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OUR WORLD - 1937 #2
Footage Information
Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
Title: | OUR WORLD - 1937 #2 |
File Number: | TAP-2B Beta SP; DN-212 Beta SP (most segments); 1 inch |
Color: | B W |
Type: | Newsreel |
Year: | 1937 |
Subjects: | 1937 MISSISSIPPI RIVER OHIO RIVER FLOOD (remarkable footage), Aerials |
Description: | Universal Newsreel Vol. 9 Rel.# 529 (January 18, 1937 1937-01-18). (NOTE: the next 7 news clips, to end of "Coast Airliner", are all on DN-212, t c 12:32:11:13 to 12:38:28:21, in the same order). 01:01:00:00 B W 1937 "TROOPS STAND BY AS DEADLOCK HALTS AUTO STRIKE PEACE AUTO PEACE HOPES GROW DIM - Flint, Michigan: A parley between General Motors executives and union leaders lasts six minutes, with the sit-down strikers refusing to leave the plants they occupy. Detachments of National Guardsmen crowd the streets but calm prevails." (Original Universal description). General Motors auto factory strike: EXT tent camp. Soldiers off trucks w machine guns & back packs. Stretcher loaded into ambulance. Three soldiers drink bottles of milk. Another shot of tent camp. Union or Management sitting for camera behind table. Strikers inside & outside factory with people on roof & workers waving from windows. 01:02:08:20 B W 1937 "WATER BASEBALL NEW GAME FOR BATHING BEAUTIES BASEBALL TAKES A DUCKING - Miami Beach, Florida: Sirens of the sands and Southern swimming pools work out a variation of the National Game to be played in the water. The batters swim from the base as they sock the overhand delivery of the fair pitcher. " (Original Universal description). Bathing beauties outside Florida hotel, wearing one-piece bathing suits and standing in row beside outdoor pool. Hand-over-hand on baseball bat, choosing order. Women dive into pool. Playing baseball in water in pool. Woman "umpire" poolside in checkered dress signals the "you're out" sign, then "safe". Silly fun. 01:02:57:00 B W 1937 "WPA MARCHERS DEMAND BILLION IN WASHINGTON - Washington, DC: Three thousand Works Progress Administration employees march on the Capitol and the White House, bearing banners demanding the expansion of the Government's work-relief program. The paraders represent twenty-four different States." (Original Universal description). WPA picketers with "Expand WPA" signs march toward Capitol & past White House w signs. Blacks and whites marching together. 01:03:31:15 B W 1937 "HANDLES FOR DOGS THE NEWEST IDEA IN PET PROTECTION CARRY DOGS LIKE SUITCASES - Atlantic City, New Jersey - Fair feminine visitors find a new way to protect their pets in a strap arrangement that permits them to pick up and carry the dogs like baggage. It's handy for crossing streets and when a big bad dog comes along." (silly original Universal description). Handle strapped onto dogs & carried across street. Wealthy woman wearing fur steps out of 1937 Cord car, carrying dog by handle straps like a suitcase. Small dog walking on boardwalk and picked up and carried past large dog. Gag oddity. 01:04:05:20 B W 1937 "IMAGINE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WITH A SNOW QUEEN! COAST GETS SNOW TO ORDER - Los Angeles, California: A "snow-making" machine (courtesy of a Hollywood studio) provides atmosphere and ammunition for a snowball fight among bathing girls who then elect a Queen of "Winter" Sports. Skiiers march through the manufactured snow to the foot of the throne." (Original Universal description). "Studio Snow Service" painted on side of snowmaking machine. Snow "throne" in FG with palm trees in BG. Woman ("Snow Queen") wearing crown, waving from throne. Women in bathing suits throwing snowballs in snowball fight. 01:04:46:00 B W 1937 "WHOPPER WINS INAUGURAL RACE AT HIALEAH PARK - Miami, Florida: Hialeah Park opens its racing season with a stunning victory by Whopper in the Inaugural Handicap. The horse sets a new track record as it dashes into first place and over the line ahead of Tintagel and Sweep Like." (Original Universal description). Horse racing. EXT Hialeah Park, with palm trees in FG and puffy white clouds in sky. Flamingos in pond and walking across field of grass. AV Winner's Circle. People placing bets at racetrack windows. Great shot of excited spectator jumping up and down and yelling, at 01:05:31:10. 01:06:00:00 B W 1937 "2 DIE 11 HURT IN CRACK-UP OF COAST AIRLINER" (note: the following original Universal newsreel description is at odds with the title card it states that 4 were killed instead of 2) - "CRASH KILLS MARTIN JOHNSON - Placerita Canyon, California - The noted explorer and three other persons are fatally injured when an air liner crashes in the mountains near Newhall. Mrs. Johnson and eight other persons are also hurt in the tragic accident." AV of valley. Plane on hillside and light snow. Rescuers removing body on stretcher. Universal Newsreel Vol. 9 Rel.# 533 (February 1, 1937): GREAT 1937 MISSISSIPPI OHIO RIVER FLOOD FOOTAGE. 01:07:31:00 B W 1937 Universal Newsreel logo opening, with montage of newsreel events behind title cards. "Copyright 1937". 