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Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
File Number: | VTM-75CK Beta SP; AFP-75CK 35mm |
Color: | B W |
Type: | Newsreel |
Year: | 1952 |
Description: | 01:14:28:00 B W 1952 ws View along side of moving train towards engine. 01:14:34:00 B W 1952 ws Korean village. 01:14:36:00 B W 1952 ms United Nations troops inside rail car. 01:14:40:00 B W 1952 ws Military ambulances standing next to train jeeps and military personnel nearby. 01:14:45:00 B W 1952 cu Admiral John Daniel chief United Nations negotiator. 01:14:48:00 B W 1952 ms Troops and medical personnel training for operation little switch - exchange of 600 POWs. 01:15:39:00 B W 1952 ws Marine night rocket barrage against North Koreans and Chinese 01:15:51:00 B W 1952 ms Soldier on telephone in dugout. 01:15:52:00 B W 1952 cu Soldier looking the binoculars. 01:15:55:00 B W 1952 ws United Nations tanks setting on on patrol. 01:16:28:00 B W 1952 ls,ms Tanks and infantry in fire fight. 01:16:36:00 B W 1952 ms,cu Frontline and station wounded man on stretcher. 01:16:39:00 B W 1952 cu Cutting clothes on wounded soldier. 01:16:40:00 B W 1952 ms Troops marching along road. 01:16:42:00 B W 1952 ws Troop of soldiers carrying stretcher. 01:16:45:00 B W 1952 ws View from behind observer at shell exploding on distant hill 01:16:51:00 B W 1952 ls,ms Dining room crowded with members American society of newspaper editors at shelter hotel in Washington, DC being addressed by Eisenhower re: Korean Peace, etc. 01:19:28:00 B W 1952 ms Chicago dairy showing butter production. 01:19:57:00 B W 1952 ws EXT butter factory cold storage 01:19:58:00 B W 1952 ms Cartoons of butter stacked in cold storage. 01:20:12:00 B W 1952 ms,cu Men test butter to see if it has deteriorated. 01:20:28:00 B W 1952 ms,cu Packers putting wrapped butter into cartons butter in carton. 01:20:40:00 B W 1952 ws School cafeteria series of head shots children eating buttered bread. 01:21:01:00 B W 1952 ms Patrol of Kenyan African rifles. Moves into bush to look for Mau Mau. 01:21:10:00 B W 1952 ms African thatched huts. 01:21:16:00 B W 1952 ws Troops move into the Kianiby district where the Mau Mau was organized. 01:21:24:00 B W 1952 ms,cu Troops search native village various scenes round up suspects check I.D. papers confiscate machete favorite Mau Mau weapon. 01:22:11:00 B W 1952 ms Suspects loaded onto truck for shipment to Kenya police headquarters for questioning. 01:22:38:00 B W 1952 ms Man teaching chimpanzees abc's on blackboard at Munich Zoo. 01:22:40:00 B W 1952 ms,cu Chimpanzees sitting at school desks using writing instruments on blackboard slate. 01:22:46:00 B W 1952 ms Chimpanzee scribbling on blackboard - zoo keeper stands by. 01:22:52:00 B W 1952 ms Chimpanzees at school desks writing on slate. 01:22:57:00 B W 1952 ms Chimpanzees at desks mix it up with each other. 01:23:01:00 B W 1952 ms Chimpanzee wearing glasses sits at teacher's desk leafing through pages of book. 01:23:06:00 B W 1952 ms Chimpanzees sitting at student desks playing with abacuses. 01:23:11:00 B W 1952 ms Chimpanzee at student desk opens wrapping on sandwich chimpanzee on his right watches him open sandwich to look at filling 01:23:19:00 B W 1952 ws Chimpanzee sitting at teacher's desk takes off glasses throws them at student chimpanzees. 01:23:24:00 B W 1952 ms Student chimpanzee eating sandwich. 01:23:27:00 B W 1952 cu Teacher chimpanzee moves stick at student chimpanzees. 01:23:28:00 B W 1952 cu Student chimpanzee tries to drink from ink bottle other students watch. 01:23:33:00 B W 1952 cu Teacher chimpanzee swings tick at student chimpanzees. 01:23:35:00 B W 1952 ms Student chimpanzees bang desk and scratches head. 01:23:38:00 B W 1952 ms Teacher stands on desk swings from light fixture across to students and swings stick at them. 01:23:46:00 B W 1952 ws Series of scenes of Ford jet engine. Factory. Under construction in Chicago. 