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10:48:27:17 HEAD ON CAMERA // President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are sworn in by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Sonia Sotomayor, respectively. Also contains the H/O of President Obama's complete Inaugural Speech.// 10:44:59 WS Presidential motorcade drives to Capitol for inaugural ceremony (shot from behind motorcade) / 10:47:50 CU Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) on inaugural platform, talking and pointing / 10:48:27 CU Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta walks out onto inaugural platform followed by Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and UN Ambassador Susan Rice / 10:49:10 MS Cabinet members walk out including Education Secretary Arne Duncan, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Chief of Staff Jack Lew, Energy Secretary Steven Chu, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan, Attorney General Eric Holder / 10:50:27 CU First Lady Michelle Obama's brother Craig Robinson / 10:51:42 James Taylor walks onto platform, follwed by Kelly Clarkson, Beyonce and Jay-Z / 10:53:52 CU Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts walks onto platform, followed by other justices Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen G. Breyer, Samuel A. Alito, Elena Kagan, Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg / 10:57:45 MS Color Guard carries in flags, walking past military band / 10:58:26 MS drummers and trumpeters stand in crowd on platform / 10:59:00 MS Former President Jimmy Carter and wife Rosalynn walk onto inaugural platform / 11:00:35 CU trumpeter / 11:01:10 MS Former President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton walk out / 11:03:14 MS Hillary standing next to Carter / 11:04:30 CU Carter talking to other guests / 11:06:20 CU Bill Clinton talking to other guests / 11:06:56 MS Vice President Joe Biden's family walks out, son Beau carrying family Bible followed by Hunter and Ashley / 11:10:30 MS Malia and Sasha Obama walk out, followed by their grandmother Marian Robinson / 11:10:57 CU Malia / 11:11:02 CU Sasha / 11:11:10 CU both girls / 11:13:00 CU Clintons talking to Beau Biden (?) / 11:13:40 MS Dr. Jill Biden / 11:16:26 MS First Lady Michelle Obama walks out with Iris Weinshall (Sen. Chuck Schumer's wife) following behind, hugs Bill Clinton and brother Craig 11:17:04 CU Michelle stands next to daughters / 11:18:30 CU trumpeter / 11:19:26 MS Vice President Joe Biden, followed by Senate Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) and House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) / 11:20:16 CU Michelle smiling, talking / 11:21:08 CU Michelle and brother Craig / 11:22:48 MS President Barack Obama salutes, walks onto inaugural platform followed by Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), chair of inaugural committee, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), Reid, Pelosi and House Majority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) / 11:23:33 MS Obama hugs Bill Clinton, greets Hillary. Boehner and Cantor visible in background / 11:23:46 MS Obama greets brother-in-law, kisses Michelle, daughters and mother-in-law / 11:22:58 MS Obama hugs Biden, kisses Jill / 11:26:26 MS Schumer gives welcome at podium / 11:32:17 MS Obama kisses civil rights leader Myrlie Evers before she delivers invocation / 11:39:00 CU Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir sings Battle Hymn of the Republic / 11:43:56 MS Sen. Alexander remarks / 11:46:30 MS Biden family gathers at poidum (Jill, Beau, Ashley and Hunter) / VP raises right hand to take oath from Justice Sotomayor (standing off camera) / 11:46:52 CU SS Biden repeats oath, Obama watches / 11:47:36 Biden finishes oath with son Beau looking on, kisses Sotomayor on cheek, kisses wife Jill / 11:48:02 MS Biden hugs Obama and Michelle / 11:48:40 MS Musician James Taylor plays guitar and sings America the Beautiful / 11:50:35 First family stands at podium, Obama raises right hand and puts left hand on Robinson family Bible to take oath from Justice Roberts / 11:50:58 CU SS Obama repeats oath, Michelle watches / 11:51:12 CU Obama finishes oath, shakes Roberts' hand, kisses Michelle and daughters / 12:51:27 MS Obama shakes Schumer's hand, waves to crowd / 11:51:40 MS Obama hugs Biden / 11:52:24 MS Schumer introduces 44th President of Unites States / 11:52:44 MS Obama steps to podium, waves to crowds, begins inaugural address / 12:11:44 MS Obama concludes speech / 12:12:58 MS Kelly Clarkson sings My Country Tis of Thee / 12:16:38 MS Richard Blanco shakes hands with Obama, Biden and Schumer, reads inaugural poem / 12:23:58 Rev. Luis Leon delivers the