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Rep. Nancy Pelosi
(D), California
We're so lucky to be here at this moment.
And can you imagine how frustrating it must be to be Donald Trump at this moment and watch this convention and think how, how completely outclassed you are by Democrats at this moment.
And now we're here for another amazing Wisconsin Democratic Party breakfast.
Uh I wanna start with a couple of quick announcements and then introduce our first speaker who I could not be more excited about.
Uh We have uh a, we had a, an amazing night last night.
We have as I'll, I'll, I'll mention again, we have a limited number of seats in the arena.
We're able to accommodate some guests and seats.
If there are people that are not in their seats, as we go to these final two nights, there's every possibility that every single delegate will be there and, and wanting to be in their seats in the delegation.
So two things that means one is if you're a, a guest and uh if, if, if there's some uh person from another delegation, someone who's around and they're in the Wisconsin area.
If we start getting close to capacity, we will ask folks to move so that we have all Wisconsin delegates in those delegate seats.
Of course, we're happy to accommodate friends if there's, if there's open space, but we wanna make sure our delegates are in those spots.
And the second thing I'll say is that tonight and tomorrow night, uh the, the if for any guest that doesn't get their name pulled out of the box, the box and it wants to make sure they're watching the speeches.
There's a wonderful space with a, with a watch party that's happening every night.
In fact, it's open every day from noon until 10 p.m. And then until the, until the end of the convention, it's called into action and it is not far away.
It's at 2226 West Walnut Street.
So if you're looking for a place to gather with fellow Democrats and friends and you're a guest of this delegation, that's a great place to go.
They also have programming all day every day.
They have amazing speakers.
If they have an art exhibit, it's a really cool, a cool space and the cool thing if you haven't checked it out, so we'll send that information out, but wanted to make sure to flag that.
There are great places to watch the convention if you're not in the hall.
And if you are in the hall, it is, it is really an amazing, amazing experience.
With all those uh pieces laid out, I am so thrilled.
To introduce our next speaker.
We talk a lot about how President Biden and Vice President Harris are leading the most pro union administration in the history of the United States of America.
They lead with their values.
They walk the walk, they walk the walk on picket lines, running a pro union pro worker administration because this party is anchored by our eternal core partner, the labor movement, it means having a policy, a Department of Labor, a leader in the Department of Labor who champions the voices and the fight of working people every single day.
And today she is bringing that championship directly here to the Wisconsin Democratic delegation breakfast.
Let's welcome Biden Harris Department of Labor Secretary, Julie Sue.
Hello, Wisconsin.
Hold on.
I just got to get a photo of what I get to see.
Just looking at all of you makes me very happy.
All right.
Thank you all so much.
I see that the cheese heads are either at the on the table or back in the hotel rooms, but it was awesome to see them last night.
Um So I'm so happy to be here with all of you as some of, you know, I am a daughter of Wisconsin.
I was born a badger born right in Madison.
So it's so good to be with all of you.
And of course, I'm here today in my personal capacity as a um a as original Wisconsinite.
Um And as somebody who is, could not be more excited about this moment that we are in and I don't need to tell Wisconsin Democrats how to get it done.
You guys are doing it every single day and I'm just so proud to watch it.
I'm so proud to cheer you on and I will see you all again in your home state.
But for today, I wanna say a little bit about another um daughter of Wisconsin, our next president, Kamala Harris.
So I was actually with her, um, one day, a couple of months ago when we were, we were both back in Wisconsin and we, she visited her, uh her original home as you may have seen.
And we all know that this is a candidate, a future president who represents the best of Wisconsin and the best of this country.
And I've known her for a little over a decade, about a dozen years because of our time together in California when she was the attorney general, I was the California labor commissioner, fighting to end wage theft, fighting to protect working people.
Thank you.
And we worked together.
Actually, we collaborated on combating wage theft on making sure the most vulnerable people in our communities knew that the government had an ally and had somebody on their side.
And that's the kind of person that Kamala Harris is right.
She's somebody who's gonna fight for people who aren't represented.
She's somebody who has taken on um, abusers on behalf of women in Children.
She's somebody who has protected, um, working people from abusive corporations and she's somebody who's fought for homeowners, um, against big banks.
And that's what I have seen in her, um, as my home state, us senator and what we have all gotten to see from her as our United States vice president.
And it's what's embodied in her opportunity that she seeks to build right a place where every child is going to um grow up and know that there's real opportunity um uh in which no child grows up in poverty uh in which we actually protect our communities and our climate.
And so you all know who she is and this is such an exciting time where we get to work to elect her.
I also wanna say something about the other guy.
Yeah, in a lot of elections, you've got somebody who's basically, you know, the incumbent party and then somebody who's the challenger, right?
And you don't really know exactly what they're gonna do when they get into office.
We know exactly what he's going to do when he gets into office because he's been there already, right?
We know what that looks like.
We all remember the, the, the sense of dread, the sense of anxiety if it wasn't about something he was gonna do to uh you know, in, in a policy way to make things worse for us.
It was though some way he was gonna embarrass us, uh, on the national stage or even the international stage.
And let's just be clear, someone with a record like his seeking to get that same job again.
Can you imagine anybody actually having done what they did in that job once getting the job again?
When you leave that job and there's fewer jobs in the country than when you got there.
Who says you get another chance, right?
When you were president during a global crisis and you not only had no idea what to do but denied that it was a crisis.
Do you get that job again?
I don't think so.
And when you spent the entire time that you were there stomping on demeaning, belittling women, do you get that job again?
I don't think so.
When you spent that entire time there rolling back the clock, turning back civil rights, denying voting rights.
Do you think you get that job again?
I don't think so.
So this man has said, look, I get to do what I want, right?
I get to make fun of Kamala Harris.
I get to say what I want because that's my way, folks, we have 76 days to tell him that his way is not our way.
It is not the Wisconsin way and it's not the American way and we're gonna get that done.
And you know, I am here in my personal capacity.
So I'm not gonna talk about all the great work that we have done together with you all in Wisconsin, together with Governor evers to build our infrastructure, to protect working people.
But I do wanna say one thing in my personal capacity because the other ticket is trying to say that they are the ticket and the party of working people.
Yeah, give us a break, right?
You can't be against overtime pay and say that you're a pro worker, you can't be anti-immigrant and pro worker.
We are not going back to a time where immigrants were vilified and where policies of the border were based on race and religion and calling countries shithole countries.
We're not doing that.
You cannot be pro sexual harassment and pro worker doesn't work like that.
You can't be anti voting rights and pro worker working people.
Unions are the fight about the basics of democracy, right?
How we vote, how we participate, how we look out for the common good over the individual good, right?
You cannot be pro Elon Musk and pro worker and you definitely cannot be anti union and pro worker.
So Wisconsin, we got 76 days to elect a real pro worker, pro women, pro civil rights, pro voting rights person into this office.
We're gonna make history because it's high time.
We have that woman of color lead our country, right?
And the most qualified person on the ballot.
Let's elect Vice President Harris and governor Walls to be the next president and vice president of the United States of America.
We're only gonna do this when Wisconsin gets it done and you are gonna do it because you know that the best way to get people out to vote is not through polls, it's not through commercials as important as those are.
It's not even through conventions as great as this is for us to be together here.
It's through talking to individuals and so each of us, each of you, I know this.
My team knows this.
We are in it.
I'm not gonna ask anybody to do anything.
I'm not willing to do.
So, we've gotta be in it and we've gotta have a plan to reach every single person that we know and not take anybody for granted, right?
Our family members, our friends, our neighbors, the parents of the kids at our schools, right?
Everybody we know we should be talking to them, we should be telling them why it's so important to vote.
We should remind them why somebody who failed so miserably at their job once, should never get another chance to do it.
And we should be talking about why the America that we love should be an America of opportunity, of joy, of hope of a president that reflects all of those things.
So make a plan for everyone, you know, to get to the polls and let's do this, Wisconsin.
Thank you so much for everything you're already doing and I will see you back in Wisconsin.
Another round of applause for fellow Wisconsinite, our great Secretary of Labor here in her personal capacity, Julie Su ah, before I introduce our next speaker, I wanna share something.
I'm wildly wildly excited about, which is that tonight on the conventions stage, we are going to be hearing from Milwaukee's own mayor Cavalier Johnson.
Let's give him a round of applause and let me ask, let me ask everyone here to take extra special care to be in their seats at six o'clock PM tonight.
So that when we see him in the six o'clock hour, we can bring down the roof of the United Center with our cheers and applause with our chief heads waving in the air to welcome Mayor Johnson to the national stage here at the convention.
So mark your calendar.
If you haven't already, let's make sure we're there ready to rock and cheer as loud as we can.
And let's prepare those cheering voices by welcoming another Wisconsinite, another Wisconsin champion for workers, another Wisconsin champion for the progressive causes to which all of us have devoted so much of our lives.
My congressman, a champion for all of us.
The great, the one the only mark.
Good morning.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Thank you Ben.
And let's give another round of applause to Julie Sue.
She is an amazing labor secretary.
Although I think I should just say the honorable Julie Sue by the official rules.
How are we doing this morning?
All right, by show of hands who's got six hours or more of sleep?
That's what I thought.
I'm gonna get 4 to 6. All right.
How many are under four H?
Those are the honest ones.
Thank you.
All right.
Well, it is amazing.
You're here this morning.
Uh, first off, I wanna thank, and we all need to thank the staff volunteers and everyone involved with the Wisconsin Democratic Party.
We have the best party in the country and that's because of our chair, Ben Wickler and his amazing team.
So let's give them some rousing.
Thanks for having a terrific week.
And what a great week.
It's been so far, although it's been two days, it feels like a week.
Uh but we'll soon go back home and the real work will begin because we live in a purple state.
That means we have some red and maroon areas.
We have some beautiful indigo blue areas, but overall, we are purple and no one knows that more than the people in this room that we do not make politics a spectator sport.
Uh We are in the game.
We are getting sweaty occasionally.
We'll pull a calf muscle, but we get right back up, but that's what it takes to win in a state like Wisconsin.
And we know there is so very much at stake.
First of all, let's thank our great governor Tony Evers and a just state Supreme Court for Fair Maps in Wisconsin.
Look as someone who ran the Assembly Democratic campaign committee back in 2008 when we took the majority back for the first time in 14 years.
And then we faced the 2010 depressing election cycle.
Hundreds of state legislators lost across the country in a GOP wave.
We had a gerrymandered State of Wisconsin as well as other states in the country.
So to finally have fair maps that give us a real chance to get the majority a long overdue priority.
We have to give special thanks to Governor Evers Maggie and others in his office for all that they helped us do to get those fair maps and I haven't heard it said yet.
So I'm gonna say it now.
Three term.
Tony sounds really great to me.
Hey, so we've got to help in the assembly and the Senate districts across the state.
We can pick up the State Assembly this cycle and get us to the net with the state Senate for 2026.
So is anyone I've had when I was in the assembly is one of the favorite jobs I've ever had in my life.
I can tell you how important it is to give that back up to the governor so they can get some real things done.
We're gonna do all we can to elect more Democrats to the state legislature.
We also have to keep our Democratic US Senate majority.
And the only way you do that is to keep our amazing us Senator Tammy Baldwin.
You know, over 30 years ago I got elected to the Dane County Board and at the time there was this recent law school graduate on the board named Tammy Baldwin.
I think the best compliment you can say and maybe it's a Wisconsin compliment after I heard the New York and New Jersey delegations show their bravado last night, uh, in the roll call, you know, to say someone hasn't changed in all that time despite going from the county board to the state legislature, to Congress, to the US Senate, I think is the greatest compliment that you could say about anyone.
And that truly is our Tammy Baldwin.
You know, she doesn't just win in an election year.
She wins in the five years prior to the election year by getting around the state and working hard and doing everything she can.
And in Washington, she is a workhorse, not a show horse.
And we have to make sure that this guy who's come from California to offer his sage advice.
Remember that first video of him when he cracked a hole in the ice and he jumped in the water because he thought that's what you do if you're from Wisconsin.
I don't know.
I saw that and, and I thought that's what a California banker would think you do if you're from Wisconsin.
I know plenty of people who fish above the ice, but I don't know many people going below the ice in winter.
So I think that says all you need to know about Eric hub deep, but this is a no brainer and we're gonna reelect Tammy Baldwin.
I'll tell you super close to me is obviously the US House and we have four seats to pick up to have the majority and to make Hakeem Jeffries, the next speaker of the House of Representatives, Hakeem came in my class to Congress and I was fortunate enough to be one of his seconding speeches for when he became leader.
And I can tell you he's the real deal.
Uh He's a real friend.
He's an amazing order and he holds our caucus together so well that we are gonna be able to get a lot done if we pick up those four seats and guess what state has a number of swing seats that we could potentially pick up uh to get that majority.
Look, we have great candidates.
Uh Kirsten Lely who is in the eighth district, have an ob to have an OB there.
She is to have an OBGYN running against the guy who's using a dinosaur to define his business.
Speaks volumes about the difference between the Democratic Party and the Republicans.
We also have a swing, one of the swing seats in Wisconsin, one and our good friend, a former member of Congress, former Democratic assembly leader, former Secretary of Revenue for Governor Evers and former uh midwest administrator for the Small Business administration.
Peter Barker is the candidate in the first district.
Look, I have known Peter since I was 14 years old.
I grew up in Kenosha with Peter.
Um My mom a a quick story because I don't see the next speaker here yet.
So I'm gonna, I'm gonna tell this story.
Uh my mom uh lived to be 93 the last few years were in Dane County, but she lived for 91 of those years in Kenosha.
And towards the end, she wasn't following politics quite as close when she was in Kenosha.
So she'd go over who was running and she'd go through the whole ballot and one year she did it and she skipped over Peter Barka and I said, mom, you forgot Peter Barka and her response was, well, of course, I'm voting for Peter Barka.
That is how people feel about Peter in places like Kenosha and Racine.
And we're gonna help Peter Barka win that seat.
Look, Brian's style isn't a bad guy who represents the district, but he takes a lot of really bad votes and he tries not to take a lot of positions on any issues.
He, he's probably the human equivalent of like flavorless jello, right?
Whatever he's next to on the plate.
He'll taste like a little bit.
I would rather have a democratic leader who's got a record of accomplishments like Peter Barker.
And in the third congressional district, we have one of America's worst members of Congress and I serve with Marjorie Taylor Green.
There's the belligerent beer filled, bloviating business, failing misogynistic book writing, insurrection, attending librarian and senate page harassing State of the Union speech yelling Trump fir an embarrassment to the state and nation.
Derek Van Orden and I'll quit sugar coating him.
Look, we have to upgrade to get that four seats we need in Congress and we have a great opportunity in Becca Cook.
This was our dear friend Ron kind seat uh for 26 years and we just have to make sure that this temporary tenant doesn't have more than a twoyear lease, right?
Are we gonna defeat Derek Van Norden this fall?
Look and finally, Wisconsin is gonna be the deciding state for Democrats with the White House this year and we can do it with vice President Harris and governor walls.
We have a ticket that's real and authentic and is upper midwestern as you can get with the right values and the right moral compass and Trump, don't you feel that when we look at this race, it's like watching an old black and one black and white rerun versus a brand new fall color, uh TV show.
This is whether you're gonna go back or forward.
I know it's not fair to Joe Biden, but he became president very late in life and the reality is that night of the debate.
Mo many, many Americans weren't happy with either candidate on the debate stage, but one of those candidates is still running for president and that's Donald Trump and the other candidate we now have running is the vice president, Kamala Harris and Trump has a terrible roadmap for the future.
He and his project 2020 25 would have devastating effects on people in Wisconsin.
And there's a reason why Donald Trump, by the way, is running away from project 2025.
Um 100 and 40 of his administration officials and Lackeys wrote project 2025.
The Heritage Foundation is a sponsor, a major sponsor of the RNC convention, not the DNC convention and they're the ones promoting it, but we have to make sure that we do not see this country take that negative turn that's outlined in the 920 pages of Project 2025.
And for those of you who live uh near the, the second CD next Wednesday night at six o'clock, uh We are having a town hall on project 2025 at the South Central Federation of Labor.
If you can make it, we love to make sure everyone knows in depth just how bad that plan is.
But I'll tell you they've polled many parts of this.
I serve on a special uh house Democratic task force on project 2025.
And this thing stinks to high heaven and we just need to make sure that people know those details and what's gonna happen.
So we know that the Harris Walls administration will do an amazing job if we can help, make sure they win in November.
And let's remember what Kamala Harris has done.
As part of the Biden Harris administration.
They got this country out of COVID.
They passed the infrastructure bill that four presidents have talked about, but Joe Biden and Kamala Harris got it done.
We're making things again in America through the Chips and Science Act, creating tens of thousands of new jobs by making things in our country.
And we reduced the cost of things like prescription drugs and other health care and energy costs through the Inflation Reduction Act.
That's the record of Kamala Harris, but there's more to do and I love the fact that they're describing their campaign as a joyous campaign.
I would much rather be talking about the future and joy than the gloom and doom and the cartoon of Donald Trump.
And the path to the White House is gonna go directly through Wisconsin and we are going to get that done right this fall.
We have a really great opportunity to make Wisconsin Central by electing a democratic legislature by keeping Tammy Baldwin in the US Senate by picking up seats in the US House and making sure that Wisconsin is in the blue column for the White House.
Once again, I look forward to traveling the state, uh, in the remaining 76 days I believe we're at, uh, to get things done and I look forward to spending a whole lot of time with you all.
Thanks for being here this week.
I don't agree with Tim Wells on one thing.
I don't think we're gonna sleep when we die.
I think we'll sleep on Friday.
But until then, thank you very much, Congressman Mark Hoan from Wisconsin.
Soon to have a lot more friends than the democratic congressional delegation to Washington DC.
We have other amazing speakers coming up this morning, but we wanna give everyone here a chance to speak to each other for a moment.
So we're gonna take a little break before we resume our programming.
Please meet someone new, greet someone you already know and love and enjoy the delicious breakfast and I'm gonna have some more coffee.
Thanks so much.
Let's do this.
Oh, oh, man.
Need a break.
Take the chance to get out all the time.
We're gone.
Best thing.
The best thing.
Oh man, gyw, I RT Z hyphen Olsen.
I'm a teacher and I'm the president of the, of the Wisconsin Education Jack.
Try it again.
Can you say your first name and last name again?
My name is Peggy Pe Ggyw, I RT Z hyphen Olsen.
I'm a teacher and I'm the president of the Wisconsin Education Association Council or we a perfect.
So obviously here at the Democratic National mentioned day for the theme today is a fight for our freedom.
So what does that exactly mean to you?
Fighting for our freedoms for me as a teacher?
Definitely really means fighting for the freedom for my students to learn.
And so I guess, um what are some things that you are looking forward to for the rest of the Democratic National Convention?
Well, I am looking forward to today know that Governor Walls as a fellow teacher speaks to me and my colleagues about the importance of education, the importance of decency.
And so I'm looking forward to tonight's program where we're going to be welcoming him and hearing from him.
And I know as a teacher, there are probably, you know, different demands, concerns that they have, what are some of those demands and concerns that people in your field are worried about heading into this election.
So that theme of fighting for our freedoms is so important to teachers because we're fighting for that freedom for students to learn.
We've been facing things like book bans and you know, other attacks on, on not just learning that freedom to learn, but our freedom for our students to be who they are.
And so educators like me want uh America where everyone is free to be who they are uh to learn to love.
And um our students can be themselves and comfortable in our society and it's great that, you know, you're from the Madison area.
So, what does that mean for people like from our area?
What do you think that means?
I mean, just to be here in representing Madison.
What does that mean?
Well, it's the honor of a lifetime to be a delegate.
This is my first time as AD NC delegate.
This has been an amazing, joyful, energetic convention and I can't say enough how important for a teacher like me it is to be here.
And could you say your first and last name one more time for me?
Just to make sure I have it.
My name is Peggy Wes Olsen and I'm a high school, art and English teacher and I'm the president of the Wisconsin Education Association Council.
Thanks so much.
You're so sweet.
Thank you.
Do you have any questions you guys or uh you know, I was kind of wondering if you're talking about 3 to 2 year students, if they ever really come to the text.
Now, what do you tell me?
So when I talk with my students about freedom, right?
I, I talk with them about the freedom of ideas that in an, in a democracy, in an America that I want to live in and I want my own Children and my students to live in.
We have those opportunities um to be who we are, to love, who we love and to be ourselves and our authentic selves.
Thank you.
Welcome to Madison.
I I love it here.
I'm, well, I'm there.
Not here.
I'm so glad.
Um, I, I was watching you say, you know, the, the working through the winter kind of thing.
Um, I'm a little, I'm a little concerned.
No, it's gonna be good.
You're gonna, you're gonna do great.
Yeah, I guess.
Um, I hired so some.
So thank you.
Turn in, yes.
Used for, ok.
Wisconsin Democrats.
I can tell from the hum and the murmur in this room that people are making friends.
How many people here have made a new friend in the course of this convention so far on the count of three, shout out the name of someone that you've met that you want to stay in touch with 123.
Oh, we can do better than that.
Well, if you've made a new friend, I want to hear you say, yes, that is what I'm talking about.
All right, we have a next speaker who is a champion for all of us and I consider a personal friend.
He's also someone who brought me enormous embarrassment because in 2020 on a Zoom with the Wisconsin Democratic Party staff, unannounced, unannounced to me, he shared with my team that I had committed to shaving my head if we defeated Donald Trump in November.
And this created an enormous sense of motivation on top of the already great motivation within our team.
And as you might remember, we did defeat Donald Trump that fall.
And on another zoom call my kids shaved my head with my entire team watching and Senator Cory Booker laughing his head off.
He brings joy.
He brings surprise.
He brings deep, deep convictions.
He brings a voice of moral clarity.
Let's give a giant round of applause to honorary badger and friend of Wisconsin.
Senator Cory Booker.
It was fun.
Wis so you all gotta help me.
I, I made a mistake yesterday.
I, uh, the last two days I've been doing state party speeches, just, just giving up the mic running into the middle crowd yelling my remarks and now I've lost my voice and I have to speak on the stage tonight.
But I have a feeling that the energy that we're seeing in that arena will lift my heart, lift my spirits and lift my voice.
So look, I, I want you all to know and I know this is about to get me in trouble.
But I think the best party leader in all of America is your party leader, Ben.
And he, and he's standing next to my almost girlfriend, Thelma, my home girl, she's married to a great man.
So I can't get myself in trouble, but she's had me over at her house.
She's fed me.
So I'm in love with her.
So all I'm gonna do instead of, uh, a booming speech, I'm just wanna, I wanna make a confession.
I figure I feel with like such family here when I'm campaigning for Baldwin, who is one of the greatest senators.
Iii I feel like I'm at home when I come to your communities and it's such an honor to serve with her.
And, and, and so I thought you all would be accepting enough for me to tell you a confession.
And so here's a confession.
There was a day on the senate floor where all senators was there.
Usually we're not all in one place, but this is one of those rare moments like a presidential impeachment.
We had a couple of those during Donald Trump's time.
But this time we're there for a moment that has so many of us joyous because we're about to make American history and put Kanji Brown Jackson on the Supreme Court and, and, and I'm, we're all waiting 99 senators there.
We're waiting for the last senator to vote Republicans keeping us there for a long time.
And now I start pacing and, and I'm, I'm, I'm emotional and I'm trying my best not to cry because my staff will only let me have one public cry a month and, and, and I had already exceeded my quota and, and Michelle almost made me cry again last night, but I was like, I gotta save it.
And then Raphael Warnock walks up to me and says, brother book.
It looks like you're struggling a little bit.
He's like you need some prayer.
Brother Booker and I'm like, Lord knows I do.
But at that moment, this urgent looking staffer runs over to tell us that the presiding officer was asking us to approach the front of the room.
Now, Rafael Warnock and I both growing up in powerful matriarchal families.
When a woman calls us, we reflexively like go towards.
