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Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
File Number: | DAV-7 16mm Beta SP |
Color: | Color |
Type: | Documentary |
Year: | 1976 |
Subjects: | Aerials, Air Force One |
Description: | Color 1945 - 1976 An archival footage historical compilation film following the development of US foreign policy from 1945 to the mid-1970s. Some good footage, but NB: except for a few splashes of true color, the film has been printed with a sepia tint to give it a nostalgic air. Footage focuses on: end of WWII, post-WWII international recovery rise of the US as Superpower Cold War tension and negotiation Vietnam War, some combat scenes the Third World US diplomacy etc. Narrated by Brad Crandall and Larry Keith. Directed by Paul Auerswald. 00:00:20:00 Color 1976 WWII and Nazi montage: a bombed-out city, probably in Germany, POV AV WWII war refugees survivors DPs sifting and clearing away huge piles of rubble in the street a Nazi swastika flag on fire, CU, good shot [end of the Nazi era, Nazi destruction]. 00:00:57:00 Color 1976 End of WWII, a friendly meeting of the allied USSR Army and US Army somewhere near the Elba (Elbe) River: USSR and US soldiers salute each other a USSR man soldier and woman soldier do a Russian dance routine [US and USSR as pre-Cold War allies]. 00:01:17:00 Color 1945 VE Day celebration in London: cheering crowd fills the streets Winston Churchill, the Queen Mother Elizabeth I, Princess Elizabeth or Princess Margaret (?) and King George VI wave from podium British people dance and cheer in street, wave flags, VS also a brief shot of French people in street waving French flags. 00:02:11:00 Color 1945 Yalta Conference, February 1945: a wan and weak FDR is greeted by Molotov, Churchill and others on airport tarmac, he sits in a slow-moving jeep as Churchill and the others walk alongside Stalin, Churchill, FDR and their various advisers hold roundtable conference the Big Three Stalin, FDR and Churchill pose for CAM, Molotov, Churchill's daughter and others stand in BG. 00:02:41:00 Color 1945 The Trinity atom bomb test explosion, July 16, 1945. 00:03:00:00 Color 1945 Potsdam Conference, July 17, 1945: President Truman in convertible staff car drives through the city gate and down wide avenue past bombed-out buildings President Truman speaks (sync-sound) at microphone Truman, CU head shot Stalin, CU head shot Stalin, Truman and Churchill with various officials (Molotov and Anthony Eden among them), converse and shake hands while standing around the conference room Stalin lights up a cigarette, his withered left arm on display. 00:03:50:00 Color 1940s Civil war in Greece, mid 1940s: urban combat, tanks and soldiers in streets, VS soldier shoots man in the back as he runs down sidewalk, good shot. 00:04:12:00 Color 1940s 1940s: Dean Acheson and other officials enter building for meeting, photographers follow President Truman, Dean Acheson and many advisers in conference, in Oval Office? 00:04:42:00 Color 1940s 1940s: President Truman makes speech (sync-sound) before joint session of Congress. 00:04:59:00 Color 1940s 1940s: European war refugee DP children receive soup on food line CU little girl licking her lips. 00:05:04:00 Color 1940s 1940s: Men wave from deck of ship, painted on hull is the slogan "Strength for the free world from the United States of America" [Marshall Plan]. 00:05:09:00 Color 1940s 1940s: Post-WWII Europe, probably France: street peddlers sell produce on sidewalk people throw chairs at mounted policeman in street riot etc. 00:05:22:00 Color 1940s 1940s: Secy of State George Marshall testifies before a committee (not sync-sound). 00:05:34:00 Color 1940s 1940s: Senator Arthur Vandenberg testifies before a committee in support of the Marshall Plan (not sync-sound). 00:05:45:00 Color 1940s Late 1940s Eastern Europe, new communist governments: marching soldiers, parade with banners and signs, politician in motorcade convertible car. 00:05:55:00 Color 1948 Czechoslovakia, 1948: Foreign Minister Jan Masaryk at a meeting the dead Masaryk lies in state. 00:06:13:00 Color 1948 The USSR blockade of West Berlin and the Berlin airlift, June 1948: West Berlin Germans chop down a tree, collect firewood airlift transport planes land, supplies are unloaded. 00:06:45:00 Color 1949 President Truman at the founding ceremony of NATO, 1949. 00:06:55:00 Color 1940s General Eisenhower, NATO Commander, in Europe late 1940s: inspects soldiers, watches squadron of fighter planes fly in formation. 