benediction / 12:28:30 MS Beyonce sings National Anthem, accompanied by US Marine Band / 12:31:05 MS Obama kisses Beyonce's cheek / 12:41:28 MS Obama talks to Biden and Sen. Alexander before exiting platform, followed by his family / 12:34:00 WS Clintons exit platform, followed by Carters / 12:35:07 MS Presidential Seal / 12:35:16 MS Marine band below inaugural platform / 12:37:39 WS platform as people leave // MSBLOG JH (115:33) / 11:19:26:00 Logged in DC - ifowler & tsloan (SOTS ONLY) CNN ID: 09016887 / 09016889 FORK SLUG: INAUG RX 401 POOL #4 / INAUG RX 402 #4 SHOT DATE: 1/21/13 LOCATOR: DC SOURCE: POOL RX: 401 / 402 (DC) TX: AX: 759, 760 NY: 701, 702 FONTS: Sen. Chuck Schumer (D) New York OR Chairman of Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies Sen. Lamar Alexander (R) Tennessee OR Vice Chairman of Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies John Roberts Chief Justice of the United States Sonia Sotomayor Associate Justice of the United States Myrlie Evers-Williams Civil Rights Activist SOTS: WX-SCHUMER/SACRED INAUG TRT :32 OC: BARACK H. OBAMA. 11:26:48 This is the 57th inauguration of an American president, and no matter how many times one witnesses this event, it's simplicity, it's innate majesty and, most of all, it's meaning, that sacred yet cautious entrusting of power from we the people to our chosen leader never fails to make ones heart beat faster as it will today with the inauguration of president Barack H. Obama 11:27:20 WX-SCHUMER/AMERICA PREVAILS TRT :15 OC: AND AMERICA PROSPERS. 11:30:39 As our history shows, no matter how steep the climb, how difficult the problems, how half-finished the task, America always rises to the occasion. America prevails and America prospers. 11:30:54 WX-ALEXANDER/DEMOCRACY TRT :37 OC: RESPECT THE RESULTS. 11:44:36 This is a moment when millions stop and watch, a moment most of us will always remember. It is a moment that is our most conspicuous and enduring symbol of the American democracy. How remarkable that this has survived for so long in such a complex country when so much power is at stake. This freedom to vote for our leaders and the restraint to respect the results. 11:45:13 WX-BIDEN-SOTOMAYOR/BIDEN OATH TRT :56 OC: CONGRATULATIONS. 11:46:43 SS: I Joseph R. Biden Jr. do solemnly swear. JB: (repeats). SS: That I will support and defend the constitution of the United States. JB: (repeats). SS: Against all enemies, foreign and domestic. JB: (repeats). SS: I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same. JB: (repeats). SS: That I take this obligation freely JB: (repeats). SS: Without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. JB: (repeats). SS: And that I will well and faithfully discharge. JB: (repeats). SS: The duties of the office of which I am about to enter. JB: (repeats). SS: So help me god. JB: (repeats). SS: Congratulations. 11:47:39 WX-ROBERTS-OBAMA/OBAMA OATH TRT :34 OC: MR. PRESIDENT. 11:50:40 JR: Please raise your right hand and repeat after me. I Barack Hussein Obama do solemnly swear. BO: (repeats). JR: That I will faithfully execute. BO: (repeats). JR: The office of president of the United States. BO: (repeats). JR: And will, to the best of my ability. BO: (repeats). JR: Preserve, protect and defend. BO: (repeats). JR: The constitution of the United States. BO: (repeats). JR: So help you god. BO: (repeats). JR: Congratulations, Mr. President. 11:51:14 WX-OBAMA/CONSTITUTION TRT 1:11 OC: PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. 11:53:38 Each time we gather to inaugurate a president, we bear witness to the enduring strength of our constitution. We affirm the promise of our democracy. We recall that what binds this nation together is not the colors of our skin or the tenants of our faith, or origins of our names. What makes us exceptional, what makes us American, is our allegiance to an idea in a declaration made more than 2 centuries ago. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. That they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness 11:54:49 WX-OBAMA/COLLECTIVE ACTION TRT :31 OC: REQUIRES COLLECTIVE ACTION. 11:56:58 Our celebration of initiative and enterprise, our insistence on hard work and personal responsibility, these are constants in our character. We have always understood that when times change, so must we. That fidelity to our founding principles requires new responses to new challenges, that preserving our individual freedoms requires collective action. 11:57:29 WX-OBAMA/RESILIENCE TRT :40 OC: SEIZE IT TOGETHER. 