But this wasn't just like uh uh another staff or another senator.
This was the presiding officer on that day who happened to be there to break a tie.
The vice president of the United States of America was Kamala Harris.
And so now picture this, I don't know how it is in your State Senate, but in the United States Senate, the, the presiding officer has to be the highest person in the room.
So when you walk up to talk to them sitting there, you can't stand, you have to like lean over.
And if those of you c span Watchers, all six of you might see, might see people sort of crouching when they're talking.
But this time, it was like both Raphael Warnock went over us and we bowed down at the altar of Kamala Harris.
And so now she's sitting on high and looking down at us kneeling before her and she says, fellas, this is a historic moment.
Now, I know she was talking about Katani Brown Jackson, but I'm one of those political nerds and I knew this was a historic moment because it's the first time in American history.
Three black people ever got together at the Senate floor.
There is three of the seven of us who had ever been elected to the United States Senate.
And so I'm, I'm, I'm standing there waiting for what Kamala Harris wants to talk about.
And she's like, listen, fellas, this is a really historic moment.
You all should do something to mark this moment.
And she says, why don't you all write a letter to a little girl about what it meant to be here at this moment.
And then she didn't seem to trust that we would do it.
So she goes over to her binder, opens up this beautiful leather, bind her and right there, the only thing other than her schedule that I saw were two pieces of her stationery, the big Vice Presidential seal on it and, and, and her name and she hands us both these two pieces of stationery and says, write your letter to that little girl on my stationery.
And at that point, Raphael Warnock grabs me and says, hold on, Booker, hold on, don't cry.
So now I want you all to know something about Raphael Warnock.
He is disciplined, he is dutiful, he is determined.
And so he went right back to his desk and penned a letter to his five year old daughter to tell her about this.
Now, I am one of those people that JD Vance talked down about.
I'm one of those childless cat people.
I think we're perfect.
I think we're fantastic.
Oh, my gosh.
What do you tell, tell a guy like me who has no kids that tells dad jokes a faux pas.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, I'm here all week.
I'm here all week.
So unlike Warnock, I didn't go back to my desk and, and write the letter.
Kanji Brown Jackson gets put on the highest office of the land.
I'm holding on to this precious stationary.
And I didn't write my letter in the next week, another week passed and I still didn't write my letter.
I told you all this was going to be a confessional.
And then one of those early mornings, I know you've all had this feeling where you wake up before your alarm goes off and you're lying there in bed and you just have some really deep thoughts.
And really this is not just my confession, but what I want to leave you all with you, see, I'm lying there in bed.
I realize that what Kamala Harris sent me to do was not a literal task, but a spiritual one.
Let me tell you what I mean.
I grew up in a, in a little church in, close to New Jersey where the pastor used to preach faith without works is dead.
You know, he would always say you can't preach right and walk left that it's not about what you say in life that defines you.
It's what you do.
I love what Frederick Douglass says.
He said, he said, I prayed for years for my freedom and I was still a slave.
It wasn't until I prayed with my hands and prayed with my feet that I found my salvation.
What Kamala Harris was asking me to do.
Yes, a beautiful literal thing.
But spiritually, she was saying, Cory Booker, write your letter every day by what we do by how we show up by the energy and the work and the effort we do.
We are writing a letter and let me tell you something.
Every single one of us in this room, we are the descendants of the letters, the love letters that our ancestors wrote and they didn't write with ink.
They wrote in tears, they wrote in sweat, they wrote in blood, they wrote us a letter of suffrage, they wrote us a letter of civil rights.
They wrote us letters about Roe V Wade.
They wrote us letters.
And so now Wisconsin, it's your turn right through the next 80 days.
Write your letter with love with work with struggle with sacrifice.
Oh Make Yeah, of life.
Make your democracy.
Make your letter a story of how you worked to get.
Highest office was caught.
Write your letter, Cory Booker Wisconsin.
Let's give another giant round of applause but fired up.
Oh my gosh.
Your napkin can be used to adjust any moisture that may be appearing on your face just welcoming everyone to take full advantage of that opportunity.
All right, I'm gonna bring it down a little bit with some announcements which I'm very excited about.
The first announcement is if you didn't get one yet and you're a Wisconsin delegate, we have old fashioned T shirts here for you to pick up.
If you got your T shirt.
Can you hold it up so people can see your beautiful Wisconsin delegate, old fashioned shirt.
Look at those, look at those beautiful, beautiful shirts.
The second day is the giveaway closing moment is 9:30 a.m. It's 913.
So if you have a guest who you would love to be able to get into the arena tonight with a guest pass or if you hope to be entered in the giveaway drawing for some nice prizes, get your tickets in in the next 17 minutes and those are again at the check in table.
I just wanna make sure people know about that.
The third announcement is that Wisconsin's elected DNC member, Alex Lasry is throwing a party tonight to appreciate the Wisconsin delegation.
So after the speeches, you are all fired up, you're full of energy.
You want to go to a party.
I recommend that you go to Alex Lad's party tonight from 10 p.m. till 1 a.m. at Barrio, which is at 65 at Kinsey in Chicago.
Everyone got a message about this, but I just want to make sure everyone here knows that they are invited and it's going to be a blast.
And my last note is that as we prepare for our next speaker and I know that folks are, are quickly moving through, some folks are, are meeting the amazing Senator Booker.
I wanna ask everyone then to go to their seat and stay in their seat.
Oh, not quite yet.
You don't need to do that yet.
All right, when we see our next speaker, we're going to invite everyone to be in their seats and on their feet.
Uh, but we're gonna take a second to enjoy this pause.
We're going to continue to consume our caffeinated beverages and we'll be back with more programming in just a minute.
Thank you so much, everyone.
Yes, something.
Two that.
Two think it's, he's like doing more here at the right time because now it's getting cold.
Yeah, I know, but I'm from the Midwest, so I think I'll be able to handle it maybe.
Ok, for the record of you said your first name, your last name and your title.
David Crowley Crowley Milwaukee County executive.
So I obviously there's a lot to do Wisconsin Battleground State.
What do you think Wisconsin kites need to do to make this happen in the next, less than 80 days?
Well, I'm, I'm just gonna quote Michelle Obama from last night.
We all have to do something.
Not every role for everybody to be playing.
But I do think that everybody has a role when it comes down to saving our democracy and making sure that we get as many people out to the ballot box.
And so whether you're making phone calls knocking on doors, helping to fundraise or just using, utilizing your talents to help encourage and bring awareness to what is going on this upcoming November.
That's how you can get involved.
We all have something to do and we all have to do something and we're coming from Blue Cities, Madison, Milwaukee.
So what efforts are you trying to make leading up to the election?
Listen, we're gonna be talking to everybody again, we're gonna be continuously knocking on doors.
We're gonna be hosting different campuses all across Milwaukee County.
But again, it's about how do we step outside our geographical comfort zone at the exact same time.
And so as Milwaukee County executive, yes, I am responsible for Milwaukee, but that doesn't mean that I can't go rally the troops in Racine in Kenosha, in Beloit, in Sheboygan, in Green Bay, in Madison or wherever they need me to be at.
But I just think that again, when it comes down to what I'm going to be doing, every single thing I need to do to make sure that we make history in electing the first woman president of the United States.
And then Oh, ok.
I, OK.
Wait, just one more thing and then like, ok, what does the, what does today's theme mean for you as I fight for our freedom?
What does that mean?
I mean, that's what we're doing every single day.
We are fighting for democracy and protecting our democracy means that we are protecting our freedom.
And as a person of color, understanding the role in the, in the generations of trauma that we all come from, we know that there's so much roadway ahead of us and there's so much prosperity ahead of us.
And so as a person of color, when I hear the fight for freedom, it lets me know that I'm not just fighting for my freedoms.
I'm fighting for the freedoms of other people of color or those who are coming behind me.
But more importantly, I'm fighting for the freedom of my daughters.
I want them to have the same level of opportunities if not more than I have been afforded.
And I think that that's what America is about and that's what we are fighting for.
That is the freedom that we are all looking forward to.
Thank you uh 6 1670 her on stage.
So the good thing about this is that I am due a small payment from my senate colleagues because they are violating that stipulation.
But give it up for one of the best speakers.
The best rabble Rousers Cory Booker.
Um Hey, listen, I just want to say this to you.
There are so many contrasts in this campaign.
And I'm gonna talk to you about one of them a contrast on how seriously we take our kids' safety.
But actually, the, the contrast that I think America is seeing every minute of this, of this convention, the contrast that they, they saw loud and clear last night is a contrast of just dourness and joy.
There is just enormous joy in this city in that convention hall and there are big problems in this world.
There are all sorts of people who are upset and feeling powerless and lonely.
But we should still feel a sense of joy every single day, right?
We should understand how unique it is, how special it is that we are living in a nation that is doing something that no other civilization has ever done for as long as we have done it, right?
It's not just democracy, right?
There's never been a democracy that is spread the vote and the voice as widely as we haven't done it for as long as we have done it.
But it's multicultural democracy, right?
It's this idea that everyone belongs, that everyone can find a home here and that when you find a home here, we, you know, still hold on to a little bit of where we came from.
But then we join hands and we make decisions together 250 years in this is still an experiment.
This thing is still fragile.
This thing still needs to be nurtured, but we should absolutely wake up with joy, with unreserved joy every single day that we live in the United States of America and we have to fight for it every single day.
That's what this convention is about, right?
It's about loving the fact that we live in America, accepting the fact that we have to fight for her.
And Kamala Harris is gonna do that when she gets on stage tomorrow night.
And I'm so excited for her.
Let me tell you about 11 thing that I care deeply about.
So I feel really embarrassed that I spent the first half of my political life not working on the issue of gun violence.
And then something truly awful happened in my state in 2012, just as I was getting elected to the United States Senate, I've been trying to make up for lost time since then, but we ran up against roadblock after roadblock in the 1st 10 years after Sandy Hook, those parents, the parents of those who have been killed in Milwaukee and Racine and Madison, they came to Washington and they hit those same roadblocks.
But we had faith that in a democracy eventually, 90% of the people, if they want something, we'll eventually get it.
And so we built power year after year, right?
We had faith that one day our movement, the anti gun violence movement would be more powerful than the gun lobby.
Most people told us it couldn't be done.
It would never happen that the NR A was the most powerful interest in Washington in the United States of America.
But we had faith that our cause was so righteous that eventually one day it would prevail Joe Biden.
And Kamala Harris had faith that our cause was righteous after Parkland happened.
The first one of my colleagues who called me to say, what are we going to do was Kamala Harris days after.
And by the way, and by the way, Kamala, the true measure of a leader is not what they do in front of the cameras.
It's what they do behind the cameras.
After, after right after Parkland, Kamala Harris methodically helped me organize the anti gun violence groups who up until then hadn't always been working together around a mission to be organized and co ordinated in the 2018 elections.
She raised more money for anti gun violence candidates running that year than any other of my colleagues.
She never raised her hand and for credit for it, she never did a press conference to talk about all the work she was doing behind the scenes.
Kamala Harris just believed that we had an obligation to save people's lives.
She didn't care if she people knew she was doing it or not.
She believed in her heart that we should not accept that 100 people die every day of gun violence in this country and she went to work to solve it.
And then 2022 came around and we saw an opportunity after that awful shooting in Eovaldi.
After that awful shooting in Buffalo, we saw an opportunity, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris saw an opportunity.
A lot of their advisers told them you're never going to get this done.
Don't put any political capital into trying to pass a bill at the nr A opposed for 30 days, we negotiated the bipartisan Safer Communities Act.
Tammy Baldwin was a huge part of those negotiations.
And 30 days later, we passed, we passed the first major anti gun violence bill in 30 years.
We beat the gun lobby for the first time in 30 years.
And now two years since we passed that bill, gun violence rates in our city, all across this country have dropped by 20% right?
We have delivered.
That means that there are young men and women who are alive today that wouldn't have been alive if we hadn't passed that bill.
That means that there are parents and brothers and sisters who are not grieving because we were able to break through and beat the gun lobby.
And it is just a reminder of what happens if you have thoughtful effective compassionate leaders in the White House who care about us.
And so I enjoy us about living in this democracy because I've seen it work because I have seen us change political realities on the stickiest, toughest issue that exists.
The issue of guns.
I have seen our ability to change lives and I am just so so excited to see how many new people, how many young people are coming into this movement.
I'm so excited to be here with you because state parties all across the country are learning from the model that you are creating.
And I'm gonna be so excited to be in that hall tomorrow night to nominate Kamala Harris and Tim Wallace to be the next president and vice president of the United States.
Thank you, Wisconsin Dens.
Thanks for having me.
Let's give another round of applause to Senator Chris Murphy for your words and for your work, what an extraordinary week, what an extraordinary privilege it is for all of us to be here in this week in this moment.
And let me pull back the camera and say what a privilege and an honor it is for all of us to be Democrats to be Americans in this era in American politics, some of the lowest lows, but some of the highest highs, some of the most historic pieces of legislation and some of the most extraordinary leaders over the last couple of decades, we have seen people come onto the national stage that not only have made history but have defied what people thought was possible and I want zero in on one person who has shattered people's expectations for what they could imagine, effective leadership could be like because Democrats are not always easy cats to herd.
Democrats don't always agree on everything, but there's one Democrat leading the People's House in two different terms.
As the speaker who did not lose a vote, who organized Democrats around historic momentous pieces of legislation that passed into law and changed people's lives.
A speaker of the United States House, a speaker Emerita of the United States House, who has been a central figure in the history of America in this story of us becoming a more free and fair and just nation.
I'm so thrilled to welcome our next speaker, a dear friend and mentor the leader twice and now the leader Emeritus of the Democratic and of the entire United States House.
Let's give a giant Wisconsin.
Welcome to Nancy Pelosi.
Thank you.
Good morning, everyone.
I think I don't have to tell you how blessed you are with political talent.
I saw the governor as soon as I came in governor.
Thank you.
Thank you for your leadership.
He's talking to my son-in-law who's Dutch and his wife is Dutch.
So they're having their personal conversation there.
That's here for the governor.
He still isn't watching us.
Mark Pohan, who's chair of the co-chair of the uh where's Mark?
I thought I knew Mark was here earlier.
But anyway, co-chair of the progressive caucus in the House of Representatives, a wonderful Wi Wisconsin delegation.
Of course, Glenn Moore from Milwaukee.
She's so remarked.
The list goes, the list goes on, but we want the list to grow.
We want that list to grow.
You know, that Big Ben is recognized nationally as a pre eminent state party chair.
Every time I compliment him on being a great party chair.
He compliments all of you for what you do to make that possible.
So let's hear it for you.
He galvanized support all over the country in support of what you were doing to, to win the supreme court seat.
Wasn't that something quite remarkable?
His reputation is a great one.
That's why we call him Big Ben.
When he was working at the grassroots level nationally, he said I'm going home to Wisconsin.
It's the best place, it's my home, but it's also the best place to raise a family.
What better thing could he say about his state?
And then he came and became the state chair and now everything's riding on Wisconsin.
So we have to hold the Senate with Tammy Baldwin and this is too magnificent and wonderful.
We have to win the house and we want to grow our numbers here in Wisconsin.
We have to elect Kamala Harris and Tim walls, president and vice president of the United States.
I know you heard from some of the senators, Senator Booker Chris Murphy.
They make us so very, very proud in terms of the issues that we are focusing on the rest but we must, we must hold the Senate.
But let me just tell you why it's so urgent also to win the house.
You know why?
For every issue, every kitchen table issue and the rest.
But in terms of our democracy on January 6th, we must have Hakeem Jeffries with the gavel as Speaker of the House.
Oh, nice.
Because just think of this is very self-serving what I'm going to say right now.
Self-serving sign is up.
I warned you.
But just think of what have happened if we did not have, if I did not have the gavel on January 3rd, not me, a democratic speaker did not have the gavel on January 5th.
So, so everything, everything, everything is uh is, is at stake in this election.
What do we have to do?
Nobody knows it better than Ben.
And, and again, he's a model to the country, but we have to make sure we win.
People say to me what you know, Kamala, what advice would you give her?
No, be yourself, show your values, show your vision for America, show what's in your heart, the empathy for the American people, show your knowledge of the issue, your judgment of perspectives, your strategic knowledge of how to get things done.
She has all of that.
I know her well, for a long time personally, Pamela Harris is a person of deep faith.
That's what encourages her to care for people in the community and in our civic life officially.
She's a person of great strength, knowing her, knowing again, the priorities, the issues, the, uh, the path that we have to go on and politically, she's very, very astute.
She has, she has won hard races for district attorney Attorney General Senate, then Vice president of the United States.
And you saw how quickly politically she wrapped up this nomination.
So she's prepared to lead the way for us to win the win the White House.
She and Tim Walls.
Isn't he wonderful?
He served with what hes just remarkable.
So when they say, what advice would you give her?
I just say, be yourself.
But what we have to do is be ourselves in doing our political work.
We must, we must, she's out here.
We're on the ground.
We must own the ground.
Nobody knows that better than Ben Wickler.
That's on the ground.
We must own the ground.
We must mobilize because if you don't mobilize everything else you do is just a conversation, whether it's on TV, or the mail and blah, blah, blah, own.
Get out that boat, the message.
And tonight Christine, my daughter tells me that we are going to be approving the platform.
So that will be the message of our party.
Progressive, bold, unifying, not menacing, unifying, not menacing.
And I can say that as a person from San Francisco, California, what works in Michigan Millbrook in San Francisco who works in San Francisco may not work in an electoral college state like Michigan.
So let's win, baby.
That's just what we have to win.
Mobilize, fuel that with a message of, of hope in that and the money to get the job done.
And that's coming in because of the path that Kamala and Tim are, are.
So, I guess we'll be calling them Mr President, Mr Vice.
How about having a woman president of now?
I know that's exciting but that's not why she should be president.
She should be president because she's the best person for the job, the best person for the job who happens to be a woman.
And that's icing on the cake but make no mistake, man or woman, man or woman, best person for the job.
And I think that that's what we have to make sure people understand when I was running for speaker.
I said don't vote for me because I'm a woman but don't vote against me because I'm a woman.
And then I had my three nos, my three nos.
I had the three M si got the three nos, no wasted time.
Then no wasted time.
No underutilized resource or that's organization mobilizing messaging and no underutilized resource and no regrets the day after the election.
We just could have done more, we just could have done more.
So I'm a, I was former chair of the party before I went to Congress.
I had never had any intention of running for Congress.
You never know what's out there.
You have to be ready.
But, but, but Kamala Harris is ready.
Tim Walls is ready.
So in any case, you again, we know what is at stake.
Wisconsin is in uh the lead in so many ways, whether it's leading in our, our biggest product uh globally is our agriculture.
It's so very, very important.
Uh uh I see a cheese head.
Oh, I see a lot of cheese heads but for the, for this and so many reasons, I thank you all for your leadership.
Now, in this, these two races, Peter Barca was a member of Congress.
We want him back again.
He's so wonderful.
We want him back again.
And Rebecca Cook in Wisconsin three here.
This is very, so you can't add by subtracting, you will reelect the members who are from Wisconsin and starting in the Senate with Tammy Baldwin.
Tammy Baldwin started in the house.
I campaigned with her in Madison and the suburban, the urban rural areas in her district as well.
Could see this woman of Great grace.
Now, she was going to be the first lesbian member of Congress that we knew the first lesbian member of Congress who better than Tammy Baldwin.
Coming in with her commitment, her values, her vision and the rest, her graciousness, her just goodness that emanated from her.
And then she went on to the United States Senate and that's where she has to go again.
So thank you for all of that.
So are you ready?
Are you ready to just win?
So I won't sing the national anthem for you.
But I just left the Maryland delegation.
That's where I'm from.
And um originally I've been in San Francisco for 50 years raising our family.
My daughter, Alexandra is here with her husband, Neil.
This is a family visit for us.
My daughter Christine, active in the Democratic Party keeps reminding me the platform is coming out tonight.
That will be our message.
But when I was in Maryland, I said to them, I brag about the fact that the national anthem was written in Baltimore, Francis Scott Key, the the war of 1812.
All of that.
Now when you're at a game, Green Bay didn't do too well.
Last night when you're at a game, you get to the end land, the free home of the brave everybody.
I hear before that when it says proof through the night that our flag was still there, proof enough that our flags are still there.
We are in the night in some respects in terms of the assault on our democracy that the other side, that other guy is making.
It's appalling.
It's horrible how the Republicans could even accept such an unpatriotic thing.
But it is what it is.
And as I say, we don't agonize, we organize, we unionize, we just win baby.
That's what it is.
Yeah, but we have to prove through the night that our flag was still there.
And as Joe Biden has consistently said and done as President of the United States, still there with liberty and justice for all.
Are we ready to just win baby, elect Kamala Harris and Tim walls, President, vice President of the United States, Tammy Baldwin to the United States and Peter Barker and Rebecca to the House of Representatives.
Thank you for the honor of sharing some thoughts for you as a former party chair, recognizing the work that you, that you do that is running for these positions, the grassroots activity of it just to own the ground, baby.
And that's our message.
That's how we're gonna win.
Thank you all so much.
Thank you, Wisconsin.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi author, I might add of the new book must read and she reads the audio book in her own voice.
The Art of power, a true artist.
Our amazing speaker, Emerita Nancy Pelosi, Wisconsin.
Are you ready to own the ground?
Are you ready to just win, baby?
Let's give another giant round of applause and thank you to Nancy Pelosi for joining us this morning.
Holy smokes.
Ah, I'm thrilled to be able to welcome this morning's final guest speaker.
I'm so pleased and proud to introduce someone who has brought case after case after critical case forward to advance the cause of justice, freedom and accountability in the state of Wisconsin.
I'm proud to call a friend and neighbor.
Our one and only attorney general of the great state of Wisconsin.
Thank you.
Hello, Wisconsin.
Holy cow.
What a week this is.
You know, at first I got, I have to tell you a story and, and you're all gonna wanna hear this.
Uh, just a few minutes ago.
I had what I think will be a, a lifelong memory, which is, somebody came up to me and said, um, Nancy Pelosi's schedule has shifted a little bit.
Is it ok if she goes ahead of you, the Obamas weren't available.
Um, uh, the greatest speaker in American history just spoke to this audience.
What a day and by the, and, and what a week this has been and what a month this has been.
Um, I have a lot to say about that.
There's a lot to talk about right now, but I actually want to start with some Wisconsin business because there is a lot going on at the state level right now.
We, I think deserve a round of applause for all the work that you have done that the state party has done because last week and it's hard to believe this was just last week.
We had a primary in Wisconsin where Republicans put two amendments to grab power away from Governor Ebers and give it to our legislature.
And Wisconsinites organized, they got information out about the stakes of that vote and we overwhelmingly defeated those Republican amendments.
Great work, Wisconsin.
And I, I don't know if you saw Robin Voss remarks when he was asked about these amendments and what was coming in the future?
He said that he's going to double down on constitutional amendments.
I, I don't want to bring up bad memories, but you may remember that after Governor Ebers and I were first elected in 2018, Robin Voss began his power grab spree by bringing the legislature into special election and having them vote to take authority away from the governor's office and the A GS office.
But you know, I have a point I want to make about how things have gone with with Robin Voss as speaker.
When Robin Voss was elected, speaker, Republicans had overwhelming majorities in the state legislature.
Republicans controlled the governor's office.
Republicans controlled the A GS office.
Republicans had a clear majority on the state Supreme court.
Well, now Governor Evers is in his second term as governor.
I am proud to be in my second term as attorney general.
Our state Supreme court majority has flipped Robin Boss's power grab with the amendments has gone down.
Robin Voss has seen defeat after defeat after defeat, but we've got one more defeat to hand him because this fall, we have the opportunity to vote with fair maps for the first time in more than a decade.
So this fall, let's flip the majority in the assembly and let's end the speakership of Robin Vos, we, we've got seats to gain in the Senate as well and we have a clear path to a majority in the Senate if we put in the work in this election and the next election and think about what it would mean in Wisconsin to have Republic to have Republican majorities gone and to have Democrats in the majority.
