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Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
Title: | WWII |
File Number: | AFP-25CA 16mmVTM-25CA Beta SP |
Color: | B W |
Type: | Newsreel |
Year: | 1945 |
Description: | B W 1945 WWII. 00:17:30:00 B W 1945 - MS - "Flying Fortress" - B-17 Airplane. 00:17:32:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Nazi gun crew loading antiaircraft gun. 00:17:36:00 B W 1945 - MLS - Fleet of B-17's. 00:17:37:00 B W 1945 - MS - Camouflaged antiaircraft gun firing 00:17:39:00 B W 1945 - WS - B-17 in flames 00:17:42:00 B W 1945 - MS - B-17 drops bombs. 00:17:49:00 B W 1945 - CU - Hand operating morse code signal. 00:17:52:00 B W 1945 - MS - Nazi officers and women assistants in operations room. 00:17:55:00 B W 1945 - CU - Propeller mounting on Nazi fighter plane - propeller spins. 00:18:00:00 B W 1945 - WS - Two fighter planes speeding through clouds. 00:18:02:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Nazi gunner in airplane - shooting. 00:18:03:00 B W 1945 - WS - Fighter plane high in sky spins by B-17. 00:18:08:00 B W 1945 - WS - Nazi fighter plane hit - heads for ground in tailspin. 00:18:09:00 B W 1945 - WS - Shot from spinning airplane of ground below. 00:18:11:00 B W 1945 - WS - Fighter plane hurtling through sky. 00:18:12:00 B W 1945 - WS - Trail of smoke from hit fighter plane, descends. 00:18:23:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Wrecked B-17's. 00:18:26:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Workman carrying damaged tire past wreckage. 00:18:31:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Dead bodies being evacuated from cabin. 00:18:38:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Body on stretcher - carried by four workmen 00:19:22:00 B W 1945 - MS - Aluetians: against rugged terrain, single US fighter lands 00:20:25:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Three US flyers going over flight plan. 00:20:26:00 B W 1945 - MCU - B-25's taking off. 00:20:30:00 B W 1945 - MS - Fleet of B-25's aloft. 00:20:39:00 B W 1945 - ECU - B-25 pilot. 00:20:50:00 B W 1945 - MS - New Guinea - jungle - jeeps and foot soldiers make way through underbrush. 00:20:52:00 B W 1945 - MS - Natives clear underbrush for a airstrip. 00:20:57:00 B W 1945 - MS - Airplane lands while natives are working. 00:21:01:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Fleet of B-25's aloft. 00:21:08:00 B W 1945 - MS - Soldiers leave airplane. 00:21:30:00 B W 1945 - CU - Pilot's hand on control. 00:21:32:00 B W 1945 - MS - Machine-gun fire from B-25 to target on ground. 00:21:47:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Pilots hand on release of machine-gun. 00:22:04:00 B W 1945 - MS - B-17 taxiing, coming toward us - 00:22:17:00 B W 1945 - MS - Chinese workers helping to makes airstrip. 00:22:24:00 B W 1945 - MS - US skip - Golden Gate Bridge in BG. 00:22:26:00 B W 1945 - WS - Fleet of ships. 00:22:32:00 B W 1945 - MS - Jeeps moving on road, coming toward us 00:22:40:00 B W 1945 - MS - Workers carrying supplies. 00:23:00:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Crews working on airplane's engines. 00:23:01:00 B W 1945 - MS - Four engined airplane takes off, coming toward us. 00:23:40:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Huge cannon fires. 00:23:41:00 B W 1945 - MS - Explosion from cannon shell - 00:23:43:00 B W 1945 - MS - Soviet long range artillery. 00:23:47:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Goering speaking - PAN to Hitler. 00:23:18:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Russian troops running in trenches. 00:23:51:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Russian troops running at machine-gun. 00:23:53:00 B W 1945 - MS - Nazi soldiers killed. 00:23:55:00 B W 1945 - MS - Russian infantrymen in pursuit of Nazi soldiers. 00:26:38:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Soldier digging foxhole. 00:26:45:00 B W 1945 - MS - Japanese attack, soldiers jump into foxholes. 00:26:56:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Removes land mine from ground. 00:26:58:00 B W 1945 - MS - Four soldiers roll out tarmac. 00:27:00:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Truck wheels moving over it. 00:27:03:00 B W 1945 - MS - Tractor smoothing soundbars. 00:27:04:00 B W 1945 - MS - Troops and tank ship. 00:27:06:00 B W 1945 - MS - Troops on pontoon bridge. 00:27:08:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Tanks rolling of ship onto pontoon bridge. 00:27:11:00 B W 1945 - MS - Ship in BG seen through palm trees - mounted gun moves in FG. 00:27:15:00 B W 1945 - MS - Cannon being hauled. 00:27:16:00 B W 1945 - MS - Jeep and truck moving through water. 00:27:17:00 B W 1945 - MS - Jeeps, truck and troops on pontoon bridge. 00:27:18:00 B W 1945 - MS - Truck leaving ship. 00:27:19:00 B W 1945 - MS - Truck pulling mounted cannon. 00:27:20:00 B W 1945 - MS - Troops and armored cars moving from right to left. 00:27:21:00 B W 1945 - MS - Big Barges in upper BG - soldiers in small boats in FG. 00:27:20:00 B W 1945 - MS - Troops unloading stores and ammo. 00:28:38:00 B W 1945 *-MCU - Troops unloading crates of stores and ammo. 00:28:40:00 B W 1945 - MS - Soldiers moving ammo on conveyor belt. 00:28:42:00 B W 1945 - MS - Damaged L.C.T. being hoisted. 