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10:25:38:23 Obama rally in Manchester/Manchester, NH /nAlmir Banjanovic (freelancer) /n01/06/08 /n05264442 /nSen. Barack Obama /n(D) Presidential Candidate /n /n /n /nOBAMA/TWO DAYS TIME trt: 39 oc: this entire year /n10:30:18 well new hampshire, a few days ago iowa stood up and announced that it was time for a change in america...and in two days time, NH it will be your turn to stand up, you will have the chance to change america in two days time, right here in NH, right here in Manchester, you can do what the cynics said could not be done, what iowa did this past week and what america can do this entire year. 10:30:55 /n /n /nOBAMA/DEFINING MOMENT TRT: 41 oc: not wrong /n10:41:37 We're in a defning moment. Our nation's at war. Earth in peril. People working for less. People paying more for everything. Hard to save. Hard to retire. What's worse - people have lost faith in government. The way politics works today - they're not wrong. 10:42:18 /n /n /n /n************************************************ /nRough Log /n /n /nREPORTER 9:31:19 All candidates are drawing huge crowds - Romney about 200 hundred, Edwards about 400, Clinton about 700. Obama drawing biggest crowds - 1200 to 1300 people. Obama events transcend politics. This seems different. People bring young kids to come see Obama. It's hard to put your finger on, something larger, something else goin on. /n /n9:32:27 There is a lot of washington political elite here. At a lot of these events you see college age kids. Not this time. /n /nRANDOM GUY 10:00:00 Hello ladies and gentlemen. Good and bad news - he's coming, he's not here yet. (Talks about safety procedures.) /n /nJOE KEIFFE 10:20:57 Yesterday I endores the next President of the US - Barack Obama. We now have the man that we need in our time. I truly believe Obama is a man for our destiny to put the politics of yesterday behind and build politics of future. /n /nOBAMA /n /n10:25:55 I'm so grateful to be here. Let me thank Joe Keiffe. Thank you. I also wanna thank Kimberly - big round of applause. Some of you know that I used to be an organizer 10:26:30 That's how I first moved to Chicago. I moved there because I wanted to work on the grass-roots level. 10:26:49 I worked for 12 thousand dollars a year. It was great work - taught me that ordinary people can do extraordinary work. It's tough work - late nights, cold pizza. Whenever I travel around NH I'm inspired by young people who pour hearts and souls into this campaign 10:27:48. (Thanks continues) Let's thank Jack. Jacks dreams of the NH primary. My job is to help Jack do his job. 10:28:43 If there are undecided people - I will be so persuasive that a light will shine on your head. 10:29:02 And you will say - I have to vote for Obama - I have no choice. (crowd laughs) 10:29:15 I would love for you to fill out the voter cards. Let me just see a show of hands who are undecided. 10:29:33 You see that - one there, couple, some live ones. We're coming after you. If I am persuasive fill out voter cards. If you're not voting for me - vote for somebody - this is too important of an election. 10:30:07 (Crowds cheering) /n /n10:30:18 Well NH, Iowa stood up and announced that it was time for change in America. In 2 days time you will have the chance to change America. In 2 days you can do what could not be done. We will have the chance to come together - Democrats, Republicans, Independents. It is time for change in America. This is our time! 10:31:22 In 2 days time we can put aside all the attacks, anger, to end politics about division and make it about addition. 10:31:54 That's the reason I'm running for POTUS. I wanna see a united country. That's the only way how we'll deliver on the promise of America. /n /n10:32:27 We started last week. When you see people pouring in in Iowa - somethign was changing. I went to a caucus site early to greet people - young people. High school students were excited. Middle-aged folks who belived we can do somethign different. Independents thought stakes were too high. Republicans came and whispered 'Barack I'm gonna support you.' 10:33:42 And I would say (whispers) 'Thank you, why are we whispering?' Something was changing. Iowans said 'enough.' 10:34:07 It's time to change America. A majority will help us govern. A majority will allow us to finally say that we have the power and not only intention to deliver health care, college education, break grip of foreign oil. When we have numbers nobody can break us. 10:34:59 /n /n10:35:00 In 2 days time we have the chance to say to the lobbyists - your days are over. They have not financed my campaign and they will not run my White House. They will not drown out the voice of the American people. 10:35:35 In 2 days time we have chance to do things differently. We won't tell them what they think they wanna hear, we'll tell them what they need to hear. 10:36:09 We'll let everybody know where we stand. 10:36:19 What the American people are looking for is somebody to tell them what we need to do to move the country forward. That's why I'm runing for POTUS. 10:36:46 In 2 days we can stop talking of 47 million people without health care, we can start doing something about it. My mother died of cancer - in the final days she was reading insurance papers! I know what it's like to see a loved one suffer! Every American will have health care that is at least as good as mine that I have in Congress. We will do it by the end of my first term as POTUS. 10:37:58 If you stand with me, we will do it! /n /n10:38:06 In 2 days time we'll bring back the tax breaks from the companies overseas. We will restore balance - there is something wrong with a CEO making more money in 10 minutes that an ordinary American makes in a year. In 2 days time we will grow our own energy, roll back global warming. 