
Footage Information

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PYN-19 Beta SP
B W, Color
WWII, United States Air Force (USAF), Germany, castles, aircraft, fighter planes, bombers, transport planes, Fascism, Allies, Battle of Britain, Eagle Squadrons, Forward Air Controllers, US military, aircraft graveyards, Air Force Now, military checkpoints, security, air force bases, parachuting, paratroopers, training, drinking & driving PSA, Korea, Propoganda Village, weapons tests, Vietnam War, Vietnam peace talks, treaties, POWs, Air Force Drug Testing Laboratory (AFDTL), scientists, chemistry, United States Air Force Academy, cadets, training, flight instruction, Flying Tigers, China, USAF rock band (Band of the Golden West)
15:00:49:00 - 16:00:55:00 Color B W Sound 1940s, 1980s Various pieces on the role of the Air Force. First segment on Florida air force base. Second is nostalgic piece about veteran pilot discussing flying in WWII with RAF. Third is about energy conservation in the USAF. Fourth on unit readiness. Fifth on transport & airlift. Sixth is drunk driving PSA for USAF. Seventh is on Korea. Eight is on Vietnam. Ninth is AF drug testing lab. Tenth is on USAF Academy in Colorado Springs. Eleventh is WWII dogfights in Asia. Twelfth is the real highlight: a USAF rock band plays top 80s hits to crowd of teenagers, including Van Halen's "Jump" (note: music not cleared.) 15:00:49:00 - 15:04:14:05 Color Sound 1980s ZO to WS of Neuschwanstein Castle, Bavaria, Germany. B W footage of WWII pilots running to planes in "scramble." VS of McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle in flight & shooting missiles. Opening credits for "Air Force Now." VS US Air Force (USAF) pilots playing pool (billiards) - GOOD CU pool balls being broken. VS USAF personnel working in air control room. 'Southeastern Regional Control Center' at Tyndall Air Force Base (AFB), Florida. Colonel talking about mission of control center objective to identify all aircraft & determine possible threats. Female USAF controller activating "scramble," pilots running out of building to airplanes. Good montage plane takeoff: Man directing pilot in F-15 Eagle. F-15 leaves hangar, aircraft POV of takeoff. VS two F-15s cut w Russian Tupelov TU-95 Bomber in flight. SLO MO TS of bald eagle landing on tree (American symbols, birds, nature). 15:04:16:00 - 15:11:18:10 Color Sound 1980s WWII veteran. Senior man (Colonel Edwin Dale Taylor, retired) opening case in black room, taking out relics from days as pilot in WWII, picture album, leather gloves & helmet w goggles. CU B W photograph of Taylor as pilot in uniform w hat. 15:05:11:00 - 15:06:10:13 B W Sound 1940s WWII archival footage. CU B W photograph of "Eagle Squadron" insignia w boxing bird. German troops (Wehrmacht) marching on Champs Elysees w L'Arc de Triomphe in the BG, Paris. Nazi flag (swastika) unfurled over French monument. MS Hitler & Goering. CU Hitler looking through binoculars. VS German bombers (Dornier DO-17) & fighter planes (Messerschmitt ME-109) taking off. Battle of Britain. LA formations of bombers. VS British civilians sitting listening to radios w audio of Winston Churchill's speech, "We shall defend our Island whatever the cost...we shall never surrender" VS British troops (Tommies) training & patrolling. Churchill raising his hat & smiling outdoors. 15:06:10:14 - 5:08:33:09 B W Sound 1940 - 1942 WWII - RAF. VO of retired pilot recounting his experiences. VS American (US) pilots who volunteered w the RAF during the Battle of Britain (1940), Eagle Squadrons. VS Supermarine Spitfire fighter planes taking off & in flight. Aircraft POVs of dogfights w German Luftwaffe. Wreckage of burning Nazi fighter plane. Man ringing "scramble" bell, pilots running to planes. LS dogfights. CUs of pilots hands on controls, machine guns firing from wing turrets. 