11:58:17 This generation of Americans has been tested by crises that steeled our resolved and proved our resilience. A decade of war is now ending. An economic recovery has begun. America's possibilities are limitless, for we possess all the qualities that this world without boundaries demands, youth and drive, diversity and openness. An endless capacity for risk and a gift for reinvention. My fellow Americans, we are made for this moment, and we will seize it so long as we seize it together. 11:59:02 WX-OBAMA/COMMITMENTS TRT :34 OC: THIS COUNTRY GREAT. 12:01:43 We recognize that no matter how responsibly we live our lives, any one of us, at any time, may face a job loss, or a sudden illness, or a home swept away in a terrible storm. The commitments we make to each other - through Medicare, and Medicaid, and Social Security - these things do not sap our initiative; they strengthen us. They do not make us a nation of takers; they free us to take the risks that make this country great. 12:02:17 WX-OBAMA/PEACEFUL RESOLVE TRT :19 OC: SUSPICION AND FEAR. 12:04:48 We will defend our people and uphold our values through strength of arms and rule of law. We will show the courage to try and resolve our differences with other nations peacefully - not because we are na ve about the dangers we face, but because engagement can more durably lift suspicion and fear. 12:05:07 WX-OBAMA/SOURCE OF HOPE TRT :23 OC: DIGNITY AND JUSTICE. 12:05:40 We must be a source of hope to the poor, the sick, the marginalized, the victims of prejudice - not out of mere charity, but because peace in our time requires the constant advance of those principles that our common creed describes: tolerance and opportunity; human dignity and justice. 12:06:03 WX-OBAMA/EQUALITY TRT :35 OC: EQUAL AS WELL. 12:06:53 Our journey is not complete until our wives, our mothers, and daughters can earn a living equal to their efforts. Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law - for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well. 12:07:28 WX-OBAMA/ACT NOW TRT :46 OC: IN OUR TIME. 12:08:22 That is our generation's task - to make these words, these rights, these values - of Life, and Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness - real for every American. Being true to our founding documents does not require us to agree on every contour of life; it does not mean we will all define liberty in exactly the same way, or follow the same precise path to happiness. Progress does not compel us to settle centuries-long debates about the role of government for all time - but it does require us to act in our time. 12:09:08 WX-OBAMA/NO DELAY TRT :42 OC: SPARE PHILADELPHIA HALL. 12:09:15 Decisions are upon us, and we cannot afford delay. We cannot mistake absolutism for principle, or substitute spectacle for politics, or treat name-calling as reasoned debate. We must act, knowing that our work will be imperfect. We must act, knowing that today's victories will be only partial, and that it will be up to those who stand here in four years, and forty years, and four hundred years hence to advance the timeless spirit once conferred to us in a spare Philadelphia hall. 12:09:57 WX-OBAMA/CITIZENS TOGETHER TRT :18 OC: AND ENDURING IDEALS. 12:10:56 You and I, as citizens, have the power to set this country's course. You and I, as citizens, have the obligation to shape the debates of our time - not only with the votes we cast, but with the voices we lift in defense of our most ancient values and enduring ideals. 12:11:14 WX-OBAMA/ONE MORE TIME TRT: 2 OC: SEE THIS AGAIN 12:32:49: I wanna take a look one more time. I'm not gonna see this again. 12:32:51 ROUGH LOG: 11:19:26 Biden enters with Pelosi, Reid 11:22:31 obama enters with schumer and alexander, cantor, boehner 11:23:50 crowd chanting obama! obama! 11:24:02 obama hugs biden, dr. biden 11:25:42 obama walks over to the justices SCHUMER: 11:26:29 mr president, mr vice president, members of congress, all who are present and to all who are watching - welcome to the capitol and to this celebration of our great democracy 11:26:49 57th inauguration and no matter how many times one witnesses this event, it's simplicity, majesty, it's meaning, that sacred yet cautious in trusting of power from we the ppl, never fails to make ones heart****** 11:27:13 beat faster as it will today with the inauguration of president barack h obama********** 11:27:28 now we know that we wouldn't be here today were it not for those who stand guard around the world to preserve our freedom, those in our armed forces, offer our thanks for bravery, honor, sacrifice 11:28:03 this democracy of ours was forged by intelliect and argument, activism and blood, and from john adams to martin luther king, but a stubborn adherance, we are all created equal, deserve nothing less 11:28:25 than a great republic worthy of our consent. theme of this year's inauguraul is faith in america's