10:39:11 Create a better future - our children, grand children. In 2 days time, right here in NH. /n /n10:39:38 If you come in 2 days time we can bring our troops home by the end of next year. We will end the mindset that got us into war. We can stop using fear of terrorism, we can unite. 10:40:22 If you believe we have the opportunity to remake America. If you believe - that's why you're here. People ask me 'why did you decide to run this time?' It's not because of long-held ambitions. I decided to run because of Dr. King called the "Fierce urgency of now.' 10:41:27 That hour is almost upon us. We're in a defning moment. Our nation's at war. Earth in peril. People working for less. People paying more for everyting. Hard to save. Hard to retire. What's worse - people have lost faith in government. The way politics works today - they're not wrong. The size of challenges have outstripped ability of politics to solve. People are hungry for politics of practicality and straight talk. 10:42:57 I decided to run because I was betting on you. 10:43:04 I was betting that real agents of change have always been its people. Change comes from bottom up. 10:43:20 We are not as divided. We are a decent people, hard working people. If we can rally our votes together we can challenge special interest and there is no destiny we can't fulfill! 10:43:51 That is the promise I made when I decided to run for POTUS. /n /n10:44:04 Starting this week we started to see that will pay off. Pundits doubted us. Each of their predictions were proven wrong by you. Now in NH we have the same opportunity. 10:44:59 They're saying don't believe your gut taht tells you we can do better. They're saying we can't do it because it's a gamble - he may have great ideas, good plans for health care, energy, but he hasn't been in DC long enough! 10:45:57 We need to season him more and boil all the hope out of him before he's ready to be POTUS 10:46:12 They were making these arguments for months in Iowa - and they said ' we don't believe that!' 10:46:31 Playing the same game, the same gamble, we cannot afford. 10:46:58 /n /n10:47:24 The kind of change - it will not come from ranting and railing against powerful. There's good reason to be angry. In fact you know when you go to the polling place the name GW will not be on the ballot and you will be happy about that! (cheers) 10:48:07 The name of my cousing Dick Cheney will not be there, and you're happy about that! 10:48:22 That was really embarrassing by the way 10:48:32 I was hoping I was related to somebody cool - Lincoln, Tom Brady - but Dick Cheney, that's a let-down. 10:48:52 The era of Scooter Libby, incompetence will not be on the ballot and that has motivated people. /n /n10:49:11 We have good reason to be angry at an economy that's tilted at Wall Street and not main street. We have good reason to be angry about a war that most Americans that should never have happened. Change will not come from anger. There is no shortage of anger in DC. We don't need more heat, we need more light. If you know what you stand for, if you know who you're fighting for, you can afford to reach out to those who don't agree with you. 10:51:01 Try to find some common ground. I understand insurance companies won't give up their profits, I understand there will be opposition. I'm more interested in Republicans outside DC - who also love this country, who also love their children. That's how you overcome lobbyists, building power that they cannot resist. When I have the power of the American people behind me I fear no man! 10:52:20 /n /n10:52:23 For many months I've been teased for talking about hope, i.e. debate last night. It's true, I talk about hope a lot. I was not born into wealth. I was raised my single mom and grandparents. They could give me education and hope. 10:53:14 I put hope on my posters. I have a book called "The Audacity of Hope." The implication - wishful thinking - head in clouds - naivitee. They say "hopemonger." (laughs) They say I'm passive - waiting for good things to happen. Hope is not blind optimism, ignorance. Hope is the complete opposite. I know how hard this will be 10:54:32. It will not be without cost. Problems of poverty dont' lend themselves to easy repair. I know that because I worked on the streets. I fought in the courts. I've seen good legislation die. Nobody mustered political will or workign majority. I've seen thsi nation succumb to fear becaue nobody had courage to ask tough questions. 10:56:00 I also know this - it was because of hope slavery was resisted, the great generation rose out of depression and beat fascism. 10:57:33 That's what hope is. Imagining and then working for it, fighting for it - what has not been done before. There is nothing we cannot do as long as we put in the effort and cast away fear, doubt and cynicism. 10:58:25 We can rebuild this country. Tha'ts the moment we're in. 10:58:37 In the life of every generation - that spirit has to come through. NH this is our time. This is our moment. If you stay with me, if you believe there is nothign that can stop us. If you believe in all of the above (crowd cheering) then you will have a POTUS who has taught the constitution, has fougth for the constitution. If you believe that we can keep the dream alive, you will reach with me, walk with me. If you vote for me, we will win the election and change America and change the world! 11:01:01 Thank you Manchester! 11:01:07 (crowd cheering, Barack leaving, shaking hands) (32:19) /
Standard Definition
## Shot 01/06/2008. ## Dem. Presidential Candidate Sen. Barack Obama campaigns in Manchester, New Hampshire.