01:07:47:00 B W 1937 "PESTILENCE THREATENS LOUISVILLE AS FLOOD BATTERS SOUTH - REFUGEES FLOCK INTO MEMPHIS WITH MISSISSIPPI RIVER CREST MOUNTING HOURLY - LOUISVILLE, Kentucky--The Blue Grass metropolis is shut from the outside world by the strictest Quarantine as authorities lead a desperate fight against the spread of typhoid fever and amoebic dysentery. While Cincinnati and other Ohio River cities and towns begin the augean of cleaning up after the receding flood waters the deluge roars on Southward, imperilling a Billion dollars' worth of levees along the Father of Waters from Cairo, Illinois, to New Orleans. Humans and livestock are plagued by the swirling, muddy waters at New Albany and Evansville, Indiana, and the floods rage unchecked at other points in Illinois and Kentucky." (Original Universal description). Visuals: MS graphic map of Louisville, Kentucky showing Dixie Highway, Audubon Park, Churchill Downs, Ohio River, etc. Four men in rowboat on severely flooded Louisville street. Newsreel photographer standing in inflatable raft behind rowboat, holding camera. Side shot past flooded homes. US Coast Guard rescue boat carrying rescued people, and towing another boat with additional rescued people and possessions. Past flooded homes, including a grand Southern mansion with Greek Revival columns. Doctor administering shot to flood victim sitting in rowboat. Past flooded downtown Shawnee Theatre. Flood victims sitting atop porch roofs. Man sitting on oil drum and paddling through water. EXT removing coffins from flooded funeral home. Rescued flood victims sitting safely in rowboat, floating past warehouse. Woman in coat and dress being rescued from porch roof. Man in rowboat puts bottle of milk into pail, pail is raised up to people trapped in second floor of flooded building. Universal Newsreel cameraman in inflatable raft, pointing movie camera up towards people trapped in flooded building. Dead body of flood victim wrapped in blanket, on mattress. Shots everywhere of people trapped in homes and buildings by flood waters water is so high that man in rowboat can stand up and touch trolley wires. People trapped above hardware store. More shots of people sitting on porch roofs and waving. Floating past street sign "Broadway", barely treading water. Flooded downtown Louisville, past F.W. Woolworth dime store and other stores. Flooded streetcars trolley cars in submerged railyard. AV flooded downtown Louisville. Long line of people, some laughing (black and white), waiting for supplies of food. People walking out of building carrying bags of food. Floating oil drums. Quaker women in hoods and black shawls walking to safety on gangplank, downtown Louisville. Louisville police standing, holding blankets. National Guard. Relief supplies. More relief supplies unloaded from airplane. EXT barber shop turned into "Emergency Health Center - Typhoid Shots". MS woman getting typhoid shot. More AV's of flooded Louisville. Water being pumped from building. Uprooted concrete sidewalks, debris. Railroad oil tanker cars floating in water outside rail depot. Boxes of supplies on rowboat, milk cans being unloaded from truck. Injured flood victim on floating stretcher. Injured elderly being placed in ambulances. Sandwiches being distributed.... Amazing footage. 01:12:30:20 B W 1937 New Albany, Indiana: flood waters churn through downtown New Albany street, front and rear POV shots. Dog trapped, sitting atop car roof. Cows livestock standing in water underneath corner porch of farm house. Steamship "Kenova" transporting livestock. MS man milking cow. 01:13:07:15 B W 1937 Evansville, Indiana: flooded downtown Evansville street. Line of people with pails waiting to receive fresh water. Smiling young woman receives fresh water in pail. EXT Hotel McCurdy, people carrying supplies across makeshift levee across from hotel. Black and white men load supplies into rescue boats. Injured man removed from ambulance via stretcher. Seaplane in air airdropping supplies. Men in rowboat floating down Evansville street. MCU woman getting typhoid shot, very good. 01:14:07:00 B W 1937 "CAIRO, ILLINOIS LEVEE ENDANGERED: THOUSANDS OF MEN STRUGGLE to bolster a three-foot addition to evacuated Cairo's sixty-foot sea-wall as the deluge rises inch by inch. Farther South, bedraggled victims of the flood abandon threatened farms and crowd into Memphis where vast mobilization of relief workers is on hand to receive them. Tons of food, blankets, clothing and medical supplies await distribution among the pitiful refugees fleeing in stark terror from the mightiest rampage ever put on by Ol' Man River. Whole cities are cleared of every human inhabitant." (original Universal description). Visuals: AV Cairo Illinois waterfront. AV seawall levee at Cairo Illinois. Men relief workers feverishly work to bolster the levee. Black men with sandbags sandbags on railroad car, pushed by hand to levee. National Guard with rifles blocking passage of two men. Deserted downtown Cairo, Illinois sidewalk, empty shops. CU sign "CLOSED UNTIL RIVER SUBSIDES". AV Cairo. Black families (flood victims) prepare to board railroad cars, carrying possessions. Rescue boats in water. Man handing out food to line of flood victims. Men working by levee wall. 01:15:09:00 B W 1937 Memphis, Tennessee: barracks for flood victims being constructed by relief workers. Fleet of buses carrying flood victims arriving in downtown Memphis. Families walk toward CAM. Families carrying bags of clothing and other possessions, disembarking buses. Young family walking, woman holding daughter's hand, man holding baby wrapped in blanket. Elderly man walking on crutches. Hundreds of people with their possessions walk toward building. Flood victims pose somberly in building corridors, sitting among their possessions. Boy smiles and points. MCU sad elderly man with beard sitting fully clothed on bunk bed in makeshift shelter. Pitiful footage of weak elderly men lying in bunk beds. Sandbags placed on Memphis levee. National Guard carrying stretchers with wounded. Somber man with stubble beard, wearing cap, holding swaddled baby. Wonderful MCU of smiling chubby woman holding her son, who's wearing a cap tilted rakishly to the side. CU face of baby. MS flood victims: men, women and children eating food. Men standing in line outdoors waiting for a shave and a haircut MCU barber giving man a haircut. MCU two children, one sneezing. Group of women and children standing in doorway, blonde woman breaks down and cries as brunette woman holds and comforts her. MCU the blonde woman being held and comforted by the young brunette woman extremely moving shot. Remarkable footage. |