
Footage Information

Archive Films by Getty Images
AFP-53N 16mm; VTM-53N Beta SP; AFP-25DT 16mm; VC-25DT 3 4in.; VTM-25DT Beta SP
B W 1946 Children survivors of WWII. Grim & tragic story of hunger & destitution which follows war. Points out these conditions are today's (postwar) threat to lives & health of millions of children in Europe & Asia, & tomorrow's threat to world peace. (EFL). To Quote Hitler "...We shall leave an inheritance of ruins, stone heaps, rats, epidemics, hunger and death and thereby Western civilization shall decline...." To quote General von Runstedt "We Germans must number twice the population of our neighbors. Therefore we shall be compelled to destroy one third of the population of all adjacent territories. We can best achieve this through systematic malnutrition - in the end far superior to machine guns...Starvation works more effectively especially among the young..." 00:01:03:00 B W 1946 ws ms Children lined up for food 00:01:47:00 B W 1946 ws Barefoot children in rags face camera standing on war ruins 00:01:53:00 B W 1946 ms Children unable to stand due to Ricketts 00:01:55:00 B W 1946 ms Series of individual children with severe disabilities caused by the war 00:02:44:00 B W 1946 ms cs Shots of children trying to survive in the ruins of a town 00:02:55:00 B W 1946 ms Group of children banded together like a wolfpack roaming the streets stealing and begging 00:03:06:00 B W 1946 cs Child smoking cigar butt, street urchin. 00:03:12:00 B W 1946 ws Family living in a filthy open wreck of a room 00:03:26:00 B W 1946 ws ms Children searching garbage 00:04:06:00 B W 1946 ws Three crosses stand in a sea of destruction 00:04:16:00 B W 1946 ws Sight of former Czech village of Lidice 00:04:29:00 B W 1946 ms Women concentration camp (Holocaust) survivors put flowers on mass grave of the men and boys of Lidice 00:05:16:00 B W 1946 ms cs SS Nazis who helped destroy Lidice 00:05:26:00 B W 1946 ws Nazi bigshots at the Nuremberg trials 00:05:37:00 B W 1946 ws Ruins of a Berlin? landmark 00:06:01:00 B W 1946 ws Series of shots of ruins - waterfront - forests - rail yards - buildings - churches 00:06:54:00 B W 1946 cs Rat comes out of hole 00:06:59:00 B W 1946 cs Sign reads - Danger of Typhus carried by Lice 00:06:59:00 B W 1946 ms Children fill containers from filthy pool of water 00:07:15:00 B W 1946 ms Family searches trash cans for food 00:07:34:00 B W 1946 ws Funeral coach drawn by teamof horses 00:07:47:00 B W 1946 ms Pile of bodies in concentration camp 00:07:53:00 B W 1946 ms Bodies of babies 00:08:00:00 B W 1946 ws Ovens of concentration camp 00:08:01:00 B W 1946 ms Body remains in oven 00:08:03:00 B W 1946 ms Mound of human bones 00:08:11:00 B W 1946 ms Jesus Christ on the cross 00:09:07:00 B W 1946 cs ms Series of shots of children in hospital cribs suffering malnutrition 00:10:12:00 B W 1946 ms Children licking wooden food covers 00:10:21:00 B W 1946 ms People searching trash cans for food 00:11:00:00 B W 1946 ws ms Scenes in America underlining the differences with the war torn countries 00:11:45:00 B W 1946 ws Milkman delivers milk in bottles from horse drawn wagon 00:11:59:00 B W 1946 ms War Department telegram is delivered - one of the blue stars in the window is changed to gold 00:12:35:00 B W 1946 ms UNRRA shipments (United Nations Relief and Recovery Administration) 00:13:35:00 B W 1946 ws Family living in the open among bits and pieces of furniture 00:13:39:00 B W 1946 ms Woman washes feet in basin 00:13:41:00 B W 1946 ms Woman pins torn piece of clothing to laundry clothesline 00:13:46:00 B W 1946 ms cs Series of shots of United Nations personnel helping refugees 00:14:30:00 B W 1946 ms Prosthetic leg is put on stump 00:14:33:00 B W 1946 ms Men learning new trades 00:14:53:00 B W 1946 ws Some people and a truck make way along cleared street in ruined city 00:15:04:00 B W 1946 ms Series of shots of men starting to rebuild 00:15:25:00 B W 1946 ms Food is carefully measured out to refugees 00:15:34:00 B W 1946 ws ms People living in whatever shelters are available 00:15:42:00 B W 1946 ms Team of Oxen pull plow past tree bearing sign Pericoloso Mine 00:15:51:00 B W 1946 ws People in street saw up trees for firewood 00:15:59:00 B W 1946 ws Bride and Groom come thru former doorway of ruined church 00:16:04:00 B W 1946 ms Amputee puts loaf of bread in pants empty leg fold 00:16:18:00 B W 1946 ms Series of shots men rebuilding houses 00:17:16:00 B W 1946 ms Series of shots of war casualties, body parts and the dead 00:17:50:00 B W 1946 ms Boy with leg brace carries legless boy to wheelchair 00:17:58:00 B W 1946 ms 4 children each with a leg missing use crutches to walk along road 00:18:00:00 B W 1946 ms cs Group of blind children laughing