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Universal Newsreels and WWI footage
Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
Title: | Universal Newsreels and WWI footage |
File Number: | DN-ZLB-020 Beta SP |
Color: | B W |
Type: | Newsreel |
Year: | 1910s-1950s |
Subjects: | Aerials |
Description: | 20:01:15:28 - 21:00:24:19 B W Sound 1910s-1950s Misc. newsreels Universal, Pathe- Excellent. post-Mexican Revolution, Juan & Eva Peron in Argentina, WWII aircraft, Korean War, WWI (US Army Signal Corps film). Personalities include Dwight Eisenhower, Woodrow Wilson, Richard Nixon, Eddie Rickenbacker. Generals Douglas MacArthur, John Pershing. Pancho Villa, Alvaro Obregon. Excellent WWI material at 20:47:32:17. 20:01:15:28 - 20:07:50:22 B W Sound c. 1952 Eisenhower in Korea. VO: president-elect Eisenhower on 3-day winter tour inspecting United Nations troops in Korea, w Generals M. Clark, Van Fleet & Omar Bradley. VS Eisenhower in small airplane, VS AV POVs Korean mountains. VS Ike w his son & aide, Major John Eisenhower. Shakes hands w officers, reviews, salutes United Nations troops, eats porkchops & sauerkraut w soldiers. CU chow line. VO: Eisenhower will use information from field to determine US role in Korean conflict. Ike rides in jeep, meets South Korean president Syngman Rhee, watches explosions in mountains. Ike receives S. Korean flag. Seoul citizens wave American flags. LA Black soldier in helmet. Eisenhower's press conference in war room, CU attorney-general appointee Herbert Brownell, other advisors. Ike: "Freedom represents a course of life that men prefer to communism & slavery." 20:07:59:11 - 20:08:44:07 B W Silent 1949 Atlantic Pact Signed By President Truman. US president Harry Truman signs North Atlantic Pact at desk in Oval Office of White House, w other national leaders around him. Formation of NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization. 20:08:44:08 - 20:09:45:09 B W Silent 1949 VS: US Air Force airplanes sitting in airfield. INT of carrier planes. VS: Workers scrub, clean, planes, assemble propeller, wings. Man walks through clean interior of plane. INT cockpit & controls. Transport plane backs up on runway (possibly Curtiss C-46 Commando cargo plane). 20:09:45:10 - 20:10:31:24 B W Silent 1949 Drive-In Church, California. Religion & automobile culture. Pastor in clerical garments waves as cars drive into parking lot for outdoor religious service. Pastor stands behind cross at table w microphone. VS people listen to sermon from their cars. Man brings collection plate from car to car. Woman & young girl sit at organ. 20:10:31:25 - 20:11:01:16 B W Silent 1949 England. Actor Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. walks outside Buckingham Palace w his wife Mary Lee Eppling & their two daughters, after Fairbanks was dubbed Knight Commander by Queen Elizabeth I. Uniformed Royal Guard on horseback. Fairbanks greets crowd, holds medal case w initials K.B.R. (Most Honorable Order of the Knights Companion of the Black Rose). CU Fairbanks smiling. 20:11:01:17 - 20:11:44:20 B W Sound 1949 Holland. VO: Dutch narration & music. Royal family (Queen Juliana, Prince Bernard) & daughters watch ceremony. Couples in traditional Dutch costume march in procession. Queen & prince walk & greet people in crowd. Prince Bernard wears military uniform. 20:11:44:21 - 20:12:27:06 B W Silent 1949 Argentina. Eva Peron reviews military procession. President Juan Peron (in military uniform) salutes crowd from car in parade. He takes platform for speech, shakes hands w generals. Troops march in tight formation. Soldiers in snowsuits, goggles carry skis over shoulders. Tanks roll in parade. Dictators, regimes. 20:12:27:07 - 20:14:35:17 B W Sound 1949 Sports. Town centennial parade w floats, soldiers marching. Man waves his hat. Woman on decorated queen float. Male & female athletes perform high dives backdives into swimming pool in SLO MO. Good couple swan dives in unison. Title: Maryland. Waterskiing - men & women do water ski stunts, jumping ramp, VO: - 16 year-old boy barefoot waterskiing. 20:14:35:18 - 20:15:37:22 B W Silent 1949 First Session of Newfoundland Parliament, St. John's, Canada. EXT town, parliament building. HA military ceremony, crowds watch as representatives arrive. INT Parliament. Officials in robes walk into room. Representatives sit at long tables, citizens in audience. Official looks through papers at lectern. 