
Footage Information

Archive Films by Getty Images
VW-1266 3 4in. VW-1267 3 4in. VW-1268 3 4in. VW-1272 3 4in.
Color 1982 CHARLIE MAGOO (JAMES FU GRIFFIN) #1-#4 One Hell's Angel who defied the stereotype if Fu Griffin. He may not look like your average businessman, but for the past six years he's run Charlie Magoo Productions successfully promoting concerts in Northern California. Ironically, Griffin was motivated to start his own company after he and other Hell's Angels were turned away from a concert. That's Jerry Carter, Willie Nelson's most loyal fan, who's high regard for the Angels is surpassed only by her devotion to Willie. Willie Nelson has long been considered country musics number one outlaw. Like the Hell's Angels, he takes pride in that image. At a recent concert, Nelson dedicated a song to the memory of a Hell's Angel, "Angel flying too close to the ground." VW-1266 - Charlie Magoo Productions EXT, Back of Hell's Angels jacket as James walks through door. Interview with promoter, James Fu Griffin and how he ended up handling Willie Nelson. VW-1267 - Interview continued. VW-1268 - Hell's Angeles guy, James Fu Grifin, on his Harley Davidson. He fires up his motorcycle and rides up and down the street. Interview with James in his house. VW-1272 -