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FSN-37 Beta SP
Osama bin Laden, terrorism, terroists, training
Color Sound 2001 Osama bin Laden, terrorism, terroists, training Color Sound 2001 TITLE TEXT: "In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate." [VOICE REPEATS TITLE] KORANIC TEXT SCROLL UP "To the believers, you must be with those who say the truth and fear only God. The people of Medina and those around them from the Arab world must follow God's messenger, the prophet Mohammed. They must give up thoughts of themselves and focus on spreading the message of the Prophet because for all their sacrifices, they will receive more in the other life. God will not forget them." [TEXT ALSO CHANTED] TEXT: "This is in memory of Sheikh El Mujahid" [= nickname from Jihad Real name Abu Hajer] who is in the jails of the United States and we wish him freed from the jails of the United States. [ALSO CHANTED] TEXT: Produced by Sahab [=clouds] Company [known - Saudi?] VO CREDITS: "This is Saladin holding his sword. This sword drips with the blood of the non-believers. He will get back Hattin after it was lost and this will make us remember Badr [first battle in the first war of Islam fought by Mohammed] and Khaiber [battle against Jews] 01:01:43:17 OSAMA BIN LADEN WITH DAGGER IN BELT. BIN LADEN SPEECH. "The people of Islam and the Muslim world are offended and in pain. They are furious and demand vengeance. Your brothers in the East [Palestine Syria Jordan Egypt Lebanon] are saddling up. Kabul is also preparing and getting ready to take vengeance. The younger generation is going on Jihad. Look what happened in Aden and how the young people there are already on Jihad and they destroyed the large ship that everyone was scared of [USS Cole]. This vessel which scares even the strong nations does not frighten the mujahideen in Yemen." 01:02:17:00 TITLE: "THE LAND OF THE HOLY PLACES" [Written in fire...means Saudi Arabia] 01:02:20:00 OSAMA BIN LADEN speaks on camera "The wounds of the Muslim people are very, very deep. Very, very deep. Everywhere. But our wounds today come from being colonized in our holiest places". 01:02:39:00 OSAMA BIN LADEN speaks on camera "The Jewish people are appearing with their grandsons. They came to occupy the Holy Muslim places for themselves. And these holy places, they became places where Muslims are being killed and persecuted every day". 01:02:55:29 OSAMA BIN LADEN speaks on camera "He came down with his message from God, bringing the Holy Koran to Mohammed. This land has great meaning. It's the holiest place and it's land most preferred by God." 01:03:12:00 OSAMA BIN LADEN speaks on camera "What did the people of Afghanistan do wrong? They're being blockaded by the whole world and by the United Nations. All the Arab countries are included in the United Nations. And the Arabs through the United Nations, they support what's happening in the Muslim World" 01:03:28:17 [tells a story about a cat starving in a cage and how God punishes the owner.] 01:03:46:00 "If our prophet is warning the people not to do that with a cat, what do you think we're going to say to God on judgement day when he asks us about a million innocent kids getting killed because they don't have anything to eat? We are putting our faith in the hands of God". [Blacked out footage, but VO continues from 01:04:01:25--01:04:15:00] [VO, BUT NO PICTURE]: "God is going to take care of these non-believers who are blockading the Muslim world and the innocent people and kids, and this blockade is in the hands of the new crusaders. And the Saudis are the allies of the United States and they are helped by the United States, they are not thinking about God." 01:04:16:00 OSAMA BIN LADEN speaks on camera "The Koran says non believers, you don't have to put your fate in the hands of Jews and Christians, don't be dependent on them. Because the Jews and the Christians, they don't care about anyone. They only care about each other. Whoever is with them doesn't have a place in our community, and they will be judged for that". [Over pix of covered up woman and Bush] 01:04:40:00 "The Saudis they are saying that they want to advance their country and economy, so they have to be allied to the United States". 01:04:46:00 "On judgement day, these people are going to regret what they did with their lives". 