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Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
File Number: | PYN-24 Beta SP |
Color: | B W, Color |
Type: | Documentary |
Year: | 1980s |
Subjects: | Aerials, United States Air Force, military aircraft, helicopters, airplanes |
Description: | 20:00:49:25 - 21:01:46:00 Sound Color 1980s Series made for air force recruits. Reconnaissance, various military aircraft used by the Air Force. Manned Spaceflight Support Group branch of Air Force working with NASA in their space shuttle Enterprise. Search and Rescue mission. Strategic air commands, spy planes, and Russian history and Soviet military. 20:00:49:25 - 20:07:35:03 Sound Color 1980s Montage of aircraft, pilots. Good hangar opening slowly to reveal w SR-71 "Blackbird" reconnaissance airplane inside, taxiing on runway. 9th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing, Beal AFB, California. Interview w Captain Kelly, Captain Judson, SR-71 "Blackbird" crew. Crew eating high protein breakfast, dressing in pressure suits. SR-71 "Blackbird" in flight. Interview w Captain Mike Danielle, U-2 pilot. VS U-2 "Dragonlady" (spy plane) on runway, taking off, in flight over mountains, landing w POV from SUV. Technicians, male, female, inspecting planes in hangar. SR-71 "Blackbird" incoming, landing, U-2 "Dragonlady" (spy plane) taxiing for take off. 20:07:36:27 - 20:11:32:21 Sound Color c. 1979 Astronauts walking to elevator, on elevator to Saturn 5 rocket. Interior of mission control, countdown, rocket launch. Center, Houston, Texas. Manned Space Flight Support Group, NASA, 1979. Enterprise Space Shuttle Orbiter landing, taxiing. Major Narr narrates. Interior mission control, technicians, scientists working panels, instruments. Flight crew in mock-up of shuttle. Enterprise Space Shuttle being towed on tarmack w Jeep escort. More interior mission control. Flight times, path, w VS Enterprise landing and taxiing. 20:11:34:12 - 20:17:02:16 DO NOT USE "That's Incredible!" segment. 20:17:04:10 - 20:22:36:09 Sound Color 1980s Titles, in Russian, then English. NATO. VS tanks, airplanes. Strategic Air Lift, August 1980, to reinforce American Allies in Europe: Reforger(Reinforcement of Germany)operation. Back of transport airplane opens, tanks, soldiers exit. VS soldiers landing, Jeeps, stills of air drops. Operation "Autumn Forge." Parachutes landing. VS interior of cockpit, pilots working, soldiers seating, waiting, in full hazmat suits, gas masks. Low altitude cargo drop w parachute. Men parachuting from C-130 transport airplane. F-5 flying overhead, working w Dutch aircrew CH-53 helicopter participates in evacuation of soldiers. C-141 transport airplane taxiing, signalman waving, F-15 taking off. VS soldiers, Rangers (black berets), unloading, leaving airplanes. Silhouette of aircraft flying away. 20:22:44:22 - 20:23:55:05 Sound Color and B W 1980s On-screen Disclaimer: Footage from television broadscasts behind the iron curtain, unique perspective on Soviet Union. Image of globe to a bearded man seated at desk talking about Soviet leadership and difference between the US and Russia. 20:23:55:05 - 20:28:30:12 Sound Color and B W 1980s Air Force Now Special Report: Red map of USSR. USSR street scenes, crowded sidewalks, man carries bundle. Summary of USSR history w B&W footage, montages: (The Kievan and Appanage Periods) artwork horseback invasions. Film footage from Eisenstein's "Aleksandr Nevsky" (1938) of armored soldiers, depicting horseback invasions, (Imperial Period, 1689-1917), battle on ice. Lenin speaking outdoors (1914) WWI footage, artillery firing, explosions, people storming the gates, riots w soldiers watching, (Soviet Period 1917-1991), troops marching, Bolsheviks, civil war. Lenin body lies in state (1924), people lining up to pass by. VS city of Moscow, Stalin's program starving people: farmers, peasants, people frozen in snow. Good Stalin's face superimposed over Moscow. Disturbing shots of people looking at people hung by the neck from hanging posts ("estimated 10 million killed by Stalin") A child cries on dead mother, Fire, smoke at gallows. German troops, tanks moving. VS Russian vs. German battle footage, artillery, tanks moving in snow, fighting on the Russian front (20 million dead). Rapid firing of missles. Explosion. 