROM FRANCE: VS NATO base buildings, barracks, vehicles, airplanes. etc. on grounds of a NATO air base at Chateauroux INT airport traffic control tower French blue-collar base workers on their home from work, en masse VS American NATO soldiers with their French wives on the grounds of the base, shopping together, etc. woman in store looks in mirror as she tries on a hat American DJ soldier spins a record in radio station studio, bobs his head to the song CU record player phonograph American-style marching band parade down French city street American flag is flown down flagpole MP soldiers march, bearing folded American flag. 08:21:46:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 WACKY WEDDING, New York City: man (a circus acrobat) and woman (circus dancer) hold their marriage ceremony in the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey circus ring at Madison Square Garden surrounded by their fellow clowns, performers and animals. 08:23:19:00 B W 1966 CHARLIE CHAPLIN'S 77TH BIRTHDAY PARTY IN LONDON: CU the elderly, smiling Chaplin VS the party on the movie set of "A Countess from Hong Kong," in attendance are John Huston, Tippi Hedren, Sophia Loren, Sydney Chaplin, Josephine Chaplin, Victoria Chaplin, Oona Chaplin and a large wedding cake. 08:24:19:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 WHEEL WEIRDOS - SUNDAY DRIVERS NEED NOT APPLY: VS the experimental Dutch vehicle Amphirol driving smoothly across a mud-flat with multi-directional tractor-like propulsion VS the new British Army's six-wheel Gun and Personnel Carrier easily traversing an obstacle course VS a Jalopy car race at Brands Hatch Track, England [Wacky cars and vehicles, wacky sports]. B W 1965, 1966, 1967 Universal Newsreel, volume 39, #51, June 1966. 08:26:30:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 "BIG E'S HOMECOMING - AIRCRAFT CARRIER RETURNS FROM VIETNAM DUTY: VS the USS Enterprise sails into San Francisco Bay VS sailors are happily reunited with wives, girlfriends, children, etc. - hugs, kisses, greetings. 08:27:52:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 JET PLANE CRASH TRAGEDY - 2 PEOPLE KILLED, 44 INJURED: VS airplane debris and damaged houses in the aftermarh of a mid-air collision between two military fighter planes. 08:28:51:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 DEGAULLE VISITS USSR: Degaulle. wearing his military uniform and kepi, deplanes in Moscow and is greeted by Soviet Prime Minister Kosygin and President Podgorny Degaulle warmly shakes hands with cheering people in crowd and reviews an impressive military display marching soldiers the three men wave to crowds from convertible staff car. 08:30:00:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 KING FAISAL OF SAUDI ARABIA VISITS WASHINGTON, DC: LBJ and Faisal review military color guard on lawn of the White House motorcade parade Faisal and a white tuxedo-clad LBJ pose together solemnly for photo-op. 08:31:00:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 SPORTS - GOLF: VS highlights from the tie-break playoff between Arnold Palmer and Billy Casper at Olympic Golf Club in San Francisco, Caspar wins. B W 1965, 1966, 1967 Universal Newsreel, volume 39, #53, June 1966. 08:32:50:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 BOMBING ESCALATION IN VIETNAM - OIL DEPOTS AT HANOI AND HAIPHONG: Secy of Defense Robert McNamara gives press conference and uses charts to describe the recent bombing runs crewmen load bomb into place beneath the wing of a F-105 fighter plane VS bomber planes take off from air base and from deck of aircraft carrier USS Ranger sync-sound excerpt of McNamara's speech at the press conference. 08:35:43:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 ANCIENT PRE-INCAN RUINS IN BOLIVIA - UNESCO TO SEARCH FINDINGS: VS beautiful statues, buildings, a plaza, vessels jugs, carved stone inscriptions, etc. at archaeological excavation site in Tiahuanaco large crew of diggers use pickaxes and the like, other men tug in unison on long rope as they try to move large stone slabs. Good shots. 08:36:54:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 IKE AND MAMIE EISENHOWER'S GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY: VS the elderly couple hold hands and leisurely walk around the scenic grounds of their estate in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. 08:37:47:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 SUMMER FUN - DANCING ELEPHANT AND DANCING CHILDREN: VS cute children and a circus elephant dancing together, "twist"-style, beneath a "go-go" sign. Silly and sad. [Funny animals]. B W 1965, 1966, 1967 Universal Newsreel, volume 40, #7, January 1967. 08:39:05:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 THE "IRON TRIANGLE" - OPERATION CEDAR FALLS DESTROYS VIETCONG STRONGHOLD: VS American soldier shooting a smoking machine gun VS SOuth Vietnamese ARVN soldiers advancing on a patrol and blowing up Vietcong bunker huts. 08:40:22:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 MIDWEST BLIZZARD: VS snow-drifts, people digging out with shovels, snowbound cars and houses, etc. in Canton, Minnesota. 08:41:11:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES, CANADA: VS a pod of ice-trapped white whales breathing through their blowholes at the surface of the water in a wide hole in the ice cut for them by people. 08:41:51:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 FLORENCE, ITALY: VS a fashion show in the White Ballroom of the Pitti Palace among the designers on display are Lydia, Ilaria and Valdetivera. 