
Footage Information

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HDN-26 16mm, Digi Beta
Color 1972 Various May Day-oriented demonstrations street marches activism in Washington, DC from May 1st-3rd of 1972. Some good shots, good hippies. MOS. 00:16:45:00 Color 1972 A racially mixed Southern Christian Leadership Conference civil rights protest march, VS marchers carry banners inscribed with "SCLC fights repression." 00:19:40:00 Color 1972 Black leader man gives speech before small crowd in front of building. 00:21:03:00 Color 1972 Protesters lock arms and sway in unison. 00:23:02:00 Color 1972 Protesters and their makeshift campsites on field, small tents, junk piles, a bonfire, etc. a long rank of riot police slowly moves across the field riot police calmly arrest and escort away various hippies from a group sitting on field and singing riot police frisk the arrested hippie protesters hippie gathers up his belongings from his campsite while a policeman waits. Civil disobedience. 00:27:55:00 Color 1972 Riot police arrest and frisk a group of protesters, mostly hippies, outside of building the protesters hold their hands on their heads POW-style. 00:28:55:00 Color 1972 Sit-down protest sit-in in front of building square people precariously step between and over the protesters in order to enter the building, funny shots. 00:30:13:00 Color 1972 Anti-Vietnam War protest in front of FBI building: protester tapes slogan signs to front door protesters walk in picket circle, carry signs sandwich boards inscribed with slogans like "try war criminals not war resisters," "we're all POWs," etc. hippie woman bottle-feeds her baby, CU cordon of policemen (all of them are black - strange) encircle the protesters seated outside the building. Peace activists.0- 00:34:30:00 Color 1972 Large sit-down protest sit-in in the street hippies chant, cheer a cordon of riot policemen surrounds the crowd a conga-line of protesters dances around jovially the riot police finally take action, they arrest and drag away protesters many protesters hold handkerchiefs to their faces in anticipation of tear gas the protesters, still sitting down, raise their arms in unison. 00:38:30:00 Color 1972 Soldiers board bus bus Army jeeps full of soldiers in motorcade soldiers march down street soldiers guard a traffic circle park. National Guard? 00:41:55:00 Color 1972 Policemen frisk group of arrested protesters against side of bus. 00:42:40:00 Color 1972 A five-person panel and three young hippies give a press conference. 00:44:45:00 Color 1972 Various protest march scenes, poor and underexposed. 00:48:06:00 Color 1972 Bold hippie protester walks along building ledge toward security men on terrace, who pull him over the balustrade [this could also read as a suicide jumper].