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Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
File Number: | AFP-46AG 16mmVTM-46AG Beta SP |
Color: | B W |
Type: | Educational |
Year: | 1951 |
Description: | B W 1951 Biblical drama, one of a series of religious films based on Old Testament tales. This one tells the story of Jacob and Rachel, from Genesis, Chapter 28. After a long absence, Jacob returns to his homeland, where he meets a beautiful shepherdess, Rachel, at a well. They fall in love and Jacob asks Laban, Rachel's father, for her hand in marriage. He agrees, but first Jacob must work for seven years on Laban's land meanwhile, Rachel's older sister, Leah, also falls in love with Jacob. On the wedding night Laban tricks Joseph into marrying Leah instead. Joseph gets irate, so Laban agrees to let him marry the other daughter too. The acting is terrible, as in the other films in this series, but very amusing. With Stephen Gregory, Toni Gerry, Frances Conley, Tom Daly, Jack George, Kirby Grant, Pat Greenshaw, Emmett Ramey, David Reed directed by Alfred Frantz Stury.00:27:45:00 B W 1951 ms Man in robe praying, hands clasped in prayer, outdoors.00:28:26:00 B W 1951 ws Stairway to Heaven: campy shot, cheap-looking angels climb ladder into clouds. Also at 0:42:42.00:29:12:00 B W 1951 vs ws Robed man walking through desert wilderness, several shots. Hermit, Biblical wanderer.00:35:58:00 B W 1951 ms Two shepherds examine a sheep.00:36:14:00 B W 1951 ws, ms Young man and woman, holding hands, walk through valley, then sit together Biblical types, good image of innocence, love romantic kiss.00:47:06:00 B W 1951 ms Biblical wedding scene: Bearded man blesses and marries young man and woman woman's face covered in veil man lifts veil, is shocked to find it's the wrong woman |