
Footage Information

Archive Films by Getty Images
FSN-72 Beta SP
1998 - 2003
00:00:00:00 - Africa Summit February 21, 2003 - French President Jacques Chirac hosts nearly all of the heads of state from Africa, including CUs of South Africa's Thabo Mbeki and others. 00:05:00:00 - AGOA Presser - African Growth and Opportunity Act, Indiana's Senator Dick Lugar, New York Senator Daniel PAtrick Moynihan, Rep. Charles Rangel of New York City, Shelia Jackson-Lee, Rep. Jim McDermott, Clinton Commerce Secretary Bill Daley, Senate hearing with Clinton Secretary of State Madeline Albright, African lobbying reception on Capitol Hill. June 17, 1998. 00:22:00:00 - Anti-War with Iraq peace protests and increased security immediately before the bombs being to drop in Iraq, around noon, outside the White House in Lafayette Square - March 19, 2003.