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Footage Information
Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
Title: | WARNER'S BREAKDOWNS OF 1937, 1936 |
File Number: | MCD-29 16mm Beta SP |
Color: | B W |
Type: | Outtakes |
Year: | 1937, 1936 |
Description: | 01:00:06:06 - 01:16:28:20 B W Sound 1937, 1936 Outtakes, Bloopers from Warner Brothers films, entitled "Breakdowns of 1937" and "Breakdowns of 1936." Stars & character actors makes mistakes, curse, swear. Notable personalities include Bette Davis, Humphrey Bogart, Leslie Howard, and Olivia de Havilland. Intertitles intending to provide "clever" commentary on bloopers. Humorous, funny, silly, wacky, comedy.01:00:06:06 - 01:02:27:14 B W Sound 1937 Breakdowns of 1937: Hugh Herbert in "Marry the Girl" breaks a bottle over Alan Mowbray's head & leaves room. Great: Errol Flynn talking w Walter Abel flubs line in scene from, "Green Light." Errol Flynn in "Another Dawn" falls off horse, Kay Francis seated in bed forgets line, British actor (w fake Asian accent) says wrong line to two actors. Pat O'Brien forgets lines, first in "China Clipper" then in "The Great O'Malley." Dick Powell says wrong words to female actor in hallway. Bette Davis sings the wrong word at the end of a song & has little tantrum: wags finger, swears, stamps foot. Actor as bartender flubs line while other actor drinks at barstool. Shadow rises over Hugh Herbert in bed, he gets scared & exits through a window.01:02:29:21 - 01:03:21:05 B W Sound 1937 Allen Jenkins w two male actors telling story in hurry, misses last line. Jenkins in uniform misses line w Doris Weston in "The Singing Marine." Jenkins w Patsy Kelly ironing clothing in "Ever Since Eve" - he completes line, leans on ironing board & board falls - slapstick, comedy. Patsy Kelly in bathrobe opens door, Jenkins excitedly enters room, grabs her & flubs line - makes spitting gesture. Guy Kibbee w senior female actor fumbles lines. Alan Mowbray talks angrily on telephone as Hugh Herbert leans in from window & hits Mowbray in back of head in "Marry the Girl."01:03:32:08 - 01:05:07:12 B W Sound 1937 CU woman in hat in "Four's a Crowd". Same film woman seated at table w male actor who flubs line. Soldiers gathered in room, main actor garbles last line. Addison Richards seated at desk uses intercom, redo on line, laughs. Male actor speaking to seated brunette female messes up lines & keeps talking. Hugh Herbert eavesdropping at keyhole, door opens & unseen someone hits him on head. Humphrey Bogart in dark suit flubs lines. Henry O'Neill in military uniform flubs lines. Dick Foran w arm around woman talking w senior male, gets tongue tied. CU Foran in "Guns of the Pecos" forgets lines, swears "goddamnit!". Redo, smiles. Foran as cowboy in "Trailin' West" talking to uniformed male on horseback, forgets lines.01:05:07:14 - 01:06:38:18 B W Sound 1937 Western male talking to Palomino horse ("Smoke") goes to mount & can't get leg up: "I can't raise my ass off the ground!". Hugh Herbert playing around w trick microphone. Barton MacLane forgets lines while talking w Glenda Farrell as Torchy Blane. MacLane forgets lines standing alone, starts to cough during wedding scene, as lion tamer bangs on table in lion's cage, same scene w Farrell where she forgets line. CU John Litel forgets lines, Litel as prosecutor in courtroom scene from "Midnight Court" where witness forgets lines. Female actor forgets lines dancing w George Brent. Claude Rains (left) & Alan Hale in "The Prince and the Pauper" in Elizabethan costumes forget lines, clown around, laugh. VS Warner Brothers logo.01:07:55:23 - 01:10:32:10 B W Sound 1936 "Breakdowns of 1936": Rollo Lloyd as Napoleon in "Anthony Adverse" forgets lines while other two actors try to help. Barton MacLane as detective, Noir, forgets lines. MacLane dressed as policeman stops & restarts while pacing. Edward G. Robinson: w Humphrey Bogart in scenes from "Bullets or Ballots" stutters lines, starts smoking pipe, stands w others & gets tongue tied, CU of trying to flip gun chamber closed. Leslie Howard & Bette Davis seated at breakfast table in scene from "The Petrified Forest," Davis stops and says, 'nuts'. Claude Rains as Napoleon Bonaparte in "Hearts Divided," makes mistake & curses. Brunette female forgets lines. Great shot of Humphrey Bogart in hat w cigarette, flubs lines. Brunette in Bogart's office in "Two Against the World" slurs lines, laughs.01:10:32:12 - 01:12:54:23 B W Sound 1936 Brunette seated in chair laughs at response from her lines. Man forgets to deliver lines when woman is finished, retake. Joe E. Brown helps Gene Lockhart in a scene from "Earthworm Tractors." Brown comes into CAM, flubs lines. Allen Jenkins in truck w James Cagney in "The St. Louis Kid" , forgets lines. Cagney starts again. Cagney in room w policemen, detectives, forgets lines. Man forgets lines, curses. Male & woman talking on couch, man makes mistake. Man & woman standing in living room, male messes up lines. Male delivers speech about gasoline on stage, stops, curses. Two males in Pilgrim period costume laugh over delivered line. Man walking into camera. Gene Lockhart w Warren William in "Times Square Playboy" misses line. William alone, forgets lines.01:12:54:25 - 01:15:15:25 B W Sound 1936 Pat O'Brien trying to talking fast misses lines, three times. Couple taking on way out door, he forgets lines. Senior actor washing hands in basin as male adds something to water, forgets line. Victor Jory as Oberon, King of the Fairies, in "A Midsummer's Night Dream," getting tongue tied. Actor in ships captain uniform talking through door & flubs lines. One male actor cuts another out of a line in courtroom scene. "The Story of Louis Pasteur," Anita Louise in period dress w Donald Woods forgets line, says "oh, nuts." Scenes from "The Petrified Forest, " Dick Foran told to hold for still, he moves, Bette Davis stares at him, Leslie Howard gets tongue tied w Bette Davis, Howard forgets line at table.01:15:20:28 - 01:16:21:06 B W Sound 1936 Kay Francis in evening gown apologizes for mistake, Francis as Florence Nightingale in "The White Angel" says wrong line & bites her fingers. Ian Hunter in "The White Angel" standing in fake snow tries to blow snow off face. Humphrey Bogart points to no one, Bogart w Edward G. Robinson. Man in white tie & tails calls butler, forgets lines, same actor in cab with Ian Hunter forgets line, blows kiss & curses emphatically "Goddamn it!". |