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Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
File Number: | GL-92 16mm; Beta SP |
Color: | Color |
Type: | Travelogue |
Year: | ca. 1962 |
Description: | Color 1960s Strange, grubby film - it's a tour of commercial sex around the world. CAM noses into various brothels and strip joints (coyly going out of focus when presented with nudity) occasional detours feature such exotica as snake-charmers and a Chinese man who prepares cats for food. Overall it's a dark and murky film, with a soundtrack of weary-sounding jazz music. Almost certainly footage shot for the travelogue documentary Mondo Cane, but unused in the film. 00:51:32:00 Color 1960s vs Sequence, Hong Kong: sampan boats, VS harbor crowded with little houseboats women working on boats half-naked children Chinese man chops off cat's head with meat cleaver (lurid but faked) Chinese prostitutes on boats at night silhouette of man and woman, woman takes off her clothes. 00:55:30:00 Color 1960s vs Striptease sequence, Hong Kong. VS Chinese women dancing on night club stage one wears grass skirt. 00:56:20:00 Color 1960s vs Strip club, Amsterdam. One woman gives another a bath on stage men in audience. 00:58:22:00 Color 1960s vs Some kind of weird restaurant in Paris, where the waiters are dressed as medieval peasants and the chairs have built-in chamberpots smutty cartoon murals. 00:59:22:00 Color 1960s vs Trained rooster smokes a cigarette, poses with man in chef's hat. 01:00:25:00 Color 1960s vs Snake charmer sequence, India: man grabs slithering snakes cobra. 01:01:28:00 Color 1960s vs Stripper in frilly Belle Epoque costume does striptease on stage CU face of woman wearing lace veil, with wet red lips and a smolderingly sensual glance good image of glamour, too. CU young man watching (or leering) intently. 01:03:30:00 Color 1960s ms Young men playing pinball in arcade also, carnival shooting gallery with moving targets. 01:04:00:00 Color 1960s ms Another strip show featuring a woman in a bubble bath on stage. 01:04:52:00 Color 1960s vs Japan sequence: Pachinko parlor (Japanese version of pinball) judo class for women, women in white robes flip each other and wrestle fashion show (?), Japanese women in lingerie parade on circular stage canary in birdcage Japanese brothel, women apply makeup strange bar, it revolves slowly as a circle of women stand around it stiffly. 01:08:04:00 Color 1960s vs Prostitution, unnamed European country prostitutes drive sportscars to pick up men also, streetwalkers on side of road. 01:10:48:00 Color 1960s ms, cu Woman with a Marilyn Monroe look does a striptease in undercranked fast motion the setting in a medieval INT with knight's armor. |