
Footage Information

Archive Films by Getty Images
News Stories - Cuba, Middle East, Sex scandal, Clinton impeachment hearing, Land mines.
FSN-12 Beta SP
01:00:03:19 - 01:00:03:19 Color 1990's Cuba and excellent footage of Fidel Castro talking. Report and interviews about whether or not Chelsea Clinton should be news fodder. Clinton impeachment hearing with deposition video clips - Bloomenthal and Lewinsky. Anti-land mine advocates - interview and press conference with Senator Patrick Leahy. 01:00:03:19 - 01:04:23:12 Color 1990's MS dirty white building with lots of turrets - trucks, van, car and cyclists pass on road in front of building, and pedestrians walk past or cross street. MS tank on concrete pedestal in square. CU patch on soldiers arm - "FAR" in middle of star emblem. ZO to CU of soldier - red van with "Fast Delivery" in BG. VS cars (some 1950s models) drive through neighborhood on windy and cloudy day. Motorcycle with sidecar drives past CAM. POV from car as it drives through streets, people crossing and walking on sidewalks, fairly dilapidated buildings, run down neighborhood, car passes cyclists and motorcycles on journey. Passing FIAT dealership with "CUBALSE" and "FIAT" signs. Excellent shots of buildings, architecture, streets. Lots of buildings with pillars. MS school children walking on sidewalk, in pairs, holding hands. Man leans against pillar and wind makes his shirt and pants flutter. 01:04:23:13 - 01:04:35:29 Color 1990's POV from rear side window of moving car or van - driving through narrow streets, past buildings, people and cyclist. 01:04:35:30 - 01:07:47:26 Color 1990's Fidel Castro, stands with a few people, talking. Woman translates what he's saying - nobody else speaks - Castro with small audience talks about Colombia's drug cartel and downfall of Pablo Escobar - he refers back to capture of Che Guevara and reading between the lines of press dispatches. Talks about capturing and liquidating guerrilla forces. More long-winded, boring detail about how he figured out Escobar's fate. Jumps to talking about Soviets, cold war, Berlin Wall. Talks about Angola - how South African and Mobutu wanted Angola for its oil. 01:07:47:27 - 01:08:13:00 Color 1990's MS Castro speaking, men stand in front of him, backs and sides to CAM. "Never get involved in the internal affairs of another country." 01:08:13:01 - 01:10:00:28 Color 1990's CU Castro speaking with female translator standing next to him. Various ECUs as Castro rambles on - he's very interesting to look at. He talks about tiny air force, international troubled spots, and not getting involved in a country's internal affairs - mentions Eritrea, South Africa, Yemen. 01:10:00:29 - 01:13:40:13 Color 1990's MS Cubans walk up and down narrow street with tall buildings on each side - small red van drives towards, and then past CAM, stops at corner and turns. MS Fidel Castro poster on public notice board. MS tile detail on EXT wall of building - car and motorcycles drive past in FG. People walk past wearing shots and t-shirts. ZO fruit and vegetable stand - vendor weighs product and tips into woman's bag. MS Spanish-influenced architecture - front of cathedral or church with lots of people walking about. Red Morris Minor (?) parked on narrow cobble stone street - pedestrians walk past in FG. HA laundry on clothes line near scaffolding between buildings, in shade. MS group of boys on street, watch, as older boy or man bangs on bicycle frame with hammer, trying to fix it. MS cars parked in row on wide street - mostly Morris Minors - cyclists cycle past - bicycle with passenger seat has Marlboro advertisement on back - traffic drives on road past American 1950s era parked cars. CU red car (a vintage 1949 Chevrolet) reverses into driving spot after two women walk past - men and women talk in BG. VS street scenes with people. MS woman and child stand on sidewalk with ruins of building in BG. MS two-way traffic on busy city street. Poverty. Slums. 01:13:50:00 - 01:17:45:16 B W Sound 1990's Washington, DC. EXT US President Jimmy Carter, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin shake hands at press conference. INT President Ronald Reagan with Yitzhak Shamir. EXT Yitzhak Rabin, Bill Clinton and Yasser Arafat walk towards CAM - President Bill Clinton stands between Rabin and Arafat as they shake hands. INT White House press conference - President Clinton addresses later Middle East situation and states "... we have not made as much progress as I wish we had." Excellent CU of Yasser Arafat and Benjamin Netanyahu - both glaring and looking very angry. Simon Marks reports, Capitol Building in BG, regarding Clinton's commitment to peace process during his second term. Clinton Secretary of State, Jim Baker, speaks from podium with Marks VO drowning out speech. Interview with Baker - "The next secretary of state might well say 'Wait a minute - America's national interests require my involvement in matters involving Russia, China, Asia, Latin America, central Asia. INT White House press conference with President Bill Clinton, Madeline Albright. Previous secretary of state, Warren Christopher, walks through hall with other men and flashing cameras. MS seated Syrian President Hafez el-Assad with Warren Christopher. MS Warren Christopher walking down steps of airplane, Damascus. Simon Marks sits in room with expert who gives his analysis on President Clinton's options during his second term. VS President Bill Clinton and Democratic Party National Convention - smiling, waving - Chelsea Clinton at his side. Underexposed shot of Netanyahu, Arafat, Clinton, and King Hussein of Jordan walking towards CAM. EXT White House press conference - Arafat shakes hands with Clinton, Yitzhak Rabin and other leaders. 