01:04:55 SOBHI ABDELAZIZ ABU SETTA [aka Abu Hafs and aka Mohamed Atef, the man the US and Britain have accused directly of masterminding the WTC Pentagon operation.] [BLACKED OUT SECTION FROM 05:17:09-05:24:00:00, BUT VO CONTINUES] "The non believers and the new crusaders, the Jews, from every direction, they came to our Muslim world. They stole it, and they colonized it and they ripped it apart. And they took from the Muslim world the holiest places, including the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Mosque of Mohammed". 01:05:25:00: [TITLE: CHAPTER 2 "THE REASONS" "LOVE OF LIFE AND FEAR OF DEATH"] 01:05:25:02 OSAMA BIN LADEN SPEAKS ON CAMERA "We have to study the Koran to find the way and the motives and the diseases which hit us. So we betrayed Mohammed's land." 01:06:06:00 "When we study the Koran it appears that the hatred of fighting and killing and the love of life which is shared by everybody is the original reason that makes us live in misery. [BLACKED OUT SECTION FROM 01:06:12:00 - 06:25:00, BUT VO CONTINUES] 01:06:25:00 "God said 'didn't you see the people who were advised not to fight and not to hurt anyone. Do your prayers and pay some money to the poor. 01:06:53:00 "And they said God why do you make battle our fate? Why don't you give us another delay? God said to Mohammed 'say that life is nothing, it's not forever, so there is a promise of another life afterwards. And the afterlife is better than this life. You will be judged fairly and everybody is going to die even if he is protecting himself in castles and towers" [CRITICISING SAUDIS AGAIN HERE FOR BUILDING CASTLES ETC] [BLACKED OUT SECTION FROM 01:07:19:00 - 01:07:23:00] 01:07:23:00 ABDALLAH AZZAM [bin Laden's inspiration] "The main enemy of the jihad are those people living luxurious, high-class lives. Mohammed knows that. Even the Koran, which is coming from God, is warning us about this. God is saying when the Jihad is their fate and when we tell them you have to go to jihad with the prophet, always there are some people who like their lives and don't want to go. They are becoming lazy and they don't know what is going on around them". 01:08:16:00 ABDALLAH AZZAM [BLACKED OUT SECTION FROM 08:19:00-08:48:00:00] "The Koran says when we sent the prophets to any people, always there are rich people who don't agree with the message and don't like to support it because of their wealth. And they say we don't believe in your message". 01:08:48:00 OSAMA BIN LADEN SPEAKS ON CAMERA [BLACKED OUT FROM 01:09:42:00-01:09:57:00, BUT VO CONTINUES] "The people who don't want to go and fight, they give any reason they like. They're being lazy about the fight because they are living in wealth. They're enjoying luxurious lives. These people enjoy life and enjoy money, but when the time is ready to go to jihad and go to fight, they don't agree with the idea". 01:09:29:00 "But anyway, the people who didn't support the jihad, all the Scriptures and the Koran blame them. They will be judged. [SCARE TACTICS] Believers, if there's something you don't like, why don't you go if it's time to fight?.... 01:09:57:00 "It's a clear case. All the Scriptures and the Koran say you must not hesitate, you have to do this. If you don't agree with that, then God is going to punish you. Either way you won't be hurting God". ABDALLAH AZZAM [bin Laden's inspiration] 01:10:20:00 "The word 'jihad' is becoming a very little word, and no body is caring about it because their minds are full of daily life, and drinks like Pepsi and food. This jihad. The jihad is became a meeting of just three people who read a book somewhere or an article in a newspaper which is not worth as much as the money you use to buy it (01:10:51:00) Or the word jihad is like a word in a book by an author who has never been in the military or shot a single shot. ABDALLAH AZZAM - BLACKED OUT SECTION FROM 01:12:08:00-01:12:13:00 01:11:02:00 "Holding the sword has become a crime. It has become something shameful. Holding weapons has become an act of savagery and barbarism. Then, the Americans and the West are like men wearing white who butcher a lamb. If this lamb shakes its leg and one drop of blood falls on the clothes of the butcher, the lamb is blamed. That's what's happening to us. They are butchering us. They are wearing white and if we show our pain they call us barbarians and savages. They say, see - they are barbarians, they are savages, they are