
Footage Information

Archive Films by Getty Images
AFP-65K 16mm VTM-65K Beta SP
Color 1972 Career counseling film for high school students. VERY BRIEF shots with 1970s music on soundtrack and split screen effects throughout. 01:36:22:00 Color 1972 ms ls Series of shots split and full screen showing three young people job seeking jobs 01:37:19:00 Color 1972 ms Students leaving school. 01:37:25:00 Color 1972 ms ls Varied workplace scenes. Montage. 01:38:15:00 Color 1972 ms ls People on sidewalks varied service type jobs. Montage. 01:39:00:00 Color 1972 ms Series of very brief shots: Help Wanted sign...list of jobs policeman sales clerk dress designer adult teacher security police beautician & barber chef & cook bakers waiter counter girl bartender 01:41:22:00 Color 1972 ms Hotel manager housekeeper maid doorman bell hop office cleaner window cleaners barbers masseuse airline steward nurses cloak room attendant beauty parlor gardener chauffeur maid domestic cleaning lady dishwasher 01:43:40:00 Color 1972 ms bowling alley golf course ski slope tennis court swimming pool ushers wardrobe attendant can can girls banjo player amusement park dry cleaner shoe maker tailor policeman security guard fireman airline hostess barbers high school grounds dishwasher waitress 01:46:38:00 Color 1972 ms ls More very brief shots: Early silent film segments office building firehouse waiter waitress skyline suburban houses CU of coins and cash (tips) more split screen of people doing different jobs 01:49:20:00 Color 1972 ms School student school guidance counselor job interview high school graduation 01:51:15:00 Color 1972 ms Philadelphia Phillies baseball player Larry Bowa and wife Sheena at ballpark - talk about job careers (for young people watching this film