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00:00:00:00 FONTS: Rep. Mike Thompson Chairman, House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force OR (D) California Stephen Barton Survivor of Aurora shooting Tony Bennett Singer and Violence Prevention Advocate Rev. Timothy A. Boggs Parish Priest, Cape Elizabeth, Maine Brooke A. Brewer Teen Violence Prevention Advocate David Chipman Fmr. ATF agent John Feinblatt Chief Policy Advisor to Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg Mark Glaze Director, Mayors Against Illegal Guns Lori Haas Mother of Virginia Tech Shooting Survivor Luis Melchor Teen Violence Prevention Advocate Dr. Michael Nance Children's Hospital, Philadelphia Amanda Peet Actress and Violence Prevention Advocate Chris Rock Actor and Violence Prevention Advocate Adam Scott Actor and Violence Prevention Advocate Anna Deavere Smith Artist In Residence, Center for American Progress Robyn Thomas Executive Director, Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Kerry Kennedy Writer and Violence Prevention Advocate OR Daughter of Robert F. Kennedy SOTS: WX-PEET/DOING NOTHINGTRT 1:11OC: NOTHING HAS FAILED. 10:44:34 As an American and as a mom I'm ashamed that Congresswoman McCarthy's battle has been a lonely one, and I'm ashamed that despite the staggering number of gun related fatalities and injuries over the past 20 years, most of which don't make the headlines, gun violence is still not being discussed as a public health crisis. Some mass shootings like the one in Newtown wouldn't have been prevented even with a flawless system in place. Some street corner shooting and inner-city violence is going to continue even if we ban high-capacity magazines. Even with improvements to our nations mental health system our troubled few will slip through the cracks and if and when the CDC eases restrictions on firearm injury research, there will be a chorus of detractors who will say the data wasn't performed with unbiased scientific rigor. All that is true, but what's the alternative? Doing nothing will fail. Doing nothing has failed. To people who question the potential effectiveness and or practicality of these measures, to the people who say, "It would have happened anyway," or "We won't catch everybody," I say doing nothing has failed. 10:45:45 WX-NANCE/WORLD WITH GUNSTRT :10OC: NOT A PLAN. 10:49:52 The expectation is not that we will live in a world without guns but that we'll live in a world with guns, safely. Standing in the way of meaningful change is not a plan. 10:50:02 WX-NANCE/ALL TO HELPTRT :35OC: POWER TO HELP. 10:51:30 I'm a pediatric surgeon and a trauma surgeon. My career is unbelievably exciting and rewarding. One of the most difficult things to do each day is to face children who have been injured by firearms. Perhaps the most challenging aspect is to look in the eye of a distraught parent and say, "I'm sorry. I've done everything I could do, but it wasn't enough." I would urge our legislators to ask the question of themselves regarding gun violence. Whether they could look in the face of a parent and say, "I've done everything I can within my power to help." 10:52:05 WX-BENNETT/BAN ASSAULT WEAPONTRT :20OC: THANK YOU. 10:55:16 I still haven't gotten over Connecticut. I'd like the assault weapons to go to war, not in our own country, and I'd like assault weapons eliminated. Thank you. 10:55:36 WX-SMITH/FORTRESS SCHOOLSTRT :32OC: AND COMPROMISED PEOPLE. 11:01:09 We have two choices, either we are going to arm school officials and transform walls of learning into fortresses or we are going to keep our classrooms places that are full of openness, imagination and joy and safety. We can do the latter option if we have the will to act. Congress must now act on a sensible plan to keep assault weapons out of our neighborhoods, out of our schools and guns out of the hands of dangerous and compromised people. 11:01:41 WX-CHIPMAN/PLANE CHECKSTRT :25OC: CRAZY IT IS? 11:05:05 I think about after 9/11 we determined that, hey, the first thing we're going to do is we're not going to let terrorists walk on a plane. Can you imagine if after 9/11 someone's bright idea was to set up a system where we would screen 60% of the passengers and then allow 40% of them to just walk right on the plane. Who would have sat in a room like this and not just laughed at how crazy it is? 11:05:30 WX-ROCK/OBAMA DADTRT :19OC: ASS LATER ON. 11:07:04 The president of the United State is, you know, our boss. But he's also, you know, the president and the first lady are kinda like the mom and the dad of the country, and when your dad says something you listen. And when you don't it usually bites you in the ass later on. 11:07:23 WX-SCOTT/WE ARE BROKENTRT :30OC: PEOPLE ARE BROKEN. 