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Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
File Number: | AFP-28Q 16mm; VTM-28Q DigiBeta |
Color: | B W |
Type: | Educational |
Year: | 1960, 1945 |
Description: | B W 1960 A Quaker AFSC critique of US Cold War foreign policy, rabid anti-communism and hawkishness, offering an enlightened, progressive and optimistic viewpoint regarding diplomacy and peace-making. An archival footage compilation film, mostly late 1940s and 1950s footage. . 00:15:00:00 B W 1960 Quaker narrator man in office speaks to CAM about the history of the Quakers' political activism. 00:53:00:00 B W 1960 CU a New York roadside sign marking a landmark, inscribed "Quaker Meeting House - built in 1694 EXT the Meeting House. 00:59:00:00 B W 1960 EXT the Scarsdale Quaker Meeting House in Scarsdale, New York VS the congregant friends sitting in pews during meeting service. 01:29:00:00 B W 1960 CU sign posted on a Quaker meeting house EXT inscribed "To Work For World Peace Is The Best Civilian Defense." 01:34:00:00 B W 1960 Montage of archival footage of Quaker volunteerism around the world: sign somewhere in Asia inscribed "Friends' Ambulance Unit" amputee undergoes physical therapy Quaker women distributing food and supplies to poor people waiting on lines doctor examines poor child with stethoscope famine-stricken children in India Asian refugees walking across train tracks, one disabled woman crawls, good shot. 02:15:00:00 B W 1960 Quaker narrator man in office speaks to CAM about America's role in international crises. 02:33:00:00 B W 1960 Times Square, New York City celebrating crowd scenes on VE Day or VJ Day, 1945. 02:41:00:00 B W 1960 End of WWII: little boy runs to his peasant grandmother in alley and hugs her little boy kissing his peasant mother. 02:49:00:00 B W 1960 End of WWII celebrations: VS European crowds cheer Allied soldiers and convoys soldiers clink glasses in toast and drink together etc. 03:16:00:00 B W 1960 Post-WWII UNRRA (United Nations Relief and Recovery Agency) scenes: EXT refugee center VS food and supplies are unloaded from ship by crane soup and bread are distributed to peasants waiting on food lines CUs smiling children construction workers pouring cement at housing development. 03:47:00:00 B W 1960 VS a late 1940s United Nations General Assembly session Anthony Eden, Molotov and others officials informally conferring. 04:05:00:00 B W 1960 VS an air raid drill in elementary school, good shots. 04:22:00:00 B W 1960 Air raid drill: people run down flight of stairs past "shelter" sign. 04:26:00:00 B W 1960 CU a large roadside sign inscribed "In the event of an enemy attack on New York City, this parkway will be closed to all traffic except Civil Defense and military vehicles." 04:29:00:00 B W 1960 Draftee men wait on line and sign-in at Selective Service desk drafted men raise their hands as they are sworn-in. 04:36:00:00 B W 1960 War production: tank being built in factory new airplanes parked in rows on field etc. 04:48:00:00 B W 1960 WII parachute jump training: paratroopers jump out of transport plane, one-by-one, one of them has a cigarette in his mouth. 04:55:00:00 B W 1960 Nuclear explosion test on Pacific atoll. 05:11:00:00 B W 1960 PAN a military cemetery. 05:17:00:00 B W 1960 Quaker narrator man in office speaks to CAM about American Cold War "containment" policy. 06:09:00:00 B W 1960 US military Cold War arms build-up montage: a large cargo plane covered by a white tarpaulin is rolled onto tarmac, the tarp is then removed by hand a tank in hangar has its tread-track removed CU big guns on deck of battleship soldiers low-crawling beneath wire obstacle during war maneuver drill military brass officers inspect a jeep, look up at fighter plane in flight, etc. 06:51:00:00 B W 1960 Quaker narrator man speaks to CAM about the absurdity of the Cold War. 07:30:00:00 B W 1960 VS post-WWII ruins, rubble, bomb-damage in Europe people crying in street, row of skulls on ground. 07:58:00:00 B W 1960 VS artillery pieces cannons are unloaded from ship by crane, watched by officials and military brass. 08:29:00:00 B W 1960 Rubble and ruined, bombed-out buildings in aftermath of WWII. 08:42:00:00 B W 1960 A map of Europe splits into two halves, broken by line indicating the "Iron Curtain." 08:45:00:00 B W 1960 CU roadside sign in Berlin inscribed "You are now leaving the American Sector." 08:57:00:00 B W 1960 Post-WWII Germany: VS crowd of placard-carrying street demonstrators protesting against re-armament of West Germany. 09:14:00:00 B W 1960 People bend down to tend to injured man lying in street after a riot. 09:19:00:00 B W 1960 Russian USSR man (stereotypical proletarian) reading a newspaper. 09:21:00:00 B W 1960 Women waiting on line near street vendor stall. 09:25:00:00 B W 1960 Soldiers file onto troop ship via gang-plank soldier going overseas kissing and saying goodbye to his mother. 09:32:00:00 B W 1960 PAN burning buildings and roaring fires during the London Blitz bombing. 09:43:00:00 B W 1960 Baby smiling in crib. 09:46:00:00 B W 1960 Black woman mother in maternity ward bed, holding her newborn baby. 09:49:00:00 B W 1960 Column of European DPs war refugees marching down road. 09:56:00:00 B W 1960 French riot police beating demonstrators with the Arc de Triomphe in BG. 10:10:00:00 B W 1960 European DP war refugee rag-pickers picking through garbage. 