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21:06:29:25 Elder Charles Blake II Community Relations, West Angeles Church Benjamin Jealous NAACP President Rev. Al Sharpton Civil Rights Activist Rev. Jesse Jackson Civil Rights Activist Pastor K.W. Tulloss Weller Street Missionary Baptist Church Big Boi (Kurt Alexander) Radio Host Rev. Omarosa Manigault Vicky D. Lindsey Cry No More David Banner Musician Paul Rodriguez Actor Boris Kodjoe Actor Michael Hall Justice For Trayvon Martin Foundation Daniel Maree Activist (0:00) / 21:10:07:29 omarosa 21:06:25 we got a lot of people that want to come with this person many times..feeding the homeless, I know her from a reality show, I've seen her before, you don't really know that this lady is erally in the trenches, are right them for many individuals, I'm going to tell her... big boi 21:10:13 If I could take a text, as I was talking to sabrina, and I was having an esther moment perhaps we were all brought here fora time, perhaps we fought loud perhaps if we come together and we really come together ..there are young black men ..come together, with a plan in action...brought to this place at this time at this moment for a moment as tulloss 21:11;39 I stand here today, the national action network of los angeles, show wonderful support for this family, we here in los angeles, we are prepared to work with this foundation, and we are excited to bring in cases, many of the families...I want to first of all to thank those that organized for this rally show them some love...I thank god for each of you thsi family some support I want to thank lindsey 21:14:16 I want to thank god, for me being here, you don't understand, this is a hard struggle, before I go into...that came to support you guys...(pan of room of people standing up) 21;14:57 we want to ...and there is nothing like a mothers' pain, so I tell you I hear...I heard you..rev. sharpton, I'm goignm to the river, I've been there, I'm there for you, we are there because we ...I got to make the best of this..rev. sharpton... 21:16:19 Reading "A Mother's Pain" ??? 21:21:03 Instead of the...we are not gang bangers teh day we live...we are one community we ...keep dividing us...that is waht we are ...we are united. Family of Oscar Grant 21:22:37 I am trayvon martin. I am still oscar grant. to the martin family I want you to know the grant family did all that we could do, we marched, we prayed, we cried, we did all that we could do so that...because of the community that stood with us that cried with us, that did all that they could do with us...and we want to thank specificially the oakland community, ...would not know about oscar grant...we owe much love to la... 21:24:02 the support of what it's important...that we really and protest and support the family all over the country. all power to the people...all power to the people...that's right we do have the power and we only ahve that power when we united, that all in this country that we come together when it comes to police brutality...I'm sorry I get a little emotional I need tyou to know that the fmaily stand in support of you and be there for you, and I could say to all the men in here, this is very passionate to me 21:25:25 I'm tired of seeing a teary eyed mother. we men must stand up for our mothers, our wives, our sisters our daughters and we need to let the world know that we are tired 21:26:06 if you heard what tracy said...will youd o this until he died. I am your brother nad I will this race ...the wheels of justice turn slow, so we must endure to the end, we must understand that we become our brothers keeper, and speak to the issue, I'm trayvon martin, I am oscar grant....I am .... 21:27:28 to all the young people...thank you banner 21:29:29 I prayed to god...he gave me some...he asked me about sacrifice, but before I start what I wrote on a piece of paper...I want everyone to close their do you really feel about black people, you don't have to answer that question how do you really really feel about black people, black people how do we feel about ourselves...I alwasy feel the best 21:30:19 since we were slaves we were told that we were nothing, I asked a white friend of me...we are in church...I said would you have called me a nigger ten years ago, because i was scared...and because I respected black people I respected your struggle that your families went through...what does that mean, I don't respect your or i don't fear you. 21:31:10 the thing that I ask...white black latino, if trayvon martin was white would he be dead right now, he would not be...the thing I want to tell you guys, before we march, before we rally, we have to figure out do we get out of this sacrifice to make sure that this does not ever happen a pickup with seven whtie kids are for me it's about black. 