11:08:12 These shootings are rapidly becoming part of our culture. Something you almost anticipate hearing about when you turn on your television or your computer. But this one, it was clear to me as it was to millions of others, if we as a people don't act after Sandy Hook then what's next? If we as a people don't act after Sandy Hook, then we as a people are broken. 11:08:42 WX-HAAS/VA TECH MOMTRT :28OC: AT SANDY HOOK. 11:10:01 Gun violence visited my family on the morning of April 16th, 2007 when I received a phone call from my daughter Emily, age 19 at the time. I answered my phone and Emily said, "Mommy, I've been shot." As the day went on we learned about the carnage at Virginia Tech that day; a massacre. A sheer massacre with similar numbers to what just happened at Sandy Hook. 11:10:29 WX-HAAS/FREE AMERICATRT :25OC: FROM GUN VIOLENCE. 11:13:15 We live in America. We should be free to go to the movie theater, the grocery store, elementary school, college, anywhere we choose. We should be free from gun violence. That is our right and that is our desire here today. To ask congress to give that right to every American, we all deserve to be free from gun violence. 11:13:40 WX-KENNEDY/ASSASSINATIONTRT 1:20OC: STOP THE VIOLENCE. 11:15:02 Much has been written about the work that his assassination left undone. An election he wanted to win, a war he wanted to stop, pain he wanted to soothe. And some of that work has been done and carried on by people like President Obama and others who share his quest, as he put it, "To tame the savageness of man and make gentle the life of the world." My family and I are deeply grateful for the many kind words that have been written in memory of him and we take courage in knowing that so many people around the world have shared his vision for human rights and give themselves daily to achieve it but part of his unfinished work can never be completed by others. His work as a loving husband. His work as a father to me and to my 10 brothers and sisters. This is one of murders greatest cruelties. It leaves the work of love undone. It is almost impossible to describe the pain of losing your father to a senseless murder or the anger and fear of knowing that that murder might have been avoided if only our leaders had acted to stop the violence. 11:16:22 WX-JOHNS- GLAZE/NY MONEYTRT :33OC: THERE'S SOMEBODY WATCHING. 11:24:12 JOHNS: Mayor Bloomberg obviously has a lot of skin in this game. At least in the last election. How much money do you see him putting in to the next election and this effort in general? Is there a number out there? GLAZE: Well, it's one of the mayor's highest priorities. He spent about 10 million dollars in the last election and said he was putting his toe in the water. I guess we'll find out what the whole foot is worth. Those aren't my decisions, they are the mayors, but the mayor has said that he's going to support people who do the right thing and for people who don't, now there's somebody watching. 11:24:45 WX-BENNETT/BAD WAYTRT :49OC: VERY BAD WAY. 11:27:46 My own children were just told they will never have a gun. No guns in my house, not allowed. And I just believe that assault weapons were invented for war. They shouldn't be on our streets. It's the kind of turn that happened to the great country of Germany when nazis came over and created tragic things and they had to be told off. If we continue this kind of violence and we accept it in our country, the rest of the world's gonna really take care of us in a very bad way. 11:28:35 WX-GLAZE/MOVIE VIOLENCETRT :32OC: ALMOST ANYONE, ANYTIME. 11:29:10 If Hollywood is reevaluating the way it thinks and talk about gun violence that's appropriate. I think a lot of Americans are reevaluating how they think about this issue, but let me also point out that in the United Kingdom they watch American movies and they play American video games, exactly the same ones, and any given year about 30 to 50 people in the UK are murdered with a gun and in the United States between 11 and 12 thousand are killed with a gun. The difference is not movies or video games. The difference is that we make access to almost any gun available to almost anyone, anytime. 