
Footage Information

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ARI-14 Beta SP (PAL)
1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s
00:55:37:00 B W 1920s THOMAS EDISON HONORED BY New York City CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, circa 1920: an elderly Edison, Charles Schwab, and a third man all wear tuxedos, MS. 00:56:19:00 B W 1910s SS LEINSTER SUNK BY GERMAN TORPEDO IN ST GEORGE'S CHANNEL, circa WWI 1910s: men carry corpses of the victims of the attack on stretchers from dock to ambulance, Dublin, Ireland. 00:56:56:00 B W 1920s PARADE THROUGH RED SQUARE IN MOSCOW, circa 1920s: USSR citizens parade through square, carry banners, large hammer-and-sickle sculpture in BG marching soldiers, cavalry, quadrigae chariots. 00:58:29:00 B W 1930s CARRIE CHAPMAN CATT, 1930s: the suffragette and prohibitionist, CU. 00:58:46:00 B W 1920s BERNT BALCHEN, 1920s: aviator Balchen and another man drink coffee from thermos while leaning against "Byrd Antarctic expedition" airplane. 00:59:00:00 B W 1920s USSR REFUGEES, circa late 1920s: very poor peasants in encampment, live in tents and rows of old train cars - makeshift shelters in USSR Russian version of shantytown Hooverville, etc. 00:59:43:00 B W 1912 FUNERAL OF WHITELAW REID, December 15, 1912: series of big-wig dignitaries and aristocrats in top hats get out of horse-drawn cabs in England, attending funeral of journalist diplomat Reid. 01:00:31:00 B W 1910s WWI COMBAT MONTAGE: German Big Bertha cannon fires, huge explosion of the shell German soldiers in trench American soldiers advance behind line of tanks artillery explosions, tank battle. 01:01:25:00 B W 1932 WORLD CONFERENCE ON DISARMAMENT, February 2-July, 1932: representatives from sixty nations gathered in assembly hall in Geneva. 01:03:22:00 B W 1910s HERBERT HOOVER, PRESIDENT OF THE AMERICAN RELIEF ADMINISTRATION, circa 1919: group of K-9 police officers with their dogs on leashes woman in apron serves food to children at tables, ladles soup into bowls - WWI refugees in need of food assistance German soldiers, General, leaving Belgium after lengthy WWI occupation, poor shots (???) Hoover, seated, sips coffee, MS Hoover with his family, MS Hoover sits down at desk, intimate shot, MS a smiling Hoover tips his hat, MS Hoover, CU quaint clapboard house, Hoover's childhood home? a Romanesque loggia, MS still photograph of a young Hoover an American Relief Administration food draft form, CU. 01:06:10:00 B W 1920s - 1930s PROHIBITION, 1920s 1930s: harbor policemen in boat apprehend man in rowboat, MS policemen roughly escort suspects into precinct house, MS President Coolidge and large group of prohibitionists on the steps of the Capitol building, TU, TD crane hoists crates of illegal liquor alcohol from ship onto dock men pile the crates onto trucks men douse a huge pile of the crates with gasoline the pile on fire tray of confiscated bottles of "White Horse" liquor, CU a confiscated bottle of "Calvert" liquor, MS. 01:08:26:00 B W 1910s ITALIAN WWI SOLDIERS: long line of soldiers walks down hillside path, single-file, WS soldiers rest on roadside embankment, WS. 01:09:11:00 B W 1920s - 1930s MONTAGE OF WORLD EVENTS AND FIGURES, 1920s-1930s: WWI: CU a hand operating telegraph, superimposed over scenes from easily identifiable important world cities (reads as event bringing nations together) typewriter prints "flash: American gunboat fired upon," ECU, POV shot Archduke Ferdinand (?), MS soldiers of various nations, VS DISSOLVES John Pershing American soldiers various WWI officials ???, CU shots etc. Very brief shots with DISSOLVES, not very usable sequence. Theodore Roosevelt speaking, scrutinizing a rifle while on hunt VS: numerous important historical figures, insanely brief shots, VS. 01:13:32:00 B W 1921 MISCELLANY: fist fight on very crowded Ireland street, (Dame Street, Dublin, with Trinity College in BG) MS, circa 1921 election? a soup line poor people eat in soup kitchen French women hold anti-fascist signs in street demonstration. 01:14:22:00 B W 1910s PANAMA CANAL CONSTRUCTION, circa 1910: canal locks closing, MS tracking shot of construction site water furiously pouring through spillway flood gates at Gatun Dam, WS. The enormity of the project is expressed well in these shots. 