20:28:30:13 - 20:37:32:09 Sound Color 1980s Good footage of Soviet military and lifestyles. Russian street scenes, statues, posters, tributes to Lenin. People walking on streets in Russia, USSR. Still of Yuri Andropov. TALKING HEAD Air Force Intelligence officer Major Bill Hudson speaks. Another still of Yuri Andropov. VS Russian troops. VS Russian children, Communist sponsored youth groups. Compulsory military service: Russian men, soldiers in basic training, exercising on field, in classes, manual labor, working on military equiptment. More street scenes. VS Russian politician, soldiers marching. VS Russian military operations: SS-20 missle, launching of missle, tanks, arming antiaircraft guns, more tanks, helicopters. Dr. Holman, Soviet Specialist w DOD spaeks. Russian YAK-38 Jump Jet (counterpart to Harrier)taking off. Major Bill Hudson speaks. VS Russian military siloahs, map of missile sites, illustration of missiles in field, actual missles in field. Soviet winter operations, snow gear. 20:37:32:10 - 20:43:05:22 Sound Color 1980s TALKING HEAD host talking about Soviet imperialism. Soviet tanks, personel carriers, on parade. Red map of Afghanistan. Soviet military display on streets of Afghanistan. VS of cities, people of the Middle East, The Sphinx of Giza, Egypt. Map of China. VS Chinese border, laboratory. VS airplanes, jets, ships at sea, antiaircraft weapons in action, more aircraft. Map of El Salvador, Nicaragua. More officer talking, 20:37:32:10 - 20:43:05:22 TALKING HEAD host talking ("faced with threat of Soviet"). Written quote from author Aleksandr Isaevich Solzhenitsyn. 20:43:05:23 - 20:52:50:17 Sound Color 1980s Casper Weinberger, United States Secretary of Defense (1980-1987)speaks. Montage of aircraft, "Black Hawk" helicopter. "Air Force Now" logo. Field, meadow, church, pub in England. Double-decker enclosed bus on country road, VS F-5E jet moving forward, RAF Eilkenberry, England, Agressor Pilot training. VS classroom briefing, pilot at blackboard, debriefing, photographic slides. VS of F-15 airplane. F-5E taxiing on runway. Reenactment, role playing of East German briefing (subtitled). Good dramatic hangar doors opening (three times), f-5E airplanes out of hangar. Radar turning. VS airplanes in flight, control tower, dogfight simulation, rapid cuts. Pilot locks target, rapid cuts. F-15 landing. AV of Pentagon, Washington, D. C. Interior AFCC 2044th communications Group offices. VS of communications equipment. Casper Weinberger, United States Secretary of Defense from 1980-1987 speaks. Montage of Weinberger in action, on the job. (Praise for the communications group.) Tactical switchboard flooded with calls, January 1982, wreckage from Air Florida Flight 90, a 737 that crash into Washington DC 14th Street Bridge. Wrecked cars w tow trucks on street, woman being lifted from icy river by helicopter, one of only five survivors. VS interior of National Military Command Center, telephone, Emergency Conference Room. Montage of communication, technology used by operators. More Weinberger on the 2044th. 20:53:03:04 - 20:56:28:00 Sound B W 1943 "Project Warrior," August 1, 1943. 8th, 9th Air Forces will raid oil fields of Romania.Soldiers in briefing. VS Romania Oil Fields in Plouesti. 177 B-24 "Liberators" on ground, taxiing, take off, low flight, 30 feet off the deck for 1200 miles. VS German soldiers w bombs on shoulders, on radio, sighting antiaircraft artillery, firing on B-24s. German sighting as bomb bay doors open. VS bombs dropping, explosions, oil tankers on fire. German pilots, Luftwaffe runs to airplanes, Messerschmitts, taking off. B-24s flying east, meets German aircraft flying west, dog fight, machine guns firing on airplanes. AV of B-24 crashing. VS oil tankers on fire, smoking. VS bombs being dropped on Plouesti. 20:56:29:21 - 21:01:46:00 Vietnam jungle. Overture to "Hell's Bells" by AC DC, 1980, underscores opener. Man evading soldiers in forest, helicopter drops hoist cable for evacuation. VS UH-60 "Blackhawk" combat rescue helicopters in flight over water, in jungle, landing as troop transport. 55th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron. VS of Sgt. Jones, Maintainance Specialist, working on maintenance, claning, helicopter. Good short clips 20:58:56:06 (w music) of soldiers entering, priming, starting, taking off in a UH-1H "Nighthawk" gunship. VS "Nighthawk" flying, over water, over open field at night. Sgt. Riber w Blackhawk Program speaks, riding cable down from hovering "Blackhawk", evacuating man off ground. VS "Blackhawk flying, at tree level, interior pilots in silhouette, AV overhead, VS "Blackhawk in flight from every angle. UH-60 "Blackhawk" in silhouette w sun in BG. |