20:15:46:12 - 20:20:58:08 B W Sound 1952 Ike Accepts. Chicago, IL. Dwight Eisenhower shakes hands w rival Senator Robert Taft at the 25th Republican National Convention after accepting the party's nomination for president. CA senator Richard Nixon (age 39) accepts VP slot, "youngest in history." CU Dick waves w wife Pat Nixon at podium. Dwight & Mamie Eisenhower wave to crowd. Delegates shout "We like Ike!" & wave "Ike" hats. Eisenhower acceptance speech- to lead "crusade for freedom in the world." Giddy Richard Nixon waves Eisenhower's hand & points on podium. VO: "Republican hopes soared with the nomination of their two new standard-bearers." 20:20:58:09 - 20:21:42:28 B W Sound 1952 Tanker Blasts- 2 Oil Ships Afire- Kill One, Injure 30. Oil tanker Victor H. Kelly in flames off dock in San Francisco Bay. PAN along dock, burning ship. Firemen spraying water on flames from tug, rescue boats. VO: Captain died of heart attack, estimated 3 million dollar damage. Second ship left pier, controlled fire. Environmental disasters. 20:21:42:29 - 20:22:36:06 B W Sound 1952 Sports: "Gold Cup Race: Two Lea Wins Classic Second Straight Year." Inglewood, California. Hollywood Gold Cup horse race. VO: 50,000 fans, $137, 000 for winner. HA crowds stand in bleachers, cheer horses on sidelines. Two Lea beats Cyclotron by half a length in race finish. 20:22:44:20 - 20:24:24:12 B W Silent c. 1916 (Mexican Revolution - great quality) Mexican president Venustiano Carranza (R) stands w minister of war Alvaro Obregon (L) (brief title): Obregon meets w US General Hugh Scott about US army involvement in Mexico. Soldiers doughboys board train. Obregon & Scott ride in back of Hudson Super Six car. General Bell & motorcycle squadron go to International Bridge (Mexican-American border) to meet Mexican military prisoners released after Carranza's rise to power. Mexican soldiers march w ammunition belts. Officer lets them cross bridge in groups. Chihuahua, Mexico. US Consul Marion Letcher meets w General Gutierrez about US troop movement in Carranza territory. 20:24:24:13 - 20:26:42:27 B W Silent c. 1916 Mexican Revolution. EXT: Palace. People stand by war-damaged building. Women wash laundry in long troughs. Women & children walk in street - poverty. Men in Mexican peasant army stand on top of train freight cars, wave flag. VS AV POV small airplane flies over mountains, city blocks from plane. Peasants eating, talking outdoors. Poor family eats meal. 20:26:46:11 - 20:29:09:28 B W Silent c. 1916 Mexican Revolution. Rebels & federal troops. Guerilla soldiers advance through forest on horseback, w rifles. Uniformed Mexican army sets up mortar, machine guns. Generals Castro & Mercado, Villa commanders defeated by Carranza army. Generals remove hats, walk w soldiers. (brief title) Pascual Orozco (killed 1915) w binoculars. VS American Red Cross workers tending dead & wounded. Army field hospital w medics carrying wounded on stretchers. Rebel leader Pancho Villa w his followers. Recreation of Villa's 1916 raid on Columbus, New Mexico. Rebel army on horseback. Dead men, horses on ground in desert. Rebels pose on horseback in Torreon, men look at battlefield. 20:29:19:21 - 20:34:14:02 B W Silent 1910s WWI: Ship sinking in ocean from U-boat bombing. Ship submerges entirely. Title: Navy crew on bridge of ship in bad weather. Bood Boat POV bow of ship moving over rough waves. Naval officers w sextants. Lookout climbs ladder to crow's nest. Title: English merchant schooner "Duchess of Cornwall" carrying salted fish from Newfoundland to Gibraltar. Rowboat brings crew from schooner to German "Moewe" ship. English steamer "Georgic" on White Star Line bringing munitions from Philadelphia to Liverpool, England. Rowboat in rough surf. "Yarrowdale" steamer follows "Moewe " war prisoners transferred between ships. PAN over prisoners on deck. 3 black men in caps stand in front of sailors in uniform. Three English captains in uniform. 20:34:27:10 - 20:37:45:16 B W Silent 1910s WWI. Steamer ships & crews. French schooner "Nantes," w cargo of saltpeter for England. Ship on high waves. Crew of "Nantes" ("24 enemies & one neutral.") on deck. Sport carnival on ship - sailors do gymnastics, physical contests. VS man on horizontal bars, Good - two men do tug-of-war w rope around their heads. German warship stops Moewe. Count speaks to crew, commandant, uses motorboat w German flag. German fleet admiral speaks to crew, salutes. 