
Footage Information

Archive Films by Getty Images
MISC. NEWSREEL 1920's #4
AFP-72-I 16mm; VTM-72-I Beta SP; NET-10 DigiBeta (at 01:00:00:00); Beta SP
B W 1920 AUDIO 00:00:12:00 B W 1929 ms Propellers start, and AIRPLANE takes off from Mitchell Field, Long Island, on Guggenheim Prize safety test flight (1929). 00:00:24:00 B W 1920 ms Test flight airplane flies overhead. 00:00:27:00 B W 1920 ws Test airplane does a loop in the air. 00:00:37:00 B W 1920 ms Camera tracks a airplane taking off from the runway, making a steep climb, then touching back down on the runway. 00:00:51:00 B W 1920 ws ms The Schroeder Wentworth, a unique seaplane aircraft. View of the twin propellers. 00:01:04:00 B W 1920 ms Another unique airplane with strange wing structure. Engineer briefs pilot in the cockpit. Wing folds downward. 00:01:24:00 B W 1929 ws Vast crowd in FOOTBALL stands spell out,"California Golden Bears", in game with University of Southern California (1929). 00:01:31:00 B W 1920 ws AVs of kickoff and USC return,goal line stand play,and a final off tackle scoring touchdown play. 00:01:55:00 B W 1920 ws Huge crowd in stands creates more letter words. 00:02:03:00 B W 1920 ws USC player speed runs down the field to score a touchdown. 00:02:13:00 B W 1920 cu Football player, CHRIS CAGLE, wearing old style football helmet. 00:02:16:00 B W 1929 ws Army vs. Yale game in 1929 Cagle intercepts a pass and runs along the sideline to score a touchdown. 00:02:31:00 B W 1920 ms Fascist dictator, Benito Mussolini signs treaty with Cardinal Gasparri of the Vatican in Rome (2 11 '29). 00:02:44:00 B W 1920 cu Helmeted Swiss Guard bugler. 00:02:48:00 B W 1920 ms Decorative Swiss Guard ceremonial military contingents, present arms. 00:02:51:00 B W 1920 ms King Victor Emmanuel and his Queen, Elaina, arrive to visit the Pope. 00:03:11:00 B W 1920 ws POPE PIUS X1, blesses crowds from the Vatican balcony. 00:03:26:00 B W 1920 ms Pope, giving blessings, is carried in ceremonial procession. 00:03:52:00 B W 1920s ms A series of Hollywood influenced FASHIONS of the late 1920s. 00:03:55:00 B W 1920 ms Trench coat over casual riding habit outfit. 00:04:13:00 B W 1920 ms Striped silk kerchief frock for Tennis. 00:04:28:00 B W 1920 ms Afternoon dinner dress with black sheer outlined with Moliere ribbons. The bodice and sleeves are in tule. 00:04:42:00 B W 1920 ms Formal evening gown with short bodice and uneven hemline and gold brocade. 00:04:58:00 B W 1920 ms Formal evening gown in silk taffeta. An ermine coat to compliment the ensemble. 00:05:35:00 B W 1929 ms Eleanor Roosevelt in 1929, standing next to wives of Governor, Herbert Lehman, and Mayor Jimmy Walker, 00:05:48:00 B W 1920 ms Eleanor Roosevelt and wife of Al Smith. 00:05:52:00 B W 1920 ms Eleanor at an airplane christening ceremony. 00:06:03:00 B W 1933 ws FDR motorcade during the presidential inaugural ceremony in Washington DC Row of police on horseback exteds the width of Pennsylvania Avenue. Long column of limos in the motorcade (1933) 00:06:08:00 B W 1920 ms Eleanor Roosevelt sits next to FDR in the limousine on its way to the inauguration ceremony. 00:06:21:00 B W 1920 ms Eleanor, Franklin, and son 00:06:26:00 B W 1933 ms Eleanor Roosevelt arrives in Los Angeles by airplane (1933) the first president's wife to fly she is met by son Elliot 00:06:39:00 B W 1933 ws ms 1933: Eleanor Roosevelt is made honorary chief of Girl Scouts makes a short speech to a group of Girl Scouts and leaders 00:06:59:00 B W 1920 ws ms Eleanor Roosevelt visits with The American troops in Europe as near as she is allowed to the actual fighting front 00:07:18:00 B W 1920 ws ms Eleanor Roosevelt attends FDR's funeral 00:07:46:00 B W 1920 ws ms Eleanor Roosevelt makes speech as the US delegate to the United Nations just before sailing on the steamship AMERICA for an overseas meeting 00:08:14:00 B W 1920 ws ms Eleanor Roosevelt superimposed over the partially finished United Nations building in New York City 00:08:21:00 B W 1920 ws ms 1920 - WWI freighter to be sold for scrap 00:08:40:00 B W 1920 ws ms WWI surplus army airplanes to be auctioned off 00:08:57:00 B W 1920 ws ms WWI surplus gun and camouflage