
Footage Information

Archive Films by Getty Images
MDS-70 16mm Beta SP
1950s, 19th Century, Paris, New York City, artwork, impressionism, painting techniques, ; painters, artists, street scenes, cityscapes, picturesque, landmarks, drinking, talking, ; conversing, leisure, thoroughbreds, race horses, ballet dancers, Notre Dame Cathedral, ; cathedrals, churches, gothic architecture
Exploration of the impressionist artwork of Edgar Degas and his inspiration from the people of Paris, France. Composed largely of CU shots and details of his paintings. Footage of various locales in Paris, street scenes, and very good footage of a ballet class with young ballerinas practicing on pointe. ********************************************************************************************* 01:00:00:00 Title card: Art Film Productions presents Curtain Call: The Art of Degas Story & narration written by Mildred Barish Vermon Spoken by Peter Allen Music by Jaques D Belasco Art advisor: Alfred M Frankfurter Director of photography: Cyril J Knowles BSC Associate producer & research: Marilyn Silverstone Produced by Boris Vermont Directed by Jean Oser. New York City LA el subway train passing on elevated train tracks w Chrysler Building in BG. Man walks down sidewalk past antique store. INT antique shop, senior man greets young couple, who hands him print of Degas painting The Star (Dancer on Stage), he studies print & talks to young couple. 01:01:26:01 Paris, France HA cityscape and Champs Elysees (POV top of the Arc de Triomphe). HA traffic circle. People walking past sidewalk cafe. CU Degas Self-Portrait VS people sitting & talking at crowded sidewalk caf (good shots, Paris street scenes). TU foliage in front of Seine, Pantheon in BG. Residential street. VS Details Degas paintings Lorenzo Pagans and Auguste de Gas, the Artists Father & Portrait of Rene - Hilaire De Gas (the Artist's Grandfather). 01:02:51:20 Crowds at racetrack before horse race. Horses & jockeys making their way to grass-covered racetrack, crowds watching. VS details Degas painting Horses before the Stands. Start of amateur horse race on grass-covered racetrack (no gate), race horses galloping. Details of Degas painting At the Races in the Country. 01:03:48:00 Rippled waves on water. Details Degas painting The Cotton Exchange in New Orleans. Paris, France PAN along banks of River Seine to Notre Dame de Paris. WS Notre Dame. VS Paris residential street scenes, EXT old apartment building & small storefronts w French signs. VS details Degas painting Women Ironing. VS Paris street scenes, people walking down street. VS details Degas painting Labsinthe. 01:05:22:00 Paris, France EXT small circus ring building. VS details Degas painting Miss Lola, au Cirque Fernando HA cityscape, VS residential buildings. VS EXT & statuary of Paris Opera House. 01:06:26:00 VS details Degas painting of child at ballet class. Ballet instructor watching young ballerinas rehearse together on pointe in ballet dance class, doing jumps (good shot, ballet dancing). VS details Degas painting The Dancing Class. VS young ballerinas practicing at barre (bar), resting, dancing on pointe in front of mirror in ballet dance class (rehearsing). (good shots, ballet dancing) VS details Degas painting Ballet Rehearsal on Stage. 01:08:09:08 VS young ballerinas rehearsing together in ballet dance class as instructor watches, dancers doing turns (good shot, ballet dancing). VS details Degas paintings Orchestra of The Paris Opera, The Star (Dancer on Stage). INT antique shop, senior man looking at framed print of The Star (Dancer on Stage), takes it & walks out. Title card: The End 10:01:00 OUT