not civilized, they are mujahideen - which is shameful. Protecting our women and our land has become barbarism. They have to kill us. They have to rape our women and we are supposed to applaud them and smile on their faces. Our money is supposed to be stolen by them. Our treasures have to be taken by them and we are supposed to say 'yes, sir. yes, sir [PLAY ON 'YASSER']. Our holy places are supposed to be taken and if we fire a single bullet, we are labeled terrorists. If that's terrorism, then we are terrorists but the people who are leading a luxurious life [SAUDI'S], the wealthy people, they have diverted from God's path." OSAMA BIN LADEN SPEAKS ON CAMERA IN FRONT OF COLORFUL WORLD MAP 01:12:34:00 "I blame the United States for supporting persecution in our lands and for supporting unfair and unelected governments in our countries. The United States is working against the will of our peoples and the whole responsibility is being held by the United States for allowing the colonization of one of the holiest places in our world. Sheikh Omar Adbul Rachman is a Muslim cleric who spoke the truth and we are hearing that he has serious health problems, he's blind and the United States is treating him very badly. Holding him in the jails of the United States is an act that's against the feelings of Muslim people." AYMAN AL ZAWAHRI 01:13:35:00 "The way the United States is treating Muslim people and the Muslim world is disgusting and shameful. The United States is pretending that it is protecting the civil rights and at the same time it is compelling the Muslim world to accept a style of government with which the Muslim people don't agree." [VO pix of prisoners being freed] "For example, Egypt, where torture is allowed and people are jailed." [Back on camera 01:14:42:00] "All of this is happening under the control of the United States and under the orders of the United States. The United States has a CIA station in Egypt and an embassy there, and they know that this is happening but they don't say anything." 01:14:42:00 America is responsible for everyone who is tortured in Egypt, for everyone who is killed in Egypt, for everyone facing the death penalty in Egypt, and for every woman being raped in Egypt. And in all the other Arab countries all of this is happening under the influence of the United States". REFAA TAHA - aka ABU YASSER 01:14:55:00 "Sadat said that 99 per cent of the game plan is in the hands of the United States. And the actual government of Egypt is saying that 100 per cent of the game plan is in the hands of the United States. The people they have fear in their hearts and they don't want to do anything. They're lazy. And if something bad happens they say we're scared that something is going to happen to us. 01:15:27:00 Maybe God is going to make us win and the lazy ones will regret what they did". OSAMA BIN LADEN SPEAKS IN FRONT OF COLORFUL WORLD MAP 01:15:37:00 "The American government we don't call it a government. We call it a merging of two governments. The American government represents Israel in the United States. For example, the Defense Department and the State Department, these are under the control of Israel. Same thing with the very sensitive departments like the CIA and the police. And the Jews have the first and last word in the US government's decision-making. So they use the hands of the United States to get what they want in the world." BLACKED OUT SECTION FROM 01:16:19:00-01:16:31:00, BUT VO CONTINUES "The existence of the US and Saudi Arabia has been a very good help to the Jews in their colonization of Palestinian territories." OSAMA BIN LADEN SPEAKS TO CAMERA 01:16:32:00 "The government of the United States is taking its people to hell. And this seems to reasonable people not to be in any doubt. And the United States is not going to be the biggest country in the world in the next century any more". 