It means common sense, gun safety legislation get past, like Chris Murphy talked about it means expanding Medicaid.
So more of our residents are able to get access to the health care they need.
With a democratic majority, we can codify reproductive rights into Wisconsin law and we can finally fully fund education in Wisconsin if we have a democratic majority.
And of course, we've got critical congressional races.
The two that Speaker Pelosi mentioned, I also want to highlight the eighth congressional district where our outstanding candidate Kristen Lyerly Kristen, are you here?
Is running, is running to win that district and flip that blue.
Now, I don't need to tell anybody here about the stakes in the senate election and how critical it is that we reelect Tammy Baldwin.
This is somebody who fights every day for Wisconsinites.
Tammy Baldwin has gone to bed for us.
She's fighting for Buy America.
She has succeeded in protecting same sex marriages.
She is fighting to codify reproductive rights at the federal level.
Tammy Baldwin has expanded access to affordable health care.
She is a champion for us on issue after issue and her opponent is in Wisconsin sometimes.
Well, she has been talking to communities to people across our state.
Eric Hovde has been, I think doing beach is the phrase for that.
The contrast could not be clear, but he has talked about ending the Affordable Care Act.
He's talked about how he's wanted to overturn Roe V. Wade.
The stakes could not be more clear.
And speaking of races where the stakes could not be more clear.
We have all been hearing about the presidential election for the last few days.
I just want to add a few points to some of what we've heard first.
I, I believe that this is the most important election in any of our lifetimes.
The difference in the path that Kamala Harris and Tim walls have laid out and the path that Donald Trump and JD Vance have laid out is as big a difference as you can possibly imagine.
But let's talk about competence, you know, the values, the principles matter, but let's talk about competence and I'll just give you one example.
I spent a lot of time as your attorney general thinking about public safety.
We've held big pharmaceutical companies accountable for their role in the opioid epidemic.
We fought to strengthen our sexual assault kit laws.
We have stood up against gun violence and for common sense, gun safety measures and when it comes to public safety, I don't know if you saw JD Vance's remarks last week in Milwaukee, but in talking about his approach to public safety, I'm not making this up.
He pointed people to the movie, The Gangs of New York for how we should think about public safety in Kamala Harris.
We have the former attorney general of the largest state in the country who has taken on people responsible for mortgage fraud.
A former prosecutor from one of our largest counties who put dangerous violent offenders behind bars.
And on the Republican side, you've got one guy who's seen gangs of New York and another guy who's seen Silence of the lambs.
This is not a tough choice.
I will say if there's one movie I associate with Donald Trump, it's actually a Jim Carrey movie.
It's called Liar, Liar.
But we also see the impact of that expertise in the results we've gotten when Donald Trump was in office.
As president, violent crime went up, shootings went up, homicides went up including in Wisconsin and with the Biden Harris administration in office, shootings have dropped.
Homicides have dropped at historic levels.
They have been investing in and supporting the FBI and the US DOJ while Donald Trump has been attacking them and claims that if he's elected president, he will weaponize them.
That is not an approach that is going to make our communities safer.
It's not an approach that's gonna make our community stronger.
We cannot afford another four years of their incompetence in the White House and when it comes to our values, the contrast could not be clear.
I wanna tell you a quick story about Kamala Harris.
She is fighting to strengthen our middle class.
She's fighting to expand access to affordable health care.
She's fighting to protect our natural resources and she has made our freedom a centerpiece of her campaign.
Well, when the Dobbs decision was pending at the Supreme Court, we had a good sense of where that case was going.
And Kamala Harris herself, a former A G convened several A GS including me from around the country asked us to come meet with her at the White House.
So several of us went there.
Some of us showed up by Zoom and Kamala Harris wanted to hear from us about what we needed in our States.
If the Dobbs decision came out the way we feared, she wanted to hear about how we were elevating the concerns that people were having about their own reproductive freedom, about the health of their families if access to abortion was lost and she wanted to know how she could help.
Well, it turned out that was the day before the Dobbs decision came down.
And you may remember four days after that decision, Governor Evers and I announced a lawsuit to block enforcement of our 1849 ban and we have now restored reproductive freedom in Wisconsin.
But, but the fight isn't over, it is still going on in the courts, it's going to go on in our state legislature and it's going to go on at the federal level.
Kamala Harris is a leader who understands the importance of protecting our freedom and who's going to put in the work to get it done.
On the other side have, how many of you have heard about project 2025?
The secret is out, right.
The secret is out 900 plus pages that I can boil down.
Actually, I can save you a lot of time.
It's about attacking our freedoms.
It's about attacking the middle class and it's about attacking equality of opportunity.
So with those 40 hours, we just saved, let's make sure that 2025 project doesn't go into effect in Wisconsin or anywhere in this country.
It's a, it's a project about fundamentally taking our country backwards, taking us backwards in some cases, hundreds of years.
But as Vice President Harris likes to say about going backwards, we're not going back, we are not going to go back, but we know what it takes in Wisconsin to make sure that we move forward and not backward.
We know what it means to put in the kind of work we do to get elections across the finish line and to win.
And if you need any extra motivation over the next 76 days, let me just say this.
I don't know how many of you had the chance to hear from Hillary Clinton, uh on the first night of the convention.
But it brought back a lot of memories for me from that 2016 election.
And one thing that I will always remember is the videos that were going viral on election day of people who had cast their ballot, had those I voted stickers and put them on Susan B, Anthony's gravestone.
And what we all thought was going to be a celebratory night as those election results rolled in became a nightmare.
Uh And we have now lived through years and years of Donald Trump's divisiveness and even now with Joe Biden, the White House, Donald Trump casts a pall over what is happening in this country.
He brings division, he encourages Republicans to obstruct.
He has stood in the way of progress.
But in 76 days, we can fundamentally change that narrative.
We can elect Kamala Harris as the next president of the United States.
And think about what that will mean for little girls across this country, not just to be told that they can do anything but to see it in the highest office of our land.
And as the father of two boys, let me tell you think about what it means for all of our Children to grow up in an America where equality of opportunity is not just something we say, but is something we can show is true for every American when we stand up for equal justice under the law.
We all benefit when we speak out against hate against the transgender community.
All of us become safer when we speak out against racial injustice.
All of us get to live in a society that is more equal when we come together.
When we are united, we are as strong as we can be and we all benefit no matter what.
Donald Trump and JD Vance say as they try to divide us.
So in 76 days, let's get engaged.
Let's make sure we knock on doors.
Let's make sure we pick up the phone.
Let's have those difficult conversations with our friends and our family and our neighbors and let's elect Kamala Harris and Tim walls as the next president and vice president of the United States.
Let's do it.
Let's go.
Thank you, everybody.
Thank you, Attorney General, Josh Cole.
Let's give him of applause fighting for all of us.
Oh, what a breakfast.
What speakers?
What a day we have got.
We have one final order of business before we get, which is the drawings for the guest masses and the prizes for today before I introduce our executive director, Cassie Felli and our deputy executive directors, Abel for the drawing.
Let me say a couple of things, a reminder first to make sure tonight if you are in, if you have a delegate pass or a guest pass that you are in your seat by 6 p.m. So you can cheer on Mayor Cavalier Johnson.
When he addresses our convention tonight, we are so excited, so excited to show what Wisconsin sounds like when we cheer.
Secondly, if you do not have a pass tonight, there are many places you could go to watch.
One of them is the into action reception area where there's beautiful screens and snacks and food and art.
And everybody is invited there throughout the day.
And then after the gavel drops, everyone is invited to DNC committee man, Alex Lasry special party to celebrate the Wisconsin delegation.
So make sure you go to that party tonight and lastly be thinking about your stuff.
I know of at least one phone that has gone missing in this very room this morning.
If you find that room, bring it to the reception table so that its owner can claim it, but make sure you have your phone.
Make sure you have your cheese head.
Love seeing some cheese heads here this morning, be there tonight.
Ready to go.
You might want to have some extra water and some snack bars.
It's gonna be an amazing, amazing night.
And with that, let's give a giant round of applause.
Let's give a round of applause to everyone working here at the Sheridan Riverwalk today.
Everyone on the Democratic Party of Wisconsin team who's working here today and let's give a big Wisconsin.
Thank you and welcome to Cassie Felli and Sarah Abel for today's drive.
Thank you.
Hello, I'm back again.
My voice is dying.
So Sarah is gonna do the talking 10.
All right, we have 10 guest passes to give away.
First we have Madeline Buckles guest of Henry Freeze Madeline.
Are you here?
We hold it till the end.
Reminder of the rules.
You have to be in the room to win your ticket.
We will hold it um until the end and then we will redraw P A Yeah.
Uh Stephanie Begat guest of Arvia.
Oh, ok.
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Date | 08-21-2024 |
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**ATTENTION AFFILIATES: BELOW IS A ROUGH TRANSCRIPTION PROVIDED BY AN AUTOMATED SERVICE. THIS MAY NOT BE EXACT. PLEASE CHECK FOR ACCURACY BEFORE TAKING TO AIR.** --SUPERS-- Wednesday Chicago Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D), California --VIDEO SHOWS-- We're so lucky to be here at this moment. 09:23:57;08 And can you imagine how frustrating it must be to be Donald Trump at this moment and watch this convention and think how, how completely outclassed you are by Democrats at this moment. 09:24:10;26 And now we're here for another amazing Wisconsin Democratic Party breakfast. 09:24:16;23 Uh I wanna start with a couple of quick announcements and then introduce our first speaker who I could not be more excited about. 09:24:23;10 Uh We have uh a, we had a, an amazing night last night. 09:24:28;21 We have as I'll, I'll, I'll mention again, we have a limited number of seats in the arena. 09:24:34;01 We're able to accommodate some guests and seats. 09:24:36;13 If there are people that are not in their seats, as we go to these final two nights, there's every possibility that every single delegate will be there and, and wanting to be in their seats in the delegation. 09:24:45;20 So two things that means one is if you're a, a guest and uh if, if, if there's some uh person from another delegation, someone who's around and they're in the Wisconsin area. 09:24:57;22 If we start getting close to capacity, we will ask folks to move so that we have all Wisconsin delegates in those delegate seats. 09:25:04;20 Of course, we're happy to accommodate friends if there's, if there's open space, but we wanna make sure our delegates are in those spots. 09:25:10;18 And the second thing I'll say is that tonight and tomorrow night, uh the, the if for any guest that doesn't get their name pulled out of the box, the box and it wants to make sure they're watching the speeches. 09:25:22;14 There's a wonderful space with a, with a watch party that's happening every night. 09:25:26;27 In fact, it's open every day from noon until 10 p.m. And then until the, until the end of the convention, it's called into action and it is not far away. 09:25:37;19 It's at 2226 West Walnut Street. 09:25:41;10 So if you're looking for a place to gather with fellow Democrats and friends and you're a guest of this delegation, that's a great place to go. 09:25:47;16 They also have programming all day every day. 09:25:49;12 They have amazing speakers. 09:25:50;22 If they have an art exhibit, it's a really cool, a cool space and the cool thing if you haven't checked it out, so we'll send that information out, but wanted to make sure to flag that. 09:25:58;13 There are great places to watch the convention if you're not in the hall. 09:26:01;14 And if you are in the hall, it is, it is really an amazing, amazing experience. 09:26:07;11 Ok. 09:26:08;20 With all those uh pieces laid out, I am so thrilled. 09:26:12;13 To introduce our next speaker. 09:26:14;02 We talk a lot about how President Biden and Vice President Harris are leading the most pro union administration in the history of the United States of America. 09:26:26;27 They lead with their values. 09:26:28;14 They walk the walk, they walk the walk on picket lines, running a pro union pro worker administration because this party is anchored by our eternal core partner, the labor movement, it means having a policy, a Department of Labor, a leader in the Department of Labor who champions the voices and the fight of working people every single day. 09:26:52;02 And today she is bringing that championship directly here to the Wisconsin Democratic delegation breakfast. 09:26:59;08 Let's welcome Biden Harris Department of Labor Secretary, Julie Sue. 09:27:09;07 Yes. 09:27:11;06 Ok. 09:27:17;16 Hello, Wisconsin. 09:27:21;14 Hold on. 09:27:22;01 I just got to get a photo of what I get to see. 09:27:24;03 Just looking at all of you makes me very happy. 09:27:28;23 All right. 09:27:29;10 Thank you all so much. 09:27:30;15 I see that the cheese heads are either at the on the table or back in the hotel rooms, but it was awesome to see them last night. 09:27:37;20 Um So I'm so happy to be here with all of you as some of, you know, I am a daughter of Wisconsin. 09:27:45;19 I was born a badger born right in Madison. 09:27:50;27 So it's so good to be with all of you. 09:27:53;08 And of course, I'm here today in my personal capacity as a um a as original Wisconsinite. 09:27:59;16 Um And as somebody who is, could not be more excited about this moment that we are in and I don't need to tell Wisconsin Democrats how to get it done. 09:28:07;27 You guys are doing it every single day and I'm just so proud to watch it. 09:28:13;00 I'm so proud to cheer you on and I will see you all again in your home state. 09:28:16;29 But for today, I wanna say a little bit about another um daughter of Wisconsin, our next president, Kamala Harris. 09:28:28;02 So I was actually with her, um, one day, a couple of months ago when we were, we were both back in Wisconsin and we, she visited her, uh her original home as you may have seen. 09:28:39;29 And we all know that this is a candidate, a future president who represents the best of Wisconsin and the best of this country. 09:28:50;05 And I've known her for a little over a decade, about a dozen years because of our time together in California when she was the attorney general, I was the California labor commissioner, fighting to end wage theft, fighting to protect working people. 09:29:06;03 Thank you. 09:29:06;22 And we worked together. 09:29:07;29 Actually, we collaborated on combating wage theft on making sure the most vulnerable people in our communities knew that the government had an ally and had somebody on their side. 09:29:18;09 And that's the kind of person that Kamala Harris is right. 09:29:20;16 She's somebody who's gonna fight for people who aren't represented. 09:29:23;05 She's somebody who has taken on um, abusers on behalf of women in Children. 09:29:28;12 She's somebody who has protected, um, working people from abusive corporations and she's somebody who's fought for homeowners, um, against big banks. 09:29:37;06 And that's what I have seen in her, um, as my home state, us senator and what we have all gotten to see from her as our United States vice president. 09:29:46;24 And it's what's embodied in her opportunity that she seeks to build right a place where every child is going to um grow up and know that there's real opportunity um uh in which no child grows up in poverty uh in which we actually protect our communities and our climate. 09:30:06;05 And so you all know who she is and this is such an exciting time where we get to work to elect her. 09:30:11;13 I also wanna say something about the other guy. 09:30:15;20 Yeah, in a lot of elections, you've got somebody who's basically, you know, the incumbent party and then somebody who's the challenger, right? 09:30:23;28 And you don't really know exactly what they're gonna do when they get into office. 09:30:29;10 We know exactly what he's going to do when he gets into office because he's been there already, right? 09:30:35;05 We know what that looks like. 09:30:36;16 We all remember the, the, the sense of dread, the sense of anxiety if it wasn't about something he was gonna do to uh you know, in, in a policy way to make things worse for us. 09:30:46;19 It was though some way he was gonna embarrass us, uh, on the national stage or even the international stage. 09:30:52;02 And let's just be clear, someone with a record like his seeking to get that same job again. 09:31:01;10 Can you imagine anybody actually having done what they did in that job once getting the job again? 09:31:09;26 Right. 09:31:10;20 When you leave that job and there's fewer jobs in the country than when you got there. 09:31:17;15 Who says you get another chance, right? 09:31:21;03 When you were president during a global crisis and you not only had no idea what to do but denied that it was a crisis. 09:31:29;19 Do you get that job again? 09:31:32;01 I don't think so. 09:31:33;13 Right? 09:31:34;16 And when you spent the entire time that you were there stomping on demeaning, belittling women, do you get that job again? 09:31:44;06 I don't think so. 09:31:45;29 When you spent that entire time there rolling back the clock, turning back civil rights, denying voting rights. 09:31:54;22 Do you think you get that job again? 09:31:57;12 I don't think so. 09:31:58;20 So this man has said, look, I get to do what I want, right? 09:32:01;20 I get to make fun of Kamala Harris. 09:32:03;02 I get to say what I want because that's my way, folks, we have 76 days to tell him that his way is not our way. 09:32:12;04 It is not the Wisconsin way and it's not the American way and we're gonna get that done. 09:32:19;13 And you know, I am here in my personal capacity. 09:32:21;09 So I'm not gonna talk about all the great work that we have done together with you all in Wisconsin, together with Governor evers to build our infrastructure, to protect working people. 09:32:31;14 But I do wanna say one thing in my personal capacity because the other ticket is trying to say that they are the ticket and the party of working people. 09:32:42;16 Yeah, give us a break, right? 09:32:45;11 You can't be against overtime pay and say that you're a pro worker, you can't be anti-immigrant and pro worker. 09:33:01;10 We are not going back to a time where immigrants were vilified and where policies of the border were based on race and religion and calling countries shithole countries. 09:33:10;02 We're not doing that. 09:33:14;09 You cannot be pro sexual harassment and pro worker doesn't work like that. 09:33:23;00 You can't be anti voting rights and pro worker working people. 09:33:29;13 Unions are the fight about the basics of democracy, right? 09:33:33;09 How we vote, how we participate, how we look out for the common good over the individual good, right? 09:33:39;12 You cannot be pro Elon Musk and pro worker and you definitely cannot be anti union and pro worker. 09:33:54;20 So Wisconsin, we got 76 days to elect a real pro worker, pro women, pro civil rights, pro voting rights person into this office. 09:34:06;09 We're gonna make history because it's high time. 09:34:08;29 We have that woman of color lead our country, right? 09:34:14;29 And the most qualified person on the ballot. 09:34:18;25 Let's elect Vice President Harris and governor Walls to be the next president and vice president of the United States of America. 09:34:26;15 We're only gonna do this when Wisconsin gets it done and you are gonna do it because you know that the best way to get people out to vote is not through polls, it's not through commercials as important as those are. 09:34:44;13 It's not even through conventions as great as this is for us to be together here. 09:34:49;18 It's through talking to individuals and so each of us, each of you, I know this. 09:34:55;28 My team knows this. 09:34:56;20 We are in it. 09:34:57;11 I'm not gonna ask anybody to do anything. 09:34:58;18 I'm not willing to do. 09:34:59;21 So, we've gotta be in it and we've gotta have a plan to reach every single person that we know and not take anybody for granted, right? 09:35:06;17 Our family members, our friends, our neighbors, the parents of the kids at our schools, right? 09:35:13;02 Everybody we know we should be talking to them, we should be telling them why it's so important to vote. 09:35:18;17 We should remind them why somebody who failed so miserably at their job once, should never get another chance to do it. 09:35:27;11 And we should be talking about why the America that we love should be an America of opportunity, of joy, of hope of a president that reflects all of those things. 09:35:38;09 So make a plan for everyone, you know, to get to the polls and let's do this, Wisconsin. 09:35:42;25 Thank you so much for everything you're already doing and I will see you back in Wisconsin. 09:35:51;13 Right. 09:35:54;01 Another round of applause for fellow Wisconsinite, our great Secretary of Labor here in her personal capacity, Julie Su ah, before I introduce our next speaker, I wanna share something. 09:36:13;21 I'm wildly wildly excited about, which is that tonight on the conventions stage, we are going to be hearing from Milwaukee's own mayor Cavalier Johnson. 09:36:26;17 Let's give him a round of applause and let me ask, let me ask everyone here to take extra special care to be in their seats at six o'clock PM tonight. 09:36:37;28 So that when we see him in the six o'clock hour, we can bring down the roof of the United Center with our cheers and applause with our chief heads waving in the air to welcome Mayor Johnson to the national stage here at the convention. 09:36:52;19 So mark your calendar. 09:36:54;05 If you haven't already, let's make sure we're there ready to rock and cheer as loud as we can. 09:36:59;23 And let's prepare those cheering voices by welcoming another Wisconsinite, another Wisconsin champion for workers, another Wisconsin champion for the progressive causes to which all of us have devoted so much of our lives. 09:37:14;20 My congressman, a champion for all of us. 09:37:18;03 The great, the one the only mark. 09:37:26;19 Good morning. 09:37:29;16 Thank you. 09:37:30;10 Thank you very much. 09:37:31;08 Thank you Ben. 09:37:33;02 And let's give another round of applause to Julie Sue. 09:37:35;16 She is an amazing labor secretary. 09:37:39;28 Although I think I should just say the honorable Julie Sue by the official rules. 09:37:44;05 How are we doing this morning? 09:37:46;14 All right, by show of hands who's got six hours or more of sleep? 09:37:50;14 That's what I thought. 09:37:51;21 I'm gonna get 4 to 6. All right. 09:37:54;16 How many are under four H? 09:37:57;07 Those are the honest ones. 09:37:58;17 Thank you. 09:37:59;09 All right. 09:38:00;03 Well, it is amazing. 09:38:01;14 You're here this morning. 09:38:02;24 Uh, first off, I wanna thank, and we all need to thank the staff volunteers and everyone involved with the Wisconsin Democratic Party. 09:38:13;23 We have the best party in the country and that's because of our chair, Ben Wickler and his amazing team. 09:38:21;24 So let's give them some rousing. 09:38:23;22 Thanks for having a terrific week. 09:38:30;11 And what a great week. 09:38:31;18 It's been so far, although it's been two days, it feels like a week. 09:38:34;25 Uh but we'll soon go back home and the real work will begin because we live in a purple state. 09:38:42;19 That means we have some red and maroon areas. 09:38:45;21 We have some beautiful indigo blue areas, but overall, we are purple and no one knows that more than the people in this room that we do not make politics a spectator sport. 09:38:58;12 Uh We are in the game. 09:39:00;03 We are getting sweaty occasionally. 09:39:02;05 We'll pull a calf muscle, but we get right back up, but that's what it takes to win in a state like Wisconsin. 09:39:10;03 And we know there is so very much at stake. 09:39:14;01 First of all, let's thank our great governor Tony Evers and a just state Supreme Court for Fair Maps in Wisconsin. 09:39:42;05 Look as someone who ran the Assembly Democratic campaign committee back in 2008 when we took the majority back for the first time in 14 years. 09:39:50;20 And then we faced the 2010 depressing election cycle. 09:39:54;13 Hundreds of state legislators lost across the country in a GOP wave. 09:39:59;25 We had a gerrymandered State of Wisconsin as well as other states in the country. 