01:24:03:00 B W 1952 ms Machine tool delivery to new factory wooden crating removed. 01:24:21:00 B W 1952 ms Various scenes classroom - instructor teaching student elements of J57 jet engine construction. 01:24:38:00 B W 1952 ms Jet engine moving down assembly line men working on engines 01:24:55:00 B W 1952 ls,ms South African city. 01:25:00:00 B W 1952 ws Factory complex in South Africa. 01:25:03:00 B W 1952 ms Men putting election posters on wall in South African city 01:25:06:00 B W 1952 cu Election posters. 01:25:12:00 B W 1952 ms United Party People packing election pamphlets and posters at headquarters for campaign loading packages on truck. 01:25:33:00 B W 1952 ms National Party man giving election literature to children on bikes for distribution in South African city. 01:25:39:00 B W 1952 ms Children set off on bikes one child places material in house mailbox. 01:25:48:00 B W 1952 ws Shore front of store being used by about party candidate Hepple. 01:25:51:00 B W 1952 ms Workers and John Hepple inside store. 01:25:55:00 B W 1952 cu John Hepple at desk. 01:25:58:00 B W 1952 cu,ms United Party leader Jacob Strauss speaking trooper air meeting. 01:26:08:00 B W 1952 ls,ms VS party leaders and crowd hecklers. cu 01:26:26:00 B W 1952 ms Sign painter at work in South Africa. 01:26:31:00 B W 1952 cu Sign advising get your postal vote here. 01:26:34:00 B W 1952 ms Man swears in woman voter she goes to booth. Signs her name deposits it in ballot box. 01:26:51:00 B W 1952 cu Two voting posters. 01:26:56:00 B W 1952 ms Various street scenes South African black township. 01:27:20:00 B W 1952 ls,ms Various scenes of remains of Mau Mau massacre and burn out of Kikuyu village in Kenya. 01:27:46:00 B W 1952 ms Group of men including photographer stands looking at remains of village. 01:28:01:00 B W 1952 ms Men sift through ashes of cremated natives three observers look on. 01:28:16:00 B W 1952 cu Sign reading "The Kenya Police Uplands Police Station" 01:28:20:00 B W 1952 ms Native police move out of enclave. 01:28:26:00 B W 1952 ls,ms Mau Mau suspects seated on ground in detention camp. 01:28:48:00 B W 1952 ms Man pointing at sign reading "Operation Bedpan". 01:28:58:00 B W 1952 ms Woman rolled into room on stretcher which is slotted into special bed. 01:29:06:00 B W 1952 ms Special control panel for bed pivoted around for patient to use. 01:29:12:00 B W 1952 ms Patient demonstrates panel's control of bed systems trapeze for patient movement sink with hot and cold water flush toilet bed lift oscillator 01:30:40:00 B W 1952 ws Chapel of little Jesus on outskirts of Juarez, Mexico. 01:30:45:00 B W 1952 cu Stone with carved name of chapel. 01:30:46:00 B W 1952 ws Men praying at chapel altar. 01:30:49:00 B W 1952 ms Taxi dispatcher (amateur bullfighter) talking to taxicab driver 01:30:55:00 B W 1952 ms Magician (amateur bullfighter) performs trick. 01:31:01:00 B W 1952 ws Amateur bullfighter enters bull ring to perform for the day to raise money for the chapel. 01:31:13:00 B W 1952 ws Bull enters ring knocks down one of the amateurs is lured away by capes 01:31:31:00 B W 1952 ws Bull charges cap of another amateur who drops cape and runs 01:31:35:00 B W 1952 ms Crowd and band reaction. 01:31:36:00 B W 1952 ws Bull chases amateurs out of ring. 01:31:43:00 B W 1952 ms Crowd reaction. 01:31:45:00 B W 1952 ws Amateur maneuvers bull with cap. 01:31:48:00 B W 1952 ws Bulls knock down three of the amateur fighters. 01:32:05:00 B W 1952 ms Crowd and band reaction. 01:32:10:00 B W 1952 ws Taxi dispatcher uses cape on bull using it fairly well 01:32:15:00 B W 1952 ws Bull catches taxi dispatcher and knocks him down bull is distracted by cape men. 01:32:21:00 B W 1952 ws Dispatcher goes after bull for death thrust bull knocks him down |