cloth is sold as surplus woman models dress made of the cloth woman holds a portion of a bolt up to view 00:09:21:00 B W 1920 ms Samuel Untermeyer famous trial lawyer for both rich & poor 00:09:40:00 B W 1920 ms Aboard the USS Olympia Gladys Cooper noted English actress poses for cameras she went to Hollywood and became a screen star 00:10:00:00 B W 1920 ms ws Hiram Johnson former California governor now member of the US Senate arrives aboard the SS Leviathan after a 4 month tour of Europe 00:10:15:00 B W 1920 ws Edward "Hoot" Gibson popular cowboy star follows band on his horse 00:10:34:00 B W 1948 ms Mrs. Lillian Gilbreath mother of a dozen children - appeared in a true story called Cheaper by the Dozen - in 1948 voted mother of the year won fame in 1930s & 1940s when she took over her husband's work after he died 00:10:58:00 B W 1920 ms Women wearing the latest in 1920 golf fashions practice driving ball in indoor golf range under the eye of a pro professional golfer in his golfing clothes demonstrates his prowess by driving a lined up row of golf balls on the indoor range 00:11:22:00 B W 1920 ms At Boston Normal School Miss Ruth Irving wearing long underwear demonstrates how not to and then how to take a good posture stance 00:11:58:00 B W 1920 ws Antwerp, Belgium - 1920 Olympics 400 meter hurdles - winner in world record time of 54 seconds Frank Loomis US poses alone and with 2nd & 3rd place also US John Norton & August Desch 00:12:16:00 B W 1920 ws Eero Lehtonen? of Finland? throws discus as part of winning the Pentathlon 00:12:20:00 B W 1920 ws 100 meter dash - winner Charles Paddock of US poses for cameras 00:12:34:00 B W 1920 ws American flag is raised atop arch as winner of the meet 00:12:37:00 B W 1920 ws Series of shots of the July 28, 1920 Americas Cup race off Sandy Hook between the American yacht Resolute and Sir Thomas Lipton's yacht Shamrock IV Resolute wins Lipton smiles for cameras - a good loser 00:13:28:00 B W 1920 ws AVs of Constantinople - August 1920 (good view of St. Sophia?) Turkish government rejects Treaty of Sevres and throw the Titular head of the Ottoman Empire Mohamud VI (Sultan of Turkey) removed from office as a Nationalist government takes over - deposed Sultan leaves in his carriage Turks parade in streets demanding better peace Nationalist leader Kamal Pasha (Ataturk) and his wife who has stopped using the veil foot soldiers cavalry train to fight the Greeks who are looking to take over the landed given them in the Treaty of Sevres soldiers dig trenches - stretchers are carried away from battlefield Orthodox Greeks march in protest Turkish violation of the peace allied war ships stand by in the harbor of Constantinople British troops bring order to the city streets British and American service men convoy Greeks thru hostile streets US sailors escort Greek refugees to the safety of neutral ships Greece gives up new treaty is signed in Lucerne giving concesswions to Turkey Turkish woman leader Halid Hanoom? and her husband Turkeys first woman army officer Fatima Hanoom? Ataturk and wife 00:16:34:00 B W 1929 ws Alhambra, California January 1929 - US team of polo players led by Tommy Hitchcock The San Carlos Goal Makers play against Anzacs of Australia - Americans win 10 to 7 series of shots of the action 00:17:05:00 B W 1929 ms Walter Hagen top US golfer tees off in 1929 British Open large crowd watches as Hagen wins cup for the fourth time (1922. 1924. 1928) 00:17:46:00 B W 1929 ws 1929 London - Lady Richey? closes switch which opens lock which now permits ocean liners to sail the thames in to London instead of ending the journey in Liverpool - first luxury liner sails thru London Lock 00:18:18:00 B W 1929 ws ms 1929 Chicago - Hair Dressers of America Convention women fashion models show off the latest in hairdos - winner 00:18:59:00 B W 1920 ms ws Students of design show their best efforts for CAM including dress with matching knickers - Tailored suit with fur trimmed jacket and evening gowns with unbalanced hemlines 00:19:32:00 B W 1920 ms ws Frankfurt, Germany inventor Fritz von Opel tries out the first rocket airplane - first try fails to get off the ground