
Footage Information

Archive Films by Getty Images
HD-249 Beta SP
1903 - 1940
B W 1903 - 1940 THE GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY, STREAMLINES MAKE HEADLINES, THE LUNCH DETECTIVE, THE SAM HILL GOES TO A PREMIERE, SPENCER TRACY VISITS EDISON'S LABORATORY, HOLIDAY TIME, AND FAMOUS FACES 00:00:37:00 B W 1903 - "The Great Train Robbery" - (1903) ms Robbers break into station master's office with drawn guns hold him up, knock him out, and tie him up 00:01:27:00 B W 1903 ms Railroad train pulls up to a water tower to take on water, at which point the robbers climb aboard they raid the mail car, shoot the clerk, and blow open the cash box 00:02:37:00 B W 1903 ls ms Train robbers next hold up passengers line them up outside train along the tracks then they jump aboard train engine with their money bags and ride to a point along the tracks when they get off, locate their horses, & make their getaway 00:04:00:00 B W 1903 ms Tied up station master manages to give signal little girl finds & unties him 00:04:35:00 B W 1903 ms Fight on coal tender. Engineer drives at gunpoint 00:05:30:00 B W 1903 ms Train robbers hold up passengers line them up outside the railroad train along tracks and rob them of valuables 00:06:31:00 B W 1903 ms Square dance sequence...which breaks up suddenly when alarming news comes 00:07:20:00 B W 1903 ms Posse on horseback chases outlaws through woods shooting them down crooks stop to bury loot in forest gunfight - as good guys surround and close in on bad guys 00:08:27:00 B W 1903 ms Legendary Shot: Mean looking cowboy points pistol off-screen at CAM and shoots directly at viewer 00:08:50:00 B W 1936 - "Streamlines Make Headlines" (1936) Movie Commercial Short about the ultra streamlined Ford Company's Lincoln-Zephyr with Donald MacBride. 00:09:00:00 B W 1936 ms ls Brief shots: Passenger airplane in flight racing car speeds on beach motorboat underway railroad train just passes CAM AV of ocean liner below 00:09:27:00 B W 1936 ls ms American Airlines passenger plane lands passengers de-plane newsmen photographers (one of them is MacBride) see a car go speeding by...(Dialogue: "Say, did you see THAT?? WHAT IS IT??" "Wow, I've never seen anything like THAT before, but she sure is TRAVELING!!") bi- plane takes off 00:10:37:00 B W 1936 ms ls Car speeds on roadway. It's the Lincoln-Zephyr. Seen from ground level and from airplane overhead car stops & plane lands alongside it 00:13:27:00 B W 1936 cu Hubcap of car "Lincoln Zephyr" - followed by promotional spiel for remainder of film. 00:14:17:00 B W 1936 cu Car engine under the hood (it has a V-12 engine !) 00:15:00:00 B W 1936 ms Seated in front seat and talking about the car's features, the two men take the car for a drive and continue to rave about the car's performance through the entire trip. 00:15:21:00 B W 1936 cu Dashboard or "instrument board" finger presses starter button on dash speedometer accelerates POV front window 00:16:00:00 B W 1936 ms Car takes a curve at full speed...then goes over 70mph VS car doing driving stunts like spinning around "on a dime" 00:18:50:00 B W 1936 ms Young woman materializes between two men in front seat, then she disappears image of elderly woman in triplicate seated in back seat of car 00:19:51:00 B W 1936 ls EXT Lincoln factory building INT views, car manufacture ...machinery & processes workers weld car chassis (body & frame) on assembly line car gets treated along conveyor belt 00:23:28:00 B W 1936 ls AV of Ford Motor Company's River Rouge plant and VS INT factory of industrial production 00:24:15:00 B W 1936 ms MacBride gets behind wheel of Zephyr in showroom still marveling over it...finally gets wife to take a drive in one and fall for it 00:28:00:00 B W 1919 - "The Lunch Detective" (1919). Animated cartoon. Whiling away the day in the park, a loafer* and his puppy dog get hungry and have to start looking for something to eat. They devise a ruse to get an elderly woman to reward them with $.25 for returning her cat, but a squirrel, foraging in the park, gets to it first. And when the man attempts to retrieve his quarter by forcefully shaking the squirrel, a policeman hits him over the head with his billy club. Finally, they resort to raiding a picnic party and running off with the a basket of food. After a wild chase through the park, they get to eat the goodies from the stolen basket. * (Could be bum, derelict, idler, ne'er- do- well) 00:33:00:00 B W 1940 - "Sam Hill Goes To A Premiere" (1940) ms Hollywood Tie-In with release of movie "Young Tom Edison" starring Mickey Rooney. Mickey, Mr & Mrs Louis B. Mayer (MGM) , & Henry Ford visit Thomas Edison's lab 00:33:50:00 B W 1903 - 1940 ms Frances Yale, Edison assistant, gives party a tour & explanation at lab Rooney chats with Henry Ford 00:36:00:00 B W 1903 - 1940 ms VS as Mickey Rooney takes a ride on the "Sam Hill" railroad train from Detroit to Ft. Huron, Michigan...another Edison landmark 00:38:30:00 B W 1903 - 1940 ms Tom Edison's widow aboard train crowds cheer at station stops along the way (good CAM PAN crowds looking up from the train station platform (0:38:37 & 0:41:00) 00:42:10:00 B W 1903 - 1940 ls Memorial ceremony for Edison features an electric light 00:42:40:00 B W 1940 ls ms Movie premiere at Desmond theater...Father Flanagan of Boys Town shows up (Feb. 9, 1940). 00:43:28:00 B W 1903 - 1940 ms Tie-In with release of "Edison, The Man" features Spencer Tracy Henry Ford shows Tracy around Edison's does Frances Yale Edison's assistant (NO SOUND). 00:52:38:00 B W 1936 - "Holiday Time" (1936) Ford Motor Company Promo commercial ms Female singing trio do title song...and then crooner joins in, as British family is shown packing for vacation trip. (Excellent mid 1930s rendering of British music & lyrics) 00:53:40:00 B W 1903 - 1940 ls ms Crowd montage superimposition at railroad station same for car traffic in rain view of family inside car 00:56:00:00 B W 1903 - 1940 ls ms Countryside car ride (POV front window) 00:56:44:00 B W 1928 ms "Famous Faces" (1928) ...and Ford cars. The new model A's. Will Rogers looks over his Ford sedan and gets inside Thomas A Edison behind wheel of a Ford Douglas Fairbanks & Mary Pickford use their Ford roadster to get around golf course...Mary & Doug show off their swings Dolores Del Rio seated in chauffeured Four-door sedan with pet dog Dorothy Gish poses next to a Ford Model A Our Gang all aboard a Ford A phaeton