
Footage Information

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Singapore (four stories)
Color 1990 Wesley Methodist church service, congregation sings, choir sings, Bible cutaway, cutaways of guest speaker, congregation, ws of choir, singing, crowds, church member 10:00:09:02 church service, shot from the back of the church, the backs of peoples heads seen, minister reverend pastor preacher at pulpit (too far away to see face), this image works great for a generic church service (the church is in Singapore, but all you see is the backs of heads) 10:00:37:21 MS japanese methodist church congregation parishoners singing hymns 10:01:35:06 WS japanese methodist chuch choir and minister preacher reverend at pulpit, zooming in and focusing on minster preacher reverend 10:03:21:16 WS japanese methodist church congregation parishoners taking their seats 10:03:31:17 MS japanese methodist church congregation parishoners listening to preacher reverend pastor minister 10:03:58:16 MS japanese girl with pigtails at church coloring pictures with markers in coloring book. 10:04:55:21 MS little japanese boy in shorts and short sleeve shirt walks down church aisle. 10:05:15:27 MS shot of women congregation with eyes closed in prayer, could pass for being in trance or asleep. (more at 10:14:48:20) 10:06:18:22 MS shot of japanese boy ducking hiding from camera avoiding being filmed 10:06:25:01 MS congregation parishoners reading prayers from book, sit down after reading prayers MS of bored antsy japanese boy 10:07:47:15 WS of japanese methodist church choir singing 10:10:02:22 WS congregation Parishoners singing hymns, choir singing 10:12:24:29 VS Congregation Parishoners singing hymns 10:13:17:24 CU of woman's hand holding Bible in her lap, VS of woman holding bible, flipping through its pages, cu of bible open pages being flipped through. 10:14:48:20 MS japanese woman (same as shot at 10:05:15:27) looking like she is praying or sleeping pan to bible held in her lap. 10:15:20:10 WS of methodist church service, shot from the back of church so you see the back of the heads of the congrgation Parishoners. VS of congregation parishoners listening to sermon 10:16:03:29 MS Reverend preacher minister speaking to the congregation Parishoners from Pulpit. he is speaking in English (so this works as a generic shot even if the church is in Singapore) 10:16:38:11 MS asian Reverend preacher minister sitting and listening thoughtfully, has hand to face in thinking position, VS congregation members listening. 10:17:49:13 MS little girl in pigtails cutting paper, works for girl bored at church, VS congregation parishoners listening to sermon, MS minister reverend preacher giving sermon 10:20:46:00 brief shot of woman yawning, girl in pigtails being held by mother, she is sleepy, WS of church service (shot from back of church so works for generic church) 10:21:28:25 MS church choir singing all asian members, zoom out to WS of church with congregation CU of page of hymn book, MS of congregation parishoners looking at hymn book and singing. 10:24:10:14 church service ending people getting up to leave, people talking to one another 10:25:38:09 end of church service out doors of church people leaving, speaking to reverend minister pastor 10:26:02:24 church building EXTs, people milling about outside, sign: Wee Ley Methodet church 10:26:59:29 man interviewed about his views on Singapore since he has been away "in the west" for a while and has come back. discusses the asian perspective versus the western perspective. shotlisted by DB