09:40:04;28 So to finally have fair maps that give us a real chance to get the majority a long overdue priority. 09:40:12;23 We have to give special thanks to Governor Evers Maggie and others in his office for all that they helped us do to get those fair maps and I haven't heard it said yet. 09:40:25;18 So I'm gonna say it now. 09:40:27;02 Three term. 09:40:28;03 Tony sounds really great to me. 09:40:35;27 Hey, so we've got to help in the assembly and the Senate districts across the state. 09:40:43;08 We can pick up the State Assembly this cycle and get us to the net with the state Senate for 2026. 09:40:51;06 So is anyone I've had when I was in the assembly is one of the favorite jobs I've ever had in my life. 09:40:57;14 I can tell you how important it is to give that back up to the governor so they can get some real things done. 09:41:03;22 We're gonna do all we can to elect more Democrats to the state legislature. 09:41:07;13 Right. 09:41:12;14 We also have to keep our Democratic US Senate majority. 09:41:16;23 And the only way you do that is to keep our amazing us Senator Tammy Baldwin. 09:41:26;17 You know, over 30 years ago I got elected to the Dane County Board and at the time there was this recent law school graduate on the board named Tammy Baldwin. 09:41:36;15 I think the best compliment you can say and maybe it's a Wisconsin compliment after I heard the New York and New Jersey delegations show their bravado last night, uh, in the roll call, you know, to say someone hasn't changed in all that time despite going from the county board to the state legislature, to Congress, to the US Senate, I think is the greatest compliment that you could say about anyone. 09:41:59;14 And that truly is our Tammy Baldwin. 09:42:05;08 You know, she doesn't just win in an election year. 09:42:08;16 She wins in the five years prior to the election year by getting around the state and working hard and doing everything she can. 09:42:16;10 And in Washington, she is a workhorse, not a show horse. 09:42:21;11 And we have to make sure that this guy who's come from California to offer his sage advice. 09:42:29;08 Remember that first video of him when he cracked a hole in the ice and he jumped in the water because he thought that's what you do if you're from Wisconsin. 09:42:36;17 I don't know. 09:42:37;06 I saw that and, and I thought that's what a California banker would think you do if you're from Wisconsin. 09:42:43;15 I know plenty of people who fish above the ice, but I don't know many people going below the ice in winter. 09:42:48;28 So I think that says all you need to know about Eric hub deep, but this is a no brainer and we're gonna reelect Tammy Baldwin. 09:42:55;29 Right. 09:42:59;19 I'll tell you super close to me is obviously the US House and we have four seats to pick up to have the majority and to make Hakeem Jeffries, the next speaker of the House of Representatives, Hakeem came in my class to Congress and I was fortunate enough to be one of his seconding speeches for when he became leader. 09:43:22;21 And I can tell you he's the real deal. 09:43:25;15 Uh He's a real friend. 09:43:26;24 He's an amazing order and he holds our caucus together so well that we are gonna be able to get a lot done if we pick up those four seats and guess what state has a number of swing seats that we could potentially pick up uh to get that majority. 09:43:44;13 Right. 09:43:46;06 Look, we have great candidates. 09:43:48;22 Uh Kirsten Lely who is in the eighth district, have an ob to have an OB there. 09:43:57;09 She is to have an OBGYN running against the guy who's using a dinosaur to define his business. 09:44:06;29 Speaks volumes about the difference between the Democratic Party and the Republicans. 09:44:12;21 We also have a swing, one of the swing seats in Wisconsin, one and our good friend, a former member of Congress, former Democratic assembly leader, former Secretary of Revenue for Governor Evers and former uh midwest administrator for the Small Business administration. 09:44:30;08 Peter Barker is the candidate in the first district. 09:44:37;09 Look, I have known Peter since I was 14 years old. 09:44:42;15 I grew up in Kenosha with Peter. 09:44:44;16 Um My mom a a quick story because I don't see the next speaker here yet. 09:44:48;05 So I'm gonna, I'm gonna tell this story. 09:44:49;24 Uh my mom uh lived to be 93 the last few years were in Dane County, but she lived for 91 of those years in Kenosha. 09:44:56;25 And towards the end, she wasn't following politics quite as close when she was in Kenosha. 09:45:01;06 So she'd go over who was running and she'd go through the whole ballot and one year she did it and she skipped over Peter Barka and I said, mom, you forgot Peter Barka and her response was, well, of course, I'm voting for Peter Barka. 09:45:14;03 That is how people feel about Peter in places like Kenosha and Racine. 09:45:18;26 And we're gonna help Peter Barka win that seat. 09:45:21;12 Right? 09:45:26;01 Look, Brian's style isn't a bad guy who represents the district, but he takes a lot of really bad votes and he tries not to take a lot of positions on any issues. 09:45:35;28 He, he's probably the human equivalent of like flavorless jello, right? 09:45:40;09 Whatever he's next to on the plate. 09:45:41;25 He'll taste like a little bit. 09:45:43;19 I would rather have a democratic leader who's got a record of accomplishments like Peter Barker. 09:45:48;21 Right. 09:45:52;18 And in the third congressional district, we have one of America's worst members of Congress and I serve with Marjorie Taylor Green. 09:46:04;12 Right. 09:46:07;09 There's the belligerent beer filled, bloviating business, failing misogynistic book writing, insurrection, attending librarian and senate page harassing State of the Union speech yelling Trump fir an embarrassment to the state and nation. 09:46:26;00 Derek Van Orden and I'll quit sugar coating him. 09:46:33;12 Look, we have to upgrade to get that four seats we need in Congress and we have a great opportunity in Becca Cook. 09:46:48;04 This was our dear friend Ron kind seat uh for 26 years and we just have to make sure that this temporary tenant doesn't have more than a twoyear lease, right? 09:46:59;13 Are we gonna defeat Derek Van Norden this fall? 09:47:05;17 Look and finally, Wisconsin is gonna be the deciding state for Democrats with the White House this year and we can do it with vice President Harris and governor walls. 09:47:17;06 We have a ticket that's real and authentic and is upper midwestern as you can get with the right values and the right moral compass and Trump, don't you feel that when we look at this race, it's like watching an old black and one black and white rerun versus a brand new fall color, uh TV show. 09:47:39;20 This is whether you're gonna go back or forward. 09:47:45;01 I know it's not fair to Joe Biden, but he became president very late in life and the reality is that night of the debate. 09:47:53;24 Mo many, many Americans weren't happy with either candidate on the debate stage, but one of those candidates is still running for president and that's Donald Trump and the other candidate we now have running is the vice president, Kamala Harris and Trump has a terrible roadmap for the future. 09:48:17;08 He and his project 2020 25 would have devastating effects on people in Wisconsin. 09:48:25;25 And there's a reason why Donald Trump, by the way, is running away from project 2025. 09:48:30;17 Um 100 and 40 of his administration officials and Lackeys wrote project 2025. 09:48:37;15 The Heritage Foundation is a sponsor, a major sponsor of the RNC convention, not the DNC convention and they're the ones promoting it, but we have to make sure that we do not see this country take that negative turn that's outlined in the 920 pages of Project 2025. 09:48:58;27 And for those of you who live uh near the, the second CD next Wednesday night at six o'clock, uh We are having a town hall on project 2025 at the South Central Federation of Labor. 09:49:11;04 If you can make it, we love to make sure everyone knows in depth just how bad that plan is. 09:49:16;23 But I'll tell you they've polled many parts of this. 09:49:19;20 I serve on a special uh house Democratic task force on project 2025. 09:49:24;05 And this thing stinks to high heaven and we just need to make sure that people know those details and what's gonna happen. 09:49:32;16 So we know that the Harris Walls administration will do an amazing job if we can help, make sure they win in November. 09:49:42;10 And let's remember what Kamala Harris has done. 09:49:45;01 As part of the Biden Harris administration. 09:49:47;11 They got this country out of COVID. 09:49:50;13 They passed the infrastructure bill that four presidents have talked about, but Joe Biden and Kamala Harris got it done. 09:50:02;17 We're making things again in America through the Chips and Science Act, creating tens of thousands of new jobs by making things in our country. 09:50:13;27 And we reduced the cost of things like prescription drugs and other health care and energy costs through the Inflation Reduction Act. 09:50:22;00 That's the record of Kamala Harris, but there's more to do and I love the fact that they're describing their campaign as a joyous campaign. 09:50:32;04 I would much rather be talking about the future and joy than the gloom and doom and the cartoon of Donald Trump. 09:50:40;01 And the path to the White House is gonna go directly through Wisconsin and we are going to get that done right this fall. 09:50:51;13 We have a really great opportunity to make Wisconsin Central by electing a democratic legislature by keeping Tammy Baldwin in the US Senate by picking up seats in the US House and making sure that Wisconsin is in the blue column for the White House. 09:51:08;02 Once again, I look forward to traveling the state, uh, in the remaining 76 days I believe we're at, uh, to get things done and I look forward to spending a whole lot of time with you all. 09:51:19;14 Thanks for being here this week. 09:51:21;00 I don't agree with Tim Wells on one thing. 09:51:23;06 I don't think we're gonna sleep when we die. 09:51:25;06 I think we'll sleep on Friday. 09:51:26;26 But until then, thank you very much, Congressman Mark Hoan from Wisconsin. 09:51:43;25 Second. 09:51:44;27 Soon to have a lot more friends than the democratic congressional delegation to Washington DC. 09:51:51;02 We have other amazing speakers coming up this morning, but we wanna give everyone here a chance to speak to each other for a moment. 09:51:59;28 So we're gonna take a little break before we resume our programming. 09:52:03;06 Please meet someone new, greet someone you already know and love and enjoy the delicious breakfast and I'm gonna have some more coffee. 09:52:11;26 Thanks so much. 09:52:12;20 Let's do this. 09:52:20;13 Oh, oh, man. 09:52:53;06 Need a break. 09:52:55;06 Take the chance to get out all the time. 09:53:03;17 We're gone. 09:53:08;09 Best thing. 09:54:03;25 The best thing. 09:54:19;15 Oh man, gyw, I RT Z hyphen Olsen. 09:56:13;15 I'm a teacher and I'm the president of the, of the Wisconsin Education Jack. 09:56:31;20 Try it again. 09:56:35;14 Can you say your first name and last name again? 09:56:37;22 My name is Peggy Pe Ggyw, I RT Z hyphen Olsen. 09:56:43;15 I'm a teacher and I'm the president of the Wisconsin Education Association Council or we a perfect. 09:56:49;13 So obviously here at the Democratic National mentioned day for the theme today is a fight for our freedom. 09:56:54;16 So what does that exactly mean to you? 09:56:56;24 Fighting for our freedoms for me as a teacher? 09:56:59;24 Definitely really means fighting for the freedom for my students to learn. 09:57:06;16 And so I guess, um what are some things that you are looking forward to for the rest of the Democratic National Convention? 09:57:12;27 Well, I am looking forward to today know that Governor Walls as a fellow teacher speaks to me and my colleagues about the importance of education, the importance of decency. 09:57:28;04 And so I'm looking forward to tonight's program where we're going to be welcoming him and hearing from him. 09:57:34;22 And I know as a teacher, there are probably, you know, different demands, concerns that they have, what are some of those demands and concerns that people in your field are worried about heading into this election. 09:57:45;26 So that theme of fighting for our freedoms is so important to teachers because we're fighting for that freedom for students to learn. 09:57:54;03 We've been facing things like book bans and you know, other attacks on, on not just learning that freedom to learn, but our freedom for our students to be who they are. 09:58:04;27 And so educators like me want uh America where everyone is free to be who they are uh to learn to love. 09:58:15;14 And um our students can be themselves and comfortable in our society and it's great that, you know, you're from the Madison area. 09:58:23;05 So, what does that mean for people like from our area? 09:58:25;27 What do you think that means? 09:58:26;24 I mean, just to be here in representing Madison. 09:58:28;22 What does that mean? 09:58:30;00 Yeah. 09:58:30;09 Well, it's the honor of a lifetime to be a delegate. 09:58:33;18 This is my first time as AD NC delegate. 09:58:35;28 This has been an amazing, joyful, energetic convention and I can't say enough how important for a teacher like me it is to be here. 09:58:47;09 And could you say your first and last name one more time for me? 09:58:49;11 Just to make sure I have it. 09:58:50;25 Yeah. 09:58:51;00 Yeah. 09:58:51;03 My name is Peggy Wes Olsen and I'm a high school, art and English teacher and I'm the president of the Wisconsin Education Association Council. 09:58:59;10 Thanks so much. 09:59:01;14 You're so sweet. 09:59:02;06 Thank you. 09:59:03;06 Do you have any questions you guys or uh you know, I was kind of wondering if you're talking about 3 to 2 year students, if they ever really come to the text. 09:59:10;26 Now, what do you tell me? 09:59:14;24 Yeah. 09:59:15;01 So when I talk with my students about freedom, right? 09:59:18;04 I, I talk with them about the freedom of ideas that in an, in a democracy, in an America that I want to live in and I want my own Children and my students to live in. 09:59:31;12 We have those opportunities um to be who we are, to love, who we love and to be ourselves and our authentic selves. 09:59:42;26 Thank you. 09:59:45;10 Welcome to Madison. 09:59:46;12 I I love it here. 09:59:47;18 I'm, well, I'm there. 09:59:48;21 Not here. 09:59:50;04 I'm so glad. 09:59:51;16 Um, I, I was watching you say, you know, the, the working through the winter kind of thing. 09:59:58;18 Um, I'm a little, I'm a little concerned. 10:00:00;10 No, it's gonna be good. 10:00:01;21 You're gonna, you're gonna do great. 10:00:04;02 Yeah. 10:00:05;07 What? 10:00:06;26 Yeah, I guess. 10:00:08;07 Yes. 10:00:09;01 Um, I hired so some. 10:00:43;00 So thank you. 10:00:59;18 Turn in, yes. 10:01:08;16 Used for, ok. 10:01:15;22 Wisconsin Democrats. 10:01:19;10 I can tell from the hum and the murmur in this room that people are making friends. 10:01:23;16 How many people here have made a new friend in the course of this convention so far on the count of three, shout out the name of someone that you've met that you want to stay in touch with 123. 10:01:38;13 Oh, we can do better than that. 10:01:40;15 Alright. 10:01:41;03 Well, if you've made a new friend, I want to hear you say, yes, that is what I'm talking about. 10:01:48;26 All right, we have a next speaker who is a champion for all of us and I consider a personal friend. 10:01:58;23 He's also someone who brought me enormous embarrassment because in 2020 on a Zoom with the Wisconsin Democratic Party staff, unannounced, unannounced to me, he shared with my team that I had committed to shaving my head if we defeated Donald Trump in November. 10:02:21;04 And this created an enormous sense of motivation on top of the already great motivation within our team. 10:02:27;10 And as you might remember, we did defeat Donald Trump that fall. 10:02:31;20 And on another zoom call my kids shaved my head with my entire team watching and Senator Cory Booker laughing his head off. 10:02:39;24 He brings joy. 10:02:41;01 He brings surprise. 10:02:42;13 He brings deep, deep convictions. 10:02:44;19 He brings a voice of moral clarity. 10:02:47;07 Let's give a giant round of applause to honorary badger and friend of Wisconsin. 10:02:52;06 Senator Cory Booker. 10:02:59;09 Ok. 10:03:00;24 It was fun. 10:03:03;29 Wis so you all gotta help me. 10:03:10;03 I, I made a mistake yesterday. 10:03:11;25 I, uh, the last two days I've been doing state party speeches, just, just giving up the mic running into the middle crowd yelling my remarks and now I've lost my voice and I have to speak on the stage tonight. 10:03:24;27 But I have a feeling that the energy that we're seeing in that arena will lift my heart, lift my spirits and lift my voice. 10:03:36;17 So look, I, I want you all to know and I know this is about to get me in trouble. 10:03:42;03 But I think the best party leader in all of America is your party leader, Ben. 10:03:52;02 And he, and he's standing next to my almost girlfriend, Thelma, my home girl, she's married to a great man. 10:03:59;23 So I can't get myself in trouble, but she's had me over at her house. 10:04:03;09 She's fed me. 10:04:04;03 So I'm in love with her. 10:04:07;01 So all I'm gonna do instead of, uh, a booming speech, I'm just wanna, I wanna make a confession. 10:04:12;07 I figure I feel with like such family here when I'm campaigning for Baldwin, who is one of the greatest senators. 10:04:19;20 Iii I feel like I'm at home when I come to your communities and it's such an honor to serve with her. 10:04:28;00 And, and, and so I thought you all would be accepting enough for me to tell you a confession. 10:04:34;18 And so here's a confession. 10:04:36;25 There was a day on the senate floor where all senators was there. 10:04:42;23 Usually we're not all in one place, but this is one of those rare moments like a presidential impeachment. 10:04:48;07 We had a couple of those during Donald Trump's time. 10:04:51;19 But this time we're there for a moment that has so many of us joyous because we're about to make American history and put Kanji Brown Jackson on the Supreme Court and, and, and I'm, we're all waiting 99 senators there. 10:05:08;00 We're waiting for the last senator to vote Republicans keeping us there for a long time. 10:05:12;20 And now I start pacing and, and I'm, I'm, I'm emotional and I'm trying my best not to cry because my staff will only let me have one public cry a month and, and, and I had already exceeded my quota and, and Michelle almost made me cry again last night, but I was like, I gotta save it. 10:05:33;15 And then Raphael Warnock walks up to me and says, brother book. 10:05:37;27 It looks like you're struggling a little bit. 10:05:41;24 He's like you need some prayer. 10:05:43;16 Brother Booker and I'm like, Lord knows I do. 10:05:47;14 But at that moment, this urgent looking staffer runs over to tell us that the presiding officer was asking us to approach the front of the room. 10:06:01;14 Now, Rafael Warnock and I both growing up in powerful matriarchal families. 10:06:06;10 When a woman calls us, we reflexively like go towards. 10:06:10;00 But this wasn't just like uh uh another staff or another senator. 10:06:14;01 This was the presiding officer on that day who happened to be there to break a tie. 10:06:20;20 The vice president of the United States of America was Kamala Harris. 10:06:25;13 And so now picture this, I don't know how it is in your State Senate, but in the United States Senate, the, the presiding officer has to be the highest person in the room. 10:06:33;15 So when you walk up to talk to them sitting there, you can't stand, you have to like lean over. 10:06:38;16 And if those of you c span Watchers, all six of you might see, might see people sort of crouching when they're talking. 10:06:45;07 But this time, it was like both Raphael Warnock went over us and we bowed down at the altar of Kamala Harris. 10:06:53;05 And so now she's sitting on high and looking down at us kneeling before her and she says, fellas, this is a historic moment. 10:07:00;22 Now, I know she was talking about Katani Brown Jackson, but I'm one of those political nerds and I knew this was a historic moment because it's the first time in American history. 10:07:09;09 Three black people ever got together at the Senate floor. 10:07:16;25 Right. 10:07:17;05 There is three of the seven of us who had ever been elected to the United States Senate. 10:07:21;25 And so I'm, I'm, I'm standing there waiting for what Kamala Harris wants to talk about. 10:07:25;19 And she's like, listen, fellas, this is a really historic moment. 10:07:29;10 You all should do something to mark this moment. 10:07:32;14 And she says, why don't you all write a letter to a little girl about what it meant to be here at this moment. 10:07:42;01 And then she didn't seem to trust that we would do it. 10:07:44;17 So she goes over to her binder, opens up this beautiful leather, bind her and right there, the only thing other than her schedule that I saw were two pieces of her stationery, the big Vice Presidential seal on it and, and, and her name and she hands us both these two pieces of stationery and says, write your letter to that little girl on my stationery. 10:08:12;12 And at that point, Raphael Warnock grabs me and says, hold on, Booker, hold on, don't cry. 10:08:20;08 So now I want you all to know something about Raphael Warnock. 10:08:23;06 He is disciplined, he is dutiful, he is determined. 10:08:28;12 And so he went right back to his desk and penned a letter to his five year old daughter to tell her about this. 10:08:37;19 Now, I am one of those people that JD Vance talked down about. 10:08:42;29 I'm one of those childless cat people. 10:08:50;28 I think we're perfect. 10:08:55;27 I think we're fantastic. 10:08:59;25 Oh, my gosh. 10:09:00;27 What do you tell, tell a guy like me who has no kids that tells dad jokes a faux pas. 10:09:07;18 Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, I'm here all week. 10:09:10;29 I'm here all week. 10:09:14;06 So unlike Warnock, I didn't go back to my desk and, and write the letter. 10:09:19;27 Kanji Brown Jackson gets put on the highest office of the land. 10:09:22;05 I'm holding on to this precious stationary. 10:09:24;12 And I didn't write my letter in the next week, another week passed and I still didn't write my letter. 10:09:29;09 I told you all this was going to be a confessional. 10:09:32;09 And then one of those early mornings, I know you've all had this feeling where you wake up before your alarm goes off and you're lying there in bed and you just have some really deep thoughts. 10:09:45;05 And really this is not just my confession, but what I want to leave you all with you, see, I'm lying there in bed. 10:09:51;17 I realize that what Kamala Harris sent me to do was not a literal task, but a spiritual one. 10:10:05;07 Let me tell you what I mean. 10:10:06;29 I grew up in a, in a little church in, close to New Jersey where the pastor used to preach faith without works is dead. 10:10:14;25 You know, he would always say you can't preach right and walk left that it's not about what you say in life that defines you. 10:10:23;11 It's what you do. 10:10:25;18 I love what Frederick Douglass says. 10:10:27;10 He said, he said, I prayed for years for my freedom and I was still a slave. 10:10:31;28 It wasn't until I prayed with my hands and prayed with my feet that I found my salvation. 10:10:38;28 What Kamala Harris was asking me to do. 10:10:42;00 Yes, a beautiful literal thing. 10:10:44;02 But spiritually, she was saying, Cory Booker, write your letter every day by what we do by how we show up by the energy and the work and the effort we do. 10:10:56;14 We are writing a letter and let me tell you something. 10:10:58;27 Every single one of us in this room, we are the descendants of the letters, the love letters that our ancestors wrote and they didn't write with ink. 10:11:09;01 They wrote in tears, they wrote in sweat, they wrote in blood, they wrote us a letter of suffrage, they wrote us a letter of civil rights. 10:11:20;15 They wrote us letters about Roe V Wade. 10:11:24;05 They wrote us letters. 10:11:27;03 And so now Wisconsin, it's your turn right through the next 80 days. 10:11:34;02 Write your letter with love with work with struggle with sacrifice. 10:11:40;06 Oh Make Yeah, of life. 10:11:44;20 Make your democracy. 10:11:48;28 Make your letter a story of how you worked to get. 10:11:54;01 Yes. 10:11:55;15 Highest office was caught. 10:11:59;25 Write your letter, Cory Booker Wisconsin. 10:12:21;05 Let's give another giant round of applause but fired up. 10:12:34;26 Oh my gosh. 10:12:39;02 Your napkin can be used to adjust any moisture that may be appearing on your face just welcoming everyone to take full advantage of that opportunity. 10:12:53;23 All right, I'm gonna bring it down a little bit with some announcements which I'm very excited about. 10:12:59;09 The first announcement is if you didn't get one yet and you're a Wisconsin delegate, we have old fashioned T shirts here for you to pick up. 10:13:10;28 If you got your T shirt. 10:13:11;25 Can you hold it up so people can see your beautiful Wisconsin delegate, old fashioned shirt. 10:13:17;13 Look at those, look at those beautiful, beautiful shirts. 10:13:22;14 The second day is the giveaway closing moment is 9:30 a.m. It's 913. 10:13:30;13 Now. 10:13:31;09 So if you have a guest who you would love to be able to get into the arena tonight with a guest pass or if you hope to be entered in the giveaway drawing for some nice prizes, get your tickets in in the next 17 minutes and those are again at the check in table. 10:13:50;15 I just wanna make sure people know about that. 10:13:59;05 The third announcement is that Wisconsin's elected DNC member, Alex Lasry is throwing a party tonight to appreciate the Wisconsin delegation. 10:14:11;23 So after the speeches, you are all fired up, you're full of energy. 10:14:15;26 You want to go to a party. 10:14:17;15 I recommend that you go to Alex Lad's party tonight from 10 p.m. till 1 a.m. at Barrio, which is at 65 at Kinsey in Chicago. 10:14:28;13 Everyone got a message about this, but I just want to make sure everyone here knows that they are invited and it's going to be a blast. 