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Footage Information
Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
Title: | 1946 UNITED NEWS 4 |
File Number: | HD-36 Beta SP; DN-LB-463 Beta SP (selected segments) |
Color: | B W |
Type: | Newsreel |
Year: | 1946, 1944 |
Subjects: | Aerials |
Description: | B W 1946, 1944 NEWSREELS OF 1946,1943, & 1944. TITLES IN CAPS 00:59:36:00 B W 1946, 1944 Starts (0:49:30 on DN-LB-463, t c 23:16:09:00 to 23:24:03:00) - RG 208 # 212 00:59:52:00 B W 1946, 1944 - US DEMONSTRATES LATEST ROCKETS ms ws Missile blasts off at test proving ground plane in flight fires rocket shell rapid fire launcher fires rounds ship displays rapid fire by shooting off its battery of rocket launchers 01:01:28:00 B W 1946 - PRES. PERON IS INAUGURATED IN ARGENTINA ws ms Huge outdoor crowds - CU political ceremony Eva Peron (Evita) is there he reviews big military parade... formation of planes fly overhead...AV of huge crowds gathered to see the parade (June 4, 1946). 01:02:38:00 B W 1946, 1944 - LARGEST PLANE TO HAVE 8 MOTORS ms ws Views of the mammoth cargo transport & passenger seaplane resting outside her hangar...and being hauled cross country to be assembled at launching site. (It's the "Spruce Goose" constructed by Hughes Aircraft. It flew once and then was mothballed. A Howard Hughes' 'white elephant'). 01:03:41:00 B W 1946, 1944 - FOREIGN MINISTERS MEET IN PARIS ms Big Four arrive at the Luxemburg Palace Bidault, Bevin, Molotov, & Byrnes they seat themselves at round table. 01:04:41:00 B W 1946 - LATEST NEWS FROM THE MIDDLE EAST ms ws Jewish refugees arrive in Palestine by ship landscape view of Amman King's Palace Emir Abdullah reviews soldiers Arab troops point rifles and ride white horses...also, a formation rides on camels (On May, 25, 1946, England granted the independent kingdom of Jordan with Abdullah Ibn El-Hussein as its king). 01:06:06:00 B W 1946, 1944 - US OFFERS ATOM CONTROL PLAN ws ms AV of Hunter College campus in New York City Bernard Baruch speaks at United Nations session and presents his plan..." A CHOICE BETWEEN THE QUICK AND THE DEAD"... 01:08:15:00 B W 1946, 1944 - RG 208 # 1001 01:08:56:00 B W 1943 - AVANCE DES ALLIES EN ITALIE - footage w French narration of Allied troop advance in Italy (Cassino to the Gustav Line Sept-Oct,1943). ws ms Armored carrier brings British troops into the battlefield artillery cannon scans up to firing position tank rolls into action machine gun fires from bunker mortar fire French infantry soldiers on the move howitzers fire rounds Italien troops bomber raid...bombs explode on targets captured German POWs...they march to prisoner camps British infantry march along roadway leading Rome. 01:11:47:00 B W 1946, 1944 - PLANS POUR LA VICTOIRE ET LA PAIZ ms ws Churchill in France...cheered by people...makes "V" sign soldiers clear hidden mines Churchill and Eisenhower meet & shake hands Churchill at Downing Street meeting...Mackenzie King and Jan Smuts 01:12:40:00 B W 1946, 1944 - DEMEURES ORIGINALES POUR LES TROUPES ws ms GIs creatively improvise during R&R - "Shanty Town" guard tower over camp grounds "Vine and Hollywood" barracks soldiers enjoy leisure time and mess GI barbershop. 01:13:52:00 B W 1946, 1944 - LE ROI GEORGE INSPECTE LA MARINE ROYALE ms ws George VI piped aboard ship naval band plays on fore deck as the King reviews Royal Marines and tours warship sees demonstration of underwater demolition by special forces sees fighter planes take off from deck of aircraft carrier formation of planes in flight around the carrier ship's antiaircraft battery guns fire rounds another look at the band playing on deck of battleship...with the King saluting. 01:17:27:00 B W 1946, 1944 - RG 208 # 1002 01:18:11:00 B W 1946, 1944 - CANADA'S MILITARY MIGHT REVIEWED ws ms Prime Minister Mackenzie King reviews canadian soldiers and tanks in military parade somewhere in England. 01:19:17:00 B W 1946, 1944 - NEW TYPE HOMES FOR POST WAR ms Women tour and inspect the house...look over the kitchen, bathroom , and bedroom workers in factory construct pre- fab house workers assemble the home on the homesite finally, workers top off the chimney. 