5:08:33:10 - 15:11:18:10 B W Color Sound 1942 Newspaper photo of Major Edwin "Jessie" Taylor receiving Distinguished Flying Cross from Lieutenant General Lewis H. Brereton. VS fighter plane POVs during battles in sky, shooting at enemy planes. American flag being raised, US troops marching on parade as officers salute. VS fighter plane POVs attacking targets w faces of pilots superimposed over footage. PAN photographs in album. US military graveyard, airplane maintenance, pilots playing together, relaxing (R 'n R, leisure). Taylor closes trunk. End credits w Native American man sitting horseback, w title "Project Warrior." 15:11:18:20 - 15:16:46:00 Color Sound 1980s VS lights flashing, neon lights. VS carnival & rides. Air Force man switching lightbulb w circular fluorescent bulb, energy saving. VS F-15 Eagle in flight. Road sign for Fussen, in Germany. Couple rides in horse & carriage. Farming. ZO of German castles surrounded by forest. Montage of tanks & USAF planes in action, 601st Tactical Control Wing, Sembach Air Force Base, Germany. Rockwell OV-10 Reconnaissance plane on runway. Interview w Brigadier General Robert A. Norman, commander at Sembach AFB, talks of 'Forward Air Control' mission. VS army forward air controllers on ground, directing planes (A-10 attack aircraft) flying overhead. Army officer directing tanks during training exercises. Montage of tanks & troops in action. VS OV-10s in flight, pilot in cockpit, landing. End credits, footage turns in to animation of OV-10 landing, title "Presented by your Air Force." 15:17:13:00 - 15:21:48:07 Color Sound 1980s Title credits for "Air Force Now." ECU man's eyes w eyeglasses. Firemen putting out car fire. ECU pencil writing on pad. Infantry soldiers training. Title superimposed over CU of man's hat, "Partners in Blue." Military base checkpoint, soldiers thoroughly checking man, blindfolding him & putting him in car. Inspector General (IG) inspections. Multi Major Command (MajCom) Inspection. Interview w Colonel Robert Clark, USAFE (United States Air Force Europe) Director of Inspection. Colonel Clark leads debriefing meeting w other USAF officers. Interview w Sergeant Michael Cummings, Air Craft Maintenance Inspector for USAFE. VS soldiers in protective clothing & gas masks training & working on airplanes. ECU soldier testing ground water for chemicals. Officer setting fire on base. Air Force firemen in truck & using hose. VS officers in civilian clothing writing reports. CU man holding 'Inspection Report.' Montage of base activities, checkpoint, soldiers training, medics, Inspector General walking away. 15:21:50:10 - 15:29:02:00 Color Sound 1980s Parachute troops boarding a C-130 Transport aircraft. LA troops parachuting from C-141 Transport aircraft. LS large number of paratroopers in sky. C-130 dropping supplies w parachute. VS US Army soldiers on ground. Unloading helicopters & other supplies from transport aircraft. Title page, drawing of C-17 Transport aircraft w "Airlift Enhancement" written above. Interview w General Duane H. Cassidy, CINCMAC (Commander in Chief of Military Airlift Command). Cassidy discusses use & importance of C-17. EXT WS of McDonnell-Douglas facilities in Long Beach California. Building sign reads "Home of the USAF C-17." INT DS of contractors (designers) working w blueprints in office. Drawing of troops inside C-17 cargo bay w tanks strapped down. Drawing of C-17s in flight & taking off. Loading tank on to transport aircraft. Rear aircraft POV of transport aircraft using LAPES (Low-Altitude Parachute Extraction System), dropping supplies on dirt runway. VS pilots working controls in cockpit. VS loadmaster working controls. Paratroopers practicing hooking up to cable & exiting airplane door. VS Pratt & Whitney (PW) 2040 engines. VS drawings of C-17s in action. Model battlefield w C-17s. INT aircraft production factory. Drawing of C-17 in mid-air refueling by KC-10 tanker airplane. C-17 chassis' on production floor. 15:29:03:00 - 15:30:06:00 Color Sound 1980s Man's eyes lit up w rest of face in darkness. Discussing consequences of drinking & driving, talks about his responsibility for his friend's death. ZO w shadow of jail cell on wall. End credits, "Presented by your Air Force." Public Service Announcement (PSA). 