10:15:00:00 B W 1960 VS post-WWII Europe street riots and demonstrations. 10:34:00:00 B W 1960 Poverty general Third World Culture in Asia montage: HA crowd of Asian children peasant woman holding her baby CU elderly woman CU elderly woman eating with chopsticks sick man carried on a litter man carrying elderly woman baby being carried in yoke-basket sick people in beds peasant woman carrying two babies in sling elderly woman walking with cane Indian man bathing and Indian woman filling water jug in river Indian or Arabic women spinning mill-stone wheel etc. 11:41:00:00 B W 1960 VS Asian peasant farmers struggle to pull heavy plow across muddy farm fields by hand. 11:55:00:00 B W 1960 India: dock workers and a crane work at loading bales of goods off of truck and onto ship. 12:10:00:00 B W 1960 Indian Arab Central Asian man wearing a turban sitting calmly, meditating. 12:13:00:00 B W 1960 CUs severe faces of elderly Asian peasant women. 12:18:00:00 B W 1960 Two Asian coolies carrying foreigner dressed entirely in white in palanquin chair litter on hillside road. 12:24:00:00 B W 1960 Young Chinese woman enthusiastically addressing crowd at a political rally (Nationalist or Communists?) PAN children singing at the rally. 12:40:00:00 B W 1960 India: young men march in street demonstration carrying India flags and banners calling for independence British policeman beats man in street. 13:00:00:00 B W 1960 VS Nehru makes speech to crowd at rally in India. 13:19:00:00 B W 1960 ? Charles De Gaulle reviewing soldiers in Indochina Vietnam??? 13:21:00:00 B W 1960 French-Indochina War: fighter plane being shipped to Vietnam French bomber plane drops bombs over countryside peasant children on top of hut amid burning houses in village. 13:34:00:00 B W 1960 VS street marchers in India during demonstrations with pro-Nehru portrait placards intercut with VS Communist street demonstrations in China with flags, children playing drums, pamphlet distribution, etc. 13:04:00:00 B W 1960 Korean War: VS unsettling shots of injured sick crying baby, children and women war refugees in street. 14:23:00:00 B W 1960 Quaker narrator man in office speaks to CAM about American Cold War "containment" policy. 14:35:00:00 B W 1960 Man buying newspaper from sidewalk newsstand CU New York Post headline "Army Triples Draft." 14:42:00:00 B W 1960 Group of Air Force recruits wearing civvies arrive at boot camp base recruits in uniform in marching drill on proving grounds of base, barracks in BG. 14:50:00:00 B W 1960 Man buying newspaper from newsstand, CU headline "Taxes Up!" 15:12:00:00 B W 1960 Man buying newspaper from newsstand. 15:21:00:00 B W 1960 Woman wearing kerchief shopping at supermarket with her baby in shopping cart. 15:52:00:00 B W 1960 Boot camp confidence course war exercises montage: soldiers negotiate various obstacles, low-crawl on ground, etc. 16:14:00:00 B W 1960 Hiroshima, Japan 1945: TU the mushroom cloud discoloration on bridge near ground-zero where person was vaporized VS radiation-burn victims are treated in hospital. 16:36:00:00 B W 1960 Quaker narrator man speaks to CAM about the prospects for global peace and an end to the Arms Race. He exclaims, "We reject war." 17:55:00:00 B W 1960 VS a late 1940s meeting of the United Nations General Assembly: USSR Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko in his seat, talking to various officials VS other diplomatic officials in the chamber US Secy of State James Byrnes speaks at podium. 18:43:00:00 B W 1960 VS Korean War peace truce negotiations - American and US military officials arrive at tents and confer inside. Panmunjom? 19:35:00:00 B W 1960 Palestine War, late 1940s Israel: peace negotiator Count Bernadette deplanes from United Nations airplane and is greeted CU peace negotiator Ralph Bunche VS British, Palestinian and Israeli officials conferring street scenes, soldiers and armed men etc. 20:21:00:00 B W 1960 Quaker narrator man speaks to CAM about the prospects for global peace and an end to the Cold War Arms Race. 21:13:00:00 B W 1960 VS school children perform air raid drill. 21:28:00:00 B W 1960 Graphic and disturbing shot of naked, crying and screaming children standing over their dead mother - probably Korean War. 21:40:00:00 B W 1960 American flag-draped coffin bearing soldier killed in combat is unloaded by crane from ship. 21:50:00:00 B W 1960 Quaker narrator man speaks to CAM about the prospects for global peace and an end to the Cold War Arms Race. 22:28:00:00 B W 1960 CU child screams in pain as doctor giver her a shot inoculation with hypodermic needle. 22:32:00:00 B W 1960 African tribespeople pounding grain in unison with mortars and pestles. 23:08:00:00 B W 1960 EXT United Nations Building a General Assembly meeting. 23:18:00:00 B W 1960 Arabic men wearing kaffiyeh headdresses digging on farm field. 23:32:00:00 B W 1960 VS montage of children playing all over the world. 23:57:00:00 B W 1960 Quaker narrator man speaks to CAM, rhetorically asking to review concepts of the Quaker way to a more peaceful world |