21:32:20 whehter we understand that or not, to the family and friends of trayvon martin...far too many times esepcially with tragic circumstances, we often ask teh simple question why, it is in times like these we ahve to hold onto the spiritual truth that god does nto make mistakes...gods rationale, we should alwasy be reminded, to them that love bod, and to them that are called to his purpose...we now see gods purpose all too short...not just to this nation...god has reminded us with these circumstances comes a need to sacrifice and i ask you what are we willing to sacarifice...27 years of freedom, what are we willing to sacrifice...what are we willing to sacrifice the very strong people of the occupy movements...and their freedom to protest for social injustices, what are ...are we willing to sacrifice our endorsements and in my case am I willing to sacrifice a platinum hit, what are we willing to sacrifice...about this race based society 21:34:54 what are we willign to sacrifice.....let me clear on this point, oscar grant and trayvon martin...due to the color to their skin...this tragedy does not happen to white families...we dont' see black police beating...innocenet white teens, we just don't see it. and even more on that...we are getting away with it. we certainly don't see black men...arrested months or until there is a national outcry, we ahve to be honest, young and black is...criminal and violent 21:36:19 the reason why its a little bit different to me...on the face of this earth, but to themselves. we might break into your car, we might break into your house, but we all kmow that if we do anything ew are going to jail or die. in closing guys, I just want ot make sure that in all the things that we do we have a purpose, we don't let this time pass, we need legislation, we need somethign tangible, so that america does ...only america does two things, if we don't make them feel will never stop if we don't stop their finances...skittles made money...arizona tea made if anyone needs some hoodies and buy their hoodies... 21:37;55 In closing...what are you willing to sacrifice sharpton 21:38:25 I want offering for this foundation...I believe that we cannot ask others to finance our movements, these parents did not plan on being the parents ofa victim. there was no budget for that...dealing with conflict revolution they are fighting a battle that we need to put as david banner put a sacrifice what you can do best tonight, be honest with yourself..and give me ...if you got it give it. if you don't but what we should make sure taht this foundation is financed by that fair? 21:39:55 if you have a check that is made payable to the trevon martin foundation, justice you go write it out...if you are sending... 21:40;41 I want all te ministers...I want to start with them...come on, that's perfect...I want I want ou that can give, can we raise some serious money, this is LA. If it's a check it's justice for trayvon martin foundation...get your bst offering in yoru hand, I've been giving in every city, I'm going ot start with $500 cash, we know you...i want some ministers, come on...omarosa...rev. chip murray...pastor ward...$100 brother smith... 21:49:46 whatever you can do...everyone on the side on each side stand up even if you don't have no money, I want everyone to see us march around and do for ourselves, I want us to come from both sides...we dont' have no ushers...come on back aroudn, everyone come on...from the two sides, bless you come on... 21:58:32 has everyone given, if you don't remember if you gave, please give again, ...this is for the family...conflict yoru'll hear from them in a minute...the foundation they set up for their son...take days off for the top to do their we love the name of their son jackson 22:01:28 for his sense of duty...give it up... 22:01:59 I want to raise several concerns for this matter that is burning my heart as we speak for the long haul and struggle, 35 blacks have been killed htis year by police ro security guard, 18 since trayvon. since 1976, 300,000 have killed each other, more than most wars 22:02:46 when whites kill blacks...its revolt's jail time...when blacks kill blacks its milelr time or just another time, somehow we got to stop the killing...everywhere 22:03:16 blacks must not become the weak link in the justice chain and get less time for the same crime, life on the occupation I want ot ask you a few basica 22:03:40 if you have ar elative in jail stand. be seated. if you know someone who has been shot stand. 30,000 people are killed by gun seated. if you know someone who has been profiled by the police please stand 22:04:25 if you know someone in home foreclosure please stand...if you know someone in student loan debt stand or credit card debt...if you know someone looking for a job stand. if you ever served on jury duty stand, if you ever served on jury duty. be seated. lastly, if you know someone who hasa considered committing suicide. 22:05:34 I want to talk a minute about life under occupation under occupation are diminished and taken the lives of the occupier has the right to kill the occupied, the occupied have the right to kill the occupy is the weak link in the justice chain, rodney king, 20 years ago, trayvon martin 20 months ago, from rodney king to trayvon martin the killing coninutes...rodney king symbolized something bigger then himself, racial profiling and lying and coverup...african american in the white ma...20 years later, walk the streets somewhere free, while trayvon lies in teh grave 22:07:03 on the witness and it broke tonight on the cooper on cnn, that zimmerman has 200,000 in his bank account...unemployed man, where is the 200,000 who is bank rolling this all with me so far, there is trayvon in sanford florida, there is ...and you all in the rose bowl country...darryl...north chigoa...howard morgan...pulled over by the police...himself a policeman, get out of the car and showed him this sign that he is a policeman, four of them came shot at them, but no one was hit, no evidence of hom...and he survived...but last week, he got 40 years in jail for shooting at them...this crisis is larger than trayvon. 