
Footage Information

Archive Films by Getty Images
AFP-73AS 16mm; VTM-73AS Beta SP; NET-131 DigiBeta (at 01:28:42:00); Beta SP
00:21:32:00 B W 1930 ws ms Guglielmo Marconi and David Sarnoff visit birthplace of broadcasting (Rustic Shack) 00:21:40:00 B W 1920s ms 1920s women with headphones listening to WHN 00:21:46:00 B W 1930 ms cs Miriam Batista? child movie star singing into large microphone 00:22:09:00 B W 1920s ms Dance band plays in 1920s radio studio 00:22:15:00 B W 1922 ms Secy. of Commerce Herbert Hoover (1922) listens to news thru headphones attached to radio 00:22:25:00 B W 1930 ms cs Andrew White at WJZ microphone in studio to read sports news 00:22:38:00 B W 1930 ws Port Jefferson, Long Island and Arlington, Virginia tall antennas towers 00:22:52:00 B W 1923 ms 1923 Captain West of BBC hears broadcast from USA and relays it to all of England via wireless 00:23:03:00 B W 1930 ws ms Chicago - Edgewater Beach Hotel has top radio studio of the time with glass walls and microphones behind drapes 00:23:17:00 B W 1930 ms cs First motion pictures of broadcasting - members of Chicago's Civic Opera sing (Florence MacBeth? and Angelo Mingetti?) 00:23:30:00 B W 1930 ms Uncle Joe Cannon listens to radio with headphones 00:23:33:00 B W 1926 ms cs 1926 19 year old Marion Talley sings in New York City radio studio 00:23:47:00 B W 1930 ws Marine Room, Edgewater Beach Hotel - The Oriole Orchestra broadcasts a remote as people in room dance 00:23:56:00 B W 1930 ms Police radio room broadcasts to patrol cars and beat cops policeman in patrol car shown handling radio equipment policeman has small microphone attached to sleeve - headpiece is in jacket horse policeman receives message mounts up and trots away 00:26:06:00 B W 1923 ws ms 1923 Graham Mcnamee describes World Series action over radio 00:24:38:00 B W 1920s ws ms Late 1920s Passenger plane copilot checks weather with Wichita air station 00:24:54:00 B W 1930 ms FDR broadcasts from White House 00:25:36:00 B W 1931 cs 1931 Ed Wynn rehearses his new show The Laugh Parade Harry Warren is at piano Jack Powell uses drum sticks 00:26:54:00 B W 1931 ws 1931 International Schneider Cup Race in Calshott, England England wins with airplane speed of 404 MPH 00:27:49:00 B W 1931 ws 1931 Earthquake in Nicaragua - AV and ground views of the devastation US marines shown providing aid 00:29:13:00 B W 1931 ms ws 1931 Man inspects model of Rockefeller Center as originally planned view of New York City area where buildings will be built John D. Rockefeller inspects finished RCA Building 26 Broadway from which Rockefeller offices will move view of St Patricks from the finished RCA Building 00:30:34:00 B W 1930s ms ws Bill Slater narrates 1930s wrestling match between Champion Jim Londos and Abe Coleman and Jim Lonos and Oki Shikina? (Japanese Sandman) 00:33:37:00 B W 1930 ws ms Actress Mae Marsh with daughter 00:33:48:00 B W 1930 ws ms Actors Edward Earl and Billie Burke and Burke's daughter Patricia 00:34:18:00 B W 1932 ws May 11, 1932 USS Akron (Dirigible) near San Diego, CA (Camp Kearny?) 3 ground crew sailors hold on to landing cable too long as Dirigible is forced up - two fall to death 3rd is rescued 00:35:58:00 B W 1930s ms Early 1930s Roger Wolfe Kahn (son of banker Otto Kahn) leads his own orchestra 00:36:25:00 B W 1932 ms 1932 Woman's hairdos 00:37:42:00 B W 1932 ws ms 1932 Central Park, N.Y. Georgia Coleman national diving champion puts on exhibition Helene Madison breaks swimming record 00:38:50:00 B W 1930 ms Arthur Murray gives lesson to group of girl dancers George Murphy and woman partner show dance routine to the girls 00:40:18:00 B W 1938 ms ws Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain - Sept. 30, 1938 Munich - he meets with Hitler, Daladier (France) and Mussolini - Hitler is given Sudetenland Chamberlain poses with King and Queen on palace balcony 00:41:41:00 B W 1938 ws 1938 German troops march into Sudetenland Hitler in open car moves thru crowds in Sudetenland 00:42:27:00 B W 1938 ms April 1938 King Zog of Albania waits for wife to be Count Ciano of Italy arrives for wedding ' King Zog and bride 4 27 38 Albanian army marches 00:43:37:00 B W 1938 ms July 1938 Douglas "Wrong Way" Corrigan gets married in San Antonio, Texas 00:44:17:00 B W 1938 ws 1938 Cleveland The Billy Rose Water Ballet Eleanor Holm and Johnny Weismuller stars of the show start it 00:45:28:00 B W 1937, 1939 ws cs Bill Slater narrates high spots in Lou Gehrig's career Gehrig with Ruth - Gehrig shows bat grip and foot position at plate slow motion of his hitting 1937 All Star Game Gehrig hits home run off of Dizzy Dean June 1939 Gehrig retirement day Babe Ruth, James Farley and Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia bid goodbye among others 00:48:26:00 B W 1933, 1935 ws 1933 Emperor Hirohito inspects troops Japanese troops cross frozen river to attack Great Wall of China AV of Great Wall 1935 Japanese break thru Great Wall 00:49:55:00 B W 1930 ms Henry Chu Yi? Japanese controlled Emperor of Manchuria 00:50:01:00 B W 1930 ws ms League of Nations in session to condemn Japan - Japan resigns 00:50:49:00 B W 1930 ms ws San francisco - Early Depression Days Mrs. Louis Jordan dishes out food with both hands at same time to unemployed then gives out clothing