01:21:07:00 B W 1946, 1944 - NIGHT AND DAY ms ws Bombers and fighter planes take off from airports on mission warplane flight formations in the skies B-24 Liberators drop bombs over targets plane in flight surrounded by flak targets on the ground, hit and ablaze night raid with lots fires in the dark 01:24:11:00 B W 1944 - ALLIES SMASH ON IN ITALY ws ms Cassino under attack tank rolls...infantry advances... soldiers fire machine guns & rifles enemy soldiers surrender...hold white flag up British soldiers walk through rubble-strewn street liberated italian women & children half ruined Monte Cassino Abbey German POWs Gen DeGaulle & Gen Mark Clark (Cassino finally taken May 18, 1944) 01:25:41:00 B W 1946, 1944 - FIFTH AND EIGHT ARMIES MEET ws ms Italian countryside and battle zone allied troops meet on roadside and shake hands smiling British troops in combat gear, marching along road on their way north toward Rome (Both armies joined attacks all along the Italian front, May 24 19 01:27:03:00 B W 1946, 1944 - RG 208 # 1003 01:27:46:00 B W 1946, 1944 - INVASION Series of brief recap shots 'tells the story about it'. ws ms British troops board ships US troops board landing craft Churchill boards "V" sign...cigar in mouth animated map shows Normandy landing sites Eisenhower in headquarters office, 'dictates' memo to his secretary news broadcast of the landing...Ike's statement overheard by English lunchroom crowd...they listen as company official makes remarks about the big news houses of Parliament Londoners read newspapers carrying the big news planes resting at airbase paratroopers board transport planes... they take off planes in flight formation armada of invading ships below in the Channel AV of Jersey Island bomber attack on shore installation targets fighter planes in flight formation ship's guns fire salvos landing craft in the waters off the beaches. ws ms AV of Rome Gen Mark Clark on the front Soviet troops Marshall Zukov goes over map Stalin laughs landing craft go in bomber & fighter plane raid...German planes caught and destroyed on the ground at airbase a plane explodes in the air (good soundtrack of this action) paratroopers jump from transports, land in fields, and fight their way to attack enemy positions jubilant Eisenhower seated next to smiling Montgomery CU Ike. (D-Day, June 6,1944) 01:36:33:00 B W 1946, 1944 - RG 208 #1004 01:37:15:00 B W 1944 - GATEWAY TO VICTORY Continue story of the Normandy invasion landings. ws ms AV of invasion armada...landing craft off the beaches famous shot of British troops charging out of landing craft just as it hits the beach troops move inland fierce fighting at Omaha beach captured German POW flight formation of warplanes bombs drop to targets on the ground...followed by bomb blasts supplies come ashore blasted German coastal bunker...dead soldiers...and lots more captured prisoners of war (POW). ws ms AV of Rome Gen Mark Clark stands on roadside and watches his troops march along destroyed rail yard and factory works victorious allied troops enter Rome...greeted by cheering joyous liberated crowds of people crowds route out Nazi collaborators Gen Clark rides through Rome in a jeep AV of St Peter's...filled with crowds...Pope Pius XII speaks to the crowd from the balcony (Triumphal entry into Rome on June 5, 1944) 01:44:11:00 B W 1946, 1944 ws ms Transport ships filled with supplies and troopships move toward Normandy combat GI enjoys drinking a bottle of French wine bomber drops bombs over enemy targets (good soundtrack of bomb blasts) US infantry advance inland... take prisoners...German soldiers come out with their hands up tanks advance through captured town Eisenhower & Montgomery aboard ship during the early stages of Normandy. 01:47:27:00 B W 1946, 1944 - RG 208 # 1005 01:47:41:00 B W 1946, 1944 - ALLIES STRIKE OUT FROM BEACHHEAD ws ms Normandy beach filled with supplies British troops coming out of landing craft (LST) US troops inside landing craft (LCT) US combat troops fill a large size landing ship trucks move on pontoon bridges off the Normandy beach steel runway - a "Duck" comes on shore (amphibious craft) captured German prisoners (POW) march along road leading to the the beach...then wade out to small sea craft that will take them to war prisoner camp CU German coastal concrete fortifications Gen Erwin Rommel inspects the bunker defenses smiling liberated French couple wave to passing tank...other joyous women and children welcome the allied forces entering their towns & villages engineers construct airstrip General Eisenhower lands in Normandy along with General George C. Marshall for a tour of the fighting front wrecked gliders artillery barrage tank moves through war ravaged village wounded German & allied soldiers at medical stations near the front fighter plane attacks and strafes enemy positions and hits their supply trains (good soundtrack) British infantry attacks the enemy inland...take Bayeux...people of the town turn out to welcome the liberators and sing the Marseillaise while holding up the "V" for victory sign Churchill, Smuts, and Montgomery visit the fighting front...CU Churchill in his naval outfit, smoking his cigar naval warship fires a salvo |