22:08:59 god is using shows the power of resurrection the light beyond the marter, is for the resurrection, if jesus just stayed in the ground, if ...just stayed in the ground 22:09:30 I asked rosa parks...why didn't you go back...took his watermarked defaced body, and put him in an open casket bring him to chicago acquitted his killers, after ...and 67 minutes of deliberation, would have been less...they felt that he was guilty not worth the time...i thought of emmit till...frightened people and that's why this family deserves use his body for our broader purpose 22:10;53 two men in tulsa and they were caugth in two days..for them to reach and charged with a hate crime, they didn't want a sanford in tulsa and they were charged with a hate crime, is a misdemeanor...there have been ten hate crimes, hate crime for them a misdemeanor 22:11:38 till opened a toll...why did this boy get 200,000 the barack obama a liar and raised am illion, not just trayzon, some stand yoru ground laws...for vigilantilism...which what's at stke here, racial profiling, not just profiling, that's why you lost your house...profiling our homes. what's at stake race profiling is at stake, stand your ground lawas at stake... 22:13:12 we must march until the repeal...until the revive a ban on assault until profiling is a federal crime, until voter suppression laws...where is the money coming from...some are called...legislative exchange...where's the money. blue cross blue shield...they pull out who is still financing the movement....att ...coke brothers, phiser to me, salt river project..state farm, johnson and johnson...this is a well financed right wing movement undermining o ur vote 22:15:07 financing state rights laws... a shorter term, a long term struggle, if you are wearing a are being hoodie winked 22:15:33 would you like to be in sanford florida, would you like to be on the jury can I break the news only register voters can be on the jury. you can't be on the jury ...when to a high school in pasadena...and they walked across the stage every high school in may a voter card civilizing power and repsonsibility to power to protect power to protect medicaid to protect medicare...power to elect prosecutors...say whoever is behind you must...use their power 22:17:00 I make this in closing tonight, this is a long term struggle this is a ong...president barack announced thsi is a longer term struggle...till ...this is a long term struggle 22:17:59 say trayvon...with emmit till...we must stop evil man...say we have the power to extend life by working and by...we thank god for using the life of this child to bring us the light, we thank god for using trayvon for making easter real...trayvon is in the house, I am trayvon...I am... scott parker 22:19:42 all of us have a reason to be here tonight...introduce you to lorenz...going to florida a&m university in the fall just like trayvon...single mom just like sybrina...and the children just like other reason... kenneth mcdade family 22:20:44 i want to thank everyone coming out and supporting, I don't know if anyone know who I am...I don't know how many of you know...some disturbing news, got up in the morning to ...some son had been killed by...which is pasadena police...I don't know how many of you are afraid of hte plice...a few weeks ago i was scared of the police..that you want to stand up and give them a piece of my mind...I'm going to tell them pasadena liek this lookign at me in my face, you are not going to have anywhere to hide, I'm on your bumper, and you don't have to really worry about me, and it's cary harper and i'ts my attorney, I don't know if you know kendrick or not...kendrick didn't have anything bad... 22:23:04 one bad thing..we coming get ready 22:23:21 I'm carrie harper, we are fresh out of patience, we are fresh out ...we are fresh out of we are looking into it, we are going to get back with your they have deprived my clients son of the ultimate right and that is the right to life, these police officers to get of client was an unarmed man, but instead what they sought to do they villified him, that he was a criminal they tried to flip the script so the common thing, and I ...police agency oh well he was justified by law...he wasn't even a ...I don't think we have officer who used their discrection who won't rolling with lites and record or videotape or ...they didn't send out...there was nothing to explain an unarmed man, so as meideval as they got with ...that's how ...the police department Paul Rodriguez 22:25:56 I am trayvon martin, I'm ashamed today that there are not more latino leaders...standing shoulder...we benefit from teh struggle we are y our neighbors, there ......our children go to the same schools...we are has no color. ...i grew up in compton... 