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00:00:00:00 SOTs Hillary/Pennsylvania Votes trt :17 oc: ...compete in pennsylvania! 12:13:33 Now I'm really happy that Pennsylvanians are going to get vote. some people didnt want your vote to count for very much, but i said 'wait a minute. I don't see how any Democrat gets to Pennsylvania Avenue without going through Pennsylvania. so let's go compete in Pennsylvania! 12:13:50 Hillary/Debate "Nothing" trt :34 oc: ...that was nothing. 12:13:58 Some of you see that debate the other night? (cheers) Well, I know that some of my opponent's supporters and my opponent were kind of complaining about the hard questions.. well, having been in the White House for eight years and seeing what happens in terms of the pressures and stresses on a President... that was NOTHING. 12:14:32 Hillary/United Dem Party trt :26 oc: ...and the Republicans. 12:41:26 i will do whatever i can to make sure we have a Democratic President next january. And i will, as a nominee, be reaching out to Sen. Obama's supporters, bc i want everyone to understand that whatever differences there are between Sen. Obama and myself, they pale in comparison to the differences between us and Sen. McCain and the Republicans. 12:41:52 (0:00) / 00:00:00:00 ROUGH LOG 12:07:30 how many vets do we have here today? lets thank all vets.. thank you thank you thank you! 12:07:50 grateful to be joined by a few vets... former undersec bill cassidy... 12:10:19 the values that PA has, the values i was raised w, are the ones that make merica great, and thats what we're gonna bring back 12:11:00 prez who once again puts ppl first, who gets up every day and asks ...what am i going to do...... 12:12:16 what ami going ot dfo to make college affordable again? (cheers) 12:12:29 what am i going ot fo to make sure that the students at this great HS believe theyre goinjg ot have a positive future they deserve? 12:12:48 restore american leadership and moral authority, work w other countries, finding common ground, so we can be world leader, and that is someone who DOES lead, as congressman said, by values and ideals 12:13:15 so many pf ythose questions can be answered te righ way, if pennsylvanians make the right decisions 12:13:39 im glad you get tt vote, some ppl didnt want your vote to count very much... dont see how you get to PA Ave without going thru PA *** 12:13:59 some of u see that debate the other night? 12:14:10 i know that my opponent is complaining about th ehard questions.. having been in the WH for 8 yrs, and seeing what happens, that was nothing *** 12:14:35 i'm with harry truman on this, if you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen ** 12:14:51 speaking for mnyself, very comfortable in the kitchen, so as the heat goes up, thats ok with me bc we've got tough problems 12:15:11 for me, this primary on tues is not just about next election, abotu next gen, and what we will dfo to make sure that our country remians strong 12:16:19 im asking that we finally have a prez again who understands americas purpose and promise 12:16:31 you think about how improbable, umlikely the story of our country really is. it didnt have to happen. t he reason it did isa bc ppl said we want to be free 12:16:56 we want to commit ourselves toi the prop that all ppl are created equal 12:17:22 every generation of americans has made our country better, that is really the story here 12:17:34 part of what i hope to do is to set our sights high again, set some goals, for us to believe that we can make a diff, continue this journey of progress 12:17:58 i am committed upon taking office to ask my sec of def and sec advisers to give me a plan to enable me to withdraw our troops startign w/in 60 days 12:18:28 some ppl have said, why not first day? thats just not possible, u have to plan 12:19:09 we will do it in a way that keeps faith and honors sac of those who have given iraqi ppl the best gift - freedom 12:19:38 they believed in the values and hopes a poss repd by freedom 12:19:51 never forget that ouryoung men and women in uniform have done everythign they were asked to do.. asked to get rid of saddam, they did.. free and fair elex, they did.. there is no military solution, and unless the iraqis understand clearly they no longer have blank check from govt of US that we have done all we can for them, and it is timenow for them to demo how they will receive trhis gift of freedom 12:20:59 what if things get worse? what if when we begin to withdraw more fighting breaks out? 12:21:16 first, i dont know what will happen. we dont have the ability to foresee future, but i don know what will happen if we stay there, if we continue to try to do for them what theyre unwilling to do for themselves 12:21:38 we will continie to lose our men