11:29:42 ROUGH LOG: 10:34:17 good morning. name is mike thompson congressman from napa valley chair of gun right task force 10:34:37 honored to be here in favor of need to come together and develop solutions to end tragedies that we are experiencing 10:34:56 for record i'm a gun owner, hunter and believe in second amendment. law abiding americans have right to own 10:35:14 whole discussion turned sharply on decision in supreme court. can or cant own a stumbling block in what we need to do to put end to senseless violence 10:35:42 court was clear law abiding citizens have right ot own responsibility to regulate that right 10:35:55 while i believe in second amendment hunter and gun owner no interest in taking my guns away can tell you i'm father and grandfather and we have responsibility to make safer places to live work play and recreate 10:36:24 now is the time. pres came out with bold position but fact is has to be done by congress. pres can do important but major issues have to be addressed by congress 10:36:55 stars are here to speak in favor 10:37:02 something happened to me on way here. met with group of victims who are here to talk about tragedy that has impacted their life. whole different perspective on this. not a politician just a mother 10:37:32 when i leave here i'm going to tell my other daughter about my trip and we will grieve for my other daughter who lost her life 10:37:54 i need something done. we as americans need something done. there are solutions out there and it take responsible middle to put these forward and get on this pres desk to sight law and make community safer protect second amendment rights glaze 10:38:34 now more than 850 mayors working in every corner to advocate for common sense reform. we have mayors who are very different and only unified by respect for second amendment much more to keep guns out of wrong hands 10:39:23 this is an epidemic that effects everyone. one of best friends in college shot dead in phoenix just last week. more than 100 survivors fly in for reform 10:39:53 long consensus of what we need to do 70% of nra believe everybody should get background check. majorities in favor of tougher issues. limit on magazine. crime to traffic guns 10:40:29 behind us village for american call on this issue. you have all of the american tapestry coming together calling for change 10:40:50 we hope all of these people and many more will work as hard as they can to make sure it happens this time thomas 10:41:08 exec dir law center to prevent gun violence. 20 years ago in cal after disgruntled client shot 16 people in just a few minutes and following that we have to be able to do better than this. following that incident cal has passed robust laws decreased 40% 10:41:54 not a problem without solutions. in step with 2nd amendment. can save lives. long passed time to take these steps. prevent tragedies and begin to make a difference. background checks, trafficking fed crime. huge step forward and something we should be proud of 10:42:40 takes courage for pres to step forward, courage for congressional leaders, those before you today stepping forward to take leadership. not an issue to speak out on 10:43:11 we've got to have that courage. giffords said be bold, be courageous, now is the time. couldn't be said better 10:43:30 thank you for work you've done in cal. what they did in cal protects second amendment sold over 600k firearms in cal. not a slippery slope to take guns away amanda pete 10:44:03 i was junior in college in 93 when heard about shooting on long island rail. heard story of struggle decision to tell son that father had been killed. hard to believe that was 20 years ago and we are having same discussion 10:44:45 ashamed over 20 years gun violence is still not being discussed as public health crisis. some not stopped even with flawless checks in place 10:45:10 even mental health a troubled through will slip through. there will be a chorus of detractors. doing nothing has failed. 10:45:37 to people who say it would happen anyway i say doing nothing has failed. sister practices internal med in philly. 500 gunshot victims per year. doesn't take into account mortalities. prohibited from asking patients about guns in homes 10:46:23 illegal for them to discuss guns. dr nance dir of trauma program as attending surgeon he brings expertise to level 1 trauma center in philly. examining firearms, injury and children. personal hero of mine nance 10:47:05 on oct 2 2006 roberts barricaded himself in 1 room schoolhouse before ordeal was over he shot all 10 girls and then himself. 5 girls survived included 3 in our center 10:47:39 lanza entered sandy hook and murdered 26 ppl. not a single child survived to receive medical care 10:48:03 as surgeon trained years for children not a single child alive to receive care 10:48:24 while assault rifles are responsible for few they are weapon of choice devastating weapons. place in civilian arsenal must be questioned 10:48:55 gun violence happens every day. affects communities large and small 10:49:11 we cannot simply chalk their deaths up to the cost of freedom because that is not freedom. 75k injured each year but survive. life long injuries. 