future, perfect embodiment is an event from our past. i speak of the completion of the capitol dome 11:28:48 and capping it with the statue of freedom, 150 years ago in 1863. when lincoln took office 2 years ealier, dome was a half built eye-sore. conventional wisdom said left undone until the war was ended 11:29:12 but to lincoln, the half-finished dome symbolized the half-divided nation. if ppl see the capitol going on, a sign we shall intend the union go on. dispite the conflict, the dome continued to rise 11:29:36 on dec 2, 1863, the statue of freedom, a woman, was placed atop the dome, still stands today. sublime irony, former slave, free american, phillip reed helped cast the bronze statue 11:29:56 present times aren't as disparing as in 1863, but in 2013, too many doubt the future of this great nation and our ability to tackle our own era's half-finished domes. the times are so complex, the differences 11:30:17 so deep, we will never overcome them. when thoughts like these produce anxiety, fear, dispair, we remember america's have always been and still are a practical optimistic problem solving ppl***** 11:30:39 and as history shows, no matter how steep the climb, how half finished the task, america always rises to the occasion. america prevails, and america prospers******** 11:31:02 and those who bet against this country have been on the wrong side of history. so, it is a good moment to gaze upward and behold the statue of freedom. a good moment to gain strengthen and courage from 11:31:23 those who were determined to finish the dome, to rejoice today at the inaugural ceremony and the perfect moment to renew our faith in the future of america. thank you and god bless these united states 11:31:57 now like to introduce myrlie evers-williams, lead us in the invocation EVERS-WILLIAMS: 11:32:31 america, we are here our nation's capitol, on this day, jan 21, 2013, the inauguration of 45th president, barack obama. we come at this time to ask blessings upon our leaders. the president, vice president 11:33:01 members of congress, all elected and appointed officials of the usa. we are here to ask blessings upon our armed forces, blessings upon all who contribue to the essence of the american spirit 11:33:24 the american dream, the opportunity to become whatever our mankind, womankind allows us to be. this is the promise of america. as we sing the words of belief, this is my country, let us act upon the meaning 11:33:48 that everyone is included. dignity and rights of every woman, man, boy and girl be honored. may all your ppl, especially the least of these, flourish in our blessed nation. 150 years after the emancipation proclamation 11:34:19 and 50 years after the march of washington, celebrate the spirit of our ancestors, a nation of unborn hopes and a history of disenfranchised to todays expression of a more perfect union. we ask too that where our 11:34:46 paths seem blanketed by oppression and riddled by pangs of dispair, we ask fo ryour guidance toward the light of deliverance and that the vision of those who came before us and dreamed of this day that we 11:35:08 recognize that their visions still inspire us. they are a great cloud of witnesses, unseen by the naked eye. but all around us thankful that they're living was not in vain. for every mountain, you gave us the strenghtn to climb 11:35:35 your grace is pleaded to continue that climb for america and the world. we now stand beneath the shadow of the capitol, unity and democracy of one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 11:35:57 approx. 4 miles from where we are assembled, the hallowed remains of men and women rest in arlington cemetary, they who believed, fought, and died for this country. may their spirit infuse our being to work 11:36:20 together with respect, enabling us to continue to build this nation. and in so doing, we send a message to the world that we are strong, feirce in our strengthn, vigilant in our pursuit of freedom 11:36:43 we ask that you grant our president the will to act courageously but cautiouslessly when confronted with danger, prudently when challenged by adversity. please continue to bless his efforts, lead by example in 11:37:05 consideration and favor of the diversity of our ppl. bless our families all across this nation. we thank you for opp of prayer to strengthen us for the journey through the days that lay ahead. we invoke the prayers 11:37:32 of our grandmothers who taught us to pray, god, make me a blessing. let their spirit guide us as we claim the spirit of old. there's something within me that holds the reigns. something within me that vanishes pain 11:38:02 something within me i cannot explain but all i know, america, there is something within. there is something within. in jesus name and the name of all who are holy and right, we pray. amen. SCHUMER 11:38:43 pleased to intro the award winning tabernacle choir, brooklyn tabernacle choir, to sing the battle hymn of the republic. 