08:42:31:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 SKYDIVING: the British Royal Air Force Parachute Team performs a mid-air "link-up" routine, POV helmet-CAM of one of the sydivers. 08:43:24:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 RACECAR DRIVING: VS cars set out from the starting-lines of the Monte Carlo Rally race in various European cities. 08:44:15:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA: VS divers wearing scuba gear jump into the crashing surf at Kiama Blowhole, a turbulent pool of water that rises and falls against a steep cliff. 08:45:03:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 SPORTS - BOXING: VS Cassius Clay Muhammad Ali jumping-rope and sparring in the ring during training for his match against Ernie Terrell CU CLay as he reads a short poem in his trademark style, good shot. B W 1965, 1966, 1967 Universal Newsreel, volume 40, #10, January 1967. 08:46:14:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 SPACE TRAGEDY - THREE ASTRONAUTS DIE IN APOLLO FIRE: VS Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chaffee, all wearing their spacesuits, posing for photo-op on launch pad, walking toward gantry, and drilling inside their cramped space capsule also shots of the burnt space capsule after the simulation accident in which the three were killed by a fire. 08:48:06:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 CONSULATES BOMBED - EXPLOSIONS DAMAGE SIX YUGOSLAVIAN EMBASSIES: VS the damaged INTs and EXTs of the embassy buildings in Washington, DC and New York City, detectives and other personnel use metal detectors and clean up debris. 08:49:09:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 VATICAN CITY, ROME: VS Pope Paul ceremoniously ordains a group of new priests in the Sistine Chapel. 08:50:00:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 PHOENIX: VS the laboratory building of the Cryonic Society a cryonic chamber a smiling woman is carefully wrapped and positioned in a demonstration cryonic tank. [Cryogenics, quackery, suspended animation]. 08:50:38:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 VIETNAM: VS South Vietnamese ARVN soldiers sail across marsh in an Aircat airboat. 08:51:14:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 THE USS STURGIS, DOCKED IN VIRGINIA: VS EXT, the reactor room and control room of the ship - a "floating nuclear power plant." 08:52:12:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 WORST BLIZZARD IN 18 YEARS HITS CHICAGO: VS people shovelling, huge snowdrifts, the deserted, snow-bound city streets and highways, etc. a bubble-dome helicopter lands on a snow-covered street. B W 1965, 1966, 1967 Universal Newsreel, volume 40, #25, March 1967. 08:53:23:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 SPRING IS HERE: VS New York City street scenes amid a snow-storm shopkeeper post an "umbrellas" sign on storefront children having snowball fight and sledding down a snow-covered brownstone stoop. 08:54:30:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 DROUGHT IN TEXAS: farmer walks across dry farm field cattle on parched field near small watering hole tanker trucks pull up to a coin-operated water tower and fill up. 08:56:17:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 LBJ IN GUAM: LBJ (with Secy of Defense Robert MacNamara and Secy of State Dean Rusk)deplanes via boarding ramp General Westmoreland, Lodge, Ellsworth Bunker and South Vietnam Prime Minister Ky greet him on the tarmac LBJ shakes hands with people in crowd. 08:56:07:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 HANOI, NORTH VIETNAM: VS NVA soldiers operate a supply-line convoy, whose vehicles are all bicycles. 08:56:53:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 ZURICH, SWITZERLAND: VS a kinetic public sculpture in a park, identified by narrator as "Daily Hour," but I think it's "Eureka" by Jean Tinguely. [Surrealism]. 08:57:33:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 MEDICAL SIMULATOR INNOVATION - CALIFORNIA: VS doctors and nurses in training stand over a very life-like mannequin dummy ("SIM-1") and perform various procedures on it. [Oddity]. 08:58:14:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 SPRING BREAK IN FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA: VS young men and women near the beach, hanging out, drinking beer, women wearing bikinis, man wearing a sexist shirt emblazoned "so many women, so little time," etc. CLASSIC FRAT BOYS 08:58:47:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 TWIGGY IN New York City: VS Twiggy (age 17) in airport after arrival and at a press conference photo-op. 08:59:21:00 B W 1967 WORLD PREMIERE OF MOVIE "THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE": Steve Lawrence, Eydie Gorme, Lee Remick, Eli Wallach, Milton Rackmil, Ed Sullivan, Kevin McCarthy, Susan Stein, Beatrice Lillie, Ethel Merman, Jimmy Van Heusen, Sammy Cahn, Elmer Bernstein, Mary Tyler Moore, Carol Channing, David Merrick, James Fox, Ross Hunter, Nancy Sinatra, and several other celebrities (?) arrive by limousine to attend the gala at the Criterion Theater in Times Square. 09:01:23:00 B W 1965, 1966, 1967 SPORTS - THE DAYTONA 200: VS the American Motorcycle Association's National Title race, one rider spins out crashes and takes a nasty fall. *****TAPE ENDS AND CUTS-OFF THIS LAST FEATURE OF THE NEWSREEL |