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00:00:00:00 B W 1967 Vol. 40, Rel. No. 33 Konrad Adenauer dies at 91, obituary, man salutes, Konrad w Ike Eisenhower, Churchill, Bulganin, Khrushchev. APOLLO hearing, Chairman Olin Teague, Wally Schirra. Oil slicks, waterfowl coated. New VTOL aircraft flies. Fashions. Bicycle race. Boston marathon, dog runs, Dave McKenzie wins. Man walks on hands. 00:07:06:00 B W 1967 Vol. 40, Rel. No. 34, Tornado wreckage, smashed buses. SURVEYOR 3 lands on moon, CU hands on controls. Plane crash, debris, victims lifted out. Svetlana Stalin Alliuyeva defects to West. New Indian big shot. Winter survival course, men enter snow hole. Flying saucer. Kansas relays, Glenn Cunningham, Jim Ryun. 00:14:08:00 B W 1967 Vol. 40, Rel. No. 35, Adenauer funeral, De Gaulle, LBJ, Willy Brandt. LBJ meets West German President & Chancellor Kiesinger. Jet crashes, ablaze. Indonesia riots, man lies beaten. Vietnam, small naked child. Airplane makes drop, flies at camera, drops cargo w parachutes. Circus to Bellevue, elephants, clowns. NBA championships, 76'ers vs. S.F. Warriors, Philly wins, Wilt Chamberlain. 00:27:55:00 B W 1967 Vol. 40, Rel. No. 37, Police scuffle in London. Flag burned in Madrid. Hippie "love-in" in Detroit, woman dances, graffiti. Airplane bombs Vietnam, AV. Soviet May Day parade, Brezhnev. Tornado damage. King Constantine in church, egg cracked. Elvis Presley weds Priscilla. Alabama spring football, Bear Bryant, team drills. Boxing, Faul Fuji wins. 00:34:53:00 B W 1967 Vol. 40, Rel. No. 38, Kentucky Derby, Proud Clarion wins. WORLD JOURNAL TRIBUNE newspaper dies, presses roll, headlines, presses stop. South Korea elections. Wounded evacuated from Vietnam. Spanish ceremony, people climb hill. Flea market. Leopard cubs at zoo. Boxers Jose Torres and Dick Tiger train. Motorcycle races. 00:41:42:00 B W 1967 Vol. 40, Rel. No. 39, Vietnam, battle of "Hill 881", heavy shelling troops smoke. X-22 VTOL airplane takes off. Swedish demonstrations. Technicians at rocket controls, rockets fired, rocket POV. Boxing, Carl Milton Berger beats Amos "Big Train" Lincoln. Monaco Grand Prix, cars race by, nasty fire, man pulled from burning car. 00:48:28:00 B W 1967 Vol. 40, Rel. No. 40, Fatima mass, Pope Paul VI, million watch. Parade for Vietnam War w Chuck Connors, police clash, sign GO TO HELL. Belgian royalty visits Expo '67. Hong Kong protests, police mobilize. Paintings in art show. Fashion, skimpy bathing suits. Kayak race. Bicycle race. Indianapolis 500 trials w Mario Andretti, A.J. Foyt, Parnelli Jones. 01:00:09:00 B W 1967, 1951 Rel. 24?, Vol. 444? Jimmy Durante discusses cancer. And now a clip from 1951, at the time of the Red Scare and Hollywood witch hunts: Ronald Reagan attends Motion Picture Industry Council meeting "Industry Council again affirms stand against Reds".