00:07:12:00 Color 1950s Successes of the Marshall Plan montage, early 1950s Europe: a construction site factory workers woman works on assembly line steel workers in foundry busy town square plaza people shopping in store, cashier rings up sale etc. 00:07:35:00 Color 1940s China, late 1940s: street riots, police soldiers make arrests, VS Mao Zedong, CU, excellent head shot Chiang Kai-Shek, MS street scenes, soldiers in trucks, peasants on street pushing carts laden with belongings. 00:08:04:00 Color 1940s The Capitol Building EXT, late 1940s. 00:08:08:00 Color 1976 George Marshall with Dean Acheson, MS 00:08:21:00 Color 1950s Circa 1950: Joseph McCarthy rants into microphone (sync-sound), CU excellent shot supporters hold up pro-McCarthy signs. 00:09:00:00 Color 1950 Korean War combat scenes, 1950: soldiers and tanks on battlefield, VS General MacArthur sits in jeep with soldiers US convoy passes road sign indicating the "38th Parallel" paratroopers combat scenes, VS. 00:09:46:00 Color 1953 July 27, 1953: General William Harrison and General Nam Il sign armistice in spacious assembly hall in Panmunjom, ending the Korean War, VS. 00:10:06:00 Color 1950s French-Indochina War, circa 1954: soldiers on the battlefield, wounded soldiers are given assistance, VS. 00:10:28:00 Color 1950s A meeting of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), mid 1950s: representatives sit at their places behind nameplates identifying their respective countries, Secy of State John Foster Dulles is present. 00:10:47:00 Color 1950s 1950s: a rank of black African worker men raise and lower their pickaxes to the ground in unison. 00:10:52:00 Color 1950s - 1960s 1950s 1960s: Central or South American peasants with burdened donkeys, in BG is a huge construction vehicle [the old and the new, the primitive and the technological side by side]. 00:10:59:00 Color 1976 Jawaharlal Nehru gets out of car and makes namaste, mid-1950s. 00:11:12:00 Color 1950s - 1960s 1950s 1960s: black doctors administer vaccinations to a group of shirtless African children with inoculation gun in rural village. 00:11:18:00 Color 1953 A dead Stalin lies in state, March 1953. 00:11:20:00 Color 1976 Nikita Khrushchev makes speech (no sync-sound) Malenkov sits beside him, mid-1950s. 00:11:35:00 Color 1976 Sputnik launch (?), time-motion study animated still photographs. 00:11:43:00 Color 1976 President Eisenhower with Secy of State John Foster Dulles, two shots. 00:11:52:00 Color 1950s - 1960s 1950s or 1960s ballistic missiles (nuclear? - if so, short range tactical), missiles on above-ground launch pad, VS. 00:12:04:00 Color 1976 President Eisenhower takes a walk with Nikita Khrushchev Khrushchev on visit to the US, VS. 00:12:14:00 Color 1976 The U-2 spy airplane in flight (?). 00:12:26:00 Color 1950s Fidel Castro makes speech (no sync-sound), circa 1959 a ship on fire off coast of Cuba - Bay of Pigs. 00:12:36:00 Color 1976 President JFK with Nikita Khrushchev. 00:12:42:00 Color 1961 Berlin Wall erection street riot disturbance, 1961: people crowd street, people stand on window sills, woman is dropped from second story window to the street. 00:12:47:00 Color 1962 October 1962, Cuban Missile Crisis: people buy newspapers from newsstand, headline "Crisis" President JFK makes speech into microphone regarding the Naval blockade of Cuba (sync-sound). 00:13:55:00 Color 1963 August 1963: officials from the US, USSR and England sign the above-ground nuclear test ban treaty, VS, Khrushchev among them. 00:14:06:00 Color 1976 Soldier guards the flag-draped coffin of President JFK as he lies in state [JFK assassination]. 00:14:34:00 Color 1960s The Vietnam War, 1960s, in color: Vietnamese people carry injured person on stretcher urban combat scenes, VS helicopters, VS US soldiers lead a group of bare-chested Vietnamese POWs, wearing blindfolds, tied together at their necks air-to-surface bombing, POV AV. 00:15:26:00 Color 1960s Anti-Vietnam War protests, 1960s, in color: crowd of demonstrators burns dollar bills money, good shot protesters fight with police and are arrested, VS. 00:15:40:00 Color 1960s Congressional committee discusses Vietnam War, 1960s. 00:16:03:00 Color 1976 President LBJ sits down at desk in Oval Office, announces his intention not to seek office for another term, CU. In color. 00:16:19:00 Color 1970s Averell Harriman gets out of car in Paris to attend Vietnam War peace negotiations. In color, early 1970s. 00:16:43:00 Color 1960s Marching Chinese children communist parade, VS. 1960s, in color. 00:16:55:00 Color 1976 Chinese soldiers yell at an USSR tank, a border clash. Poor shots [China-USSR relations]. 