
Footage Information

Archive Films by Getty Images
PTO-1 Beta SP
B W Color
Home Movie
1930s - 1940s
B W 1930s High quality home movies, made by a family that moved from Denmark to the USA in the 1930s. The cinematography is very crisp throughout, and there are many usable shots. The reel is in four parts: 1) footage of Scandinavia in the 1930s, with travelogue-style scenic shots 2) brief color section of an American town in winter 3) family footage, with many nice shots of babies and happy blond children 4) another brief color sequence, showing people posing outside a house. PTO has made the following explanatory notes: 0:05:55 (TC 00:06:48:00) "Rebild Festival - Danish celebration of US 4th of July." Shows a crowd of people on a hillside - some in military uniforms. 0:06:31 (TC 00:07:24:11) "King of Denmark." He's seen marching up a hill at the Rebild Festival, followed by entourage. 0:09:47 (TC 00:10:40:00) "Enok Mortensen (the photographer of this footage." He's one of two men sitting on a bench outdoors. 0:12:02 (TC 00:12:55:00) "Frederiksberg Castle." Boat POV, river in FG. 0:15:40 (TC 00:16:46:00) "Skagen, Denmark (northenmost tip)." Small group of people walking along sand dunes arrive at a stone marker. 0:21:05 (TC 00:21:58:00) "Himmelbjert (highest point in Denmark)". Couple at scenic overlook, PAN to river and distant fields. 0:25:52 (TC 00:26:45:08) "Copenhagen, various sights." 00:00:18:00 B W 1934 DENMARK, SUMMER 1934, B W FOOTAGE. Ship deck views of shoreline from boat fjords traditional Scandinavian rural houses (plaster walls and thatched roofs) country estate in summer church PAN shots, Scandinavian rural village European peasant woman in traditional dress town square with Tudor-style houses European small-town train station, train arrives, excellent people walking on desolate beach two distinguished-looking bearded men tip their hats tea party on lawn castle-like buildings with spires, seen from river [one is Frederiksberg Castle see below] gulls seen from ferry boat group of people walk along sand dunes, and empty beach goat tethered in field farmer threshes grain with scythe, farm wife gathers the cut wheat schoolboys in courtyard parade, soldiers on horseback jousting tournament, man on galloping horse catches small ring on lance calisthenics display, young women in white dresses exercise in field, they march, skip, dance women perform dainty dance in field, quaint wide wooded river in summer, boat POV white cliffs overlooking ocean Copenhagen: street scenes, bicycles, cars and streetcars, famous mermaid statue in Copenhagen, buildings, canals little girl picks flower from garden woman on lawn hugs little girl and boy. 00:28:22:00 Color 1944 USA, 1944, COLOR FOOTAGE. People wading in deep snow teenage girl throws snowball snow plow in front of church same church in summer. Very beautiful, delicate color. [Tyler, Minnesota, May 4, 1944 footage documents a late-season snowstorm.] 00:30:42:00 B W 1930s USA, 1934, 1935, 1937, B W FOOTAGE. Baby in bathtub, looks puzzled, cute dinner scene, laughing family, woman holds baby puts baby into crib little girl poses next dollhouse children's birthday party little boy playing baseball, children throwing stones, children with baby carriage [this footage underexposed] mother with baby toddler in crib little girl reading picture book in bed, PAN to boy in bed with pinwheel little dog in boy's lap children in Halloween costumes, boy in cowboy suit redwood or sequoia forest, people walk though passage cut in giant tree family poses at base of giant tree children wading in stream, nice sunlight children on scooters girl with baby carriage and doll Art Deco-style church, Salinas, California goofy guy jumps up unexpectedly people exit church, excellent teenage girls pose on steps of church little boy and girl pose for camera, looking this way and that, girl has stylish hat on, very cute shot of children.