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Needs Description
Source | CNN Collection |
Link | View details on CNN Collection site |
Date | 08-19-2012 |
Description | Needs Description |
Class | Editorial |
Format | Standard Definition |
Synopsis | Shot 08/20/2012.## **Full slug: DC: Michelle Obama State Dinner Kids Arrival -------------- **Obama speaks at 12:12p -------------- At the White House Monday will be a first-ever kids' "state dinner" hosted by Michelle Obama. The three-part event includes fancy arrival shots of the dressed-up kids with a parent (live - 1025a); remarks by the First Lady (live - 11:25am); and a WH garden visit (closed press). The 54 attendees (ages 8-12) won a contest to create an original lunchtime recipe that is healthy, affordable and tasty. Winners were chosen by a panel of judges by the orgs. that teamed up with the First Lady on this initiative: Epicurious, the Dept. of Education and the Dept. of Agriculture. ***See script for more info.## |
CNN ID | 37242088 |
Name | 3707RYK_5HFCGT18F |