01:15:56:00 B W 1928 "VITO" WINS THE BELMONT STAKES, 1928: the horse race (horses circle the track in clockwise direction), VS. 01:16:50:00 B W 1928 WEST POINT GRADUATION CEREMONY, 1928: graduating cadets each receive their diplomas, in succession, among them is football player Harry Wilson cadets marching. 01:17:37:00 B W 1920s MISS UNIVERSE CONTEST, circa 1920s: young women contestants ride small floats in parade through crowd of spectators, HA contestants stand alone on platform wearing bathing suits, spin around to display themselves to crowd, MS, VS, good shots among them is the winner, Miss Chicago (as well as Miss America) Elsa Van Hueson. 01:18:29:00 B W 1930s "QUESTION MARK" AIRPLANE SETS SUSTAINED FLIGHT RECORD, circa 1930: the "Question Mark" Army crew in classic aviators' gear, pan shot: Major Carl Spaatz, Captain Ira Eaker, Lieutenant Gail Halvorsen, Lieutenant Elwood Quesada and Sergeant Hooe the "Question Mark" takes off the "Question Mark" airplane is refueled while in flight via long umbilical hose, VS, good shots, and a good sexual metaphor a la "Doctor Strangelove." 01:20:35:00 B W 1930s FOREST FIRE IN THE SIERRA MADRE MOUNTAINS OF CALIFORNIA, circa 1930: fire spews thick smoke firemen cars on road flee the area, fire rages at roadside. 01:21:33:00 B W 1930s DEDICATION OF PARLIAMENT BUILDING IN CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA, circa 1930: the Duke of York (later King George VI) with his wife Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (later the Queen Mother), MS, at ceremony. 01:21:59:00 B W 1910s - 1920s KING ALFONSO XIII OF SPAIN, circa 1910s 1920s: the king shakes hands with officers on deck of ship, leaves ship in smaller boat the king in car with a German official, MS. 01:22:34:00 B W 1920s HOT-AIR BALLOON RACE, Pittsburgh, circa 1920s: balloons begin their ascents as race starts, crowd of people on ground as the balloons dump ballast. (Race would go on to be interrupted by a storm, in which several contestants were killed or injured, not shown). 01:23:32:00 B W 1927 RAISING THE S-4 SUBMARINE OFF COAST OF PROVINCETOWN, MASSACHUSETTS, December 1927: Secy of the Navy Curtis Wilbur (in scarf) and Admiral Huges on deck of salvage ship "Falcon" two divers in heavy-duty helmets, old-fashioned gear are raised to the surface on small platform, one man's helmet is removed, excellent shots. 01:24:34:00 B W 1920s SHIPWRECK KELLY STANDS ON FLAGPOLE FOR 4 DAYS, 9 HOURS AND 13 MINUTES, SETS RECORD, circa 1920s: on flagpole on top of building in St Louis, Missouri: Kelly changes clothes, waves hello, eats and even hoists up his baby for a kiss Kelly climbs down pole. Excellent shots of this 1920s fad daredevil stunt, endurance test record. 01:25:39:00 B W 1920s - 1930s CHICAGO POLICE BUY 30 TOMMY GUNS, 1920s 1930s: man in back seat of car points tommy gun out the window, CU man assembles tommy gun man tests exhibits tommy gun to a policeman and other men by shooting it into water from a dock, CU. 01:26:07:00 B W 1930s 10TH ANNUAL PIKE'S PEAK AUTO RACE, circa 1930: hot rod-style cars hug the curves as they wind their way up the mountain's many switchbacks as snow falls Glen Shultz wins. 01:27:18:00 B W 1920s COUNT MICHAEL KAROLYI MAKES SHORT TRIP TO US, 1920s: Karolyi makes speech from sidewalk soapbox on Wall Street, New York City. 01:27:43:00 B W 1920s A 4TH TERM FOR NEW YORK GOVERNOR AL SMITH, circa 1926: Smith watches parade down snowy Albany street from bunting-trimmed dais Smith in his office, underexposed Smith is sworn in by (New York) Secy of State Florence Knapp, underexposed Smith, his wife, family and friends, MS. 01:28:37:00 B W 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s ALFRED ALOYSIUS HORN: the author of "Trader Horn," CU. 01:28:54:00 B W 1949 CARLOS ROMULO OF THE PHILIPPINES ELECTED UNITED NATIONS SECRETARY GENERAL, September 1949: President Truman and large group of people (???) on grounds outside White House representatives convene for the first day of the United Nations' General Assembly 4th session at Flushing Meadows, and unveil a commemorative plaque to Count Folke Bernadotte Secretary General (then called General Assembly Chairman ?) Carlos Romulo, MS, CU as he reads newspaper in office. 01:30:36:00 B W 1930s "FLYING TRICYCLE" AIRPLANE, circa 1930: unusually designed airplane prepares to taxi at Roosevelt field it has a small wing at its nose with a third landing wheel for added support, VS [funny flying attempts]. 