11:39:01 the battle hymn of the republic SCHUMER: 11:43:42 please join me in welcoming my colleague and friend, senator from tennessee, lamar alexander ALEXANDER: 11:43:58 mr president, mr vp, ladies and gentleman. the late alex hailey, author of roots, lived his life by these words, find the good and praise it. today we praise the american tradition of transferring or reaffirming power in the inauguration 11:44:26 of the president of the usa. peaceful orderly way. no mob, no coux, no insurrection. a moment when millions stop and watch. a moment most of us always will remember. it is a moment that is ***** 11:44:47 our most conspicious and enduring symbol of the american democracy. how remarkable that this has survived for so long in such a complex country when so much power is at stake. this freedom****** 11:45:07 to vote for our leaders and restraint to respect the results****** 11:45:21 george washington - what is most important of this grand experiment, the usa? washington answers his own question in this way. not the election of the first president, but the second. the transfer of power 11:45:43 is what will seperate our country form every other country in the world. so today, we celebrate the 57th inauguration of the american president. find the good and praise it. now, it is my honor. 11:46:07 my honor to introduce the ass. justice of scotus, sonia sotomayor for the purpose of administering the oath of office to the vice president SOTOMOYOR 11:46:42 raise your right hand and repeat after me. solemnly swear (biden repeats) 11:46:53 support and defend the constitnution of the usa (repeats) 11:46:59 against all enemies foreign and domestic (repeats) 11:47:04 that overbeat true faith and alligance to the same (repeats) 11:47:11 that i take this obligation freely (repeats) 11:47:16 without mental reservation or purpose of evasion (repeats) 11:47:22 and that i will well and discharge (repeats) 11:47:28 the duties of the office of which i am about to enter (repeats) 11:47:34 so help me god (repeats 11:47:37 congratualtions 11:48:10 biden hugs michelle and obama SCHUMER 11:48:22 pleasure to introduce james taylor 11:48:45 james taylor sings america the beautiful SCHUMER 11:50:20 honor to present chief justice roberts who will administer the presidential oath of office. everyone please rise ROBERTS & OBAMA: 11:50:40 raise your right hand and repeat after me. i do solemnbly swear (repeats) 11:50:50 that i will faithfully execute (repeats) 11:50:54 the office of president of usa (repeats) 11:50:58 and will to the best of my ability (repeats) 11:51:02 preserve protect and defend (repeats) 11:51:05 the constittuion of the usa (repeats) 11:51:09 so help you god (repeats) 11:51:12 congrats mr president (repeats) 11:51:41 obama and biden shake hands and hug 11:52:13 gun salute going off SCHUMER: 11:52:24 ladies and gentlemen, priviledge and honor to introduce the 44th president of the usa, barack obama! OBAMA: 11:53:03 thank you. (obama! obama!) thank you. thank you so much. vp biden, mr chief justice, members of the usa congress, guests, and fellow citizens. each time we gather to inaugurate a president we bear witness 11:53:45 to the strengthen of our constitution. we affirm the promise of our democracy. recall that what binds our nation together is not the color of our skin, tenants of our faith, or origins of our names. what makes us exceptional*********** 11:54:10 american, is our alligance to an idea in a delcaration made more than 2 centuries ago. we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal*************** 11:54:38 endowed by creator with rights that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness********* 11:54:52 today we continue a never ending journey to bridge the meaning of those words with the realities of our time. for history tells us that while these truths may be self evident, never been self executing. while freedom 11:55:15 is a gift from god, it must be secured by his ppl here on earth. but patriots of 1776 didn't fight to replace the tyranny of a king with the priviledge of a few or a rule of a mob, gave to us a repiublic, a govt of and for and by the ppl 11:55:43 intrusting each generation to keep safe our founding creed. for more than 200 years we have. through blood by lash and sword, no union founded on liberty and equality could survive half slave and half free. we made ourselves a new. 11:56:14 together we determine a modern economy needs railroads, schools colleges to train workers, we discover