10:49:39 we can not sidestep more challenging issues. guarantees of second amendment. live in a world with guns safely. standing in way of meaningful change is not a plan ****** 10:50:12 need a plan, need action and now is the time. i rely on date and judgment everyday. no less important on firearm injury. limited center for disease control federal studies for gun violence 10:50:53 fund cancer research 800 bill per year. thin line lower funding for firearms research 200 mill per year. about cost of latte per person 10:51:19 funding for firearms is negligible. pediatric and trauma surgeon one of most difficult thing to do each day is look in eye of distraught parent and say i'm sorry 10:51:55 urge legislators to ask question of themselves whether they can look into eyes of parent and say the same ****** barton 10:52:19 i work with mayors against illegal guns. didn't come to issue of my own choosing. was bicycling cross country started in va beach in search of middle america and rest of country we didn't get to experience 10:52:57 traveled through all diff cities. in aurora we really saw the worst. thankfully i survived, was wounded. one of friends also wounded. we were visiting friends. so felt compelled to get involved on this issue 10:53:40 really been discouraging. it's a lonely battle but there's something that gives me hope. something that i've learned through my trip. i saw, we have a lot of things that we don't agree on but there are many things that unite us. we care about family 10:54:20 this is not an issue that disagreement. many americans support. even though i saw differences that divide us. i know that we're united on this. encourage congress to pay attention to this fact. the variety of ppl standing behind me attest to that 10:55:06 we hope that it comes quickly bennett 10:55:18 still haven't gotten over ct. the assault weapons to go to war in our own country. i'd like assault weapons eliminated ****** boggs 10:56:09 we know this is more important than all features of world. why we are shocked when own children refugees. scarred and killed. each called to action. we cannot pause and wait for next tragedy 10:56:48 that's not good enough. not faithful behavior. called to action taken together. people whose live intertwined. we need to honor this. connections and caring far more important that some indiv prerogative weapon designed for battlefield 10:57:43 we are failing to take care of our children. this morning every child is at risk. demand a plan to fix that. regarding assault weapons. background checks. together we can make plan watching and waiting is not faithful behavior smith 10:58:28 honor to be here. thinking about what dr said. thinking about risks that rev just referred to. thinking about safety patrol in baltimore. it was a white. comes around here, goes across here. you can google this you'll see these badges 10:59:19 honor in 6th grade when bad skinny boys would have opp to take on responsibility of being safety patrol. was responsibility but honor. thinking about safety patrol 10:59:51 lovely young man john from wisconsin waiting for me southern hospitality way to hotel. i said did you have safety patrol and he said we didn't have any metal detectors. idea of safety being white band and badge to metal detectors. hour and a half to get there and same to get back 11:00:43 wisconsin boy back there talking about metal detectors 11:00:56 i think it is our job to do everything we can to make sure that classrooms are safe and that we have safe environment. fortresses or keep classrooms full of openness and joy and safety congress must now act on plan to keep assault weapons out of school and hands of dangerous ppl ********* david chipman 11:02:20 surrounded by a lot of courageous ppl. what it's really like to enforce laws on books. bad guy has already done something and we wait for trained brave ppl to risk lives to rescue child. one experience in portsmouth, va info violent felon many guns in house. looks like something off the wire 11:03:14 camera over door. and i was thinking i just got my whole team killed. i was going to die. me and my other teammates dove through window secured guns shook hands and went to work and did it again 11:03:47 for 3 weeks dug out bodies of secret service agents 19 child. took kids back to okc and they got to see their dad's picture. felt ashamed that as fed agent i couldn't prevent that. remember the first time they tried to bomb world trade 11:04:34 on issue of gun violence i look out there and see va tech, tucson, ft hood, aurora and now sandy hook and think when is our nation going to become as determined as we were on buildings. when is that day going to come? 11:05:08 first thing we are going to do is not let terrorists get on a plan. can you imagine