01:16:48:00 TITLES READ: "THE SOLUTION", THEN "THE MIGRATION" OSAMA BIN LADEN SPEAKS TO CAMERA "After we knew the disease, this is how we cure it. The solution is in the Koran, and it's a migration for the purpose of a jihad. The greatest characteristics in the Koran are faith, migration and jihad. And God said in the Koran that the people who believe migrate and view the jihad as a target in their life. These people are the true believers. They're in the first place and will be treated well." 01:17:40:25 "They are considered true believers. That's what God said. 01:17:48:26 [Off camera...pix of followers on Jihad] [VO] "He said that the religion will be raised by these people because when they migrate, the people carry the heritage of Mohammed. They say the truth, like the people who were around Mohammed in his time. Even Mohammed went to jihad and went out of his land to fight his enemies, and this is one of the rules of Islam." OSAMA BIN LADEN SPEAKS TO CAMERA 01:18:16:00 "We have to consider the people who support the non-believers as enemies. The people who are ruling in a non-religious way and who don't view these people as enemies are on the wrong path." 01:18:30:00 "There is no one who came to the earth like him [the prophet]. There is no man who came with the truth, and they always consider anyone who is saying the truth as a non-believer." 01:18:48:00 "And they want to always be hypocrite with them. You eat with them, you drink with them and you are friends with them, and pray with them, it's ok with them." [THEY = non-believers] 01:18:54:00 "It's ok if you obey your religious rules in a way that doesn't both their path. But if you want to be a true believer, that's what they don't agree with. The solution is the migration and that's what happened in the time of the prophet who personally went and made a jihad". ABDALLAH AZZAM 01:19:12:00 "Nobody can convince you in any way that there is a place better than the place where the prophet is buried in Mecca. The place where he was born, the Ancient House, this place has been very hard to live in for the true believers to live and it's ok to migrate [talking about SAUDI here], and to leave this place because there is no way of living here in a religious path. Even Mohammed did that. He migrated from this place when it was hard for him to live in it. Mohammed when he was leaving Mecca he was in pain, because he was leaving the place where he was born. And he said Mecca you are the best place in the world for me. And if your people didn't kick me out of this land, I would not leave." 01:20:23:00 "Why was Mohammed ordered to leave Mecca? Because he couldn't worship God in the God wanted". OSAMA BIN LADEN in fatigue clothing 01:20:38:00 "The true believers, they have to migrate to a place where they have to raise the flag of Islam and the flag of jihad. - To keep their religion alive. Otherwise they're going to lose everything." 01:21:06:06 "So we advise the Moslem people in Afghanistan and outside of Afghanistan to support this theory". [BLACKED OUT SECTION FROM 01:21:13:00-01:21:23:00 AND FROM 01:21:37:10-01:21:52:00, BUT VO CONTINUES] "We give people who are living outside their countries the same advice and we tell them that the efforts they are making to raise Islam is not enough and is nothing if they don't have a government that's ruling in a religious way. Even Mohammed, when he migrated to Medina, he lived there for 13 years and it had only a few hundred people. When Islam was an environment that included the Persian Empire and the big Byzantine tribes, he was being treated as a country." 01:21:52:00 "However this small country had done good. And we call all the Muslim people, all the believers to raise the religion with their money, with their intelligence, with their science, with everything. If they do that, they're going to represent Islam as a big community." 01:22:09:25 GANG OF THREE - AL ZAWAHRI, ABU HAFS [aka Mohamed Atef, the man the US and Britain have accused directly of masterminding the WTC Pentagon operation], and OSAMA BIN LADEN 01:22:11:26: GANG OF FOUR [addition of MULLAH OMAR] OSAMA BIN LADEN speaks in front of huge map. "The way is very clear. Our prophet Mohamed declared it. And one of Mohamed's followers said that back in that time the people were asking Mohamed about good. And they were asking him about what's bad. Because they were scared of the bad." 01:22:42:00 "This man asked Mohamed 'we were living in a bad situation before Islam and God brought this religion to us. And this is a good thing. So is anything bad going to come after this good life we are living? Mohamed told him 'yes'. So the man asked Mohamed after the bad comes will there be some more good? And Mohamed said 'yes'. There is smoke coming. So the guys said where is the smoke coming from. And Mohamed said the smoke is coming from people who are ruling the Muslim people with some new rules coming from Islam. 