
Footage Information

Archive Films by Getty Images
AFP-146AS 35mm VTM-146AS Beta SP
B W 1945 Russian Documentary on WWII. Nikita Khrushchev on the front. Eisenhower in Africa. Rommel. Gas mask tests. Excellent Battle of Stalingrad combat footage including CUs and great house to house fighting and tanks etc. 00:10:20:00 B W 1945 - WS - Soviet tanks and personnel-carriers on move south of Stalingrad. 00:10:27:00 B W 1945 - WS - Soviet bomber and fighter aircraft flying in formation. 00:10:37:00 B W 1945 - WS - Scan view of Stalingrad under attack. 00:10:48:00 B W 1945 - MS - German tanks and infantry attacking. 00:10:57:00 B W 1945 - CU - Soviet officers planning tactics. 00:11:15:00 B W 1945 - MS - Scenes of German and Soviet street fighting and artillery firing. 00:11:56:00 B W 1945 - CU - Khrushchev, a communist and liaison, sits in on military plans. 00:12:37:00 B W 1945 - WS - Scenes of city wide devastation. 00:12:42:00 B W 1945 - WS - German troops marching through Bronderley Gate. 00:13:04:00 B W 1945 - CU - Map showing Soviet counterattack. 00:13:15:00 B W 1945 - MS - Soviet troops in counterattacks, including artillery, tanks and aircraft. 00:13:45:00 B W 1945 - WS - Massive Soviet infantry attack over snowy "no man's land." 00:14:05:00 B W 1945 - WS - Soviet infantry front converging in open field. 00:14:15:00 B W 1945 - WS - German troops surrendering "en masse." 00:14:52:00 B W 1945 - WS - AV of Stalingrad after German surrender. 00:15:12:00 B W 1945 - MS - German soldier walking with improvised "baskets" for shoes. 00:15:15:00 B W 1945 - MS - Scene of high level military meeting with General George Marshall attending. 00:15:19:00 B W 1945 - CU - General Eisenhower at time of African invasion. 00:15:30:00 B W 1945 - MS - Artillery warfare in African front. 00:15:35:00 B W 1945 - MS - Field Marshal Rommel in desert. 00:15:44:00 B W 1945 - MS - German POWs in Africa. 00:15:53:00 B W 1945 - WS - Allied air attacks in Sicily. 00:16:05:00 B W 1945 - MS - British landing and attacking in Italy. 00:16:23:00 B W 1945 - MS - US Army training for gas warfare and general maneuvers. 00:16:57:00 B W 1945 - WS - Idle aircraft at airports waiting to be used for Normandy invasion. 00:17:04:00 B W 1945 - CU - Winston Churchill with cigar and imaginary smoke rings. 00:17:26:00 B W 1945 - MS - Guerrilla warfare scene of shouting, blasting trains and planning attacks.