00:28:46:00 B W 1945 - MS - Three soldiers in small craft - damaged craft in left of FG. - soldier piloting small craft in BG - large boat also in BG. 00:28:48:00 B W 1945 - MS - Jeep driving from screen right to us - L.C.T. with diamond-shaped insignia in medium BG. 00:28:50:00 B W 1945 - MS - Swamped boats in medium FG. 00:28:53:00 B W 1945 - MS - Material litter the beach - swamped boats in BG. 00:28:54:00 B W 1945 - MS - More swamped boats and strewn materials on beach. 00:28:56:00 B W 1945 - MS - More of same. 00:28:58:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Beached craft listing in BG - men and material in FG. 00:29:00:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Soldiers on Pontoon Bridge - Troops ship with stern doors wide open. 00:29:01:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Soldier on swamped craft - covered by spray on surf - larger beached vessel in BG. 00:29:23:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Explosion and burst of black smoke cloud almost filling screen. 00:29:03:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Stern of troop ship. 00:29:03:00 B W 1945 - MCU - US antiaircraft unit firing - soldiers helmet and back to us. 00:29:05:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Black smoke in center of screen - TD. 00:29:07:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Bofors anit aircraft gun emplacement - firing. 00:29:08:00 B W 1945 - MS - Two enemy airplanes dropping down for attack. 00:29:09:00 B W 1945 - MS - Smoke cloud - then explosion and black smoke rises. 00:29:10:00 B W 1945 - MS - Four barrels of antiaircraft guns firing. 00:29:11:00 B W 1945 - MS - White clouds - single aircraft streaks downward. 00:29:12:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Same aircraft - continues downward - explosion heard. 00:29:15:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Liberty ship hit. 00:29:16:00 B W 1945 - MS - Same - loaded with munitions, going up in flames, it was for US 2nd armored division in Sicily. 00:29:18:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Ship aflame, carrying half-tracks and personnel carriers - black smoke rises. 00:29:22:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Prow of tank - landing ship - in flames off Guadalcanal. 00:29:30:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Two troop carrying ships side by side - smoke rising from ship on screen left. 00:29:35:00 B W 1945 - MS - Tanks, trucks all smashed - TD. 00:29:39:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Soldier, helmeted, back to us and two corpsmen carrying stretcher. 00:29:41:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Three corpsmen carrying stretcher - pass by rolled cable - lay stretcher on ground. 00:29:53:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Undersecretary of War Robert A. Lovett speaks about job of getting. 00:30:02:00 B W 1945 - MCU - (Slightly more CU) out the material for our troops discussed what it will take to successfully invade. 00:30:30:00 B W 1945 - CU - Sicily - Map on screen right - large white ball on lower left-pop-in of broken line (signifying ship) feeding into ball, then out of it - indicating the supplies that have been built up over a six month period. Pop in line of airplanes extend from ball to Sicily - around the island, then back to ball - this represents over 50,000 stories over Sicily. 00:30:42:00 B W 1945 - CU - Pop-in arrow from ball to Sicily ending in simulated explosion. 00:30:46:00 B W 1945 - CU - Arrow and ball fade out, as horizontal ladder-like oblong stretches across Sicily. The initial assault on the island used 3200 vessels. US army faced 15 1 2 enemy divisions - US troops suffered 31,000 casualties - dead, wounded and missing. 00:30:55:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Medics carrying stretcher 00:30:56:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Medics carrying stretcher past, Red Cross truck - soldiers watching. 00:30:58:00 B W 1945 - CU - Corpsmen treating wounded soldiers. 00:31:02:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Corpsman treating wounded soldier. 00:31:03:00 B W 1945 - MS - Wounded, side by side, on floor. 00:31:05:00 B W 1945 - MS - Surgeon and assistant performing surgery in makeshift operating room. 00:31:07:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Wounded soldier - head bandaged, in recovery area. 00:31:08:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Soldier, awake, smiles. 00:31:09:00 B W 1945 - CU - MAP - center is Germany - upper, Norway - upper left, England, below, left France, far right, USSR, lower FG - Balkans. 00:31:11:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Fortress, like pop-ins appear across Southern France, Southern Germany and Southern Balkans. Also across northern France and small part of northern Germany. 00:31:17:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Pop-in factory and oil lines over Germany. 00:31:19:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Pop-in indications of troops-ring Germany and captured Norway, France and the Balkans - of the 300,000 troops, the Bulks are on the Eastern front, facing USSR. 00:31:30:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Map showing Japan - stemming from Tokyo - are the defense lines to Chinese mainland, Burman, the Philippines and New Guinea. 