01:23:31:00 "So he asked Mohamed and after this good is any bad going to come. And Mohamed said yes. A people will appear that will be bad, and anyone who doesn't agree with them, they will overthrow them. [The Americans are the implication here] So the guy asked Mohamed what do you advise me to do if I get to that time? There are lots of rules of Islam, many duties. And the faith is being divided into more than 70 parts. So which part do you think the prophet Mohamed is going to follow? Mohammed advised him to go only one way." 01:24:04:00 "Because it's the most important way. You have to be around the Muslim community and the ruler of the Muslim community. "The subject of this talk between Mohamed and his follower is the same thing we're facing now. The Muslim community Mohamed is talking about is Jamaa, means the people that are following the religious path, and they are strong and powerful." 01:24:39:00 TITLE CAPTION: "The person who didn't sacrifice his life for religion, is considered a non-believer." 01:24:47:00 "This strong community is a community that doesn't follow the orders of the United States and the United Nations. And this country and this Jamaa are being settled by the Taleban. And this guy is the chief of the Taleban, Mullah Omar. This is the reality. This is the country settled, established and ruled by the Taleban and this is the prince of this country, the prince of believers, the Mullah Mohammed Omar". 01:25:29:00 BAMIYAN BUDDHA STATUES DESTROYED Big explosion, CU of statues at Bamyian, another explosion, CU rubble at Bamiyan 01:27:41:00 TITLE: "Preparation" 01:27:54:00 OSAMA BIN LADEN on camera [INTERSPERSED WITH IMAGES OF AL QAEDA TRAINEES: NIGHTTIME TRAINING WITH LIVE FIRE (CHANTING) BUNKER CLEARING ASSAULT COURSES. GOOD IMAGES OF SOLDIERS WITH FLAGS AT 01:31:18:00 AND CU OF MACHINE GUNS AND HANDS HOLDING THE KORAN AT 01:34:00:00] "We call the young generation to follow the true path of the prophet Mohammed and to go to the land of preparation [AFGHANISTAN?] to harden themselves. These men are heroes for the way they sacrifice themselves in such difficult terrain. They cultivate the land and make it a good place to raise the flag of Islam. This land may be dry and barren but if nothing else it produces the people prepared to sacrifice themselves for their belief. They refuse to give their land to the enemies. They refuse to bow down before their enemies. You have to follow the path of Mohammed who says you have to sacrifice yourself to protect your land. Mohammed emptied the city of Medina when he went to fight his enemies and the people who stayed behind, saying that they had other things to do - such as teaching - they failed to understand what religion wants them to do. Mohammed didn't leave any teacher, cleric or true believer in the city and thereby gathered 30 thousand fighters to protect God's name when they heard about the Romans coming to invade the Muslim land. To protect God's name we must teach people more than just theories, we must teach them practice and work as well." OSAMA BIN LADEN 01:37:08:00 "The Muslim world is controlled by non-believers from all over the world. Honest people who feel bad about what happened to their religion must take up arms to protect their land. Death is better than a life of laziness and fear. Death is better than this." 01:38:27:00 [Training, men running over barriers] 01:46:14:00 [Target Practice, fires at large video image of Bill Clinton] OSAMA BIN LADEN 01:46:32:00 "The fruit of this training is the jihad to protect God's name. Your brothers in Palestine are waiting for you impatiently. They are waiting for you to hurt the United States and Israel. God's land is very large and very vast, and their presence is everywhere. Do your best to hurt them and to raise God's name." 01:52:27:00 [Little children training] 01:52:42:00 [Bin Laden's son, Othman, reading poem, kids in pool] [BLACKED OUT SECTION FROM 01:54:59:00-01:55:25:00] 01:55:39:22 TITLE CAPTION: "The jihad" 01:55:43:00 "The only way to raise God's name is a jihad and using suicide operations. To push them out we have to use bullets and weapons, and I think that honest men are men who don't listen to the voice of Satan. The price is the blood of our people. I wish that God will give us the right path to be in the right place." 01:56:24:00 END OF FSN-37