15:30:35:00 - 15:37:02:00 Color Sound 1980s Interview w Major General Jack B. Farris, commander of the US Army 2nd Infantry Division, in uniform in Korea. Title credits for "Air Force Now," & "Forward Air Control in Korea." TU military man in uniform cut w images of North Korea South Korea border. VS Propaganda Village, North Korea in mist w TU of broadcast tower. VS North & South Korean border guards. LA TS A-10 Thunderbolt attack aircraft in flight. Four UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters in flight. WS TOW missile fired from armored vehicle (tube-launched, optically-tracked, wire-guided missile). A-10s firing weapons, fighter pilot POV w target view. F-4 Phantom in flight & firing missiles in to mountain. AH-1 Cobra gunships in air, firing missiles. Missile blowing up tank. Two Army officers looking at map & discussing mission. Camp Casey, Korea. Interview w Tech Sergeant Gary Christopher. CUs of hand using controls on radio. VS army & air force training together. 15:37:04:00 - 15:40:21:00 Color Sound 1970s Title screen for "Project Warrior." Vietnam War. Vietnamese delegates to the Paris Peace Conference talk to press w microphones (December, 1972). VS Boeing B-52 Bomber aircraft in flight. Operation Linebacker 2. Three B-52 crew members interviewed, Master Sergeant Reg Martin (tail gunner), Captain Paul Winkler (navigator), & Major John Dalton (aircraft commander). Dalton describing emergency landing after getting hit by enemy missile. VS B-52 dropping bombs. HA bombs exploding on ground. Henry Kissinger & Vietnamese delegates signing agreement to end war (International Conference Center, Paris, January 1973). American POWs released in Hanoi (February, 1973). 15:40:23:00 - 15:44:19:00 Color Sound 1980s Title credits for "AFDTL, Air Force Drug Testing Laboratory." VS Brooks Air Force Base, Texas. VS scientists working laboratories, checking specimens, using test tubes. Chemistry. Interview w Colonel, commander of AFDTL. VS woman opening package w urine samples & checking them for tampering. Man opening door w combination lock. ZO from AFDTL logo insignia w motto written over it, "100% Accuracy." End credits. 15:44:43:25 - 15:52:40:00 Color Sound 1980s Title credits for "Air Force Now." VS The United States Airforce Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Cadets marching in formation, military band playing. Instructor and student in flight simulator cockpit. Cadet being interviewed after landing on first training flight. Instructor teaching student navigation on board airplane. VS cadets towed in gliders, "soaring," flying own aircraft (TG-4A sailplane). VS glider in flight. VS cadets in parachute training, learning free fall techniques. Cadets jumping out of plane, in air w parachutes, landing. Flight instructor walking next to T-41 aircraft, explaining cadet training. VS flight training classroom w cadets, instructors talking to students one on one. VS T-41 in flight. 15:52:41:00 - 15:55:46:00 B W Sound 1940s Title credits for "Project Warrior." WWII. VS C-47 Skytrain transport aircraft in flight over the Himalayas. VS "Flying Tigers" pilots on ground, by aircraft. VS Curtiss P-40 Tomahawks in flight. Famous P-40s w noses painted like grinning sharks. VS of Brigadier general Claire Lee Chennault, commander of the "Flying Tigers." VS officers in planning room, w maps & scale models of aircraft movement. VS Japanese aircraft & military in action. VS dogfights, fighter planes being hit & crashing. "Flying Tigers" P-40s flying in V-formation. 15:55:48:00 - 16:00:55:00 Color Sound 1980s CUs of people preparing for concert, sound mixers, lights, amplifiers, tuning up guitar. VO of announcer introducing the 15th Air Force Rock Band, "The Band of the Golden West, Rock Ensemble." Band onstage in hangar, gym w crowd cheering. Band wearing United States Air Force (USAF) uniforms. VS band performing on stage. Play Culture Club song. Interviews w band members. VS band playing Van Halen song "Jump" at different events, concerts. Guitarist playing solo. This is great 80's music video-like footage. Cheesy cuts & camera angles, band jumping. A few good shots of crowd w feathered hair cheering.