10:14:36;12 And my last note is that as we prepare for our next speaker and I know that folks are, are quickly moving through, some folks are, are meeting the amazing Senator Booker. 10:14:49;08 I wanna ask everyone then to go to their seat and stay in their seat. 10:14:54;02 Oh, not quite yet. 10:14:56;14 You don't need to do that yet. 10:14:57;19 All right, when we see our next speaker, we're going to invite everyone to be in their seats and on their feet. 10:15:05;05 Uh, but we're gonna take a second to enjoy this pause. 10:15:08;01 We're going to continue to consume our caffeinated beverages and we'll be back with more programming in just a minute. 10:15:13;02 Thank you so much, everyone. 10:15:29;16 So. 10:15:31;15 Yes, something. 10:15:45;07 Ok. 10:15:48;16 Yes. 10:16:25;10 Ok. 10:16:46;10 Yes. 10:16:58;02 Yes. 10:17:44;00 Cheese. 10:17:52;06 Yeah. 10:18:08;29 Yeah. 10:18:10;02 Ok. 10:18:20;26 Two that. 10:18:48;07 Ok. 10:19:11;07 Two think it's, he's like doing more here at the right time because now it's getting cold. 10:19:51;12 Yeah, I know, but I'm from the Midwest, so I think I'll be able to handle it maybe. 10:19:57;09 Ok, for the record of you said your first name, your last name and your title. 10:20:00;17 David Crowley Crowley Milwaukee County executive. 10:20:05;06 So I obviously there's a lot to do Wisconsin Battleground State. 10:20:09;07 What do you think Wisconsin kites need to do to make this happen in the next, less than 80 days? 10:20:14;12 Well, I'm, I'm just gonna quote Michelle Obama from last night. 10:20:17;00 We all have to do something. 10:20:18;06 Not every role for everybody to be playing. 10:20:20;17 But I do think that everybody has a role when it comes down to saving our democracy and making sure that we get as many people out to the ballot box. 10:20:27;07 And so whether you're making phone calls knocking on doors, helping to fundraise or just using, utilizing your talents to help encourage and bring awareness to what is going on this upcoming November. 10:20:39;11 That's how you can get involved. 10:20:40;19 We all have something to do and we all have to do something and we're coming from Blue Cities, Madison, Milwaukee. 10:20:47;01 So what efforts are you trying to make leading up to the election? 10:20:49;27 Listen, we're gonna be talking to everybody again, we're gonna be continuously knocking on doors. 10:20:53;22 We're gonna be hosting different campuses all across Milwaukee County. 10:20:57;14 But again, it's about how do we step outside our geographical comfort zone at the exact same time. 10:21:02;06 And so as Milwaukee County executive, yes, I am responsible for Milwaukee, but that doesn't mean that I can't go rally the troops in Racine in Kenosha, in Beloit, in Sheboygan, in Green Bay, in Madison or wherever they need me to be at. 10:21:16;20 But I just think that again, when it comes down to what I'm going to be doing, every single thing I need to do to make sure that we make history in electing the first woman president of the United States. 10:21:29;25 Ok. 10:21:30;04 And then Oh, ok. 10:21:32;18 Ok. 10:21:33;02 I, OK. 10:21:34;27 Wait, just one more thing and then like, ok, what does the, what does today's theme mean for you as I fight for our freedom? 10:21:40;04 What does that mean? 10:21:40;18 I mean, that's what we're doing every single day. 10:21:42;12 We are fighting for democracy and protecting our democracy means that we are protecting our freedom. 10:21:46;17 And as a person of color, understanding the role in the, in the generations of trauma that we all come from, we know that there's so much roadway ahead of us and there's so much prosperity ahead of us. 10:21:57;13 And so as a person of color, when I hear the fight for freedom, it lets me know that I'm not just fighting for my freedoms. 10:22:03;02 I'm fighting for the freedoms of other people of color or those who are coming behind me. 10:22:06;16 But more importantly, I'm fighting for the freedom of my daughters. 10:22:09;12 I want them to have the same level of opportunities if not more than I have been afforded. 10:22:14;06 And I think that that's what America is about and that's what we are fighting for. 10:22:17;01 That is the freedom that we are all looking forward to. 10:22:21;19 Thank you uh 6 1670 her on stage. 10:22:34;11 So the good thing about this is that I am due a small payment from my senate colleagues because they are violating that stipulation. 10:22:41;24 But give it up for one of the best speakers. 10:22:44;08 The best rabble Rousers Cory Booker. 10:22:46;21 Awesome. 10:22:48;21 Um Hey, listen, I just want to say this to you. 10:22:51;07 There are so many contrasts in this campaign. 10:22:54;19 And I'm gonna talk to you about one of them a contrast on how seriously we take our kids' safety. 10:22:59;16 But actually, the, the contrast that I think America is seeing every minute of this, of this convention, the contrast that they, they saw loud and clear last night is a contrast of just dourness and joy. 10:23:14;13 Right? 10:23:15;08 There is just enormous joy in this city in that convention hall and there are big problems in this world. 10:23:23;18 There are all sorts of people who are upset and feeling powerless and lonely. 10:23:29;17 But we should still feel a sense of joy every single day, right? 10:23:35;11 We should understand how unique it is, how special it is that we are living in a nation that is doing something that no other civilization has ever done for as long as we have done it, right? 10:23:50;08 It's not just democracy, right? 10:23:52;25 There's never been a democracy that is spread the vote and the voice as widely as we haven't done it for as long as we have done it. 10:24:00;12 But it's multicultural democracy, right? 10:24:02;16 It's this idea that everyone belongs, that everyone can find a home here and that when you find a home here, we, you know, still hold on to a little bit of where we came from. 10:24:12;27 But then we join hands and we make decisions together 250 years in this is still an experiment. 10:24:21;14 This thing is still fragile. 10:24:23;20 This thing still needs to be nurtured, but we should absolutely wake up with joy, with unreserved joy every single day that we live in the United States of America and we have to fight for it every single day. 10:24:37;01 That's what this convention is about, right? 10:24:38;27 It's about loving the fact that we live in America, accepting the fact that we have to fight for her. 10:24:44;05 And Kamala Harris is gonna do that when she gets on stage tomorrow night. 10:24:47;18 And I'm so excited for her. 10:24:53;15 Let me tell you about 11 thing that I care deeply about. 10:24:56;26 So I feel really embarrassed that I spent the first half of my political life not working on the issue of gun violence. 10:25:04;15 And then something truly awful happened in my state in 2012, just as I was getting elected to the United States Senate, I've been trying to make up for lost time since then, but we ran up against roadblock after roadblock in the 1st 10 years after Sandy Hook, those parents, the parents of those who have been killed in Milwaukee and Racine and Madison, they came to Washington and they hit those same roadblocks. 10:25:29;27 But we had faith that in a democracy eventually, 90% of the people, if they want something, we'll eventually get it. 10:25:38;17 And so we built power year after year, right? 10:25:42;18 We had faith that one day our movement, the anti gun violence movement would be more powerful than the gun lobby. 10:25:49;21 Most people told us it couldn't be done. 10:25:51;27 It would never happen that the NR A was the most powerful interest in Washington in the United States of America. 10:25:58;05 But we had faith that our cause was so righteous that eventually one day it would prevail Joe Biden. 10:26:05;10 And Kamala Harris had faith that our cause was righteous after Parkland happened. 10:26:10;12 The first one of my colleagues who called me to say, what are we going to do was Kamala Harris days after. 10:26:21;03 And by the way, and by the way, Kamala, the true measure of a leader is not what they do in front of the cameras. 10:26:26;01 It's what they do behind the cameras. 10:26:27;16 After, after right after Parkland, Kamala Harris methodically helped me organize the anti gun violence groups who up until then hadn't always been working together around a mission to be organized and co ordinated in the 2018 elections. 10:26:44;11 She raised more money for anti gun violence candidates running that year than any other of my colleagues. 10:26:50;19 She never raised her hand and for credit for it, she never did a press conference to talk about all the work she was doing behind the scenes. 10:26:56;24 Kamala Harris just believed that we had an obligation to save people's lives. 10:27:00;22 She didn't care if she people knew she was doing it or not. 10:27:04;02 She believed in her heart that we should not accept that 100 people die every day of gun violence in this country and she went to work to solve it. 10:27:15;04 And then 2022 came around and we saw an opportunity after that awful shooting in Eovaldi. 10:27:19;27 After that awful shooting in Buffalo, we saw an opportunity, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris saw an opportunity. 10:27:25;03 A lot of their advisers told them you're never going to get this done. 10:27:27;29 Don't put any political capital into trying to pass a bill at the nr A opposed for 30 days, we negotiated the bipartisan Safer Communities Act. 10:27:37;11 Tammy Baldwin was a huge part of those negotiations. 10:27:40;14 And 30 days later, we passed, we passed the first major anti gun violence bill in 30 years. 10:27:52;12 We beat the gun lobby for the first time in 30 years. 10:27:55;24 And now two years since we passed that bill, gun violence rates in our city, all across this country have dropped by 20% right? 10:28:06;25 We have delivered. 10:28:10;03 That means that there are young men and women who are alive today that wouldn't have been alive if we hadn't passed that bill. 10:28:16;20 That means that there are parents and brothers and sisters who are not grieving because we were able to break through and beat the gun lobby. 10:28:23;08 And it is just a reminder of what happens if you have thoughtful effective compassionate leaders in the White House who care about us. 10:28:32;05 And so I enjoy us about living in this democracy because I've seen it work because I have seen us change political realities on the stickiest, toughest issue that exists. 10:28:42;00 The issue of guns. 10:28:42;28 I have seen our ability to change lives and I am just so so excited to see how many new people, how many young people are coming into this movement. 10:28:53;08 I'm so excited to be here with you because state parties all across the country are learning from the model that you are creating. 10:28:59;22 And I'm gonna be so excited to be in that hall tomorrow night to nominate Kamala Harris and Tim Wallace to be the next president and vice president of the United States. 10:29:06;05 Thank you, Wisconsin Dens. 10:29:07;06 Thanks for having me. 10:29:24;09 Let's give another round of applause to Senator Chris Murphy for your words and for your work, what an extraordinary week, what an extraordinary privilege it is for all of us to be here in this week in this moment. 10:29:47;14 And let me pull back the camera and say what a privilege and an honor it is for all of us to be Democrats to be Americans in this era in American politics, some of the lowest lows, but some of the highest highs, some of the most historic pieces of legislation and some of the most extraordinary leaders over the last couple of decades, we have seen people come onto the national stage that not only have made history but have defied what people thought was possible and I want zero in on one person who has shattered people's expectations for what they could imagine, effective leadership could be like because Democrats are not always easy cats to herd. 10:30:34;19 Democrats don't always agree on everything, but there's one Democrat leading the People's House in two different terms. 10:30:45;13 As the speaker who did not lose a vote, who organized Democrats around historic momentous pieces of legislation that passed into law and changed people's lives. 10:30:59;21 A speaker of the United States House, a speaker Emerita of the United States House, who has been a central figure in the history of America in this story of us becoming a more free and fair and just nation. 10:31:15;03 I'm so thrilled to welcome our next speaker, a dear friend and mentor the leader twice and now the leader Emeritus of the Democratic and of the entire United States House. 10:31:28;23 Let's give a giant Wisconsin. 10:31:30;08 Welcome to Nancy Pelosi. 10:31:37;20 Thank you. 10:31:39;25 Good morning, everyone. 10:31:44;05 I think I don't have to tell you how blessed you are with political talent. 10:31:49;08 I saw the governor as soon as I came in governor. 10:31:52;00 Thank you. 10:31:52;18 Thank you for your leadership. 10:31:54;20 He's talking to my son-in-law who's Dutch and his wife is Dutch. 10:31:57;26 So they're having their personal conversation there. 10:32:00;21 That's here for the governor. 10:32:04;23 Good. 10:32:06;17 He still isn't watching us. 10:32:12;00 Mark Pohan, who's chair of the co-chair of the uh where's Mark? 10:32:16;08 I thought I knew Mark was here earlier. 10:32:18;16 But anyway, co-chair of the progressive caucus in the House of Representatives, a wonderful Wi Wisconsin delegation. 10:32:25;28 Of course, Glenn Moore from Milwaukee. 10:32:28;13 She's so remarked. 10:32:29;20 The list goes, the list goes on, but we want the list to grow. 10:32:33;02 We want that list to grow. 10:32:35;23 You know, that Big Ben is recognized nationally as a pre eminent state party chair. 10:32:50;28 Every time I compliment him on being a great party chair. 10:32:56;01 He compliments all of you for what you do to make that possible. 10:33:02;19 So let's hear it for you. 10:33:07;12 He galvanized support all over the country in support of what you were doing to, to win the supreme court seat. 10:33:16;01 Wasn't that something quite remarkable? 10:33:22;07 His reputation is a great one. 10:33:24;07 That's why we call him Big Ben. 10:33:28;13 When he was working at the grassroots level nationally, he said I'm going home to Wisconsin. 10:33:35;27 It's the best place, it's my home, but it's also the best place to raise a family. 10:33:43;04 What better thing could he say about his state? 10:33:46;27 And then he came and became the state chair and now everything's riding on Wisconsin. 10:33:55;13 Yeah. 10:33:58;28 So we have to hold the Senate with Tammy Baldwin and this is too magnificent and wonderful. 10:34:08;16 We have to win the house and we want to grow our numbers here in Wisconsin. 10:34:13;23 We have to elect Kamala Harris and Tim walls, president and vice president of the United States. 10:34:25;18 I know you heard from some of the senators, Senator Booker Chris Murphy. 10:34:29;23 They make us so very, very proud in terms of the issues that we are focusing on the rest but we must, we must hold the Senate. 10:34:39;17 But let me just tell you why it's so urgent also to win the house. 10:34:44;06 You know why? 10:34:44;23 For every issue, every kitchen table issue and the rest. 10:34:47;26 But in terms of our democracy on January 6th, we must have Hakeem Jeffries with the gavel as Speaker of the House. 10:34:58;29 Oh, nice. 10:35:01;12 Because just think of this is very self-serving what I'm going to say right now. 10:35:06;18 Self-serving sign is up. 10:35:09;20 I warned you. 10:35:11;17 But just think of what have happened if we did not have, if I did not have the gavel on January 3rd, not me, a democratic speaker did not have the gavel on January 5th. 10:35:26;14 So, so everything, everything, everything is uh is, is at stake in this election. 10:35:33;10 What do we have to do? 10:35:34;17 Nobody knows it better than Ben. 10:35:36;22 And, and again, he's a model to the country, but we have to make sure we win. 10:35:42;00 People say to me what you know, Kamala, what advice would you give her? 10:35:46;10 No, be yourself, show your values, show your vision for America, show what's in your heart, the empathy for the American people, show your knowledge of the issue, your judgment of perspectives, your strategic knowledge of how to get things done. 10:36:02;01 She has all of that. 10:36:04;04 I know her well, for a long time personally, Pamela Harris is a person of deep faith. 10:36:11;10 That's what encourages her to care for people in the community and in our civic life officially. 10:36:21;11 She's a person of great strength, knowing her, knowing again, the priorities, the issues, the, uh, the path that we have to go on and politically, she's very, very astute. 10:36:34;13 She has, she has won hard races for district attorney Attorney General Senate, then Vice president of the United States. 10:36:43;05 And you saw how quickly politically she wrapped up this nomination. 10:36:47;14 So she's prepared to lead the way for us to win the win the White House. 10:36:54;13 She and Tim Walls. 10:36:55;21 Isn't he wonderful? 10:36:56;26 He served with what hes just remarkable. 10:37:02;10 So when they say, what advice would you give her? 10:37:04;22 I just say, be yourself. 10:37:07;00 But what we have to do is be ourselves in doing our political work. 10:37:13;22 We must, we must, she's out here. 10:37:17;14 We're on the ground. 10:37:18;14 We must own the ground. 10:37:21;08 Nobody knows that better than Ben Wickler. 10:37:23;26 That's on the ground. 10:37:26;13 We must own the ground. 10:37:28;01 We must mobilize because if you don't mobilize everything else you do is just a conversation, whether it's on TV, or the mail and blah, blah, blah, own. 10:37:38;02 Get out that boat, the message. 10:37:41;13 And tonight Christine, my daughter tells me that we are going to be approving the platform. 10:37:46;11 So that will be the message of our party. 10:37:49;22 Progressive, bold, unifying, not menacing, unifying, not menacing. 10:37:57;21 And I can say that as a person from San Francisco, California, what works in Michigan Millbrook in San Francisco who works in San Francisco may not work in an electoral college state like Michigan. 10:38:12;11 So let's win, baby. 10:38:14;01 That's just what we have to win. 10:38:20;13 Mobilize, fuel that with a message of, of hope in that and the money to get the job done. 10:38:29;21 And that's coming in because of the path that Kamala and Tim are, are. 10:38:34;19 So, I guess we'll be calling them Mr President, Mr Vice. 10:38:37;23 Mm. 10:38:39;03 How about having a woman president of now? 10:38:49;25 I know that's exciting but that's not why she should be president. 10:38:54;14 She should be president because she's the best person for the job, the best person for the job who happens to be a woman. 10:39:04;08 And that's icing on the cake but make no mistake, man or woman, man or woman, best person for the job. 10:39:12;00 And I think that that's what we have to make sure people understand when I was running for speaker. 10:39:18;13 I said don't vote for me because I'm a woman but don't vote against me because I'm a woman. 10:39:23;19 Yeah. 10:39:27;12 And then I had my three nos, my three nos. 10:39:30;13 I had the three M si got the three nos, no wasted time. 10:39:34;09 Right. 10:39:34;12 Then no wasted time. 10:39:36;14 No underutilized resource or that's organization mobilizing messaging and no underutilized resource and no regrets the day after the election. 10:39:48;13 We just could have done more, we just could have done more. 10:39:55;18 So I'm a, I was former chair of the party before I went to Congress. 10:39:59;23 I had never had any intention of running for Congress. 10:40:02;14 You never know what's out there. 10:40:03;21 Ben? 10:40:03;28 You have to be ready. 10:40:06;07 Mhm. 10:40:07;12 But, but, but Kamala Harris is ready. 10:40:15;14 Tim Walls is ready. 10:40:17;26 So in any case, you again, we know what is at stake. 10:40:21;08 Wisconsin is in uh the lead in so many ways, whether it's leading in our, our biggest product uh globally is our agriculture. 10:40:33;24 It's so very, very important. 10:40:36;04 Uh uh I see a cheese head. 10:40:37;25 Oh, I see a lot of cheese heads but for the, for this and so many reasons, I thank you all for your leadership. 10:40:46;21 Now, in this, these two races, Peter Barca was a member of Congress. 10:40:52;03 We want him back again. 10:40:58;10 He's so wonderful. 10:40:59;23 We want him back again. 10:41:01;04 And Rebecca Cook in Wisconsin three here. 10:41:05;15 This is very, so you can't add by subtracting, you will reelect the members who are from Wisconsin and starting in the Senate with Tammy Baldwin. 10:41:18;04 Tammy Baldwin started in the house. 10:41:20;17 I campaigned with her in Madison and the suburban, the urban rural areas in her district as well. 10:41:27;14 Could see this woman of Great grace. 10:41:31;02 Now, she was going to be the first lesbian member of Congress that we knew the first lesbian member of Congress who better than Tammy Baldwin. 10:41:40;14 Coming in with her commitment, her values, her vision and the rest, her graciousness, her just goodness that emanated from her. 10:41:52;25 And then she went on to the United States Senate and that's where she has to go again. 10:41:58;12 So thank you for all of that. 10:42:01;24 So are you ready? 10:42:02;29 Are you ready to just win? 10:42:05;10 So I won't sing the national anthem for you. 10:42:08;04 But I just left the Maryland delegation. 10:42:10;03 That's where I'm from. 10:42:11;13 And um originally I've been in San Francisco for 50 years raising our family. 10:42:16;24 My daughter, Alexandra is here with her husband, Neil. 10:42:19;22 This is a family visit for us. 10:42:21;11 My daughter Christine, active in the Democratic Party keeps reminding me the platform is coming out tonight. 10:42:29;07 That will be our message. 10:42:31;10 But when I was in Maryland, I said to them, I brag about the fact that the national anthem was written in Baltimore, Francis Scott Key, the the war of 1812. 10:42:43;02 All of that. 10:42:43;29 Now when you're at a game, Green Bay didn't do too well. 10:42:49;15 Last night when you're at a game, you get to the end land, the free home of the brave everybody. 10:42:55;22 Cheers. 10:42:56;09 Right. 10:42:59;02 I hear before that when it says proof through the night that our flag was still there, proof enough that our flags are still there. 10:43:14;07 We are in the night in some respects in terms of the assault on our democracy that the other side, that other guy is making. 10:43:22;08 It's appalling. 10:43:23;21 It's horrible how the Republicans could even accept such an unpatriotic thing. 10:43:28;28 But it is what it is. 10:43:30;05 And as I say, we don't agonize, we organize, we unionize, we just win baby. 10:43:35;27 That's what it is. 10:43:38;20 Yeah, but we have to prove through the night that our flag was still there. 10:43:45;12 And as Joe Biden has consistently said and done as President of the United States, still there with liberty and justice for all. 10:43:55;13 Are we ready to just win baby, elect Kamala Harris and Tim walls, President, vice President of the United States, Tammy Baldwin to the United States and Peter Barker and Rebecca to the House of Representatives. 10:44:10;03 Thank you for the honor of sharing some thoughts for you as a former party chair, recognizing the work that you, that you do that is running for these positions, the grassroots activity of it just to own the ground, baby. 10:44:25;20 And that's our message. 10:44:26;17 That's how we're gonna win. 10:44:28;01 Thank you all so much. 10:44:34;09 Thank you, Wisconsin. 10:44:39;06 Yeah. 10:44:41;15 Right. 10:44:45;29 Speaker Nancy Pelosi author, I might add of the new book must read and she reads the audio book in her own voice. 10:44:59;04 The Art of power, a true artist. 10:45:02;20 Our amazing speaker, Emerita Nancy Pelosi, Wisconsin. 10:45:10;01 Are you ready to own the ground? 10:45:14;02 Are you ready to just win, baby? 10:45:17;17 Let's give another giant round of applause and thank you to Nancy Pelosi for joining us this morning. 10:45:22;25 Holy smokes. 10:45:30;01 Ah, I'm thrilled to be able to welcome this morning's final guest speaker. 10:45:39;22 I'm so pleased and proud to introduce someone who has brought case after case after critical case forward to advance the cause of justice, freedom and accountability in the state of Wisconsin. 10:45:53;18 Someone. 10:45:54;03 I'm proud to call a friend and neighbor. 10:45:56;11 Our one and only attorney general of the great state of Wisconsin. 10:46:00;18 Josh. 10:46:08;05 Thank you. 10:46:09;08 Hello, Wisconsin. 10:46:11;26 Holy cow. 10:46:12;27 What a week this is. 10:46:14;15 You know, at first I got, I have to tell you a story and, and you're all gonna wanna hear this. 10:46:18;28 Uh, just a few minutes ago. 10:46:20;23 I had what I think will be a, a lifelong memory, which is, somebody came up to me and said, um, Nancy Pelosi's schedule has shifted a little bit. 10:46:28;26 Is it ok if she goes ahead of you, the Obamas weren't available. 10:46:36;28 Um, uh, the greatest speaker in American history just spoke to this audience. 10:46:43;19 What a day and by the, and, and what a week this has been and what a month this has been. 10:46:52;25 Um, I have a lot to say about that. 10:46:54;27 There's a lot to talk about right now, but I actually want to start with some Wisconsin business because there is a lot going on at the state level right now. 10:47:03;13 We, I think deserve a round of applause for all the work that you have done that the state party has done because last week and it's hard to believe this was just last week. 10:47:13;18 We had a primary in Wisconsin where Republicans put two amendments to grab power away from Governor Ebers and give it to our legislature. 10:47:23;15 And Wisconsinites organized, they got information out about the stakes of that vote and we overwhelmingly defeated those Republican amendments. 10:47:33;10 Great work, Wisconsin. 10:47:39;02 And I, I don't know if you saw Robin Voss remarks when he was asked about these amendments and what was coming in the future? 