a free market only thrives when there are rules. together we resolve that a great nation must care for the vulerabler 11:56:39 and protect ppls from worst hazards and misfortune. through it all, we have never relinquished our skepticism of central authority, or the fiction that all societies' ill can be cured through govt alone. our celebration of enterprise 11:57:02 insistance on hard work, these are constants in our character********* 11:57:12 we have always udnerstood when times change, so must we. fidelity to our principles requires new responses to new challenges, perserving freedoms requires collective action****** 11:57:32 can no more meet demands of todays world by acting alone than soldiers could have met communism with muskets and militias, or build the roads that will bring new jobs to our shores. now, more than ever, we must do 11:58:01 these things together as one nation and one ppl********** 11:58:15 this generation has been tested by crisis that stealed our resolved and prooved our resiliance. decade of war is now ending. economy recovery has begun. america's possibilities are limitless, possess all the qualities this world demands***** 11:58:44 youth and drive, diversity and openness. endless capacity for risk and a gift for reinvention. my fellow americans, we are made for this moment and we will ceize it so long as we ceize it together***** 11:59:10 for we, the ppl, understand our ocuntry cant succeed when a shrinking few do very well and a growing many barely make it. we believe that america's prosperity must rest upon a rising middle class. we know america thrives when 11:59:35 every person can find pride in their work. we understand that programs are inadequate to the needs of our times, harness new ideas to revamp tax code, reform schools, and empower our citizens with the skills they need to reach higher 12:00:27 but while means wil;l change, our purpose endures. a nation that rewards efforts of every american, that is what this moment requires, give real meaning to our creed. we the ppl still believe that every citizen deserves a basic 12:00:55 measure of security and dignity. we must make the hard choices to reduce the cost of health care and the size of our deficit. but we rejewct the belief that america must chose for caring in the generation that built this country 12:01:20 and the generation that will invest in our future, remember lessons of our past when twilight years were spent in poverty, we dont believe in this country freedom is reserved for the lucky or happiness for the few, 12:01:43 no matter how responsibliy we live our lives, any one of us may face a job loss or sudden illness or home swept away in a terrible storm. committments we make to each other through medicare, social security, dont sap our iniatiivve, 12:02:06 they strengthen us. they dont make us a nation of takers, they free us to take the risks that make our country great. ****************** 12:02:23 we the ppl still believe our obligations as americans are not just to ourselves, but to all posterity. we will respond to the threat of climate change, failure to do so would betray our children and future generations. 12:02:52 some may still deny the judgement of science, none can avoid the impact of raging fires, crippling drought, long and difficult road, but american cannot resist this transition, we must lead it. we cant cede to other nations. 12:03:21 we must claim its promise. that's how we will maintain economic vitality and our national treasures - forests and waterways, snow capped peaks. that is how we will perserve our planet. that's what will lend meaning to the creed 12:03:48 our fathers once declared. we the ppl still believe that enduring security and lasting peace dont require prepetual war. our brave men and women in uniform tempered by flames in battle are unmatched in skill and courage 12:04:19 our citizens seared by memory of those we have lost note too well the price that is paid for liberty, the knowledge of their sacrifice will be forever vigilant for those who will do our harm. heirs to those who won the peace and not just the war 12:04:41 turned enemies into friends, carry those lessons into this time as well. defend our ppl through strengthen of arms and rule of law. show the courage to try to resolve differences with countries peacefully, bc engagement 12:05:05 can lift suspicion and fear******** 12:05:12 remain the anchor of strong alliances, renew those institutions, no one has a greater stake than the most powerful nation. support democracy bc our interests compell us to act on behalf of those who long for freedom 12:05:40 and we must be a source of hope to the poor, sick, marginalized, victims of prejudice, not our of mere