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Footage Information
Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
File Number: | AFP-43S 16mm; VTM-43S Beta SP |
Color: | B W |
Type: | Silent Serial |
Year: | 1922 |
Description: | B W 1922 Reginald Denny, Hayden Stevenson, Charles Ascott, Helen Toombs, Bryan Darley, Sam Ryan00:31:23:00 B W 1922 ws ms At charity ball Bryan tells Denny he is too poor to stay engaged to daughter Helen...he says when she tells him00:32:10:00 B W 1922 ws ms The boxing gym...craps game...managers argue00:34:29:00 B W 1922 ms Manager tells Denny lost their money in craps game...Denny slams him with pillows00:34:44:00 B W 1922 ws Roadwork in Central Park...Denny passes Helen in car being repaired...stops to talk...ex manager stops his car and berates him...Denny knocks him out...Helen calls him beast and leaves00:36:44:00 B W 1922 ws ms Ex manager proposes Denny fight his current fighter "Special Delivery" Kelly...Denny hears Kelly is as big as Woolworth Building. and can't be knocked out00:37:30:00 B W 1922 ms Denny's manager bets their end of purse that Denny will knock him out in two rounds00:37:58:00 B W 1922 ws The fight...Denny shakes with Kelly...Kelly seems to grow taller and larger as they shake...Denny keeps knocking Kelly down but the bell keeps saving him...finally knocks him out in the third round...Kelly's girl keeps causing disturbance at ringside00:44:04:00 B W 1922 ms Manager tells Denny he lost their purse because knockout wasn't in second round00:44:24:00 B W 1922 ws ms Denny gets note cancelling engagement to Helen00:45:16:00 B W 1922 ms Manager takes returned ring to Loan Broker00:45:42:00 B W 1922 ws Ex manager comes to try and get Denny back...he is seat of pants thrown out00:46:10:00 B W 1922 ms Denny takes pawn money and takes all out to eat |