
Footage Information

Archive Films by Getty Images
AFP-45FD 16mm AFP-45FE 16mm
Sound Feature
D: Sam Newfield. Mary Beth Hughes, Robert Lowell, John Miljan, Vivienne Osborne. High school criminal delinquent blames parents for his crimes. He's involved w jewel theft ring & ends up murdering their leader. The judge acquits him, blaming his parents for drinking & gambling. (MPG). 00:01:36:00 Judge finds boy guilty of murder. 00:40:48:00 Gangsters talk. 00:03:21:00 Teacher praises student. 00:41:22:00 Man addressed in a stern, reprimanding voice. 00:04:38:00 Shameful party traces liquor glasses and mounds of cigarette butts, bimbo makes a pass at Father. Fighting parents. 00:43:10:00 Gangster listens to conversation between his girlfriend and rival, eavesdropping. 00:08:55:00 Parents decide to divorce. 00:45:11:00 Girl dumps boyfriend. Calling him a chump shoe salesman. 00:10:24:00 Mom shows up drunk at Parent's meeting. 00:46:55:00 Boy waits in getaway car, hears gunshots, gangsters get into car and tell him to step on it. 00:11:04:00 Man pounding the pavement, looking for work, job interview. 00:47:52:00 Gangster slaps boy. 00:11:20:00 Shoe salesman sequence, girl picks up salesman. 00:48:44:00 Jimmy sweats nervously, crime headlines at his feet, makes telephone call, hold head in hands, depressed. 00:18:58:00 Parents having wild cocktail party. 00:53:02:00 Jimmy takes a beating from two gangsters in back alley, is pistol whipped in fight. 00:20:32:00 Night club, woman (Mary Beth Hughes) does singing night club act her number's entitled "Are You Happy In Your Work?", rotten lyrics. 00:55:13:00 Jimmy packs his bags in a rush to get out of town, takes father's gun w him. 00:32:57:00 Man doesn't have enough money to pay check, borrows money from criminal. 00:56:28:00 Travel montage, train, hitchhikers. 00:34:30:00 Man waits in line at bank, gives checks to teller, contemplates embezzlement. 00:58:03:00 Hungry Jimmy considers robbing chef, good natured chef disarms him, gives Jimmy job. 00:36:36:00 Montage: couple dines and dances. 01:01:00:00 Morose woman sings in nightclub. 00:36:44:00 Man gives money to other man (money exchanges hands). 01:02:53:00 Jimmy and chef eat dinner in diner. 00:36:48:00 Man puts bracelet on woman's wrist. 01:05:03:00 Jimmy and gangster, fight it out, Jimmy shoots and kills gangster accidentally. 01:05:43:00 Jimmy back in court with judge. (end).