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Footage Information
Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
File Number: | ZEY-1 Beta SP |
Color: | Color |
Type: | Home Movie |
Year: | 1953, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965 |
Subjects: | Aerials |
Description: | 01:00:00:00 - 01:00:00:00 Color Silent Home movie footage taken by Colonel Earl Young, an advisor in the US Agency for International Development. Excellent for the unusual subject matter - color footage of combat and behind-the-lines activity in the Korean War and color footage of the early days (pre-ground forces, proxy war, guerrilla combat, arms build-up, escalation of tensions) of the Vietnam War. Some time-code jumps. Footage is a little dark, adjust your brightness knob. JMR. 01:00:00:00 - 01:00:46:00 Color Silent 1953 Korean War - boot camp basic training: Infantry soldier recruits running jogging, in formation, down road shirtless recruits washing bathing themselves at outdoor water spigots. 01:00:46:00 - 01:03:11:00 Color Silent 1953 Korean War - troop ship transport: long line of fresh soldiers carrying their green canvas bags over their shoulders boarding troop ship VS soldiers on the deck of the ship and the ship at sea 01:03:11:00 - 01:03:59:00 Color Silent 1953 Korean War: A British Navy ship, supporting American forces, with the British flag flying, anchored in harbor (off Korean coast?). 01:03:59:00 - 01:04:21:00 Color Silent 1953 CU book (a history of the 2nd US Infantry Division in WWII) with an Indian Chief's head design on the cover, hands open and turn a few pages. 01:04:21:00 - 01:05:51:00 Color Silent 1953 Korean War - Pusan, South Korea: VS Korean peasants in plaza square and on city street American soldiers headed for the front at train station VS poor, Korean beggar children beg from along side train tracks to American soldiers in stalled train, they grab at the alms and struggle with each other over something thrown to them on the ground, sad shots. 01:05:51:00 - 01:06:22:00 Color Silent 1953 Korean War - rear headquarters base of the 2nd US Infantry division MP soldier on guard duty a captured enemy machine gun Army jeep driving down Sooner Road (the road to the front) past intersection with Greens Pass, marked by road sign. 01:06:22:00 - 01:09:53:00 Color Silent 1953 Korean War - vicinity of the C Company 38th Infantry Regiment reserve tent camp behind front lines: VS soldiers standing around outside of the tents barber soldier giving haircuts outside soldier inspecting a flak jacket Sergeant inspects soldiers standing in ranks, black and South Korean soldiers among them Sergeant stops to thoroughly inspect two soldiers' rifle guns WS soldiers running around base camp between tents in a hurry to move out VS soldiers donning their large backpacks and walking down road in single-file toward front VS Korean peasants and smiling children on roadside group of South Korean soldiers relaxing on roadside very good shots of tough American soldiers manning a machine gun nest overlooking a vast valley poor LA shot of a helicopter flying overhead. 01:09:53:00 - 01:10:28:00 Color Silent 1953 Korean War combat: VS American M-41 Walker tanks rolling into position on field, shooting a bombardment of artillery shells and gunfire, and the explosions in the distance. 01:10:28:00 - 01:10:58:00 Color Silent 1953 Korean War combat: good shot: American Army squad leader pointing in the distance as he gives instructions to his soldiers who nod, all are kneeling down on ground with their rifle guns at the ready. 01:10:58:00 - 01:12:38:00 B W Silent 1953 Korean War combat, good shots: VS medic attends to and bandages wounded soldier's leg VS two other soldiers load and shoot a bazooka toward enemy-held hillside VS explosions and smoke from the hillside WS very small figures of American soldiers advancing across distant valley, shooting powerful flame-thrower at enemy vehicle or gun emplacement bunker, one soldier runs from cover toward the small fire and throws in a grenade, after which the target explodes. 