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Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
File Number: | DN-ZLB-043 Beta SP |
Color: | Color |
Type: | News |
Year: | 1990s |
Subjects: | US presidents, government, Washington DC, politics, politicians, White House, inaugurations, Bill Clinton, traditions, US, America, Dublin, Ireland, colleges, speeches, legislation, Democrats, Republicans, partisanship, economy, deficits, budgets, finance, congress, bills, Medicare, health care reform, medicine, national debt, Hillary Clinton, first ladies |
Description: | 01:01:15:00 - 01:58:52:19 color w sound 1993, 95 Bill Clinton first presidential inauguration ceremony & speech. Clinton speech in Dublin, Ireland. Clinton veto of Debt Ceiling Limit Bill. Hillary Clinton TV health care PSA. 01:01:15:00 - 01:19:29:12 color w sound 1993 Inauguration ceremony of US president Bill Clinton. Audio: band music. US Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist administers oath of office. Bill kisses embraces wife & first lady Hillary and daughter Chelsea. Shakes hands with VP Al Gore. Steps to front of podium for speech. 'Today we celebrate the mystery of American renewal.' House speaker Thomas Foley behind him. Clinton salutes former president Bush for 'half-century' of service to America. Economy. Communication. Technology- 'almost magical.' Revitalize democracy. Talks about political power brokers, struggles. 'America must continue to lead the world we worked so hard to make.' Shakes hands with VP Al Gore, Bush, others. (Interesting note at the end of the Clinton's speech: Hillary Clinton and Tipper Gore are practically wearing the same exact outfit. So, if ever in need of a shot of two people dressed alike twins, use this!) 01:19:36:00 - 01:31:53 25 color w sound 1995 Bill Clinton address to crowd at College Green, Dublin, Ireland, December 1. (Diff CAM views than DN-ZLB-42, this is first part of same speech) Crowd waves American flags. VO: Annoucer introduces Dublin Lord Mayor Sean Loftus. VS crowd. ZO security on roof. rear view Loftus at podium reads list of past honorees before awarding Clinton 'freedom of city.' City manager Frank Feely presents Clinton with certificate. Rear view Clinton speaking. VS speech excerpts, crowd waving American and Irish flags. Banners: 'Bally Bunion backs Bill Clinton.' CU US Ambassador to Ireland Jean Kennedy-Smith beside US Commerce Secretary Ron Brown. Audio: Clinton thanks them. VS rear view Clinton speaks at podium. VS crowd, guest shots (Clinton on CAM for this part on DN-ZLB-042.) VS Irish citizens, photographers, news media. 01:31:53:26 - 01:36:32:11 color w sound 1995 ZO from girl holding Irish flag to good shot of Clinton at podium speaking to crowd. Quotes JFK from Irish visit. Clinton shakes hands with Irish officials, waves to crowd. Irish brass band in uniform plays majestic music, led by conductor. Excellent WS Clinton reaches to grip, hold hands of people in audience. Audio: crowd congratulating, cheering him (some audible). 01:36:32:12 - 01:38:36:21 color w sound 1995 US first lady Hillary Clinton walks and waves after Bill Clinton speech. (silent) Dublin Lord Mayor and Lady Loftus wave to crowd. (Audio comes back) Clintons step down from stage, walks through crowd to make exit. (Band plays Sinatra's 'New York, New York.') 01:38:57:26 - 01:53:38:02 color w sound 1995 US president Bill Clinton's televised veto address for Debt Ceiling Limit Bill. INT: Desk in Oval Office, White House, Washington DC, November. VO: news editor switching CAM. Clinton walks to desk, sits and puts on eyeglasses. Explains why he is vetoing bill, objects to Republican agenda of cuts in healthcare, education, environmental spending. Explains (a little) his alternative proposals to balance budget. Urges congress to pass his bill. Clinton signs veto. Reporter asks question (no reply). Says he's willing to work with Congress, but won't agree 'in principle' to bill. Responds to question about bombing (in Laos?), deaths of Americans. Exits Oval Office, passing VP Al Gore. 01:53:44:00 - 01:58:52:19 color w sound 1993 US first lady Hillary Clinton televised health care crisis PSA speech (quite stiff). Chair of president's task force on health care reform. Quotes doctor 'The system's broke.' Quotes US citizen letters- middle class, elderly, families. Assures that elements of care system that will be preserved. Cites special interests, political lobbies. 'Quality affordable healthcare for all Americans.' |