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Footage Information
Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
File Number: | AFP-3AK 35mm; VTM-3AK 1 inch; NET-375 Beta SP (at 01:36:25:00); DigiBeta |
Color: | B W |
Type: | Educational |
Year: | 1961 |
Description: | 01:28:31:00 B W 1961 - WS - Rocket is launched blast-off. 01:28:38:00 B W 1961 - CU - Sailor wearing headphones speaks into intercom in sub- marine. 01:28:40:00 B W 1961 - WS - Rocket launched from underwater. 01:28:50:00 B W 1961 - Overhead - New York City skyscraper, busy street scenes, pedestrians. 01:28:56:00 B W 1961 - WS - Jumbo jet takes off. 01:29:00:00 B W 1961 - WS - Joe Dimaggio batting, slides home. 01:29:09:00 B W 1961 - WS - Crowd in stadium, jumps to us, feet cheering. 01:29:07:00 B W 1961 - WS - Churchill and two men (?) stand amidst cathedral ruins. 01:29:10:00 B W 1961 - WS - War memorial cemetery. 01:29:13:00 B W 1961 - CU - Infant baby crying. 01:29:16:00 B W 1961 - MS - Scientists in laboratory operating goofy controls. 01:29:31:00 B W 1961 - MS - Scientific globe spins. 01:29:38:00 B W 1961 - CU - Sign: Polio vaccine clinic, baby receives vaccination. 01:29:41:00 B W 1961 - MS - Man at control panel. 01:29:43:00 B W 1961 - CU - Quick shot, digital clock countdown. 01:29:45:00 B W 1961 - MS - Woman rings up grocery sale on cash register at check-out counter. 01:29:46:00 B W 1961 - WS - Early 1960s woman exits supermarket carrying bags of groceries. 01:29:48:00 B W 1961 - WS - Bomb dropped, explosion, WWII battle footage. 01:30:03:00 B W 1961 - WS - Nuclear explosion. 01:30:10:00 B W 1961 - WS - Government "Treasury Department Bureau of Engraving and Printing" building Washington DC 01:30:16:00 B W 1961 - MS - Series of quick shots of generic people: doctor, mother, child, radio announcer, factory worker. 01:30:41:00 B W 1961 - WS - Minutemen of Concord statue. 01:30:58:00 B W 1961 - WS - WWII battle footage. 01:31:16:00 B W 1961 - WS - German troops marching 01:31:20:00 B W 1961 - MS - Hitler delivers speech, gesturing with arms. 01:31:23:00 B W 1961 - CU - Hitler speaking. 01:31:26:00 B W 1961 - MS - WWII tanks, battle flag. 01:31:36:00 B W 1961 - War refugees wandering, crying. 01:31:40:00 B W 1961 - Wounded (?) man lying on his back, weeping, hands joined in prayer. 01:31:43:00 B W 1961 - Arc de Triomphe - fall of Paris, Nazis march. 01:31:48:00 B W 1961 - Anguished french onlookers - man crying as he witnesses the fall of Paris. 01:31:56:00 B W 1961 - Bomber airplanes. 01:32:03:00 B W 1961 - POV inside airplane-bombs drop. 01:32:10:00 B W 1961 - Bombed out city in flames. 01:32:20:00 B W 1961 - LONDON BLITZ: London bomb shelter (in London subway tubes), woman feeds baby with oddly shaped bottle, people sleep on floor of shelter. 01:32:33:00 B W 1961 - WS - Heroic shot: Churchill walks down London street surrounded by cheering crowd. 01:32:36:00 B W 1961 - MS - EXCELLENT War Production montage: Steel worker, steel factory mill, tank jeep construction. 01:33:05:00 B W 1961 - MS - Recruits going for physical, doctor peers down guy's throat - man steps on scale - troops drill. 01:33:26:00 B W 1961 - MS - Crowd gathered at steps of City Hall. Woman at microphone. Spectators applaud. 01:33:31:00 B W 1961 - MS - Printing press - prints savings bonds. 01:33:56:00 B W 1961 - MS - FDR is handed first savings bond. 01:34:07:00 B W 1961 - MS - Miniature statue of minuteman. 01:34:15:00 B W 1961 - MS - Man rings liberty bell with large mallet. 01:34:18:00 B W 1961 - WS - Door to door salesman selling savings bonds 01:34:45:00 B W 1961 - MS - Women working in defense weapons factory. 01:34:50:00 B W 1961 - WS - Women of the Red Cross march (wearing all-white nurses' uniforms). 01:34:51:00 B W 1961 - CU - Sign: "Let's All Buy Bonds." 01:34:58:00 B W 1961 - MS - People in line at bank to buy savings bonds. 01:35:01:00 B W 1961 - CU - Bonds 01:35:05:00 B W 1961 - WS - Parking lot full of 1940s cars. 01:35:06:00 B W 1961 - WS - Workers leave factory. 01:35:15:00 B W 1961 - MS - Classroom teacher points to board. 01:35:18:00 B W 1961 - Children raise their hands in class. 01:35:21:00 B W 1961 - Little girl places headphones on boy's head. 01:35:31:00 B W 1961 - CU - Hand rewinding film. 01:35:35:00 B W 1961 - MS - Man wearing white lab coat viewing film print. 