and women.. we will continue to spend 10-12 bill amonth in iraq.. cont to be tied down in iraq, with threats in aghan continue to build and are clearly directed right at us 12:22:12 we will cede ground .. places where we need to be engaged 12:22:27 but we're not. we'll continue to see deter in the middle east 12:22:38 so its not only what will happen if we leave iraq, its what will happen ifd we stay in iraq, and i think the challenge for our next prez is to be able to manage this very diff situation 12:23:10 there is no good answer.. there are risks and dangers assoc with every decision we make 12:23:22 you hire a prez for this.. extended job interview that now has come to PA 12:23:47 there is no more daunting and painful part of this job than making a decision when, whether, and how to commit our military forces 12:24:06 i beleive i am ready to make those decisions, i have not only.... an understanding of the planning that is required, the conswequecnes that have to be evaluated, the steps to take to execute decisions, but more than that, i understand awesome respons that we invest in our prez to make decisions that are in keeping with both america's values and interests 12:24:54 we have to keep fqaith wiith who we are as a nation. the character of the amer ppl 12:25:33 if we begin to diminish our moral auth iun the world, we undermine our strength 12:25:51 i want this world to be exciting dynamic, secure 12:26:03 your prez has to make the smart and right decisions for the direction that our country needs to go 12:26:16 i will guarantee you i will take care of the men and owmen who serve int he military, and their families 12:26:32 and ill understand that the use of force should be used as last, not first, resort in solving our problems 12:26:54 as dave stone said, we have to end the war in iraq and win the war in afghan. both are challenging, but we're up to it 12:27:15 if we have a prez who explains what we're trying to accomplish, who asks amer ppl to do what we can 12:27:32 that challeneges us to do more than we ever thought possible, to fulfill that higher calling the gens of americans have been 12:27:51 i invite u to be part of this campaign in its closing days, lots of first time voters int his gym, and i would be honored to have that first vote, and i pledge i will do everything in my power to tell u what i intend to do, and work my heart out to deliver results, and i ask u to hold me accountable. im not just here to make a speech, here to engage you 12:28:43 a rez who understands clearly that its not up to one person, up to all of us QUESTIONS 12:30:41 (how have u helped other women along during ur career?) 12:30:52 so endebt ted to so many ppl, women who have influenced me along the way.. always believed that part of what i needed to do to pay back was help many more 12:31:12 never thought id run for prez, when i was growing up i cared about what was going on in the world 12:31:29 i have always believed in our amer democracy and the way we make decisions 12:33:14 womens rights are human rights, and we needed to unleash potential of american women so they can be full partners in amer society 12:33:32 i never thought i would run for office.. after elec of 1998, and sen. moynahan announced he was going to retire 12:33:49 and as soon as he made that announcement, one of the congmen from ny called me at the WH and told me 12:34:05 'there are a nunmber of us who want u to consider running 12:34:21 and i said no no no 12:34:25 then something would always happen that would make me consider it 12:34:39 i was at an event in a gym like this, i was supporting young women in sports, bc im a huge supporter of title 9 12:34:57 i was never a good athlete, but i loved sports 12:35:03 little historical fact, when i played bball in junior high and HS, we could only play half court 12:35:42 im introduced by young woman who is cpt of bball team 12:35:53 and i say to her 'that was an excellent intro, congrats' 12:36:00 and she leaned over and whispered 'dare to compete, ms clinton, dare to compete' 12:36:50 (..can you give to make envrion a major issue?) 