20:37:53:11 - 20:40:07:18 B W Silent c. 1948 "New Israel State Fights For Its Life." PAN over settlement. Men behind barbed wire fence of camp, CU lift gate. Jewish emigrants board ship w Star of David flag. Good CU baby in basket crying. VS faces of immigrants. Families disembark from small boats. HA traffic circle in Israel. Israeli president David Ben-Gurion exits car & waves. Planes circle overhead. VS Rubble & corpses in streets. War of Independence. CU people collecting grenades, bullets. CU Nazi leaflet w swastika lies amidst rubble. Israeli soldiers in uniform on camp watch tower w Jewish flag. VS CU standing at attention w rifles. Waving Israeli flag. 20:40:14:27 - 20:45:22:09 B W Sound 1951 VO: San Francisco - General Douglas MacArthur (Supreme Commander of Pacific Forces) returns to US after being relieved from post as Commander of United Nations Forces in Korea w family- greets California governor Earl Warren, crowds. MacArthur address Joint Houses of Congress on Far East policy. Shakes hands w Vice President Alben Barkley, Speaker of House Sam Rayburn. VO: Speech emphasized importance of retaining Formosa in Philippines as strategic US base. Four points of his defense policy. Cites famous ballad: "An old soldier never dies, they just fade away." 20:45:22:10 - 20:47:26:09 B W Sound 1951 "N.Y. Hails MacArthur." VO: Huge ticker tape parade in Manhattan to honor General MacArthur's return, New York City. Motorcade on 37 mile route, 7.5 million people. Great HA view of crowds of men & women packed shoulder-to-shoulder, surging. HA City Hall Square jammed w crowds. Mayor Vincent Impellitteri presents scroll & medal to MacArthur. Washington Square Arch in park. MacArthur in car, waves & tips hat. Crowds in front of New York Public Library (Main building). 20:47:32:17 - 20:49:31:05 B W Silent 1918 WWI. Excellent US Army Signal Corps film. German observation plane spirals, crashes after being shot down by French plane. Soldiers examine plane wreck. German headquarters at Sultzeren being shelled by 35th division artillery. Artillery crew firing cannon. Smoke rises from shelling. American observation balloon on fire after being hit by enemy plane. Title- "But he didn't get away fast enough." Soldiers fire machine guns, shoot down enemy plane, look at wreckage. German pilot sits surrounded by US soldiers-looks at camera. War, doughboys, troops. 20:49:31:06 - 20:55:32:21 B W Silent 1918 WWI battles. Title: "General Pershing is in absolute command of the Saint Mihiel Salient." Pershing in uniform. Artillery crew digs trenches, load & fire guns. Allied troops w horses & wagons move over wooden bridge. Soldiers carry dead on stretchers in battlefield. Vehicles traverse muddy roads. Mark IV army tank rolls over hills. Allied forces escort German POWs marching. Allied officers use German stone & concrete dugout at Mont Sec. Residents w Allied troops after liberation. Meuse Argonne offensive. WS bombs in field, troop movement, carrying casualties past human & horse corpses on dirt road. Artillery shelling of town. U.S aviator & flying ace Captain Eddie Rickenbacker in plane. Biplanes fly in formation. Bombs in field. Explosion of Allied ammunitions dump bombed by Germans. Soldiers move through brush. 20:55:32:22 - 20:57:56:04 B W Sound 1918- 1919 WWI. Peace. "Germany signs the Armistice, 11:00 AM, November 11, 1918." Crowds celebrate in city streets. Liberated French citizens (elderly couple) thank Allied soldiers. General Pershing pins medals of honor on Allied Soldiers in line. Allied soldiers march in review for Commander-In-Chief. Troops, saluting. Pershing on horseback, Allied troops including army marching band march on Avenue des Champs Elysee in front of Arc de Triomphe. Victory Parade, Paris, July 14, 1919. Heroes, valor, doughboys. 20:58:03:09 - 21:00:24:19 B W Sound 1918 Pathe Newsreel: AV POV ocean liner, other ships at sea. Ship ("George Washington") docks at pier in Brest, France. US president Woodrow Wilson looks off high deck. Wilson disembarks, walks up gangplank w wife Edith as Allied troops salute. Wilson tips top hat to crowds, rides in car w wife. Top hats, handshakes. Homecoming parade in Washington for Wilson. Mounted cavalry, motorcycles, motorcade - Wilson waves top hat from car. INT HA WS crowded hall w American flags. Wilson & his wife exit building (possibly with VP Thomas R. Marshall). End of WWI, victory, troops, doughboys. |