
Footage Information

Archive Films by Getty Images
MCD-32 Beta SP
Color 1953 Documentary on the architecture and public spaces of New York City. Faded color. 01:00:34:00 Color 1953 VS New York City skyline. 01:00:49:00 Color 1953 HA traffic on Park Avenue. 01:00:51:00 Color 1953 New York City busy street scene with pedestrians, buses, traffic. 01:00:53:00 Color 1953 LA the upper portion of the Empire State Building, clouds moving past in BG. This shot was taken before the addition of the television antenna to the mooring mast. 01:00:55:00 Color 1953 New York City cityscape panorama, POV observation deck of the Empire State Building. 01:01:02:00 Color 1953 A map of the New York City metropolitan area small dots representing population centers slowly accumulate and represent the growth of the city over the past three-hundred years the five discrete boroughs of New York City are outlined and darkened one at a time to represent the consolidation enacted by the Greater New York Charter. 01:01:49:00 Color 1953 HA WS City Hall VS a cultural celebration in City Hall Park. 01:02:06:00 Color 1953 INT the Office of the Board of Estimate in City Hall INT City Council chamber TU the Rotunda staircase INT Art Commission gallery EXT the minaret cupola INT the Governor's Room VS CUs paintings by John Trumbull, including one of George Washington MS portrait painting of Lafayette (?) by Samuel Morse PAN from EXT City Hall to the Municipal Building. 01:04:40:00 Color 1953 CU a hand rubber-stamps a document with mark of "approved." 01:05:03:00 Color 1953 Ward's Island (?). 01:05:11:00 Color 1953 VS EXT Bronx County Courthouse. 01:05:32:00 Color 1953 PAN EXT Central Branch of the New York Public Library, poor shot. 01:05:44:00 Color 1953 TU EXT Central Branch of the Brooklyn Public Library. 01:05:57:00 Color 1953 Laguardia Airport: EXT the "New York Municipal Airport" building with taxicabs in FG. 01:06:22:00 Color 1953 HA PAN across Central Park. 01:06:32:00 Color 1953 Astoria Pool [public swimming pool] with Hell Gate Bridge in BG. 01:06:36:00 Color 1953 La Tourette Golf Course on Staten Island. 01:06:45:00 Color 1953 Pond in Central Park. 01:06:50:00 Color 1953 VS animals in their enclosures in the Bronx Zoo. 01:07:05:00 Color 1953 VS statue monuments memorials around New York City, including Saint-Gaudens' statue of General William Tecumseh Sherman, the statue of Abraham De Peyster at Bowling Green, the statue of Nathan Hale in City Hall Park, Anna Hyatt Huntington's statue of Joan of Arc, the Grand Army Plaza Memorial Arch, the Balto Memorial, Bartholdi's statue of Washington and Lafayette, Bartholdi's Statue of Liberty [Public art]. 01:10:09:00 Color 1953 Two shots of New York City highway roads. 01:10:16:00 Color 1953 EXT the Municipal Building.