00:17:24:00 Color 1960s Growth of the Japan economy, 1960s: busy floor of the Tokyo Stock Exchange Japanese workers construct cameras on factory assembly line assembly line worker women, VS car assembly line. 00:17:42:00 Color 1976 "Third World" culture montage: people of Africa, South Asia, Middle East, VS. Poor, brief shots. 00:18:00:00 Color 1960s The 1960s United Nations building United Nations, INT and EXT, poor shots. 00:18:11:00 Color 1976 Asian farmer sprays farm field crop with pesticide. 00:18:32:00 Color 1976 Asian children in cramped school classroom. 00:18:48:00 Color 1960s 1960s USSR military parade through Red Square, various vehicles, missiles and weapons. Good shots. 00:19:42:00 Color 1970s US Vietnam War soldiers ascend boarding ramp to airplane on tarmac, VS, circa 1970 [soldiers coming home]. 00:19:54:00 Color 1970s US helicopters approach and land in Cambodia circa 1970, brief sequence, poor. 00:20:06:00 Color 1970s Anti-Vietnam War protest, circa 1970: demonstrators march with banners one demonstrator carries a large crucifix. Two shots. 00:20:26:00 Color 1972 Paris 1972: Henry Kissinger and other officials exit building after peace negotiation conference with North Vietnamese officials. 00:20:43:00 Color 1970s Detente Nixon visits China, early 1970s: Americans visit China, Chinese officials check their passports, VS, poor shots President Nixon and Pat Nixon disembark from airplane down boarding ramp, Chinese officials greet them Nixon and Chou En-Lai clink cordial glasses and drink. 00:21:31:00 Color 1972 Nixon visits the USSR, 1972: three USSR soldiers march goose-step through Red Square, a crowd watches Nixon and Leonid Brezhnev formally sign the SALT I (?) arms treaty. 00:21:50:00 Color 1972 1972: Chancellor of West Germany Willy Brandt at a conference with East German officials. 00:22:13:00 Color 1973 1973: Leonid Brezhnev is greeted by and confers with group of officials while visiting US, poor shots. 00:22:35:00 Color 1973 January 1973, US-North Vietnam peace negotiations in Paris: Henry Kissinger and North Vietnamese representative sign documents stipulating a full US withdrawal from the war. 00:23:00:00 Color 1970s Early 1970s: former Vietnam War POWs disembark from airplane via boarding ramp, military officers greet them and shake their hands [soldiers coming home]. 00:23:23:00 Color 1973 1973: Henry Kissinger attends and makes speech to an assembly of Central American and South American officials during a diplomatic conference in Mexico City. 00:23:49:00 Color 1970s Panama Canal scenes, early 1970s: ships on the canal, VS US soldier, CU US artillery weapons at military base in Canal Zone. 00:24:11:00 Color 1974 November 1974, President Ford visits USSR: Ford disembarks from Air Force One via boarding ramp and is greeted by Brezhnev and other officials Ford, Kissinger, Brezhnev and other officials hold conference on a moving train. 00:24:34:00 Color 1975 US evacuation from Vietnam Fall of Saigon, 1975: US evacuation from Vietnam: crowds of panicky South Vietnamese civilians allies wait outside US embassy and military base gate people climb over fence small children are passed US soldier holds child, people are led towards helicopter Chinook helicopters on aircraft carrier, they take off etc. 00:25:10:00 Color 1976 President Ford makes speech from podium regarding foreign relations (sync-sound). 00:25:38:00 Color 1973 1973, the Yom Kippur War (Israel - Egypt - Syria): soldiers, tanks, desert combat scenes, VS. 00:26:11:00 Color 1976 Oil production oil industry montage: oil well workers oil tanker ships on the ocean oil refineries. 00:26:40:00 Color 1976 Henry Kissinger meeting with and conferring with various leaders from the Middle East, mid-1970s, including Golda Meir and Anwar Sadat, VS. 00:27:27:00 Color 1974 1974: Henry Kissinger and various international representatives attend a conference on oil production and use, VS. 00:27:53:00 Color 1970s 1970s energy crisis oil and gas shortage: gas station, woman pumps gas into car hand-written sign reads "out of gas." Poor, brief. 00:27:59:00 Color 1976 "Third World" poverty montage, India South Asia, Africa: a tightly packed shantytown, clotheslines, filthy ditch poor men eat gruel from bowls with their hands peasants and traders on crowded street street market naked black African children etc. 00:28:49:00 Color 1976 Front facade of White House, POV moving car the Capitol Building, POV moving car. 00:29:26:00 Color 1976 Multicultural montage: CU headshots of various children of various ethnicities, from around the world. |