01:12:38:00 - 01:14:31:00 Color Silent 1953 Korean War night combat: VS flares, flak tracer machine gun gunfire, napalm fireball explosions, burning streams from flamethrowers against BG of dark night sky. 01:14:31:00 - 01:15:09:00 Color Silent 1953 Korean War - MASH: side of parked Army truck emblazoned "mobile PX" and "The fighting man's frontline PX" CU sign inscribed "44th Army Surgical Hospital - Korea's Finest" bubble-dome helicopters take off from hospital landing pad. 01:15:09:00 - 01:15:48:00 Color Silent 1953 Korean War: CU American soldier holds, demonstrates the function and operation of two captured Soviet-manufactured submachine guns. 01:15:48:00 - 01:16:43:00 Color Silent 1953 Korean War: VS American soldiers and a few South Korean soldiers erect a barbed wire perimeter fence from a coil of wire surveyor soldier looking through theodolite. 01:16:43:00 - 01:17:00:00 Color Silent 1953 Korean War: panorama of lush valley landscape with mountains in BG. 01:17:00:00 - 01:18:43:00 Color Silent 1953 Korean War: VS small concrete bunker machine gun nests, surrounded by piles of sandbags POV gun-slit of bunker, jeep driving over bridge in distance American soldiers sawing pieces of lumber and reinforcing one of the bunkers. 01:18:43:00 - 01:19:30:00 Color Silent 1953 Korean War - a village near the front: VS PAN busy village square with open-air market vendors, American soldiers, many Korean peasants wearing bright white robes, elderly men with long goatee beards small sign inscribed "off-limits to all United Nations personnel" etc. 01:19:30:00 - 01:20:36:00 Color Silent 1953 Korean War - American soldiers manning small fortification near front: soldier on hill-top looks out over a stream group of soldiers standing around as one reads a "Stars and Stripes" newspaper CU the July 27 newspaper headline announcing "Truce Signed" soldiers manning machine gun nest looking through binoculars. 01:20:36:00 - 01:22:41:00 Color Silent 1953 Korean War - a USO show performance: VS comedy routine, black singer man, and band of singer and musician men wearing red tuxedos excellent LT shot of Marilyn Monroe (wearing a purple gown with spaghetti-straps) walking up to the microphone, waving and blowing kisses to the crowd, and then sings "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend" while making sexy, suggestive gestures at one point a soldier climbs up in BG and takes a photograph of her CUs smiling, laughing soldiers in the audience. 01:22:41:00 - 01:23:15:00 Color Silent 1953 Korean War - misc.: row of flagpoles at an Army base headquarters, flying the American, United Nations, South Korean and Shamrock Battalion flags roadside sign near Kumwha inscribed "Under enemy observation - keep 200 yards distance." 01:23:15:00 - 02:00:00:00 Color Silent 1953 Korean War: group of American soldiers (C Company, 2nd Infantry Division) marching over snow-covered hill toward and right past and around CAM. 02:00:00:00 - 02:08:16:00 Color Silent 1962 Vietnam War - Saigon city street scenes culture cityscapes: car and bicycle traffic, peasant on his mule-drawn cart laden with sugar cane and other goods, mule-drawn cart piled high with large coils of sisal rope VS ARVN soldier sentries stand guard in front of government (?) building sign on building facade with "Vietnam" and the like emblazoned on it two smiling young Vietnamese women walking down street, one of them wearing granny-glasses sunglasses street vendor selling food American Army vehicle driving down street line of pedicab-rickshaw coolies waiting for fares pedestrians, busy sidewalk group of Buddhist monks walking down street in single-file pedicab-rickshaw with passenger passes CAM tree-lined street in residential neighborhood busy plaza square with an American tank on display and a few ARVN soldier sentries looking on VS pedestrians walking down crowded streets, past storefronts, some peasants wearing pajamas and conical straw hats among them VS ARVN soldier sentries standing guard on corners and gathered together in square convoy of Army personnel carrier trucks carrying ARVN soldiers passes CAM VS a pro-President Ngo Dinh Diem street march demonstration, with civil servants wearing blue pajamas uniforms and carrying banners inscribed with Vietnamese slogans VS a Buddhist funeral procession with saffron-robed Buddhist monks, small shrine float and mourner peasants VS peasant women with long braided hair wearing white robes and conical straw hats walking down street. 