01:17:49:25 - 01:28:18:04 Color 1990's Report on Chelsea Clinton's privacy around Monica Lewinsky sex scandal. Female reporter, Emily Harris, outside of White House - she practices her spiel - several takes. "... more coverage of the first daughter could help the troubled Clinton image the presidential spin team would surely prefer pictures of Clinton with his family to more media frenzy over Monica Lewinsky." Blooper - reporter makes mistakes. IN interview with man about Chelsea Clinton - he makes faces and yawns before interview begins - funny. Covers White House's restraint in taking advantage of Chelsea Clinton and how stable and "nice" she turned out despite glare of publicity and dysfunctional marriage of her parents - " ... most teenage girls go through a terrible time she seems to have spared us all this. Although, as the writer Sally Quinn said, Chelsea gave up her adolescence but her father didn't give up his." When interview ends reporter and interviewee sit and chat for set-up shots. CU of interviewee snorting. VS chatting. 01:28:18:05 - 01:31:30:24 Color 1990's Emily Harris does on-the-spot interviews on the street. Asks various people if they thinks it's fair to do media stories about Chelsea Clinton. She interviews young white woman, middle-aged man and woman, young white man, not so young black man wearing colorful do-rag, young black man wearing baseball cap, back to front - consensus is to leave her alone - entitled to privacy. Vox populi. 01:31:30:24 - 01:36:22:04 Color 1999 President Bill Clinton impeachment-related material. Congressional impeachment hearing. Unidentified lawyer (?) presents evidence, stating, "... When the resident used his aides as a conduit to impart false information to a Federal grand jury in a criminal investigation, his behavior graduated from the unconscionable to the illegal." Part of Sidney Blumenthal's evidence during deposition is introduced as evidence - WA shot of room - video clip played - CU of Bloomenthal as he's asked question, "Knowing what you know now, do you believe the president lied to you about his relationship with Miss Lewinsky?" Sidney Blumenthal answers, "I do." Lawyer accuses Clinton of obstructing justice and perjury and calls for his replacement with Vice-President, Al Gore. Plays part of Monica Lewinsky's deposition to bolster accusation against Clinton of witness tampering. CU Lewinsky as she listens to, and then answers questions about Paula Jones lawsuit and the cover Clinton and Lewinsky concocted to hide their affair, saying Lewinsky was visiting Betty Curry and not Clinton. 01:36:27:01 - 01:44:30:13 Color 1990's EXT park - CU woman's hand as she rings hand-held bell, like small school bell. Twenty-eight year old Eritrean land mine victim, Abraham Gebreyeseus, is interviewed. Land mine blew up in his face when he was eleven - he lost one an arm and one eye but was blinded. In 1997 had cornea transplant so he can see again, with one eye. Has prosthetic arm (prosthesis). He went to blind school, learned Braille, and studied law. Now studying human rights advocacy training at Columbia University in New York. He says powerful countries should support the banning of land mines and stop manufacturing and supplying them to Africa and other countries. Says there should be land mine awareness programs for children in countries riddled with them. ZI on Gebreyses's (he spells his name differently for second interview ) prosthetic hand. Hard to hear interview because first crew are chatting about schedule. CAM follows interviewee as he walks across grass - another reporter walks with him and questions him. MS man on crutches with prosthetic leg - has pant leg pulled up to show off prosthesis. 01:44:39:18 - 01:51:45:10 Color 1990's INT press conference - chandeliers hang from ceiling. Man introduces speakers - Vietnam veteran, Bobby Mueller speaks on behalf of campaign to ban the use of land mines - he' in a wheelchair, LS and CU. He pays tribute to Senator Leahy, mentions receiving Nobel peace prize, and Princess Diana's death - he makes a good, impassioned speech. Talks too about effectiveness of outreach and propaganda through widely viewed concerts, seen by millions of television viewers - he reels off list of pop, rock, country singers. 01:51:45:11 - 01:58:36:21 Color 1990's Senator Patrick Leahy answers questions at podium. "... It is very difficult to exercise moral leadership when you're the most powerful nation on earth and you tell less powerful nations they've got to disarm in this area but you can't." Basically says the Pentagon is digging its heels in and obstructing disarmament treaty. Ends up by saying land mines are of "doubtful use to the military, especially today, but it is of devastating consequence to civilians."