charity, but bc peace requires advance of principles that our common creed dscribes, tolerance and opprtunity***** 12:06:03 human dignity and justice******* 12:06:07 we the people delcare today that the most evident of truths, that all of us are created equal is the star that guides us still, just as it guided our forefathers through selma, all those men and women who left footprints along****** 12:06:32 this great mall to hear a preacher say we cant walk along, a king proclaim freedom is bound to freedom to every soul on earth******** 12:06:52 it is now our generations task to carry on what those pioneers began, for our journey is not complete until wives can earn a living equal to their efforts. not complete unti gay borthers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law 12:07:20 if we are truley created equal, the love must be equal as well*********** 12:07:30 our journey is not completed until no citizen has to wait for hours to vote. not complete until we find a better way to welcome the immigrants who still see america as the great land of opportunity. 12:08:01 not complete until all our children know they are cared for and cherished and always safe from harm. that is our generation's task. to make these words, these rights, these values, of life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness 12:08:35 real for every american******** 12:08:39 being true to founding documents doesn't require us to agree on everything, doesnt mean we all define liberty the same way or follow the same path to happiness. progress doesn't comprise us to settle the debates of role of govt, 12:09:06 requires us to act in our time************ 12:09:15 for now, decisions are upon us and we cant afford delay. we cannot mistake absolutism for principle, or treat name calling as reasoned debate******** 12:09:34 we must act, we must act knowing that our work will be imperfect, that todays victories will be on partial, up to those who stand here in 40 years, and 400 years to advance the spirit once confired to us in a spare philly hall************ 12:10:03 my fellow americans, the oath i have sworn before you today like the one recited by others who serve in this capitol was an oath to god and country. not party or faction. and we must execute that pledge. 12:10:28 but the words i spoke are not so different from oath taken each time a soldier signs up for duty or an immigrant realises her dream, we all make to the flag that fills our hearts with pride. the words of citizens 12:10:52 and they represent our greatest hope. you and i as citizens have th epower to set this countries coarse, has the obligation to shape the debates of our time not only with votes but with voices we lift************ 12:11:17 let us each of us now embrace with duty and awesome joy what is our lasting birth right. with common effort and purpose, with passion and dedication, let us answer the call of history and carry into that light of freedom 12:11:39 thank you, god bless you , and may be forever bless these united states of america. SCHUMER: 12:12:38 at this time, please join me in welcoming kelly clarkson, accompanied by us marine band. KELLY CLARKSON: 12:12:52 oh, i'm nervous! 12:13:26 sings my country tis of thee 12:16:08 obama and kelly clarkson hug SCHUMER: 12:16:17 wow! our next guest is the poet, richard blanco, who will share with us words he has composed for this occasion. BLANCO: 12:16:57 mr president, mr vp, america, one today. one son rose on us today, kindled over our shores, peaking over the smokys, spreading a simple truth across the great plains then charging acorss the rockys 12:17:31 one light waking up rooftops, under each a story told by gestures moving across windows. my face, your face, millions of faces in mornings mirrors, each one yawning to life, crescending into our day 12:17:55 the pencil yellow schoolbuses, fruit stands, apples, limes, and orages arranged like rainbows begging our praise, silver trucks, heavy with oil or paper, bricks or milk, teaming over highways alongside 12:18:16 us on our way to clean tables, read ledgers or save lives, to teach geometry or ring up groceries as my mother did for 20 years so i could write this poem for all of us today. all of us as vital as the one 12:18:44 light we move through, the same light on blackboards with lessons for the day, equations to solve, history to question or atom's imagined, the i have a dream, we all keep dreaming or the impossible 12:19:03 vocabulary of sorrow that wont explain the empty desks of 20 children marked absent today and forever. many prayers but one light breathing color into stained glass windows, life into the faces of bronzed status 12:19:30 warmth onto steps of museums and park benches. one