due to construction error - second try after error correction and ship flies a mile and a quarter at 100 miles an hour 00:20:19:00 B W 1929 ms ws Washington DC May 8, 1929 - lieutenant Apollo Souchek? is helped on with his oxygen mask he is trying for a new high altitude record he gets into his open cockpit biplane with the lettering US Navy on the side takes oxygen hose mouthpiece into his mouth thru the mask opening - he takes off Lt. Souchek? lands with a new record of almost 40,000 feet he is met and congratulated by Rear Admiral Moffat Lt. Souchek? eventually becomes a Rear Admiral 00:21:05:00 B W 1929 ws ms President Herbert Hoover (Stanford University graduate) greets and chats with the California football squad on the White House they are en route to play Pennsylvania in 1929 at Franklin Field shots of the squad practicing watched by coach Nibs Price? 00:21:42:00 B W 1920 ms ws Pennsylvania coach Lou Young puts his team thru a practice session 00:22:00:00 B W 1920 ws Glimpses of the 70,000 fans at Franklin Field for the game series of shots of California scoring a touchdown using line plunges California wins 12 to 7 00:22:19:00 B W 1933 ws Highlights of the Fordham vs St. Mary's football game in 1933 in New York at the Polo Grounds shots of St. Mary's Ice House Wilson making several long runs Fordham coach Jim Crowley talking to one of his players Wilson scores touchdown Fordham bench looks unhappy Fordham's Kurowski passes to St. Mary's 4 yard line Kurowski tries to drive across for touchdown but is stopped St. Mary's wins 13 to 7 shot of Slip Madigan petting the Fordham Ram Mascot 00:23:18:00 B W 1936 ws 1936 California vs Georgia Tech several shots of of Tech razzle dazzle - forward pass and double laterals as well as a regular pass and a run for touchdown's Tech wins 13 to 7 00:24:05:00 B W 1933 ms Amy and Jim Mollison British cross Atlantic flying team July 23, 1933 an attempeted non stop flight from the coast of Wales winds up in disaster near Bridgeport, Conn. plane crashes and both are hurt they talk to press outside hospital in Bridgeport they are flown to Bennett Field in New York City (It was their original destination) they are helped from the airplane and insist they will try again 00:25:38:00 B W 1920s ws 1929? Corpus Christi, Texas - series of shots of heavy damage done by a hurricane waterfront homes smashed waters of Gulf of Mexico flood the city cars move thru streets hub cap deep in flood waters 00:26:23:00 B W 1916 ms ws IRISH EASTER REBELLION, 1916: Eamon de Valera president of Erins National Assembly he heads the new Irish Free State shots of British troops and armored cars in the streets as the Irish watch Easter Sunday 1916: heated outbreak against the British British troops lie in the street, guns pointed down the street ready for trouble Britain's Black and Tan arrive Michael Collins speaks to crowd, calls for concerted effort against the British 00:27:07:00 B W 1920 ms British Prime Minister David Lloyd George 00:27:15:00 B W 1920 ms Britain's King George V King George & Queen Mary? in open carriage 00:27:34:00 B W 1921 cs Signed pact page December 1921 between de Valera and Lloyd George Ireland had become a Republic 00:27:50:00 B W 1921 cs ms July 1921 Nicholas Murray Butler (President Columbia University 1902-1945) in France to present the Carnegie Foundation gift of 300,000 Francs and lay the cornerstone which he is shown doing for a new library to replace the one destroyed by the Germans Butler is photographed sitting in front of a bust of George Washington 00:28:12:00 B W 1921 ms 1921 Henry Cantwell? Wallace is sworn in as President Harding's Secy. of Agriculture 00:28:30:00 B W 1921 cs ms 1921 California - Charley Paddock known as the world's fastest human breaks 5 track records in one day 00:29:03:00 B W 1921 ws ms 1921 Norfolk, Virginia Dirigible C7 first aircraft inflated with non explosive Helium geets ready for take off - one of the crew smokes a pipe helium expert Earle? and Navy Commander Landsdowne? chat as ship is readied ship takes off for its trip to Washington DC ship flies close to Washington Monument - flies over White House and Lincoln Memorial