02:08:16:00 - 02:11:06:00 Color Silent 1962 Vietnam War - Phu Bon province: VS American military "advisors" and a few South Vietnamese peasants wearing conical straw hats gathered at a remote airstrip, an H-21 helicopter is parked on landing pad Song Be River valley landscape, POV AV H-21 Chinook helicopter lands on field near village of Jarai, supplies are unloaded for distribution to Montagnard peasants ARVN Major Chi and American Green Beret "Advisors" Earl Young (of USAID) and Major Will address group of Montagnards, and in some kind of weird formal ceremony, bags of ? are distributed to the Montagnards by Major Chi and his interpreter. A very "hearts-and-minds" propaganda sequence. 02:11:06:00 - 02:11:51:00 Color Silent 1962 Vietnam War: VS montagnard peasant villagers (or possibly refugees) sitting inside of meager thatch-roof huts, some topless women among them. 02:11:51:00 - 02:16:34:00 Color Silent 1963 Vietnam War - weird tribal montagnard animal sacrifice ceremony ritual event orchestrated by Phu Bon Province Chief, Major Chi, as a demonstration of support for President Ngo Dinh Diem: montagnard peasants gathered around grass field with a small portrait shrine to President Diem in middle the crowd watches as two men violently kill a water buffalo tied to a pole with a spear and an ax, the water buffalo struggles as they stab and chop at it, runs around in circles, falls and dies the decapitated head of the animal is set down on a mat along with other pieces of meat and jugs of rice wine, medicine men shaman wearing colorful shirts sit around the mat and recite a chant line of Montagnard men ritually kiss ceremonial knives and guns and drink a cup of rice wine, one by one group of American Special Forces Green Beret military "advisor" men drink cups of the ceremonial wine. Weird sequence primitive pagan religious rituals. 02:16:34:00 - 02:17:57:00 Color Silent 1962 Vietnam War - supply airdrop over Phu Bon province: supply crates falling from cargo plane to Cheo Reo Airstrip via red and white parachutes American soldier Special Forces Green Beret "advisor" (Captain Stogner) removes parachutes from the boxes, assisted by his rag-tag unit of Montagnard Vietnamese soldiers, one of them wears traditional tribal thong pants clothing. 02:17:57:00 - 02:20:09:00 Color Silent 1963 Vietnam War - Saigon, November 2, the day after the coup overthrowing President Ngo Dinh Diem: street scene, bicyclists VS parked tanks and ARVN soldiers on guard duty outside of the Presidential Palace, pedestrians and bicyclists pass by VS the damaged facade and blasted perimeter wall of the Palace and adjacent buildings, evidence of the previous day's combat VS large South Vietnam flag draped from flagpole outside of Palace two sentry guard soldiers at main gate, a peasant carrying yoke and wearing conical straw hat walks by. 02:20:09:00 - 02:20:27:00 Color Silent 1963 Vietnam War: UH-60 military helicopter with door-gunner on either side lands on landing pad. 02:20:27:00 - 02:21:43:00 Color Silent 1963 Vietnam War - Long An province: VS emaciated, poor Vietnamese peasant farmers wearing rags and conical straw hats working with shovels on a muddy field and on a dry field as a few ARVN soldiers watch. 02:21:43:00 - 02:23:26:00 Color Silent 1963 Vietnam War - Long An province: a few Vietnamese ARVN soldiers and an American International Voluntary Services man on rowboat in river, with destroyed bridge (bombed by Vietcong) in BG ARVN soldier speaking into radio three peasant woman wearing dark pajamas and conical straw hats walk by CAM soldier crossing jury-rigged plank bridge over stream. 