01:35:36:00 B W 1961 - WS - 1942: "My Gal Sal" Roxy theater marquee 01:35:40:00 B W 1961 - WS - Line of people waiting to get into theater. 01:35:41:00 B W 1961 - WS - Broadway at night. 01:35:46:00 B W 1961 - CU - Talking head, announcer. 01:35:50:00 B W 1961 - MS - Men wearing headphones at control board. 01:35:54:00 B W 1961 - MS - Newspaper printing press. 01:35:58:00 B W 1961 - MS - Newsstand in Chicago. 01:36:10:00 B W 1961 - WS - Bombs dropping, Pearl Harbor. 01:36:31:00 B W 1961 - WS - War bond rally. 01:36:46:00 B W 1961 - MS - Carole Lombard at rally. 01:37:00:00 B W 1961 - MS - Cross, right hands raised, pledge oath. 01:37:35:00 B W 1961 - CU - War bonds. 01:37:43:00 B W 1961 - MS - Paperboy delivers newspapers from bicycle. 01:37:48:00 B W 1961 - CU - Boy smiling, holds up bonds. 01:37:55:00 B W 1961 - MS - Large crowd at war bond rally. 01:38:11:00 B W 1961 - CU - (Series of quick shots) - Man looks up, doctor ties surgical mask around head. Soldiers smile, give "V for victory" sign. 01:38:23:00 B W 1961 - MS - Woman searches the sky through binoculars. 01:38:30:00 B W 1961 - WS - Air raid, people rush into shelter. 01:38:38:00 B W 1961 - WS - Torpedo speeds through water. Battle ships is hit, enormous explosion. 01:38:43:00 B W 1961 - WS - Plane crash. 01:38:51:00 B W 1961 - WS - WWII troops land on beach excellent action shots. 01:39:07:00 B W 1961 - MS - Soldier kneels in prayer over wounded man, on battle- field. 01:39:13:00 B W 1961 - WS - Launching of ships. 01:39:35:00 B W 1961 - WS - War heroes shake hands with FDR. 01:39:48:00 B W 1961 - WS - Hedy LaMarr, Edward Arnold, Kay Kyser, Lucille Ball, Fred Astaire at war bond rally. 01:39:56:00 B W 1961 - WS - Soldiers march in parade. 01:40:11:00 B W 1961 - MS - "Buy bonds" sign on front of bus. 01:40:13:00 B W 1961 - WS - Leaflets fall through the sky man holds newspaper headline "Peace" on confetti-strewn street. 01:40:15:00 B W 1961 - WS - EXCELLENT end of war celebration in streets of New York City VE or VJ DAY. People dancing in streets & cheering flag-waving. Sailor raises fist in triumph. 01:40:25:00 B W 1961 - CU - Bells ring. 01:40:36:00 B W 1961 - WS - Troops return home on troop ships. Hugs and kisses! 01:40:52:00 B W 1961 - WS - Housing construction for post-war housing boom. 01:41:10:00 B W 1961 - MS - Assembly lines car factory (automobile assembly line), appliances (assembling new electric irons). 01:41:25:00 B W 1961 - CU - Traffic light. 01:41:28:00 B W 1961 - MS - Pedestrian foot traffic. 01:41:40:00 B W 1961 - WS - Gimbel's nylons sale. Women shoppers try on stockings. 01:41:49:00 B W 1961 - WS - Women with packages window shop. 01:41:51:00 B W 1961 - WS - Motorama automobile show (General Motors cars, including glistening chrome-filled postwar Buick, Oldsmobile, & Pontiac with retractable convertible top). 01:42:01:00 B W 1961 - MS - Woman opens door to bank deposit vault. 01:42:15:00 B W 1961 - MS - Savings bonds printing press, bonds, counted, cut sorted, etc. 01:42:46:00 B W 1961 - WS - Farmers harvest field with combine. 01:42:56:00 B W 1961 - MS - Smoke stacks. 01:43:03:00 B W 1961 - MS - Steel mill, misc. factory operations. 01:43:13:00 B W 1961 - MS - Factory workers file out of factory. 01:43:15:00 B W 1961 - WS - Workers line up to receive pay checks. 01:43:16:00 B W 1961 - MS - Children at desks in school. Newlyweds. Bon voyage for ocean liner, streams of confetti. (Short but pertinent clips). 01:43:31:00 B W 1961 - Nurse holds up newborn baby, proud father looks on smiling. 01:43:41:00 B W 1961 - MS - College graduates file past. 01:43:45:00 B W 1961 - WS - City skyscrapers. 01:43:51:00 B W 1961 - WS - Pedestrians. 01:44:00:00 B W 1961 - WS - Skyscraper under construction - steelworkers on skyscraper girders great construction flag. 01:44:23:00 B W 1961 - WS - May Day military procession, Red Square, Moscow. 01:44:35:00 B W 1961 - WS - Rocket launched into space. 01:44:39:00 B W 1961 - CU - Savings bonds. 01:44:46:00 B W 1961 - WS - Massive outdoor audience sitting calmly (Easter Pageant at Hollywood Bowl). 01:44:56:00 B W 1961 - MS - Citizens voting. 01:45:08:00 B W 1961 - WS - Statue of minuteman. The End |