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Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
Title: | HOME MOVIES |
File Number: | BB-19 16mm Beta SP |
Color: | Color |
Type: | Home Movie |
Year: | 1958 |
Subjects: | families, American lifestyles, holidays, celebrations, Christmas, birthdays |
Description: | 01:00:00:01 - 01:33:04:04 Color Silent 1957 - 1958 These home movies of the Bardel family are among the best we have: well shot in excellent color, with simple, "quick read" images. This one features about a zillion children's birthday parties. Notes supplied by BB: Christmas 1958. Pop's birthday, Cookie's recital, Easter. Christmas 1957, Dad's birthday, Peg's birthday, Ice Skating on the pond. Kurt & Marlene in the bathtub and yard. Ray's 1958 reunion, Kurt & Marlene's visit, Cookie & Jeanne on bikes. Jeanne's 5th birthday party. Pierre & Terry's wedding, Aug. 1958. Shot of motel at Wildwood. Pat's baby shower, easter. Seaside Park July 1958. Lake & Kids going to Greg's party. Rene & Kurt's birthday. Wildwood, Jeanne's 1st day at school. Jeanne's first recital, Central Theater. Halloween party. Kurt & Marlene's house. Father's day. Jeanne's birthday. Rene's birthday, Holy name parade, Lake in autumn, Halloween, Christmas, Marlene's birthday. 01:00:00:01 - 01:04:09:15 Color Silent 1958 Christmas tree (holidays) little boy in pajamas with presents twin girls open presents birthday party for elderly man, older people crowd around him, INT children marching around in school auditorium (underexposed). 01:04:09:16 - 01:08:57:04 Color Silent 1957 Easter holidays: children w Easter baskets & presents, little boy with toy bunny. Children wearing Sunday best. Christmas tree & holidays decorations. Children pose in front of tree. Middle aged man and three little children blow out candles on birthday cake two little childern in bathtub (underexposed) ice skating, mother and daughter on frozen pond little girl spins in saucer-type sled woman blows out candles of birthday cake champagne toast, two couples in living room, excellent. 01:08:57:28 - 01:14:57:29 Color Silent 1958 Little boy on lawn with toy parachute, toy golf clubs. Children watch small town parade w marching bands & American flags. Woman pushes two children in stroller playground, small children on swings. Park with Empire State Building, New York City, in BG (New Jersey?). Party & celebration in park w Manhattan skyline. Girls ride bicycle & tricycle on suburban sidewalks. Birthday party in yard for little girl: she examines presents, free-standing swimming pool, girl blows out candles of birthday cake. Women (mothers) and children pose on beach. Girl smells flower. 01:14:58:00 - 01:23:17:10 Color Silent 1958 Wedding: bridesmaids arrive in limousine, bride and groom exit church middle-aged women at party, INT, woman opens presents (bridal shower?), cuts & serves cake Easter, children with candy baskets beach, mother and daughter in surf children swimmng in lake with life preservers yet another children's party: CU birthday cake, HAPPY BIRTHDAY RENE. Toy boat in tub. Beach scenes, children run in surf. School play performance or pageant, little girls in costumes (underexposed). 01:23:17:11 - 01:33:04:04 Color Silent 1958 Halloween: girl poses in silly costume, a tutu and tiara shaped like a clock, costumed children do the hula hoop, children bobbing for apples, excellent playground, swings, jungle gym, boy rides tricycle on suburban sidewalk backyard barbecue children's party girls play in backyard swimming pool lo and behold, another birthday party, girl blows out candles parade, marching band Halloween, trick or treaters, VS children in costumes Chirstmas tree, excited children jump up and down. |