02:23:26:00 - 02:26:13:00 Color Silent 1964 Vietnam War - Long An province: military helicopters land on airstrip of American or ARVN base VS Richard Nixon (neither occupying nor for political office at the time) and General William Westmoreland walk around the base after deplaning, followed by an entourage of American and South Vietnamese reporters, photographers, a few military officers Nixon and Westmoreland answer reporters questions ARVN soldier officer shows Nixon a newspaper clipping, Nixon grimaces, doesn't seem to understand it the entourage walks down dirt road and visits a local pig farm. 02:26:13:00 - 02:27:16:00 Color Silent 1964 Vietnam War - Long An province: VS the mangled wrecks of a few American-built ARVN military vehicles, destroyed by Vietcong land-mines. 02:27:16:00 - 03:00:00:00 Color Silent 1964 Vietnam War - American politicians visit Long An province to check progress of "pacification program": military helicopter lands on base landing pad Secy of Defense Robert McNamara (in khakis), Ambassador to South Vietnam Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr (I'm not positive about this - white shirt, rolled-up sleeves) and Assistant Secy of State William Bundy (white shirt, eyeglasses) are greeted by and shake hands with various American military brass personnel after deplaning and while walking toward headquarters building Lodge climbing aboard helicopter PAN group of military helicopters parked on landing-pad field. 03:00:00:00 - 03:01:02:00 Color Silent 1964 1965 Vietnam War - Long An province: UH-60 military helicopter takes off from landing-pad field pilot wearing headset and helmet talking in cockpit navigator draws on map with grease-pencil VS door-gunner soldier, wearing ironic jacket emblazoned with a Snoopy the Red Baron picture, shooting his machine gun at targets below. 03:01:02:00 - 03:02:18:00 Color Silent 1964 1965 Vietnam War - Long An province - a change-of-Province-Chiefs ceremony: crowds line road awaiting parade, policeman shoves little boy out of the way line of beautiful Vietnamese women wearing delicate long gowns looks on VS parade of marching soldiers ARVN officers speaking at microphone soldiers stand in ranks around several South Vietnam flags etc. 03:02:18:00 - 03:02:53:00 Color Silent 1964 1965 Vietnam War - city street scenes: group of Vietnamese children playing in street smile at CAM VS open-air street market bazaar with peasant shoppers and vendors surrounded by stacks of various designs of baskets. 03:02:53:00 - 03:05:40:00 Color Silent 1964 1965 Vietnam War: VS a Vietnamese ARVN artillery unit of soldiers set-up a new American-supplied 155-mm howitzer cannon, elevate the barrel, assemble and prepare the artillery shells soldiers load and ramrod the cannon VS the unit shooting artillery shells into the distance, probably as target practice but it can read as real combat. 03:05:40:00 - 03:05:55:00 Color Silent 1964 1965 Vietnam War: crying, naked little Vietnamese boy running away from CAM. 03:05:55:00 - 03:08:16:00 Color Silent 1965 Vietnam War - air war - Da Nang Air Base: VS US Navy, Marines and Air Force airplanes (bombers returning from going on missions, transport planes, etc.) landing (aided by landing parachutes), taking off from and flying over the tarmac runways of the base. 03:08:16:00 - 03:09:17:00 Color Silent 1965 Vietnam War - Saigon: VS two security guards at road entrance gate to the USAID office, one guard frisks a few Vietnamese men and then lets them pass. 03:09:17:00 Color Silent 1965 Vietnam War - Quang Nam province: VS Vietnamese peasant farmers (men, women and children, all wearing conical straw hats, woman smiles at CAM) harvesting rice from vast amber field and bundling the crop into sheaves and winnowing them PAN wide, flooded rice paddy Vietnamese boy riding on back of water buffalo as it wades across still stream, water up to its head, good shot VS peasant farmer women wearing dark pajamas and conical straw hats bending over and planting green rice sprout seedlings into flooded rice paddy farmer loading sacks of rice onto mule donkey-cart. |