10:47:46;27 He said that he's going to double down on constitutional amendments. 10:47:53;17 Now. 10:47:53;26 I, I don't want to bring up bad memories, but you may remember that after Governor Ebers and I were first elected in 2018, Robin Voss began his power grab spree by bringing the legislature into special election and having them vote to take authority away from the governor's office and the A GS office. 10:48:12;29 But you know, I have a point I want to make about how things have gone with with Robin Voss as speaker. 10:48:19;08 When Robin Voss was elected, speaker, Republicans had overwhelming majorities in the state legislature. 10:48:26;06 Republicans controlled the governor's office. 10:48:28;29 Republicans controlled the A GS office. 10:48:31;13 Republicans had a clear majority on the state Supreme court. 10:48:36;20 Well, now Governor Evers is in his second term as governor. 10:48:44;01 I am proud to be in my second term as attorney general. 10:48:48;07 Our state Supreme court majority has flipped Robin Boss's power grab with the amendments has gone down. 10:48:56;08 Robin Voss has seen defeat after defeat after defeat, but we've got one more defeat to hand him because this fall, we have the opportunity to vote with fair maps for the first time in more than a decade. 10:49:12;03 So this fall, let's flip the majority in the assembly and let's end the speakership of Robin Vos, we, we've got seats to gain in the Senate as well and we have a clear path to a majority in the Senate if we put in the work in this election and the next election and think about what it would mean in Wisconsin to have Republic to have Republican majorities gone and to have Democrats in the majority. 10:49:44;01 It means common sense, gun safety legislation get past, like Chris Murphy talked about it means expanding Medicaid. 10:49:51;28 So more of our residents are able to get access to the health care they need. 10:49:56;20 With a democratic majority, we can codify reproductive rights into Wisconsin law and we can finally fully fund education in Wisconsin if we have a democratic majority. 10:50:14;01 And of course, we've got critical congressional races. 10:50:17;18 The two that Speaker Pelosi mentioned, I also want to highlight the eighth congressional district where our outstanding candidate Kristen Lyerly Kristen, are you here? 10:50:27;03 Is running, is running to win that district and flip that blue. 10:50:32;28 Now, I don't need to tell anybody here about the stakes in the senate election and how critical it is that we reelect Tammy Baldwin. 10:50:39;18 This is somebody who fights every day for Wisconsinites. 10:50:44;20 Tammy Baldwin has gone to bed for us. 10:50:47;11 She's fighting for Buy America. 10:50:49;13 She has succeeded in protecting same sex marriages. 10:50:53;05 She is fighting to codify reproductive rights at the federal level. 10:50:57;27 Tammy Baldwin has expanded access to affordable health care. 10:51:02;05 She is a champion for us on issue after issue and her opponent is in Wisconsin sometimes. 10:51:11;16 Well, she has been talking to communities to people across our state. 10:51:16;11 Eric Hovde has been, I think doing beach is the phrase for that. 10:51:22;25 The contrast could not be clear, but he has talked about ending the Affordable Care Act. 10:51:27;21 He's talked about how he's wanted to overturn Roe V. Wade. 10:51:32;16 The stakes could not be more clear. 10:51:35;03 And speaking of races where the stakes could not be more clear. 10:51:38;20 We have all been hearing about the presidential election for the last few days. 10:51:43;11 I just want to add a few points to some of what we've heard first. 10:51:47;09 I, I believe that this is the most important election in any of our lifetimes. 10:51:53;04 The difference in the path that Kamala Harris and Tim walls have laid out and the path that Donald Trump and JD Vance have laid out is as big a difference as you can possibly imagine. 10:52:04;15 But let's talk about competence, you know, the values, the principles matter, but let's talk about competence and I'll just give you one example. 10:52:12;16 I spent a lot of time as your attorney general thinking about public safety. 10:52:16;27 We've held big pharmaceutical companies accountable for their role in the opioid epidemic. 10:52:21;20 We fought to strengthen our sexual assault kit laws. 10:52:24;29 We have stood up against gun violence and for common sense, gun safety measures and when it comes to public safety, I don't know if you saw JD Vance's remarks last week in Milwaukee, but in talking about his approach to public safety, I'm not making this up. 10:52:41;03 He pointed people to the movie, The Gangs of New York for how we should think about public safety in Kamala Harris. 10:52:49;20 We have the former attorney general of the largest state in the country who has taken on people responsible for mortgage fraud. 10:52:57;01 A former prosecutor from one of our largest counties who put dangerous violent offenders behind bars. 10:53:05;16 And on the Republican side, you've got one guy who's seen gangs of New York and another guy who's seen Silence of the lambs. 10:53:12;19 This is not a tough choice. 10:53:15;22 I will say if there's one movie I associate with Donald Trump, it's actually a Jim Carrey movie. 10:53:21;23 It's called Liar, Liar. 10:53:29;04 But we also see the impact of that expertise in the results we've gotten when Donald Trump was in office. 10:53:34;27 As president, violent crime went up, shootings went up, homicides went up including in Wisconsin and with the Biden Harris administration in office, shootings have dropped. 10:53:48;24 Homicides have dropped at historic levels. 10:53:52;15 They have been investing in and supporting the FBI and the US DOJ while Donald Trump has been attacking them and claims that if he's elected president, he will weaponize them. 10:54:04;25 That is not an approach that is going to make our communities safer. 10:54:08;09 It's not an approach that's gonna make our community stronger. 10:54:10;25 We cannot afford another four years of their incompetence in the White House and when it comes to our values, the contrast could not be clear. 10:54:20;11 I wanna tell you a quick story about Kamala Harris. 10:54:23;16 She is fighting to strengthen our middle class. 10:54:26;05 She's fighting to expand access to affordable health care. 10:54:29;14 She's fighting to protect our natural resources and she has made our freedom a centerpiece of her campaign. 10:54:36;11 Well, when the Dobbs decision was pending at the Supreme Court, we had a good sense of where that case was going. 10:54:43;19 And Kamala Harris herself, a former A G convened several A GS including me from around the country asked us to come meet with her at the White House. 10:54:54;10 So several of us went there. 10:54:55;25 Some of us showed up by Zoom and Kamala Harris wanted to hear from us about what we needed in our States. 10:55:02;04 If the Dobbs decision came out the way we feared, she wanted to hear about how we were elevating the concerns that people were having about their own reproductive freedom, about the health of their families if access to abortion was lost and she wanted to know how she could help. 10:55:18;25 Well, it turned out that was the day before the Dobbs decision came down. 10:55:23;20 And you may remember four days after that decision, Governor Evers and I announced a lawsuit to block enforcement of our 1849 ban and we have now restored reproductive freedom in Wisconsin. 10:55:40;21 But, but the fight isn't over, it is still going on in the courts, it's going to go on in our state legislature and it's going to go on at the federal level. 10:55:49;00 Kamala Harris is a leader who understands the importance of protecting our freedom and who's going to put in the work to get it done. 10:55:56;11 On the other side have, how many of you have heard about project 2025? 10:56:02;11 The secret is out, right. 10:56:04;04 The secret is out 900 plus pages that I can boil down. 10:56:09;17 Actually, I can save you a lot of time. 10:56:11;11 It's about attacking our freedoms. 10:56:13;16 It's about attacking the middle class and it's about attacking equality of opportunity. 10:56:20;05 So with those 40 hours, we just saved, let's make sure that 2025 project doesn't go into effect in Wisconsin or anywhere in this country. 10:56:30;11 It's a, it's a project about fundamentally taking our country backwards, taking us backwards in some cases, hundreds of years. 10:56:40;09 But as Vice President Harris likes to say about going backwards, we're not going back, we are not going to go back, but we know what it takes in Wisconsin to make sure that we move forward and not backward. 10:56:55;17 We know what it means to put in the kind of work we do to get elections across the finish line and to win. 10:57:01;17 And if you need any extra motivation over the next 76 days, let me just say this. 10:57:07;14 I don't know how many of you had the chance to hear from Hillary Clinton, uh on the first night of the convention. 10:57:14;04 But it brought back a lot of memories for me from that 2016 election. 10:57:18;05 And one thing that I will always remember is the videos that were going viral on election day of people who had cast their ballot, had those I voted stickers and put them on Susan B, Anthony's gravestone. 10:57:32;11 And what we all thought was going to be a celebratory night as those election results rolled in became a nightmare. 10:57:39;25 Uh And we have now lived through years and years of Donald Trump's divisiveness and even now with Joe Biden, the White House, Donald Trump casts a pall over what is happening in this country. 10:57:53;09 He brings division, he encourages Republicans to obstruct. 10:57:57;02 He has stood in the way of progress. 10:58:01;21 But in 76 days, we can fundamentally change that narrative. 10:58:07;16 We can elect Kamala Harris as the next president of the United States. 10:58:11;13 And think about what that will mean for little girls across this country, not just to be told that they can do anything but to see it in the highest office of our land. 10:58:23;16 And as the father of two boys, let me tell you think about what it means for all of our Children to grow up in an America where equality of opportunity is not just something we say, but is something we can show is true for every American when we stand up for equal justice under the law. 10:58:41;08 We all benefit when we speak out against hate against the transgender community. 10:58:47;02 All of us become safer when we speak out against racial injustice. 10:58:51;22 All of us get to live in a society that is more equal when we come together. 10:58:57;02 When we are united, we are as strong as we can be and we all benefit no matter what. 10:59:03;16 Donald Trump and JD Vance say as they try to divide us. 10:59:07;08 So in 76 days, let's get engaged. 10:59:10;20 Let's make sure we knock on doors. 10:59:12;28 Let's make sure we pick up the phone. 10:59:14;18 Let's have those difficult conversations with our friends and our family and our neighbors and let's elect Kamala Harris and Tim walls as the next president and vice president of the United States. 10:59:26;12 Let's do it. 10:59:27;01 Let's go. 10:59:27;19 Thank you, everybody. 10:59:29;09 Thank you, Attorney General, Josh Cole. 10:59:40;00 Let's give him of applause fighting for all of us. 10:59:46;21 Oh, what a breakfast. 10:59:49;08 What speakers? 10:59:50;08 What a day we have got. 10:59:52;23 We have one final order of business before we get, which is the drawings for the guest masses and the prizes for today before I introduce our executive director, Cassie Felli and our deputy executive directors, Abel for the drawing. 11:00:08;04 Let me say a couple of things, a reminder first to make sure tonight if you are in, if you have a delegate pass or a guest pass that you are in your seat by 6 p.m. So you can cheer on Mayor Cavalier Johnson. 11:00:21;01 When he addresses our convention tonight, we are so excited, so excited to show what Wisconsin sounds like when we cheer. 11:00:31;11 Secondly, if you do not have a pass tonight, there are many places you could go to watch. 11:00:36;00 One of them is the into action reception area where there's beautiful screens and snacks and food and art. 11:00:41;22 And everybody is invited there throughout the day. 11:00:43;20 And then after the gavel drops, everyone is invited to DNC committee man, Alex Lasry special party to celebrate the Wisconsin delegation. 11:00:52;03 So make sure you go to that party tonight and lastly be thinking about your stuff. 11:00:59;06 I know of at least one phone that has gone missing in this very room this morning. 11:01:03;06 If you find that room, bring it to the reception table so that its owner can claim it, but make sure you have your phone. 11:01:10;19 Make sure you have your cheese head. 11:01:12;07 Love seeing some cheese heads here this morning, be there tonight. 11:01:15;20 Ready to go. 11:01:16;13 You might want to have some extra water and some snack bars. 11:01:18;29 It's gonna be an amazing, amazing night. 11:01:21;16 And with that, let's give a giant round of applause. 11:01:24;12 Let's give a round of applause to everyone working here at the Sheridan Riverwalk today. 11:01:29;08 Everyone on the Democratic Party of Wisconsin team who's working here today and let's give a big Wisconsin. 11:01:34;24 Thank you and welcome to Cassie Felli and Sarah Abel for today's drive. 11:01:39;24 Thank you. 11:01:46;06 Hello, I'm back again. 11:01:47;17 My voice is dying. 11:01:48;18 So Sarah is gonna do the talking 10. 11:01:53;18 All right, we have 10 guest passes to give away. 11:02:03;11 Um. 11:02:03;26 Ok. 11:02:04;05 First we have Madeline Buckles guest of Henry Freeze Madeline. 11:02:11;28 Are you here? 11:02:15;05 We hold it till the end. 11:02:16;06 Reminder of the rules. 11:02:17;10 You have to be in the room to win your ticket. 11:02:20;14 We will hold it um until the end and then we will redraw P A Yeah. 11:02:32;17 Uh Stephanie Begat guest of Arvia. 11:02:40;10 Oh, ok. 11:02:41;03 --KEYWORDS- ILLINOIS DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION WEDNESDAY PELOSI |
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**ATTENTION AFFILIATES: BELOW IS A ROUGH TRANSCRIPTION PROVIDED BY AN AUTOMATED SERVICE. THIS MAY NOT BE EXACT. PLEASE CHECK FOR ACCURACY BEFORE TAKING TO AIR.** --SUPERS-- Wednesday Chicago Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D), California --VIDEO SHOWS-- We're so lucky to be here at this moment. 09:23:57;08 And can you imagine how frustrating it must be to be Donald Trump at this moment and watch this convention and think how, how completely outclassed you are by Democrats at this moment. 09:24:10;26 And now we're here for another amazing Wisconsin Democratic Party breakfast. 09:24:16;23 Uh I wanna start with a couple of quick announcements and then introduce our first speaker who I could not be more excited about. 09:24:23;10 Uh We have uh a, we had a, an amazing night last night. 09:24:28;21 We have as I'll, I'll, I'll mention again, we have a limited number of seats in the arena. 09:24:34;01 We're able to accommodate some guests and seats. 09:24:36;13 If there are people that are not in their seats, as we go to these final two nights, there's every possibility that every single delegate will be there and, and wanting to be in their seats in the delegation. 09:24:45;20 So two things that means one is if you're a, a guest and uh if, if, if there's some uh person from another delegation, someone who's around and they're in the Wisconsin area. 09:24:57;22 If we start getting close to capacity, we will ask folks to move so that we have all Wisconsin delegates in those delegate seats. 09:25:04;20 Of course, we're happy to accommodate friends if there's, if there's open space, but we wanna make sure our delegates are in those spots. 09:25:10;18 And the second thing I'll say is that tonight and tomorrow night, uh the, the if for any guest that doesn't get their name pulled out of the box, the box and it wants to make sure they're watching the speeches. 09:25:22;14 There's a wonderful space with a, with a watch party that's happening every night. 09:25:26;27 In fact, it's open every day from noon until 10 p.m. And then until the, until the end of the convention, it's called into action and it is not far away. 09:25:37;19 It's at 2226 West Walnut Street. 09:25:41;10 So if you're looking for a place to gather with fellow Democrats and friends and you're a guest of this delegation, that's a great place to go. 09:25:47;16 They also have programming all day every day. 09:25:49;12 They have amazing speakers. 09:25:50;22 If they have an art exhibit, it's a really cool, a cool space and the cool thing if you haven't checked it out, so we'll send that information out, but wanted to make sure to flag that. 09:25:58;13 There are great places to watch the convention if you're not in the hall. 09:26:01;14 And if you are in the hall, it is, it is really an amazing, amazing experience. 09:26:07;11 Ok. 09:26:08;20 With all those uh pieces laid out, I am so thrilled. 09:26:12;13 To introduce our next speaker. 09:26:14;02 We talk a lot about how President Biden and Vice President Harris are leading the most pro union administration in the history of the United States of America. 09:26:26;27 They lead with their values. 09:26:28;14 They walk the walk, they walk the walk on picket lines, running a pro union pro worker administration because this party is anchored by our eternal core partner, the labor movement, it means having a policy, a Department of Labor, a leader in the Department of Labor who champions the voices and the fight of working people every single day. 09:26:52;02 And today she is bringing that championship directly here to the Wisconsin Democratic delegation breakfast. 09:26:59;08 Let's welcome Biden Harris Department of Labor Secretary, Julie Sue. 09:27:09;07 Yes. 09:27:11;06 Ok. 09:27:17;16 Hello, Wisconsin. 09:27:21;14 Hold on. 09:27:22;01 I just got to get a photo of what I get to see. 09:27:24;03 Just looking at all of you makes me very happy. 09:27:28;23 All right. 09:27:29;10 Thank you all so much. 09:27:30;15 I see that the cheese heads are either at the on the table or back in the hotel rooms, but it was awesome to see them last night. 09:27:37;20 Um So I'm so happy to be here with all of you as some of, you know, I am a daughter of Wisconsin. 09:27:45;19 I was born a badger born right in Madison. 09:27:50;27 So it's so good to be with all of you. 09:27:53;08 And of course, I'm here today in my personal capacity as a um a as original Wisconsinite. 09:27:59;16 Um And as somebody who is, could not be more excited about this moment that we are in and I don't need to tell Wisconsin Democrats how to get it done. 09:28:07;27 You guys are doing it every single day and I'm just so proud to watch it. 09:28:13;00 I'm so proud to cheer you on and I will see you all again in your home state. 09:28:16;29 But for today, I wanna say a little bit about another um daughter of Wisconsin, our next president, Kamala Harris. 09:28:28;02 So I was actually with her, um, one day, a couple of months ago when we were, we were both back in Wisconsin and we, she visited her, uh her original home as you may have seen. 09:28:39;29 And we all know that this is a candidate, a future president who represents the best of Wisconsin and the best of this country. 09:28:50;05 And I've known her for a little over a decade, about a dozen years because of our time together in California when she was the attorney general, I was the California labor commissioner, fighting to end wage theft, fighting to protect working people. 09:29:06;03 Thank you. 09:29:06;22 And we worked together. 09:29:07;29 Actually, we collaborated on combating wage theft on making sure the most vulnerable people in our communities knew that the government had an ally and had somebody on their side. 09:29:18;09 And that's the kind of person that Kamala Harris is right. 09:29:20;16 She's somebody who's gonna fight for people who aren't represented. 09:29:23;05 She's somebody who has taken on um, abusers on behalf of women in Children. 09:29:28;12 She's somebody who has protected, um, working people from abusive corporations and she's somebody who's fought for homeowners, um, against big banks. 09:29:37;06 And that's what I have seen in her, um, as my home state, us senator and what we have all gotten to see from her as our United States vice president. 09:29:46;24 And it's what's embodied in her opportunity that she seeks to build right a place where every child is going to um grow up and know that there's real opportunity um uh in which no child grows up in poverty uh in which we actually protect our communities and our climate. 09:30:06;05 And so you all know who she is and this is such an exciting time where we get to work to elect her. 09:30:11;13 I also wanna say something about the other guy. 09:30:15;20 Yeah, in a lot of elections, you've got somebody who's basically, you know, the incumbent party and then somebody who's the challenger, right? 09:30:23;28 And you don't really know exactly what they're gonna do when they get into office. 09:30:29;10 We know exactly what he's going to do when he gets into office because he's been there already, right? 09:30:35;05 We know what that looks like. 09:30:36;16 We all remember the, the, the sense of dread, the sense of anxiety if it wasn't about something he was gonna do to uh you know, in, in a policy way to make things worse for us. 09:30:46;19 It was though some way he was gonna embarrass us, uh, on the national stage or even the international stage. 09:30:52;02 And let's just be clear, someone with a record like his seeking to get that same job again. 09:31:01;10 Can you imagine anybody actually having done what they did in that job once getting the job again? 09:31:09;26 Right. 09:31:10;20 When you leave that job and there's fewer jobs in the country than when you got there. 09:31:17;15 Who says you get another chance, right? 09:31:21;03 When you were president during a global crisis and you not only had no idea what to do but denied that it was a crisis. 09:31:29;19 Do you get that job again? 09:31:32;01 I don't think so. 09:31:33;13 Right? 09:31:34;16 And when you spent the entire time that you were there stomping on demeaning, belittling women, do you get that job again? 09:31:44;06 I don't think so. 09:31:45;29 When you spent that entire time there rolling back the clock, turning back civil rights, denying voting rights. 09:31:54;22 Do you think you get that job again? 09:31:57;12 I don't think so. 09:31:58;20 So this man has said, look, I get to do what I want, right? 09:32:01;20 I get to make fun of Kamala Harris. 09:32:03;02 I get to say what I want because that's my way, folks, we have 76 days to tell him that his way is not our way. 09:32:12;04 It is not the Wisconsin way and it's not the American way and we're gonna get that done. 09:32:19;13 And you know, I am here in my personal capacity. 09:32:21;09 So I'm not gonna talk about all the great work that we have done together with you all in Wisconsin, together with Governor evers to build our infrastructure, to protect working people. 09:32:31;14 But I do wanna say one thing in my personal capacity because the other ticket is trying to say that they are the ticket and the party of working people. 09:32:42;16 Yeah, give us a break, right? 09:32:45;11 You can't be against overtime pay and say that you're a pro worker, you can't be anti-immigrant and pro worker. 09:33:01;10 We are not going back to a time where immigrants were vilified and where policies of the border were based on race and religion and calling countries shithole countries. 09:33:10;02 We're not doing that. 09:33:14;09 You cannot be pro sexual harassment and pro worker doesn't work like that. 09:33:23;00 You can't be anti voting rights and pro worker working people. 09:33:29;13 Unions are the fight about the basics of democracy, right? 09:33:33;09 How we vote, how we participate, how we look out for the common good over the individual good, right? 09:33:39;12 You cannot be pro Elon Musk and pro worker and you definitely cannot be anti union and pro worker. 09:33:54;20 So Wisconsin, we got 76 days to elect a real pro worker, pro women, pro civil rights, pro voting rights person into this office. 09:34:06;09 We're gonna make history because it's high time. 09:34:08;29 We have that woman of color lead our country, right? 09:34:14;29 And the most qualified person on the ballot. 09:34:18;25 Let's elect Vice President Harris and governor Walls to be the next president and vice president of the United States of America. 09:34:26;15 We're only gonna do this when Wisconsin gets it done and you are gonna do it because you know that the best way to get people out to vote is not through polls, it's not through commercials as important as those are. 09:34:44;13 It's not even through conventions as great as this is for us to be together here. 09:34:49;18 It's through talking to individuals and so each of us, each of you, I know this. 09:34:55;28 My team knows this. 09:34:56;20 We are in it. 09:34:57;11 I'm not gonna ask anybody to do anything. 09:34:58;18 I'm not willing to do. 09:34:59;21 So, we've gotta be in it and we've gotta have a plan to reach every single person that we know and not take anybody for granted, right? 09:35:06;17 Our family members, our friends, our neighbors, the parents of the kids at our schools, right? 09:35:13;02 Everybody we know we should be talking to them, we should be telling them why it's so important to vote. 09:35:18;17 We should remind them why somebody who failed so miserably at their job once, should never get another chance to do it. 09:35:27;11 And we should be talking about why the America that we love should be an America of opportunity, of joy, of hope of a president that reflects all of those things. 09:35:38;09 So make a plan for everyone, you know, to get to the polls and let's do this, Wisconsin. 09:35:42;25 Thank you so much for everything you're already doing and I will see you back in Wisconsin. 09:35:51;13 Right. 09:35:54;01 Another round of applause for fellow Wisconsinite, our great Secretary of Labor here in her personal capacity, Julie Su ah, before I introduce our next speaker, I wanna share something. 