ground, our ground, routing us to every stock of corn, head of wheat sown by sweat and hands, hands gleaning coal or windmills, digging trenches 12:19:58 routing cables, hands as warn as my fathers, cutting sugar cane so my brother and i could hav ebooks and shoes. the dust of farms and deserts, cities and plains, mingled by one wind, our breath 12:20:25 breathe. hear it through the days dim of honking cabs, symphony of footsteps, subways, songbird on your clothesline. hear squeaky playground swings, train whistling, hear the doors we open each day 12:20:53 for each other saying hello. shalom. bonjorno. howdy. namaste. or buenos dias. in the language my mother taught me, in every language, spoken into one wind, as these words break from my lips 12:21:22 one sky, since the applachians claimed their majesty and since mississippi worked their way to the sea, thank the work of our hands weaving steel into bridges, finish a report for the boss on time 12:21:44 stiching another wound or uniform, the first brushstroke of a portrair or the last floor on the freedom tower jutting into the sky that yeilds to our resilience. one sky toward which we sometimes lift 12:22:04 our eyes tired from work somedays guessing at the weather of our lives, some days giving thanks for a love that loves you back. sometimes praising a mother who knew how to give or for giving a father 12:22:27 who couldn't give what you wanted. we head home through the gloss of rain or weight of snow or plum bliush of dusk but always home, always under one sky, our sky and always one moon like a silent 12:22:55 drum tapping on every rooftop of one country. all of us facing the stars, hope a new constellation, waiting for us to map it, waiting for us to name it, together. 12:23:22 shakes hands with obama 12:23:26 shakes hands with biden SCHUMER: 12:23:36 ladies and gentlemen, priviledge to introduce luis leon to deliver benediction LEON: 12:24:02 let us pray. gracious and eternal god, as we conclude the 2nd inauguration of pres obama, we ask for your blessings as we seek to become, in the words of mlk, citizens of a beloved community, loving you and neighbors 12:24:28 as ourselves. bless us with presence bc without it, hatred and arrogance will infect our hearts. with your blessing, we can break down the walls that seperate us. we pray for your blessing today, without it, mistrust 12:24:50 and rankor will rule our hearts but with a blessing of your presence, we can renew the ties of mutual regard, best form our civic life. we pray for your blessing bc without it, suspicion, despair, fear will be our rule of life 12:25:15 but with your blessing, we can see each other created in your imagine, a unite of god's grace, irreplaceable. we pray for your blessing bc without it, we will see only what the eye can see but with the blessing 12:25:40 or your blessing we will see we are created in your image, male or female, first generation immigration, or DAR, gay or straight, rich or poor, we pray for your blessing bc without it, only see scarcity in the midst 12:26:09 of abudance, we will recognize abundance of the gift of this good land of which you have endowed this nation. we pray for your blessing, bless all of us, privoledged to be citizens of this nation, we may become 12:26:34 a blessing of nations in this world. pray that you will shower with your life giving spirit the elected leaders of this land, especially barack and joe, fill them with the love of truth and righteousness that they serve 12:26:57 this nation glad to do your will. endow their hearts with wisdom and forebarance, so peace may pervail with righteousness, can find the fulfillment of our humanity. we pray that the president, vp and all in policial 12:27:21 authority will remember the words of mika - what will the lord requires of us but to do justice, kindness and always walk humbly with god. mr president, mr vp, may god bless you all your days. all this we pray in your 12:27:53 most holy name. amen. 12:28:01 shakes hands with obama and biden SCHUMER 12:28:07 remain standing for the singing of our national anthem by award winning artist beyonce accompanied by u.s. marine band. following anthem, remain at your place while party exits the platform 12:28:54 beyonce sings national anthem 12:31:07 hugs obama 12:32:11 obama and biden and families leave ############################################################################# (72:45) /
Standard Definition
Shot 01/21/2013.## HEAD ON CAMERA // President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are sworn in by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Sonia Sotomayor, respectively. Also contains the H/O of President Obama's complete Inaugural Speech.//## ARCHIVE PER DCLIB/LI & TR##