if after 9/11 we would allow 40% to just get on a plane ******** 11:05:35 i can tell you where criminals get there guns. private seller i just buy it. no one in media covering that in va a high school senior can go in to mcdonalds parking lot and it's perfectly legal. it's true and so what i'm feeling now is why haven't we done something to stop this 11:06:20 any transaction to have background check. there will be other crimes. had to watch 9/11. gonna happen folks. we should do it today chris rock 11:06:49 i'm not going to say much. i think everybody else is better at this than me. just here to support president of united state. he is our boss but he's also the president and first lady are mom and dad of country 11:07:20 when your dad says something you listen and when you don't it bites you in the ass later. so here to support pres ****** adam scott 11:07:42 as father of 2 young children i was horrified and frightened by tragedy. felt helpless and wondering how we got here. these shootings becoming part of culture. but this one it was clear to me as it was to millions of others. if we don't act after sandy hook then what is next. if we don't act then we are broken ********* 11:08:46 proud to work for pres campaign. we are asking congress to follow pres lead and move. holding power to save lives all they have to do is pass sensible legislation. common sense. 74% of nra members. as supporter of 2nd amendment. i see writing on wall as plainly as you do. be bold, be courageous. let's put partisanship aside and help each other as americans haas 11:09:56 gun violence visited my family in 2007 when i received phone call from daughter. i answered my phone and she said mommy, i've been shot ****** 11:10:24 similar numbers to what has happened at sandy hook. difficult world in aftermath of shooting. emily survived 32 others killed 11:10:48 that day thrusts my fam into gun violence prevention. passionate. follow in footsteps of many other fighting this battle for years 11:11:09 stand here to suggest that some of comments around issue sound disingenuous. fear as 6 year old in classroom trying to figure out what is happening to them with gunman high magazine aiming at them. i would suggest that's fear not facing down the gun lobby 11:11:58 courage is doing the right thing. giffords journey in aftermath. standing in front of these cams. asking them to be bold when she is the epitome. my daughter surrounding my dead. hiding cell phone from killer. keeping police on line the whole time 11:12:42 i don't see this issue taking any courage it is merely doing the right thing. don't have problem facing down anyone. suggest and plead i do not and fam does not want to live in armed society. we live in america. free to go to movies grocery elementary school college. we should be free from gun violence. that is our right. give right to every american. we all deserve to be free from gun violence 11:13:54 my task force will have recommendations out in near future. reasonable solutions to protect people of this country. i'll answer any questions about task force. turn it over to anna smith kennedy 11:14:59 kennedy. 8 years old when gunned down. much written. election he wanted to win. some of work has been done by ppl like pres obama and those who share daddies quest. ***** 11:15:31 family deeply grateful and we take courage in knowing that so many have shared his vision for human rights but part of unfinished work can never be done by others. as loving husband and father to me. one of murders greatest cruelties ****** 11:16:08 almost impossible to describe pain of losing father. that murder might have been avoided if our leaders had acting. since my fathers assassination we have lost more than 1 mill 1600 since sandy hook. 1968 we mourned as nation but they also took action and passed gun control legislation when our nation needed it 11:17:03 surely we can pass gun control act for newtown and all of americans who had to die by gun before we took action. we need congress to ban assault weapons and large magazine 11:17:41 whether it is done in name of law attack of violence of response to violence. tear fabric of life the whole nation is degraded. we've endured enough pain and plead with congress please stop the violence 11:18:30 injustice anywhere is threat to justice everywhere. those are words of my father. many up here today have been talking about gun control for many years. it is sad that we had to lose children in newtown for our nation to talk about issue. glad that it is going to be addressed. group of people perhaps majority of americans want to see action taken and i feel very glad that some action will be taken. as you know 50 anniv of march on wash 11:19:40 they both dedicated