00:31:33:00 B W 1945 - CU - Robert A. Lovett - says the blows struck by the US will determines the outcome of the war. 00:32:03:00 B W 1945 - MCU - On Corregidor, General Wainwright and fellow - officer. 00:32:18:00 B W 1945 - MS - US prisoners standing on roof of crude hut - few soldiers underneath in FG. 00:32:22:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Soldiers, in single file of four men - waiting - against white wall. 00:32:23:00 B W 1945 - MCU - American and Filipino prisoners walking - barren trees in BG. 00:32:26:00 B W 1945 - CU - US soldier in helmet and fellow captives pan. 00:32:27:00 B W 1945 - MCU - US soldiers. 00:32:28:00 B W 1945 - MS - Explosion - attack on Pearl Harbor. 00:32:31:00 B W 1945 - MS - Warship in lower FG - huge explosion and rising cloud of black smoke. 00:32:32:00 B W 1945 - MS - Part of damaged battleship almost obscured by dense black smoke. 00:32:33:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Destroyed battleship listing badly. 00:32:34:00 B W 1945 - CU - Left screen indistinct, screen right white smoke - TU to nothing. 00:32:35:00 B W 1945 - MS - Three Japanese soldiers holding rifles and two Filipino civilians, on knees, hands tied behind backs. Soldiers shoot once civilian, then the other. Execution. 00:32:39:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Row of Soviet civilians hanged by Nazis. 00:32:43:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Soviet soldier helping badly wounded girl walk in the snow. 00:32:48:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Post-office in Naples - blown up by time bomb - PAN right into dense white smoke. 00:32:51:00 B W 1945 - MS - US soldiers in aftermath of post office explosion. 00:32:53:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Dead teen-age girl stretched out on street amid rubble. 00:32:54:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Dead woman - same as above. 00:32:56:00 B W 1945 - MS - Dead man in same. 00:32:58:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Another dead man amid rubble - rescue worker walks by. 00:33:01:00 B W 1945 - MS - Dead child on white slab, ZI fairly close. 00:33:03:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Broken slab - dead body at foot of slab. 00:33:04:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Another dead body - age and sex not determined, amid rubble. 00:33:05:00 B W 1945 - MS - Triangular opening - rubble atop screen right - nearly standing wounded body in FG. 00:33:08:00 B W 1945 - MCU - U.S.M.P. and soldier administer to wounded buddy. 00:33:10:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Four US soldiers carry stretcher through rubber. 00:33:12:00 B W 1945 - MS - Stunned and bloodied mustached civilian. 00:33:13:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Sitting on curb. 00:33:15:00 B W 1945 - MCU - British Foreign Secy. Anthony Eden, Soviet Foreign Minister Vyachslav M. Molotov and US Secy. of State Cordell Hull at Moscow Conference. 00:33:17:00 B W 1945 - CU - US, USSR., and British flags. 00:33:18:00 B W 1945 - MS - Delegates gather round table - Molotov, in BG, facing us. 00:33:19:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Molotov and eden - Molotov signs agreement - blots his signature. 00:33:21:00 B W 1945 - CU - Eden signs document - blots. 00:34:17:00 B W 1945 - CU - Cordell hull signs. 00:34:18:00 B W 1945 - CU - Montage of allied soldiers in action against Nazis. 00:34:24:00 B W 1945 - CU - Young soldier, head draped in white towel. 00:34:24:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Group of soldiers firing anti-tank cannon. 00:34:25:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Soldier firing machine-gun (hand held). 00:34:28:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Soldier with rifle moving behind tank. 00:34:28:00 B W 1945 - MS - Soldier, without rifle, running through street. 00:34:32:00 B W 1945 - MS - Tank, in town firing. 00:34:33:00 B W 1945 - MS - Hits building - explosion. 00:34:33:00 B W 1945 - MS - Soldier, with rifle - runs through street. 00:34:34:00 B W 1945 - CU - Soldier's feet walk other battered Nazi sign. 00:34:36:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Worker, wearing protective, goggles, at lathe, causing sparks. 00:34:38:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Worker at stamping machine. 00:34:39:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Two welders - facing each other. 00:34:40:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Worker moving cylindrical tool. 00:34:41:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Workers hand at lathe. 00:34:42:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Worker pulling handlebars toward him. 00:34:42:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Worker hammers at shaft. 00:34:43:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Worker turning wheel. 00:34:43:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Worker facing us. 00:34:45:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Worker at spindle, facing us. 00:34:45:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Worker at spinning vat. 00:34:46:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Worker turning vise, American flag in BG. 00:34:47:00 B W 1945 - MCU - Worker's hands holding pneumatic drill. |