
Footage Information

Archive Films by Getty Images
AFP-146CQ 16mm; VTM-146CQ Beta SP
Color (faded and reddish) 1960s Travelogue about the USSR. The title refers to the Rembrandt paintings in the Hermitage, but that's only a small part of this film, which tours Leningrad, Moscow and Soviet Georgia. 01:11:40:00 Color (faded and reddish) 1960s ws Rembrandt's home in Amsterdam, INT shot. 01:13:06:00 Color (faded and reddish) 1960s ws Kremlin, VS, onion domes. 01:13:40:00 Color (faded and reddish) 1960s ws Statue of Peter the Great. 01:14:18:00 Color (faded and reddish) 1960s ws Canals of Leningrad contrasted with those of Amsterdam. 01:15:04:00 Color (faded and reddish) 1960s ws Statue of Pushkin. 01:15:38:00 Color (faded and reddish) 1960s ws CU tulips, ZO to flower bed. 01:15:00:00 Color (faded and reddish) 1960s ws St Isaac's Cathedral, Leningrad. 01:16:18:00 Color (faded and reddish) 1960s vs Hermitage Museum, INT shots paintings by Rembrandt. 01:17:04:00 Color (faded and reddish) 1960s ws Smolny (?) Cathedral, dolly shot. 01:19:46:00 Color (faded and reddish) 1960s vs Kirov Ballet: girl ballerinas practicing at the bar intercut with ballet performance. 01:20:56:00 Color (faded and reddish) 1960s vs Scenes of Moscow: modern apartment buildings Kremlin, several shots Bell Tower of Ivan the Great giant bell and giant cannon at Kremlin. 01:23:35:00 Color (faded and reddish) 1960s ws Cathedral of the Assumption. 01:24:30:00 Color (faded and reddish) 1960s ms, ws Mausoleum of Lenin marching guard of honor. 01:25:00:00 Color (faded and reddish) 1960s vs Soviet schoolchildren in uniform, Young Pioneers St Basil's cathedral. 01:25:32:00 Color (faded and reddish) 1960s ws Moscow State University. 01:26:56:00 Color (faded and reddish) 1960s ws Bolshoi Opera House, EXT INT, chandelier performance of "Eugene Onegin". 01:27:50:00 Color (faded and reddish) 1960s ws GUM department store in Moscow, several shots. 01:29:42:00 Color (faded and reddish) 1960s ms Russian peasant women picking tea leaves. 01:30:11:00 Color (faded and reddish) 1960s ws Windmill. 01:31:00:00 Color (faded and reddish) 1960s vs Russian circus: acrobats horsemen jugglers bear rides a horse. 01:34:48:00 Color (faded and reddish) 1960s vs Sequence, Soviet Georgia: men in traditional fur hats herd of sheep market scenes outdoor picnic folk dancers perform in field. 01:39:18:00 Color (faded and reddish) 1960s ws Russian dancers, stage performance of lively acrobatic dancers