their lives to eradication of violence. we accept it but when americans come together to act in civil way this legislation is first thing that needs to occur. it will be hopefully laws on books as it relates to assault weapons 11:20:27 i hope that one day we won't just be living in culture of violence that's accepted. we can must and will do better. when we roll up our sleeves and come together there is almost nothing we can't do cal teens 11:21:07 brooke brewer. honor to be with great people taken time to listen. made youtube video to demand a plan. more positive influences. did you know that date of cal has worst student to counselor ratio. don't need more guns we need more counselors. shouldn't have to focus on student with negative but all students 11:22:12 incidents like columbine there was not a positive change. more were taken from schools and put in jail 11:22:34 more comprehensive plan not more guns but more counselors 11:22:46 honor taking part in video 1.3 mill views. inspired by celebrities made their own video. gun violence isn't only way to prevent. schools will be safe when communities become safe 11:23:26 found la ymca welcome me to their door. today we are at critical point in nations history. i believe losing one life to gun violence is too many. please doing something today to make better future joe question bloomberg lot of skin in this game. how much money do you see him putting in to next election? glaze 11:24:31 one of highest priorities. mayor has said he will support people who do the right thing. not only the mayor. fantastic spokespeople for gun owners ******** 11:25:16 when you make lethal weapons less available we know that number of crimes in va with assault weapons migrated south rapidly. not perfect and subject of negotiation. is tougher this time. may be tougher to pass but have more effect bennett 11:26:19 i'm a pacifist. i'm very far out. against violence, war. there's always going to be wars. i believe that some day the world will become sane and realize ignorance of war because life is absolutely a gift. i just finished book gift we are blessed just to be alive. it is a tragedy that we go through tragedy except for hopefulness 11:27:43 we should care and make sure that own children were told that they would never have a gun. not allowed. assault weapons invented for war. it's what happened to great country of germany when nazis came over and created tragic things and were told off and if continue to accept this violence the rest of world will take care of us in bad way ****** 11:28:46 show rest of world how to behave 11:29:13 if hollywood reevaluating how they think about gun violence. uk plays same games and watch same movies. difference is not movie or video games. we make access to almost any gun to anyone ********* 11:29:47 one of issues that we working on is what you might think of as tucson problem. drug issues rejected by army. do not sell database. records were not in there. that is problem. many states not sending these records. expand background checks and ramp up incentives. 11:30:33 the entertainment thing is something i feel strongly about. seen line blurred and here to tell you that nothing you see on tv cannot compare to that. that's wrong conversation to have. it's the gun in this issue peet 11:31:09 i'm sure dr nance could speak more eloquently but brother in law has experience but somebody once said it's study of factors. if we don't have the data so that scientists can study relation between media violence and actual violence. hard to develop plan to prevent these tragedies. we can understand what is going on and have data to fall back on nance 11:32:20 the data that exists about correlation between games and movies more data needs to be gather but not clear correlation but analogy in diff between us and uk is powerful 11:33:21 to say ban was ineffective is disingenuous. glaze 11:34:09 the mayor wants to do what he can and he can do a lot but need chorus of voices to speak out not just by money in elections but need hunters and sportsmen and nra to come to congress and say it's okay you can do this. poll after poll take gun control out of question. with rights come responsibilities. my dad was gun dealer so this is who he was. dealers don't like black eye. diff on issue are much less significant than where we are together ######################## (0:00) /
Standard Definition
FIELD DISK // HEAD ON CAMERA // Rep Mike Thompson (D-CA) and Mayors Against Illegal Guns and The Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, along with a coalition of advocates call on Congress to act on President Obama's plan to reduce gun violence, including background checks for all gun sales and an assault weapons ban //