01:31:06:00 B W 1930s MEARS AND COLLYER WILL TRY TO BREAK LONG-STANDING RECORD, circa 1930: aviators John Henry Mears and Captain Collyer stand beside their airplane at Curtiss Field, New York their airplane (reads "city of New York around the world" on side) takes off and lands, in which they plan to challenge the flight around-the-world record. 01:31:45:00 B W 1920s THE SHIP "ELEANOR BOLLING" WILL LEAVE NORFOLK, VIRGINIA TO JOIN RICHARD BYRD EXPEDITION, 1920s: (???) crew waves and tosses hats from deck of the ship. 01:32:15:00 B W 1920s - 1930s GOLFER SIR WALTER HAGEN IN New York City, circa 1925 - 1932: group of men support the British Cup champion Hagen on their shoulders victoriously, MS Hagen with Mayor Jimmy Walker, MS. 01:32:24:00 B W 1920s SECY OF STATE FRANK KELLOGG, 1920s: on deck of ship with wife, MS, CU. 01:32:40:00 B W 1930s PRESTIGOUS ACTORS SUPPORT EFFORT TO BUILD A MEMORIAL SHAKESPEAREAN THEATER IN STRATFORD, ENGLAND, 1930s: George Arliss in costume as Shylock Ernest Lawford in costume as Malvolio Madge Kennedy in costume as Maria Peggy Wood in costume as Alice Leslie Howard in costume as Romeo and Dennis King in costume as Mercutio ??? Pedro De Cordoba in costume as Lorenzo ??? Beatrice Lillie in costume as Audrey Katherine Cornell in costume as Cleopatra ??? woman in costume, as Desdemona probably ??? 01:33:34:00 B W 1929 KAREL KOZELUH DEFEATS VINCENT RICHARDS, 1929: Czech tennis player Kozeluh, MS Kozuh and Richards shake hands at the net, MS the tennis match in New York, HA, VS Kozeluh after winning, CU. 01:34:14:00 B W 1920s CIVIL WAR VETERANS MARCH IN PARADE, 1920s: elderly Union Army veterans march down street in Portland, Maine Commander John Reese and Governor Gardiner watch from sidelines. 01:35:13:00 B W 1928 "VICTORIAN" WINS THE PREAKNESS STAKES, 1928: the horse race, shown from start-to-finish spectators in the center of the race track run back and forth to see the race from either side Harry Payne Whitney's colt wins. 01:36:34:00 B W 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s HURRICANE IN HAITI: powerful waves crash against the shore of Haiti, derelict ship, the USS Memphis in BG. 01:37:43:00 B W 1926 BICYCLE RACE IN HUMBOLDT PARK, CHICAGO, 1926: bicycle race, crowds watch from sidewalks, VS two cyclists have a minor accident and fall, good shot. (cyclist by the name of Merkner wins the race, (not shown) the 5th annual Bike Dery). 01:38:34:00 B W 1920s THE RACE HORSE "MAN O' WAR, circa 1920s: "Man O' War" and stable man on grounds of stable stable men and group of horses unbridled horses run and frolic together on field of stable stable man gently caresses a foal, CU a bucking foal frolics with its mother foal nurses from its mother. Excellent shots, horse stable ranch. These horses may be descendants of the stud Man O' War, probably on the grounds of August Belmont's stable in Lexington, Kentucky. 01:39:38:00 B W 1920s - 1930s REUNION OF NORTH POLE EXPLORERS, 1920s 1930s: Richard Byrd, Lincoln Ellsworth and Roald Amundsen, MS, CU people on dock wave to a ship leaving port. 01:40:17:00 B W 1920s RUNNERS IN 10-MILE FOOT RACE IN MELROSE, MASSACHUSETTS, 1920s: informal track and field event in small town stadium track among the runners are men by the names of Hennigan, DeMar and Stenroos Stenroos wins, then receives cup trophy in the winner's circle, good shot. 01:41:40:00 B W 1920s THE ANNUAL EASTER EGG ROLL ON THE WHITE HOUSE LAWN, 1920s: President Coolidge watches the festivities from balcony a baby sucks its bottle, MS, good shot Coolidge pets his dog, MS children proudly hold up their Easter eggs and jump up and down little boy dressed in soldier's uniform salutes to CAM, MS. 01:42:13:00 B W 1920s BRIDGE COLLAPSES ONTO TRAIN TRACKS BELOW IN JERSEY CITY, 1920s: people stand around crushed train cars at the accident scene, VS. 01:42:46:00 B W 1926 INDIANAPOLIS 500 CAR RACE, 1926: the race, VS speeding hot rod-style race car, CU marching band on the race track winner of the race Frank Lockhart, CU. 01:45:21:00 B W 1920s DIRIGIBLE "NORGE" ARRIVES IN OSLO, NORWAY FROM ENGLAND, 1920s: explorers en route to the North Pole, Commander Hjalmar Riiser-Larsen, Roald Amundsen and Lincoln Ellsworth descend ladder from the moored dirigible in Oslo. 01:46:01:00 B W 1912 CHINESE NEW YEAR IN SAN FRANCISCO, February 1912: crowd of Chinese-American people watches as two men in traditional dragon costume dance and other men beat drums. Good shots.