
Footage Information

Archive Films by Getty Images
PDA-2007 1 inch; Beta SP
c. 1971
01:00:00:26 - 01:28:32:25 Color Sound c. 1971 Interview with Black American political activist, member of American Communist Party, & author Angela Davis in prison in Marin County Jail, California. Also footage from Canadian world affairs television show discussing Vietnam, including journalist & pundit talking heads. Feminism, civil rights. 01:00:00:26 - 01:17:16:01 Color Sound c. 1971 Angela Davis prison interview, great. She discusses (often w much emotion) being a Communist, growing up in Alabama, prisoner rights, prison conditions, hunger strikes, activism. Refers to W.E.B. DuBois, Attica, & quotes Dostoevsky. Includes MS & CU of Davis, & footage of male interviewer. Lots of excellent sound bytes, such as: "We are closer to fascism than we've ever been before." (Civil Rights, Black Power, politics, controversy, feminism, the Left, Communism, Socialism, revolution, race, afros). 01:17:16:02 - 01:28:32:25 Color Sound c. 1971 Canada talking heads -- set & wardrobe very 1970s. Male journalist (probably San Francisco radio commentator Art Seigner) discusses world affairs including possibility of oil & military buildup in Vietnam & Indochina. VS maps of Vietnam, Sumatra, Borneo & surrounding region. Inconsistent video quality. Pundits editorialize about connection between United States' interest in possible oil reserves of South Vietnam & US military involvement in the region.