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Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
File Number: | AFP-136S 16mm; VTM-136S Beta SP |
Color: | B W |
Type: | Sound Comedy |
Year: | 1939 |
Description: | B W 1939 Funny footage of animals. Some good shots of baby animals and their mothers, and good shots of animals of different species playing together, "unlikely friends". Sound missing.01:34:38:00 B W 1939 ms Hundred of little lambs in a pen lambs climbing down ramp, like a sliding board, many slip and fall.01:35:04:00 B W 1939 ms Zookeeper feeds fish to a gigantic seal seal bends backwards for fish.01:35:38:00 B W 1939 ms Several koala bears climb along branch koalas ride on back of German shepherd dog.01:36:00:00 B W 1939 ms Bears in zoo: two baby bears playing, mother bear watches.01:36:57:00 B W 1939 cu Kittens trying to catch goldfish in bowl cat tries to get to bird in cage Siamese kitten looks at itself in mirror.01:37:34:00 B W 1939 ms A dog who climbs trees, goes straight up the bare trunk dog plays with chicken kitten chases ducks around dog plays with duck, tackles it.01:39:42:00 B W 1939 Chimpanzees, various: two baby chimpanzees in diapers, one with toothbrush chimpanzee with briefcase knocks on door, enters chimpanzee plays piano.01:41:20:00 B W 1939 Mother hippopotamus followed by tiny baby hippopotamus baby giraffe with mother baby elephant with mother baby elephant plays with zoo keeper, they wrestle elephant answers giant telephone elephant dressed in clothing (top hat, cane, shirt, vest and boots) walks on hind legs |