09:36:13;21 I'm wildly wildly excited about, which is that tonight on the conventions stage, we are going to be hearing from Milwaukee's own mayor Cavalier Johnson. 09:36:26;17 Let's give him a round of applause and let me ask, let me ask everyone here to take extra special care to be in their seats at six o'clock PM tonight. 09:36:37;28 So that when we see him in the six o'clock hour, we can bring down the roof of the United Center with our cheers and applause with our chief heads waving in the air to welcome Mayor Johnson to the national stage here at the convention. 09:36:52;19 So mark your calendar. 09:36:54;05 If you haven't already, let's make sure we're there ready to rock and cheer as loud as we can. 09:36:59;23 And let's prepare those cheering voices by welcoming another Wisconsinite, another Wisconsin champion for workers, another Wisconsin champion for the progressive causes to which all of us have devoted so much of our lives. 09:37:14;20 My congressman, a champion for all of us. 09:37:18;03 The great, the one the only mark. 09:37:26;19 Good morning. 09:37:29;16 Thank you. 09:37:30;10 Thank you very much. 09:37:31;08 Thank you Ben. 09:37:33;02 And let's give another round of applause to Julie Sue. 09:37:35;16 She is an amazing labor secretary. 09:37:39;28 Although I think I should just say the honorable Julie Sue by the official rules. 09:37:44;05 How are we doing this morning? 09:37:46;14 All right, by show of hands who's got six hours or more of sleep? 09:37:50;14 That's what I thought. 09:37:51;21 I'm gonna get 4 to 6. All right. 09:37:54;16 How many are under four H? 09:37:57;07 Those are the honest ones. 09:37:58;17 Thank you. 09:37:59;09 All right. 09:38:00;03 Well, it is amazing. 09:38:01;14 You're here this morning. 09:38:02;24 Uh, first off, I wanna thank, and we all need to thank the staff volunteers and everyone involved with the Wisconsin Democratic Party. 09:38:13;23 We have the best party in the country and that's because of our chair, Ben Wickler and his amazing team. 09:38:21;24 So let's give them some rousing. 09:38:23;22 Thanks for having a terrific week. 09:38:30;11 And what a great week. 09:38:31;18 It's been so far, although it's been two days, it feels like a week. 09:38:34;25 Uh but we'll soon go back home and the real work will begin because we live in a purple state. 09:38:42;19 That means we have some red and maroon areas. 09:38:45;21 We have some beautiful indigo blue areas, but overall, we are purple and no one knows that more than the people in this room that we do not make politics a spectator sport. 09:38:58;12 Uh We are in the game. 09:39:00;03 We are getting sweaty occasionally. 09:39:02;05 We'll pull a calf muscle, but we get right back up, but that's what it takes to win in a state like Wisconsin. 09:39:10;03 And we know there is so very much at stake. 09:39:14;01 First of all, let's thank our great governor Tony Evers and a just state Supreme Court for Fair Maps in Wisconsin. 09:39:42;05 Look as someone who ran the Assembly Democratic campaign committee back in 2008 when we took the majority back for the first time in 14 years. 09:39:50;20 And then we faced the 2010 depressing election cycle. 09:39:54;13 Hundreds of state legislators lost across the country in a GOP wave. 09:39:59;25 We had a gerrymandered State of Wisconsin as well as other states in the country. 09:40:04;28 So to finally have fair maps that give us a real chance to get the majority a long overdue priority. 09:40:12;23 We have to give special thanks to Governor Evers Maggie and others in his office for all that they helped us do to get those fair maps and I haven't heard it said yet. 09:40:25;18 So I'm gonna say it now. 09:40:27;02 Three term. 09:40:28;03 Tony sounds really great to me. 09:40:35;27 Hey, so we've got to help in the assembly and the Senate districts across the state. 09:40:43;08 We can pick up the State Assembly this cycle and get us to the net with the state Senate for 2026. 09:40:51;06 So is anyone I've had when I was in the assembly is one of the favorite jobs I've ever had in my life. 09:40:57;14 I can tell you how important it is to give that back up to the governor so they can get some real things done. 09:41:03;22 We're gonna do all we can to elect more Democrats to the state legislature. 09:41:07;13 Right. 09:41:12;14 We also have to keep our Democratic US Senate majority. 09:41:16;23 And the only way you do that is to keep our amazing us Senator Tammy Baldwin. 09:41:26;17 You know, over 30 years ago I got elected to the Dane County Board and at the time there was this recent law school graduate on the board named Tammy Baldwin. 09:41:36;15 I think the best compliment you can say and maybe it's a Wisconsin compliment after I heard the New York and New Jersey delegations show their bravado last night, uh, in the roll call, you know, to say someone hasn't changed in all that time despite going from the county board to the state legislature, to Congress, to the US Senate, I think is the greatest compliment that you could say about anyone. 09:41:59;14 And that truly is our Tammy Baldwin. 09:42:05;08 You know, she doesn't just win in an election year. 09:42:08;16 She wins in the five years prior to the election year by getting around the state and working hard and doing everything she can. 09:42:16;10 And in Washington, she is a workhorse, not a show horse. 09:42:21;11 And we have to make sure that this guy who's come from California to offer his sage advice. 09:42:29;08 Remember that first video of him when he cracked a hole in the ice and he jumped in the water because he thought that's what you do if you're from Wisconsin. 09:42:36;17 I don't know. 09:42:37;06 I saw that and, and I thought that's what a California banker would think you do if you're from Wisconsin. 09:42:43;15 I know plenty of people who fish above the ice, but I don't know many people going below the ice in winter. 09:42:48;28 So I think that says all you need to know about Eric hub deep, but this is a no brainer and we're gonna reelect Tammy Baldwin. 09:42:55;29 Right. 09:42:59;19 I'll tell you super close to me is obviously the US House and we have four seats to pick up to have the majority and to make Hakeem Jeffries, the next speaker of the House of Representatives, Hakeem came in my class to Congress and I was fortunate enough to be one of his seconding speeches for when he became leader. 09:43:22;21 And I can tell you he's the real deal. 09:43:25;15 Uh He's a real friend. 09:43:26;24 He's an amazing order and he holds our caucus together so well that we are gonna be able to get a lot done if we pick up those four seats and guess what state has a number of swing seats that we could potentially pick up uh to get that majority. 09:43:44;13 Right. 09:43:46;06 Look, we have great candidates. 09:43:48;22 Uh Kirsten Lely who is in the eighth district, have an ob to have an OB there. 09:43:57;09 She is to have an OBGYN running against the guy who's using a dinosaur to define his business. 09:44:06;29 Speaks volumes about the difference between the Democratic Party and the Republicans. 09:44:12;21 We also have a swing, one of the swing seats in Wisconsin, one and our good friend, a former member of Congress, former Democratic assembly leader, former Secretary of Revenue for Governor Evers and former uh midwest administrator for the Small Business administration. 09:44:30;08 Peter Barker is the candidate in the first district. 09:44:37;09 Look, I have known Peter since I was 14 years old. 09:44:42;15 I grew up in Kenosha with Peter. 09:44:44;16 Um My mom a a quick story because I don't see the next speaker here yet. 09:44:48;05 So I'm gonna, I'm gonna tell this story. 09:44:49;24 Uh my mom uh lived to be 93 the last few years were in Dane County, but she lived for 91 of those years in Kenosha. 09:44:56;25 And towards the end, she wasn't following politics quite as close when she was in Kenosha. 09:45:01;06 So she'd go over who was running and she'd go through the whole ballot and one year she did it and she skipped over Peter Barka and I said, mom, you forgot Peter Barka and her response was, well, of course, I'm voting for Peter Barka. 09:45:14;03 That is how people feel about Peter in places like Kenosha and Racine. 09:45:18;26 And we're gonna help Peter Barka win that seat. 09:45:21;12 Right? 09:45:26;01 Look, Brian's style isn't a bad guy who represents the district, but he takes a lot of really bad votes and he tries not to take a lot of positions on any issues. 09:45:35;28 He, he's probably the human equivalent of like flavorless jello, right? 09:45:40;09 Whatever he's next to on the plate. 09:45:41;25 He'll taste like a little bit. 09:45:43;19 I would rather have a democratic leader who's got a record of accomplishments like Peter Barker. 09:45:48;21 Right. 09:45:52;18 And in the third congressional district, we have one of America's worst members of Congress and I serve with Marjorie Taylor Green. 09:46:04;12 Right. 09:46:07;09 There's the belligerent beer filled, bloviating business, failing misogynistic book writing, insurrection, attending librarian and senate page harassing State of the Union speech yelling Trump fir an embarrassment to the state and nation. 09:46:26;00 Derek Van Orden and I'll quit sugar coating him. 09:46:33;12 Look, we have to upgrade to get that four seats we need in Congress and we have a great opportunity in Becca Cook. 09:46:48;04 This was our dear friend Ron kind seat uh for 26 years and we just have to make sure that this temporary tenant doesn't have more than a twoyear lease, right? 09:46:59;13 Are we gonna defeat Derek Van Norden this fall? 09:47:05;17 Look and finally, Wisconsin is gonna be the deciding state for Democrats with the White House this year and we can do it with vice President Harris and governor walls. 09:47:17;06 We have a ticket that's real and authentic and is upper midwestern as you can get with the right values and the right moral compass and Trump, don't you feel that when we look at this race, it's like watching an old black and one black and white rerun versus a brand new fall color, uh TV show. 09:47:39;20 This is whether you're gonna go back or forward. 09:47:45;01 I know it's not fair to Joe Biden, but he became president very late in life and the reality is that night of the debate. 09:47:53;24 Mo many, many Americans weren't happy with either candidate on the debate stage, but one of those candidates is still running for president and that's Donald Trump and the other candidate we now have running is the vice president, Kamala Harris and Trump has a terrible roadmap for the future. 09:48:17;08 He and his project 2020 25 would have devastating effects on people in Wisconsin. 09:48:25;25 And there's a reason why Donald Trump, by the way, is running away from project 2025. 09:48:30;17 Um 100 and 40 of his administration officials and Lackeys wrote project 2025. 09:48:37;15 The Heritage Foundation is a sponsor, a major sponsor of the RNC convention, not the DNC convention and they're the ones promoting it, but we have to make sure that we do not see this country take that negative turn that's outlined in the 920 pages of Project 2025. 09:48:58;27 And for those of you who live uh near the, the second CD next Wednesday night at six o'clock, uh We are having a town hall on project 2025 at the South Central Federation of Labor. 09:49:11;04 If you can make it, we love to make sure everyone knows in depth just how bad that plan is. 09:49:16;23 But I'll tell you they've polled many parts of this. 09:49:19;20 I serve on a special uh house Democratic task force on project 2025. 09:49:24;05 And this thing stinks to high heaven and we just need to make sure that people know those details and what's gonna happen. 09:49:32;16 So we know that the Harris Walls administration will do an amazing job if we can help, make sure they win in November. 09:49:42;10 And let's remember what Kamala Harris has done. 09:49:45;01 As part of the Biden Harris administration. 09:49:47;11 They got this country out of COVID. 09:49:50;13 They passed the infrastructure bill that four presidents have talked about, but Joe Biden and Kamala Harris got it done. 09:50:02;17 We're making things again in America through the Chips and Science Act, creating tens of thousands of new jobs by making things in our country. 09:50:13;27 And we reduced the cost of things like prescription drugs and other health care and energy costs through the Inflation Reduction Act. 09:50:22;00 That's the record of Kamala Harris, but there's more to do and I love the fact that they're describing their campaign as a joyous campaign. 09:50:32;04 I would much rather be talking about the future and joy than the gloom and doom and the cartoon of Donald Trump. 09:50:40;01 And the path to the White House is gonna go directly through Wisconsin and we are going to get that done right this fall. 09:50:51;13 We have a really great opportunity to make Wisconsin Central by electing a democratic legislature by keeping Tammy Baldwin in the US Senate by picking up seats in the US House and making sure that Wisconsin is in the blue column for the White House. 09:51:08;02 Once again, I look forward to traveling the state, uh, in the remaining 76 days I believe we're at, uh, to get things done and I look forward to spending a whole lot of time with you all. 09:51:19;14 Thanks for being here this week. 09:51:21;00 I don't agree with Tim Wells on one thing. 09:51:23;06 I don't think we're gonna sleep when we die. 09:51:25;06 I think we'll sleep on Friday. 09:51:26;26 But until then, thank you very much, Congressman Mark Hoan from Wisconsin. 09:51:43;25 Second. 09:51:44;27 Soon to have a lot more friends than the democratic congressional delegation to Washington DC. 09:51:51;02 We have other amazing speakers coming up this morning, but we wanna give everyone here a chance to speak to each other for a moment. 09:51:59;28 So we're gonna take a little break before we resume our programming. 09:52:03;06 Please meet someone new, greet someone you already know and love and enjoy the delicious breakfast and I'm gonna have some more coffee. 09:52:11;26 Thanks so much. 09:52:12;20 Let's do this. 09:52:20;13 Oh, oh, man. 09:52:53;06 Need a break. 09:52:55;06 Take the chance to get out all the time. 09:53:03;17 We're gone. 09:53:08;09 Best thing. 09:54:03;25 The best thing. 09:54:19;15 Oh man, gyw, I RT Z hyphen Olsen. 09:56:13;15 I'm a teacher and I'm the president of the, of the Wisconsin Education Jack. 09:56:31;20 Try it again. 09:56:35;14 Can you say your first name and last name again? 09:56:37;22 My name is Peggy Pe Ggyw, I RT Z hyphen Olsen. 09:56:43;15 I'm a teacher and I'm the president of the Wisconsin Education Association Council or we a perfect. 09:56:49;13 So obviously here at the Democratic National mentioned day for the theme today is a fight for our freedom. 09:56:54;16 So what does that exactly mean to you? 09:56:56;24 Fighting for our freedoms for me as a teacher? 09:56:59;24 Definitely really means fighting for the freedom for my students to learn. 09:57:06;16 And so I guess, um what are some things that you are looking forward to for the rest of the Democratic National Convention? 09:57:12;27 Well, I am looking forward to today know that Governor Walls as a fellow teacher speaks to me and my colleagues about the importance of education, the importance of decency. 09:57:28;04 And so I'm looking forward to tonight's program where we're going to be welcoming him and hearing from him. 09:57:34;22 And I know as a teacher, there are probably, you know, different demands, concerns that they have, what are some of those demands and concerns that people in your field are worried about heading into this election. 09:57:45;26 So that theme of fighting for our freedoms is so important to teachers because we're fighting for that freedom for students to learn. 09:57:54;03 We've been facing things like book bans and you know, other attacks on, on not just learning that freedom to learn, but our freedom for our students to be who they are. 09:58:04;27 And so educators like me want uh America where everyone is free to be who they are uh to learn to love. 09:58:15;14 And um our students can be themselves and comfortable in our society and it's great that, you know, you're from the Madison area. 09:58:23;05 So, what does that mean for people like from our area? 09:58:25;27 What do you think that means? 09:58:26;24 I mean, just to be here in representing Madison. 09:58:28;22 What does that mean? 09:58:30;00 Yeah. 09:58:30;09 Well, it's the honor of a lifetime to be a delegate. 09:58:33;18 This is my first time as AD NC delegate. 09:58:35;28 This has been an amazing, joyful, energetic convention and I can't say enough how important for a teacher like me it is to be here. 09:58:47;09 And could you say your first and last name one more time for me? 09:58:49;11 Just to make sure I have it. 09:58:50;25 Yeah. 09:58:51;00 Yeah. 09:58:51;03 My name is Peggy Wes Olsen and I'm a high school, art and English teacher and I'm the president of the Wisconsin Education Association Council. 09:58:59;10 Thanks so much. 09:59:01;14 You're so sweet. 09:59:02;06 Thank you. 09:59:03;06 Do you have any questions you guys or uh you know, I was kind of wondering if you're talking about 3 to 2 year students, if they ever really come to the text. 09:59:10;26 Now, what do you tell me? 09:59:14;24 Yeah. 09:59:15;01 So when I talk with my students about freedom, right? 09:59:18;04 I, I talk with them about the freedom of ideas that in an, in a democracy, in an America that I want to live in and I want my own Children and my students to live in. 09:59:31;12 We have those opportunities um to be who we are, to love, who we love and to be ourselves and our authentic selves. 09:59:42;26 Thank you. 09:59:45;10 Welcome to Madison. 09:59:46;12 I I love it here. 09:59:47;18 I'm, well, I'm there. 09:59:48;21 Not here. 09:59:50;04 I'm so glad. 09:59:51;16 Um, I, I was watching you say, you know, the, the working through the winter kind of thing. 09:59:58;18 Um, I'm a little, I'm a little concerned. 10:00:00;10 No, it's gonna be good. 10:00:01;21 You're gonna, you're gonna do great. 10:00:04;02 Yeah. 10:00:05;07 What? 10:00:06;26 Yeah, I guess. 10:00:08;07 Yes. 10:00:09;01 Um, I hired so some. 10:00:43;00 So thank you. 10:00:59;18 Turn in, yes. 10:01:08;16 Used for, ok. 10:01:15;22 Wisconsin Democrats. 10:01:19;10 I can tell from the hum and the murmur in this room that people are making friends. 10:01:23;16 How many people here have made a new friend in the course of this convention so far on the count of three, shout out the name of someone that you've met that you want to stay in touch with 123. 10:01:38;13 Oh, we can do better than that. 10:01:40;15 Alright. 10:01:41;03 Well, if you've made a new friend, I want to hear you say, yes, that is what I'm talking about. 10:01:48;26 All right, we have a next speaker who is a champion for all of us and I consider a personal friend. 10:01:58;23 He's also someone who brought me enormous embarrassment because in 2020 on a Zoom with the Wisconsin Democratic Party staff, unannounced, unannounced to me, he shared with my team that I had committed to shaving my head if we defeated Donald Trump in November. 10:02:21;04 And this created an enormous sense of motivation on top of the already great motivation within our team. 10:02:27;10 And as you might remember, we did defeat Donald Trump that fall. 10:02:31;20 And on another zoom call my kids shaved my head with my entire team watching and Senator Cory Booker laughing his head off. 10:02:39;24 He brings joy. 10:02:41;01 He brings surprise. 10:02:42;13 He brings deep, deep convictions. 10:02:44;19 He brings a voice of moral clarity. 10:02:47;07 Let's give a giant round of applause to honorary badger and friend of Wisconsin. 10:02:52;06 Senator Cory Booker. 10:02:59;09 Ok. 10:03:00;24 It was fun. 10:03:03;29 Wis so you all gotta help me. 10:03:10;03 I, I made a mistake yesterday. 10:03:11;25 I, uh, the last two days I've been doing state party speeches, just, just giving up the mic running into the middle crowd yelling my remarks and now I've lost my voice and I have to speak on the stage tonight. 10:03:24;27 But I have a feeling that the energy that we're seeing in that arena will lift my heart, lift my spirits and lift my voice. 10:03:36;17 So look, I, I want you all to know and I know this is about to get me in trouble. 10:03:42;03 But I think the best party leader in all of America is your party leader, Ben. 10:03:52;02 And he, and he's standing next to my almost girlfriend, Thelma, my home girl, she's married to a great man. 10:03:59;23 So I can't get myself in trouble, but she's had me over at her house. 10:04:03;09 She's fed me. 10:04:04;03 So I'm in love with her. 10:04:07;01 So all I'm gonna do instead of, uh, a booming speech, I'm just wanna, I wanna make a confession. 10:04:12;07 I figure I feel with like such family here when I'm campaigning for Baldwin, who is one of the greatest senators. 10:04:19;20 Iii I feel like I'm at home when I come to your communities and it's such an honor to serve with her. 10:04:28;00 And, and, and so I thought you all would be accepting enough for me to tell you a confession. 10:04:34;18 And so here's a confession. 10:04:36;25 There was a day on the senate floor where all senators was there. 10:04:42;23 Usually we're not all in one place, but this is one of those rare moments like a presidential impeachment. 10:04:48;07 We had a couple of those during Donald Trump's time. 10:04:51;19 But this time we're there for a moment that has so many of us joyous because we're about to make American history and put Kanji Brown Jackson on the Supreme Court and, and, and I'm, we're all waiting 99 senators there. 10:05:08;00 We're waiting for the last senator to vote Republicans keeping us there for a long time. 10:05:12;20 And now I start pacing and, and I'm, I'm, I'm emotional and I'm trying my best not to cry because my staff will only let me have one public cry a month and, and, and I had already exceeded my quota and, and Michelle almost made me cry again last night, but I was like, I gotta save it. 10:05:33;15 And then Raphael Warnock walks up to me and says, brother book. 10:05:37;27 It looks like you're struggling a little bit. 10:05:41;24 He's like you need some prayer. 10:05:43;16 Brother Booker and I'm like, Lord knows I do. 10:05:47;14 But at that moment, this urgent looking staffer runs over to tell us that the presiding officer was asking us to approach the front of the room. 10:06:01;14 Now, Rafael Warnock and I both growing up in powerful matriarchal families. 10:06:06;10 When a woman calls us, we reflexively like go towards. 10:06:10;00 But this wasn't just like uh uh another staff or another senator. 10:06:14;01 This was the presiding officer on that day who happened to be there to break a tie. 10:06:20;20 The vice president of the United States of America was Kamala Harris. 10:06:25;13 And so now picture this, I don't know how it is in your State Senate, but in the United States Senate, the, the presiding officer has to be the highest person in the room. 10:06:33;15 So when you walk up to talk to them sitting there, you can't stand, you have to like lean over. 10:06:38;16 And if those of you c span Watchers, all six of you might see, might see people sort of crouching when they're talking. 10:06:45;07 But this time, it was like both Raphael Warnock went over us and we bowed down at the altar of Kamala Harris. 10:06:53;05 And so now she's sitting on high and looking down at us kneeling before her and she says, fellas, this is a historic moment. 10:07:00;22 Now, I know she was talking about Katani Brown Jackson, but I'm one of those political nerds and I knew this was a historic moment because it's the first time in American history. 10:07:09;09 Three black people ever got together at the Senate floor. 10:07:16;25 Right. 10:07:17;05 There is three of the seven of us who had ever been elected to the United States Senate. 10:07:21;25 And so I'm, I'm, I'm standing there waiting for what Kamala Harris wants to talk about. 10:07:25;19 And she's like, listen, fellas, this is a really historic moment. 10:07:29;10 You all should do something to mark this moment. 10:07:32;14 And she says, why don't you all write a letter to a little girl about what it meant to be here at this moment. 10:07:42;01 And then she didn't seem to trust that we would do it. 10:07:44;17 So she goes over to her binder, opens up this beautiful leather, bind her and right there, the only thing other than her schedule that I saw were two pieces of her stationery, the big Vice Presidential seal on it and, and, and her name and she hands us both these two pieces of stationery and says, write your letter to that little girl on my stationery. 10:08:12;12 And at that point, Raphael Warnock grabs me and says, hold on, Booker, hold on, don't cry. 10:08:20;08 So now I want you all to know something about Raphael Warnock. 10:08:23;06 He is disciplined, he is dutiful, he is determined. 10:08:28;12 And so he went right back to his desk and penned a letter to his five year old daughter to tell her about this. 10:08:37;19 Now, I am one of those people that JD Vance talked down about. 10:08:42;29 I'm one of those childless cat people. 10:08:50;28 I think we're perfect. 10:08:55;27 I think we're fantastic. 10:08:59;25 Oh, my gosh. 10:09:00;27 What do you tell, tell a guy like me who has no kids that tells dad jokes a faux pas. 10:09:07;18 Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, I'm here all week. 10:09:10;29 I'm here all week. 10:09:14;06 So unlike Warnock, I didn't go back to my desk and, and write the letter. 10:09:19;27 Kanji Brown Jackson gets put on the highest office of the land. 10:09:22;05 I'm holding on to this precious stationary. 10:09:24;12 And I didn't write my letter in the next week, another week passed and I still didn't write my letter. 10:09:29;09 I told you all this was going to be a confessional. 10:09:32;09 And then one of those early mornings, I know you've all had this feeling where you wake up before your alarm goes off and you're lying there in bed and you just have some really deep thoughts. 