12:37:13 i think its fitting that april 22nd is not only primary day, earth day, also equal pay day for women 12:37:31 i have laid out plan about what i will do.. website 12:37:44 in that plan, i talk about what i will do 12:38:01 on day 1, i will announce that i want to be part of leading to reach new global warming agreeent 12:38:19 ti be replacing kyoto, and i want it done within a year, pledge to do every three months 12:38:33 and i want to include china and india, south africa, brazil, other quickly developing countries, ptherwise wont get GHG emissions down 12:38:57 i will also look at every exec order that bush signed that prevents us from taking strong action to move toward energey indpendence and reverse those 12:39:20 i will call upon the congress to immediately consider legilsation, put it on fast track 12:40:27 thats the problem, i could talk all day about this, but those are some of the thingsi would do on day 1 12:41:03 (when u become dem nominee, what will u do to ensure that obama's supporters will support u?) 12:41:23 i have said i will do whatever i can to make sure we have a dem prez next jan. and i will as a nominee be reaching out to obama's supporters, bc i want everyone to u nderstand that whatever diferences we have bw us, they pale in comparison to those we have between sen. mccain and the repubs** 12:42:06 (takes more than a prez to make change, we have bipartisan congress, sexist congress, sexist country, ppl out there who want to see u fail. what is your plan to get coop u will need to make psoitive change?) 12:42:36 a prez is not a king or queen, ppl dont just do what you say 12:42:50 what ypouve gotta do is figure out... 12:42:59 when i was elected to senate, lots of ppl said 'she'll never work with the repubs, they wont work with her' they dont know me 12:43:28 there are so many area where we can make progress together... when i was elected.. they said maybe she wont show up, i did show up 12:43:55 very proud of record i have of passign leg, of achieving change 12:44:11 i think admiral stone mentioned one of the most impt piece of leg i passed 12:45:10 if everybody worked only with those who you liked.. and sicne he has become someone im very friendly with over the objection of the WH and pentagon, we passed leg that required the natl res and their families have access to healthcare 12:46:35 bc i told ppl, 'here's what i will do, i didnt give up, i went to get healthcare for our children 12:46:56 i was reelected in 2006 with 67 percent of vote in NY, and I.....I'm very grateful for that bc ppl voted for me bc they know they can count on me, i cant promise i can give you 100% of what we hope will happen, but ill give you 110% of my effort 12:47:41 (how are u gonna make the lifes of the children better?) 12:47:55 i have to say, my fav poster in PA.. Hillary Offers Proven Experience (HOPE) 12:48:23 if life isnt better for our children and grandchildren, our country is not fulfilling its purpose 12:48:36 wheni was young, i decided i wanted to help children, a lot fo children have health probs, neglected... dont get good education 12:48:55 so i went to work for childrens defense fund 12:49:02 and i lived for a long time in Arkansas, which was wonderful satte where my husband was governer 12:49:25 we didnt get everything we wanted, but we began to make some progress 12:50:11 as prez i will make sure more families have good jobs w rising incomes 12:50:20 we have 9 million children in america wo health insurance 12:50:29 i was in west philly w mayopr nutter.. how to protect ppl 12:51:14 (first, youre like my surrogate mother... question is, what kidns of things do canddiates like u do on your off time?) 12:51:55 i have to say that this campaign has been obviosuly long... and it has been hardfought, its been great for dem party and country, so many ppl getting involved 12:52:21 there is no denyign that its a very challengiung sked.. exhausting 12:52:33 i like it bc what i care most about is trying to figure out how to empower ppl 12:52:44 every day something happens that gives me good energy backj 12:52:51 as soon as i have any opp, i shut my eyes and nap 12:52:59 try to go for a walk whenever possible 12:53:18 i love to try to find some time to spend w my family, daughter and husband working very hard for me 12:53:43 it is a real challenge to find time to do very much beyond that, in the last 15 mos ive seen maybe 2 movies 12:54:00 goneout to eat maybe five times 12:54:06 u give up certain things, but wellworth it 12:54:13 i think i should get some extra point bc it takes me so much longer to get ready than the men* 12:57:09 (environment stuff) 12:57:23 i think also impt that we try to get 25 percent of elec from alt. by 2025 12:57:56 i know we can do this. in fact, its unvelievable we havent.. if henry ford were to come back today, he would be amazed by what he saw 12:58:17 size of them, bells and whistles 12:58:23 but if he looked at the engine, he wouldnt be surprised, hasnt changed much 12:58:36 im convinved that if we create the same kind of feeling in america that we want you to be part of the energy revolution 12:58:56 that we want u to participate, make changes that will drive us from fuel 12:59:40 lets have a declaration of energy independence, then lets go out and fight to achieve it (0:00) /
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## Shot 04/18/2008. ## ## QC:PatrickSen. Hillary Clinton(D) Presidential Candidate