22:27:00 they talk to school shootings, there were school drive by shootings some still going on today, it took columbine for it to put songs...fresh on teh internet...why is our community..soemone has to got to get them there, it doesn't grow it there...wo brings it there, this is giong to stop and our mothers and going to funerals. this is going to stop I'm tired of going to funerals... 22:28:14 when I first heard about this and said that he was a hispanic man our relations should be tighter not let this separate this...I've been hispanic a long time...I've never met a zimmerman, never. I've been latino all my life. no zimmerman latinos. w e cannot let this divide us. we are a formidable force. 22:29:02 22:29:15 don't let the color of my skin...untilw e can truly..we will be powerless...yoru children's children fighting for their 22:29:35 mr. obama...his life would be in endagered. he needs to be reminded of that. every time these situations we are asked to patient...change doesn't happen change is change by us...burying our childe. 22;30:17 anyone remember...attacked them with a butter ain't a man. they shot her 38 times, they had to reload, they all to be fired for being lousy shots...just the other day on the freeway thsi is excessive, I'm here...who was shot by the police...otu there protesting somewhere...wouldn't be a lot stronger if we came together, we are not goign to ahve this many mother ...whatever they say...we'll take care of you...go a little further...we have a the eye when it comes to's ahrd to explain to them... 22:32:12 sometimes I can't even drive right when they are behind me...far too often they know what's going on in our neighborhoods, to see that person across the street they are your brothers and sisters, we are only afraid of the things we don't know of, we celebrate life, until you are are not secure...and this are just tired of it, you don't know if you ...reverend jackson, 300,000 there were only ...that's six vietnam wars, how much blood do you need, at least time...every riot... 22;33:39 we have to drive up black owned businesses, don't vandalize...and if you have to do what your...don't do it in your own yard...go somewhere...I'm not going to condone crime, do it for the love of your momma 22:34:22 if you ahve a are man there kids will never hold me up.....I'm representing no one, 'm here to simply tell you...let us come together...let us understand, I speak ebonics...we are your neighbors...I'm grateful...just let me say we were there also, brown board school board, we were there, his name was mendez... kodjoe (reading a letter from Chaka Khan) 22:36:49 when I first heard...through no fault of his tribute a key message that fear kills...met in miami an injsutice to trayvon is an injustice it si my honor I hope that you all will do the same, god bless isgned chaka khan 22:38;05 I have a trayvon of my own, his name is nicholas and teach him to avoid talking to strangers in...I've questioned that myself...what do we do he doesn't get shot...there are many trayvons out there, there are thousands...that are shot every year...we have become so desensitized we ahve accepted this tragedy as a norm...the only rason we are standing up here, the murderer happened to be white. so we ahve to take this tragedy and let it motivate us let it it happens ever single day and I want to thank trayvon for giving us this wake up I want to appeal to everys ingle person in this room, i want to challenge, because it's up to you, i'ts up to me to raise our trayvons, to raise them right to raise them with love and to raise them knowin that each one fo them 22;40;19 so its up to us ...lets stop complaining about our young people, lets all do a beter job as parents, as teachers, churches community leaders, lets be that village we love to talk about, lets be that community that is there for each other, we all have jobs, never there, lets put some effort forth, lets do better, lets look int he mirror, I'mg iogn to make a different today, only one minute makes a huge difference in a young person's shows them...not only do you care but they are worth it... 22:41:36 I want to thank the parents..lets remember it's up to us...god bles syou I love you. hall 22:42:31 I don't have...thirteen pages long, but I have realized that sometimes you have to take a backseat...soas I stand here in front of you...but I have heart and I was trayvon, I remember having my dreads...and nothing more so I took this as my mission as we are here inf ront of you that we are here to support that wants to see a change...and we are going to be part of it. ??? 