
Footage Information

Archive Films by Getty Images
FSN-64 Beta SP
01:00:00:00 Mikhail Gorbachev speech on water and development at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, DC - November 18, 2002. 01:17:40:00 AIDS Protest in Lafayette Park outside the White House in Washington, DC - November 26, 2002. 01:28:40:00 Anti-War with Iraq Protest in Farragut Square, two blocks from the White House in Washington, DC - December 10, 2002. 01:39:05:00 Portsmouth Naval Base, home of the US Navy's Atlantic Fleet and aircraft. USS Harry Truman aircraft carrier is in port. November 15, 2002. 01:46:55:00 Philip Morris headquarters in Richmond, Virginia. November 15, 2002. 01:51:30:00 US Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill meets Singapore's Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in Washington, DC - November 12, 2002. 01:52:50:00 Kenya's President Daniel arap Moi leaves White House after meeting with US President George Bush. December 5, 2002. 01:54:10:00 White House decorated for Christmas with lovely snow - December 5, 2002. 01:59:35:00 Kenya's President Daniel arap Moi speech to the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, DC - December 5, 2002. 02:15:00:00 Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill speech at Georgetown University after trip to Africa. Shows off gift of blue sunglasses from U2's Bono. - June 5, 2002.