22;44:20 some of you...two month anniversary since trayvon martin has passed away, and diligently ...assist to get this movement moving, and I wanted ot make sure that our voices were united...are heard thatw e can advocate...and we ahve someone here special who was my inspration daniel marie who inspired me to do something liek that here...doing all thypes of things mak...the when we come ...the change we so ...bought his ticket just two days ago how important this movement is maree 22:46;20 I just want to say what an honor..a.t the beginning of this who oever ina little month ago, so I posted a youtube video and wrote a on behalf of the that came out in new york on march 21st that came out nationwide thanks to this lady righthere, I'd like to prevent this poster...terrence colleagues at mccann... crump 22:48:37 the history of it is amazing that the people made this happen it was young brothers like this that said I refuse to stay quiet...we were going to new york to do interviews...we were trying to get teh word out, if people just see the facts, we did today show, we did gma, we did anderson cooper than we were doing rev. sharpton's...keep watching politics nation, he was the first and he was amazing brothers and sisters, when we got on the plane leaving florida, we found out that from...hey i got this call, planned a million hoodie i said in new york..find time in your schedules to stop by...they were coming to union square, after we were taping this show, we were not prepared for the love that ny gave us that night 22;50;37 I've told this story...tracy and I we would be okay, emotionally spent...and she was having a little head cold, I read it will be 100-200 people and hundreds of cameras...walking and tracy and I were so worried and what she said is the most profound thing...this whole trayvon martin, she was shakign she was nervous...I just want to thank you...trayvon martin, they are not just his son...he is all of our son...if it can happen to my son, and we all have to stand up for trayvon martin and the crown went crazy, and I"m so honored, for this imagination they started having rallies...I'm excited to tell you all his project south france, it tells you the international scope of i am trayvon...give him a round of applause maree 22:53:27 I just want to fofer a few words, that lost loved ones 22:53:40 In south africa to clean the graves of their clearing the ...the spirit of the dead may be set free, the elders sing a song of remembrance, with mourning...they rejoicei n the resurrection and so today, I officer a similar requiem whom you honor with your strength, as a result of your strength... 22:54:37 I believeand profiling in this country, it's my firm belief to amplify our efforts with other global movements for justice, from occupy to the progressive movement in the arab world...syrians today and our hearts go out to them because at the end of the day these m ovements, by young people by a new set of tools in the millenial generation the way information flows in this world...secondly the common denominator...basic human dignity to this end the million hoodies...occupy wall street movement that will empower of police stop and frisk 22:56;05 if I had the time... 22:56:18 has been deployed to my firm belief...and micro targeting...these hotspots... hall 22:57:25 the purpose of this foundation to prevent ..s.tand your ground...making sure that our social media tools when you woke up...the gossip we see...we briefly like to bring the key people sybrina and natalie jackson attorney for Trayvon Martins' family jackson 22:58:38 a wise man once said...evil trimphy that good men stand by, there is no doubt...confronted shot and killed this captain was armed not only with a nine millimeter, we are not here to talk about him...that mankind can do, the good that you can do...the good that 22:59:27 the main purpose fo this rally...which was born out of remember the overwhelming good of society and how the good ness of society that small segment of evil. ti's my duty to tellyou about he first pillar is advocating of senseless crimes and their families...this foundation is for you too 23:00:13 tracy and this type of crime, the sad part is that a lot of people don't even know 23:00:45 this organization was designed instead of waiting for the sytem to change...and to show the world that go dis love...and love and hate Jasmine Moran??? 23;01:40 we are here treat a person differently based on race, gender, nationality, most importantly we know in our make prsumption because they are wearing a hoodie, we must hold our legal...because a law in the books is nothing unless its law in practice, something is wrong in our society ...on our media and state with ease...commiting crime that is profiling. it is an injustice that george zimmerman looked suspicious, but perhaps the greatest travesty..ont eh vitim ...and let the criminal walk free. 23:03:05 this ..soem fo us suffer from a social..and this social illness pull our purse whena person that doesn't look like is the same follow child that cause..that take the life..we must take responsibility and the next time that we reach for our purse strap of the color of sombodies skin....sabrina fulton...weap over the loss of their son, the tears in their eyes, the lens of our legal system in all of it's forms... (114:54) /
Standard Definition
Shot 04/26/2012.## First part ms 08232280 A rally expected to draw prominent civil rights leaders is scheduled to take place at a Los Angeles church today to mark the two-month anniversary of Trayvon Martin's death.##