10:09:45;05 And really this is not just my confession, but what I want to leave you all with you, see, I'm lying there in bed. 10:09:51;17 I realize that what Kamala Harris sent me to do was not a literal task, but a spiritual one. 10:10:05;07 Let me tell you what I mean. 10:10:06;29 I grew up in a, in a little church in, close to New Jersey where the pastor used to preach faith without works is dead. 10:10:14;25 You know, he would always say you can't preach right and walk left that it's not about what you say in life that defines you. 10:10:23;11 It's what you do. 10:10:25;18 I love what Frederick Douglass says. 10:10:27;10 He said, he said, I prayed for years for my freedom and I was still a slave. 10:10:31;28 It wasn't until I prayed with my hands and prayed with my feet that I found my salvation. 10:10:38;28 What Kamala Harris was asking me to do. 10:10:42;00 Yes, a beautiful literal thing. 10:10:44;02 But spiritually, she was saying, Cory Booker, write your letter every day by what we do by how we show up by the energy and the work and the effort we do. 10:10:56;14 We are writing a letter and let me tell you something. 10:10:58;27 Every single one of us in this room, we are the descendants of the letters, the love letters that our ancestors wrote and they didn't write with ink. 10:11:09;01 They wrote in tears, they wrote in sweat, they wrote in blood, they wrote us a letter of suffrage, they wrote us a letter of civil rights. 10:11:20;15 They wrote us letters about Roe V Wade. 10:11:24;05 They wrote us letters. 10:11:27;03 And so now Wisconsin, it's your turn right through the next 80 days. 10:11:34;02 Write your letter with love with work with struggle with sacrifice. 10:11:40;06 Oh Make Yeah, of life. 10:11:44;20 Make your democracy. 10:11:48;28 Make your letter a story of how you worked to get. 10:11:54;01 Yes. 10:11:55;15 Highest office was caught. 10:11:59;25 Write your letter, Cory Booker Wisconsin. 10:12:21;05 Let's give another giant round of applause but fired up. 10:12:34;26 Oh my gosh. 10:12:39;02 Your napkin can be used to adjust any moisture that may be appearing on your face just welcoming everyone to take full advantage of that opportunity. 10:12:53;23 All right, I'm gonna bring it down a little bit with some announcements which I'm very excited about. 10:12:59;09 The first announcement is if you didn't get one yet and you're a Wisconsin delegate, we have old fashioned T shirts here for you to pick up. 10:13:10;28 If you got your T shirt. 10:13:11;25 Can you hold it up so people can see your beautiful Wisconsin delegate, old fashioned shirt. 10:13:17;13 Look at those, look at those beautiful, beautiful shirts. 10:13:22;14 The second day is the giveaway closing moment is 9:30 a.m. It's 913. 10:13:30;13 Now. 10:13:31;09 So if you have a guest who you would love to be able to get into the arena tonight with a guest pass or if you hope to be entered in the giveaway drawing for some nice prizes, get your tickets in in the next 17 minutes and those are again at the check in table. 10:13:50;15 I just wanna make sure people know about that. 10:13:59;05 The third announcement is that Wisconsin's elected DNC member, Alex Lasry is throwing a party tonight to appreciate the Wisconsin delegation. 10:14:11;23 So after the speeches, you are all fired up, you're full of energy. 10:14:15;26 You want to go to a party. 10:14:17;15 I recommend that you go to Alex Lad's party tonight from 10 p.m. till 1 a.m. at Barrio, which is at 65 at Kinsey in Chicago. 10:14:28;13 Everyone got a message about this, but I just want to make sure everyone here knows that they are invited and it's going to be a blast. 10:14:36;12 And my last note is that as we prepare for our next speaker and I know that folks are, are quickly moving through, some folks are, are meeting the amazing Senator Booker. 10:14:49;08 I wanna ask everyone then to go to their seat and stay in their seat. 10:14:54;02 Oh, not quite yet. 10:14:56;14 You don't need to do that yet. 10:14:57;19 All right, when we see our next speaker, we're going to invite everyone to be in their seats and on their feet. 10:15:05;05 Uh, but we're gonna take a second to enjoy this pause. 10:15:08;01 We're going to continue to consume our caffeinated beverages and we'll be back with more programming in just a minute. 10:15:13;02 Thank you so much, everyone. 10:15:29;16 So. 10:15:31;15 Yes, something. 10:15:45;07 Ok. 10:15:48;16 Yes. 10:16:25;10 Ok. 10:16:46;10 Yes. 10:16:58;02 Yes. 10:17:44;00 Cheese. 10:17:52;06 Yeah. 10:18:08;29 Yeah. 10:18:10;02 Ok. 10:18:20;26 Two that. 10:18:48;07 Ok. 10:19:11;07 Two think it's, he's like doing more here at the right time because now it's getting cold. 10:19:51;12 Yeah, I know, but I'm from the Midwest, so I think I'll be able to handle it maybe. 10:19:57;09 Ok, for the record of you said your first name, your last name and your title. 10:20:00;17 David Crowley Crowley Milwaukee County executive. 10:20:05;06 So I obviously there's a lot to do Wisconsin Battleground State. 10:20:09;07 What do you think Wisconsin kites need to do to make this happen in the next, less than 80 days? 10:20:14;12 Well, I'm, I'm just gonna quote Michelle Obama from last night. 10:20:17;00 We all have to do something. 10:20:18;06 Not every role for everybody to be playing. 10:20:20;17 But I do think that everybody has a role when it comes down to saving our democracy and making sure that we get as many people out to the ballot box. 10:20:27;07 And so whether you're making phone calls knocking on doors, helping to fundraise or just using, utilizing your talents to help encourage and bring awareness to what is going on this upcoming November. 10:20:39;11 That's how you can get involved. 10:20:40;19 We all have something to do and we all have to do something and we're coming from Blue Cities, Madison, Milwaukee. 10:20:47;01 So what efforts are you trying to make leading up to the election? 10:20:49;27 Listen, we're gonna be talking to everybody again, we're gonna be continuously knocking on doors. 10:20:53;22 We're gonna be hosting different campuses all across Milwaukee County. 10:20:57;14 But again, it's about how do we step outside our geographical comfort zone at the exact same time. 10:21:02;06 And so as Milwaukee County executive, yes, I am responsible for Milwaukee, but that doesn't mean that I can't go rally the troops in Racine in Kenosha, in Beloit, in Sheboygan, in Green Bay, in Madison or wherever they need me to be at. 10:21:16;20 But I just think that again, when it comes down to what I'm going to be doing, every single thing I need to do to make sure that we make history in electing the first woman president of the United States. 10:21:29;25 Ok. 10:21:30;04 And then Oh, ok. 10:21:32;18 Ok. 10:21:33;02 I, OK. 10:21:34;27 Wait, just one more thing and then like, ok, what does the, what does today's theme mean for you as I fight for our freedom? 10:21:40;04 What does that mean? 10:21:40;18 I mean, that's what we're doing every single day. 10:21:42;12 We are fighting for democracy and protecting our democracy means that we are protecting our freedom. 10:21:46;17 And as a person of color, understanding the role in the, in the generations of trauma that we all come from, we know that there's so much roadway ahead of us and there's so much prosperity ahead of us. 10:21:57;13 And so as a person of color, when I hear the fight for freedom, it lets me know that I'm not just fighting for my freedoms. 10:22:03;02 I'm fighting for the freedoms of other people of color or those who are coming behind me. 10:22:06;16 But more importantly, I'm fighting for the freedom of my daughters. 10:22:09;12 I want them to have the same level of opportunities if not more than I have been afforded. 10:22:14;06 And I think that that's what America is about and that's what we are fighting for. 10:22:17;01 That is the freedom that we are all looking forward to. 10:22:21;19 Thank you uh 6 1670 her on stage. 10:22:34;11 So the good thing about this is that I am due a small payment from my senate colleagues because they are violating that stipulation. 10:22:41;24 But give it up for one of the best speakers. 10:22:44;08 The best rabble Rousers Cory Booker. 10:22:46;21 Awesome. 10:22:48;21 Um Hey, listen, I just want to say this to you. 10:22:51;07 There are so many contrasts in this campaign. 10:22:54;19 And I'm gonna talk to you about one of them a contrast on how seriously we take our kids' safety. 10:22:59;16 But actually, the, the contrast that I think America is seeing every minute of this, of this convention, the contrast that they, they saw loud and clear last night is a contrast of just dourness and joy. 10:23:14;13 Right? 10:23:15;08 There is just enormous joy in this city in that convention hall and there are big problems in this world. 10:23:23;18 There are all sorts of people who are upset and feeling powerless and lonely. 10:23:29;17 But we should still feel a sense of joy every single day, right? 10:23:35;11 We should understand how unique it is, how special it is that we are living in a nation that is doing something that no other civilization has ever done for as long as we have done it, right? 10:23:50;08 It's not just democracy, right? 10:23:52;25 There's never been a democracy that is spread the vote and the voice as widely as we haven't done it for as long as we have done it. 10:24:00;12 But it's multicultural democracy, right? 10:24:02;16 It's this idea that everyone belongs, that everyone can find a home here and that when you find a home here, we, you know, still hold on to a little bit of where we came from. 10:24:12;27 But then we join hands and we make decisions together 250 years in this is still an experiment. 10:24:21;14 This thing is still fragile. 10:24:23;20 This thing still needs to be nurtured, but we should absolutely wake up with joy, with unreserved joy every single day that we live in the United States of America and we have to fight for it every single day. 10:24:37;01 That's what this convention is about, right? 10:24:38;27 It's about loving the fact that we live in America, accepting the fact that we have to fight for her. 10:24:44;05 And Kamala Harris is gonna do that when she gets on stage tomorrow night. 10:24:47;18 And I'm so excited for her. 10:24:53;15 Let me tell you about 11 thing that I care deeply about. 10:24:56;26 So I feel really embarrassed that I spent the first half of my political life not working on the issue of gun violence. 10:25:04;15 And then something truly awful happened in my state in 2012, just as I was getting elected to the United States Senate, I've been trying to make up for lost time since then, but we ran up against roadblock after roadblock in the 1st 10 years after Sandy Hook, those parents, the parents of those who have been killed in Milwaukee and Racine and Madison, they came to Washington and they hit those same roadblocks. 10:25:29;27 But we had faith that in a democracy eventually, 90% of the people, if they want something, we'll eventually get it. 10:25:38;17 And so we built power year after year, right? 10:25:42;18 We had faith that one day our movement, the anti gun violence movement would be more powerful than the gun lobby. 10:25:49;21 Most people told us it couldn't be done. 10:25:51;27 It would never happen that the NR A was the most powerful interest in Washington in the United States of America. 10:25:58;05 But we had faith that our cause was so righteous that eventually one day it would prevail Joe Biden. 10:26:05;10 And Kamala Harris had faith that our cause was righteous after Parkland happened. 10:26:10;12 The first one of my colleagues who called me to say, what are we going to do was Kamala Harris days after. 10:26:21;03 And by the way, and by the way, Kamala, the true measure of a leader is not what they do in front of the cameras. 10:26:26;01 It's what they do behind the cameras. 10:26:27;16 After, after right after Parkland, Kamala Harris methodically helped me organize the anti gun violence groups who up until then hadn't always been working together around a mission to be organized and co ordinated in the 2018 elections. 10:26:44;11 She raised more money for anti gun violence candidates running that year than any other of my colleagues. 10:26:50;19 She never raised her hand and for credit for it, she never did a press conference to talk about all the work she was doing behind the scenes. 10:26:56;24 Kamala Harris just believed that we had an obligation to save people's lives. 10:27:00;22 She didn't care if she people knew she was doing it or not. 10:27:04;02 She believed in her heart that we should not accept that 100 people die every day of gun violence in this country and she went to work to solve it. 10:27:15;04 And then 2022 came around and we saw an opportunity after that awful shooting in Eovaldi. 10:27:19;27 After that awful shooting in Buffalo, we saw an opportunity, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris saw an opportunity. 10:27:25;03 A lot of their advisers told them you're never going to get this done. 10:27:27;29 Don't put any political capital into trying to pass a bill at the nr A opposed for 30 days, we negotiated the bipartisan Safer Communities Act. 10:27:37;11 Tammy Baldwin was a huge part of those negotiations. 10:27:40;14 And 30 days later, we passed, we passed the first major anti gun violence bill in 30 years. 10:27:52;12 We beat the gun lobby for the first time in 30 years. 10:27:55;24 And now two years since we passed that bill, gun violence rates in our city, all across this country have dropped by 20% right? 10:28:06;25 We have delivered. 10:28:10;03 That means that there are young men and women who are alive today that wouldn't have been alive if we hadn't passed that bill. 10:28:16;20 That means that there are parents and brothers and sisters who are not grieving because we were able to break through and beat the gun lobby. 10:28:23;08 And it is just a reminder of what happens if you have thoughtful effective compassionate leaders in the White House who care about us. 10:28:32;05 And so I enjoy us about living in this democracy because I've seen it work because I have seen us change political realities on the stickiest, toughest issue that exists. 10:28:42;00 The issue of guns. 10:28:42;28 I have seen our ability to change lives and I am just so so excited to see how many new people, how many young people are coming into this movement. 10:28:53;08 I'm so excited to be here with you because state parties all across the country are learning from the model that you are creating. 10:28:59;22 And I'm gonna be so excited to be in that hall tomorrow night to nominate Kamala Harris and Tim Wallace to be the next president and vice president of the United States. 10:29:06;05 Thank you, Wisconsin Dens. 10:29:07;06 Thanks for having me. 10:29:24;09 Let's give another round of applause to Senator Chris Murphy for your words and for your work, what an extraordinary week, what an extraordinary privilege it is for all of us to be here in this week in this moment. 10:29:47;14 And let me pull back the camera and say what a privilege and an honor it is for all of us to be Democrats to be Americans in this era in American politics, some of the lowest lows, but some of the highest highs, some of the most historic pieces of legislation and some of the most extraordinary leaders over the last couple of decades, we have seen people come onto the national stage that not only have made history but have defied what people thought was possible and I want zero in on one person who has shattered people's expectations for what they could imagine, effective leadership could be like because Democrats are not always easy cats to herd. 10:30:34;19 Democrats don't always agree on everything, but there's one Democrat leading the People's House in two different terms. 10:30:45;13 As the speaker who did not lose a vote, who organized Democrats around historic momentous pieces of legislation that passed into law and changed people's lives. 10:30:59;21 A speaker of the United States House, a speaker Emerita of the United States House, who has been a central figure in the history of America in this story of us becoming a more free and fair and just nation. 10:31:15;03 I'm so thrilled to welcome our next speaker, a dear friend and mentor the leader twice and now the leader Emeritus of the Democratic and of the entire United States House. 10:31:28;23 Let's give a giant Wisconsin. 10:31:30;08 Welcome to Nancy Pelosi. 10:31:37;20 Thank you. 10:31:39;25 Good morning, everyone. 10:31:44;05 I think I don't have to tell you how blessed you are with political talent. 10:31:49;08 I saw the governor as soon as I came in governor. 10:31:52;00 Thank you. 10:31:52;18 Thank you for your leadership. 10:31:54;20 He's talking to my son-in-law who's Dutch and his wife is Dutch. 10:31:57;26 So they're having their personal conversation there. 10:32:00;21 That's here for the governor. 10:32:04;23 Good. 10:32:06;17 He still isn't watching us. 10:32:12;00 Mark Pohan, who's chair of the co-chair of the uh where's Mark? 10:32:16;08 I thought I knew Mark was here earlier. 10:32:18;16 But anyway, co-chair of the progressive caucus in the House of Representatives, a wonderful Wi Wisconsin delegation. 10:32:25;28 Of course, Glenn Moore from Milwaukee. 10:32:28;13 She's so remarked. 10:32:29;20 The list goes, the list goes on, but we want the list to grow. 10:32:33;02 We want that list to grow. 10:32:35;23 You know, that Big Ben is recognized nationally as a pre eminent state party chair. 10:32:50;28 Every time I compliment him on being a great party chair. 10:32:56;01 He compliments all of you for what you do to make that possible. 10:33:02;19 So let's hear it for you. 10:33:07;12 He galvanized support all over the country in support of what you were doing to, to win the supreme court seat. 10:33:16;01 Wasn't that something quite remarkable? 10:33:22;07 His reputation is a great one. 10:33:24;07 That's why we call him Big Ben. 10:33:28;13 When he was working at the grassroots level nationally, he said I'm going home to Wisconsin. 10:33:35;27 It's the best place, it's my home, but it's also the best place to raise a family. 10:33:43;04 What better thing could he say about his state? 10:33:46;27 And then he came and became the state chair and now everything's riding on Wisconsin. 10:33:55;13 Yeah. 10:33:58;28 So we have to hold the Senate with Tammy Baldwin and this is too magnificent and wonderful. 10:34:08;16 We have to win the house and we want to grow our numbers here in Wisconsin. 10:34:13;23 We have to elect Kamala Harris and Tim walls, president and vice president of the United States. 10:34:25;18 I know you heard from some of the senators, Senator Booker Chris Murphy. 10:34:29;23 They make us so very, very proud in terms of the issues that we are focusing on the rest but we must, we must hold the Senate. 10:34:39;17 But let me just tell you why it's so urgent also to win the house. 10:34:44;06 You know why? 10:34:44;23 For every issue, every kitchen table issue and the rest. 10:34:47;26 But in terms of our democracy on January 6th, we must have Hakeem Jeffries with the gavel as Speaker of the House. 10:34:58;29 Oh, nice. 10:35:01;12 Because just think of this is very self-serving what I'm going to say right now. 10:35:06;18 Self-serving sign is up. 10:35:09;20 I warned you. 10:35:11;17 But just think of what have happened if we did not have, if I did not have the gavel on January 3rd, not me, a democratic speaker did not have the gavel on January 5th. 10:35:26;14 So, so everything, everything, everything is uh is, is at stake in this election. 10:35:33;10 What do we have to do? 10:35:34;17 Nobody knows it better than Ben. 10:35:36;22 And, and again, he's a model to the country, but we have to make sure we win. 10:35:42;00 People say to me what you know, Kamala, what advice would you give her? 10:35:46;10 No, be yourself, show your values, show your vision for America, show what's in your heart, the empathy for the American people, show your knowledge of the issue, your judgment of perspectives, your strategic knowledge of how to get things done. 10:36:02;01 She has all of that. 10:36:04;04 I know her well, for a long time personally, Pamela Harris is a person of deep faith. 10:36:11;10 That's what encourages her to care for people in the community and in our civic life officially. 10:36:21;11 She's a person of great strength, knowing her, knowing again, the priorities, the issues, the, uh, the path that we have to go on and politically, she's very, very astute. 10:36:34;13 She has, she has won hard races for district attorney Attorney General Senate, then Vice president of the United States. 10:36:43;05 And you saw how quickly politically she wrapped up this nomination. 10:36:47;14 So she's prepared to lead the way for us to win the win the White House. 10:36:54;13 She and Tim Walls. 10:36:55;21 Isn't he wonderful? 10:36:56;26 He served with what hes just remarkable. 10:37:02;10 So when they say, what advice would you give her? 10:37:04;22 I just say, be yourself. 10:37:07;00 But what we have to do is be ourselves in doing our political work. 10:37:13;22 We must, we must, she's out here. 10:37:17;14 We're on the ground. 10:37:18;14 We must own the ground. 10:37:21;08 Nobody knows that better than Ben Wickler. 10:37:23;26 That's on the ground. 10:37:26;13 We must own the ground. 10:37:28;01 We must mobilize because if you don't mobilize everything else you do is just a conversation, whether it's on TV, or the mail and blah, blah, blah, own. 10:37:38;02 Get out that boat, the message. 10:37:41;13 And tonight Christine, my daughter tells me that we are going to be approving the platform. 10:37:46;11 So that will be the message of our party. 10:37:49;22 Progressive, bold, unifying, not menacing, unifying, not menacing. 10:37:57;21 And I can say that as a person from San Francisco, California, what works in Michigan Millbrook in San Francisco who works in San Francisco may not work in an electoral college state like Michigan. 10:38:12;11 So let's win, baby. 10:38:14;01 That's just what we have to win. 10:38:20;13 Mobilize, fuel that with a message of, of hope in that and the money to get the job done. 10:38:29;21 And that's coming in because of the path that Kamala and Tim are, are. 10:38:34;19 So, I guess we'll be calling them Mr President, Mr Vice. 10:38:37;23 Mm. 10:38:39;03 How about having a woman president of now? 10:38:49;25 I know that's exciting but that's not why she should be president. 10:38:54;14 She should be president because she's the best person for the job, the best person for the job who happens to be a woman. 10:39:04;08 And that's icing on the cake but make no mistake, man or woman, man or woman, best person for the job. 10:39:12;00 And I think that that's what we have to make sure people understand when I was running for speaker. 10:39:18;13 I said don't vote for me because I'm a woman but don't vote against me because I'm a woman. 10:39:23;19 Yeah. 10:39:27;12 And then I had my three nos, my three nos. 10:39:30;13 I had the three M si got the three nos, no wasted time. 10:39:34;09 Right. 10:39:34;12 Then no wasted time. 10:39:36;14 No underutilized resource or that's organization mobilizing messaging and no underutilized resource and no regrets the day after the election. 10:39:48;13 We just could have done more, we just could have done more. 10:39:55;18 So I'm a, I was former chair of the party before I went to Congress. 10:39:59;23 I had never had any intention of running for Congress. 10:40:02;14 You never know what's out there. 10:40:03;21 Ben? 10:40:03;28 You have to be ready. 10:40:06;07 Mhm. 10:40:07;12 But, but, but Kamala Harris is ready. 10:40:15;14 Tim Walls is ready. 10:40:17;26 So in any case, you again, we know what is at stake. 10:40:21;08 Wisconsin is in uh the lead in so many ways, whether it's leading in our, our biggest product uh globally is our agriculture. 10:40:33;24 It's so very, very important. 10:40:36;04 Uh uh I see a cheese head. 10:40:37;25 Oh, I see a lot of cheese heads but for the, for this and so many reasons, I thank you all for your leadership. 10:40:46;21 Now, in this, these two races, Peter Barca was a member of Congress. 10:40:52;03 We want him back again. 10:40:58;10 He's so wonderful. 10:40:59;23 We want him back again. 10:41:01;04 And Rebecca Cook in Wisconsin three here. 10:41:05;15 This is very, so you can't add by subtracting, you will reelect the members who are from Wisconsin and starting in the Senate with Tammy Baldwin. 10:41:18;04 Tammy Baldwin started in the house. 10:41:20;17 I campaigned with her in Madison and the suburban, the urban rural areas in her district as well. 10:41:27;14 Could see this woman of Great grace. 10:41:31;02 Now, she was going to be the first lesbian member of Congress that we knew the first lesbian member of Congress who better than Tammy Baldwin. 10:41:40;14 Coming in with her commitment, her values, her vision and the rest, her graciousness, her just goodness that emanated from her. 10:41:52;25 And then she went on to the United States Senate and that's where she has to go again. 10:41:58;12 So thank you for all of that. 10:42:01;24 So are you ready? 10:42:02;29 Are you ready to just win? 10:42:05;10 So I won't sing the national anthem for you. 10:42:08;04 But I just left the Maryland delegation. 10:42:10;03 That's where I'm from. 10:42:11;13 And um originally I've been in San Francisco for 50 years raising our family. 10:42:16;24 My daughter, Alexandra is here with her husband, Neil. 10:42:19;22 This is a family visit for us. 10:42:21;11 My daughter Christine, active in the Democratic Party keeps reminding me the platform is coming out tonight. 10:42:29;07 That will be our message. 10:42:31;10 But when I was in Maryland, I said to them, I brag about the fact that the national anthem was written in Baltimore, Francis Scott Key, the the war of 1812. 10:42:43;02 All of that. 10:42:43;29 Now when you're at a game, Green Bay didn't do too well. 10:42:49;15 Last night when you're at a game, you get to the end land, the free home of the brave everybody. 10:42:55;22 Cheers. 10:42:56;09 Right. 10:42:59;02 I hear before that when it says proof through the night that our flag was still there, proof enough that our flags are still there. 10:43:14;07 We are in the night in some respects in terms of the assault on our democracy that the other side, that other guy is making. 10:43:22;08 It's appalling. 10:43:23;21 It's horrible how the Republicans could even accept such an unpatriotic thing. 10:43:28;28 But it is what it is. 10:43:30;05 And as I say, we don't agonize, we organize, we unionize, we just win baby. 10:43:35;27 That's what it is. 10:43:38;20 Yeah, but we have to prove through the night that our flag was still there. 10:43:45;12 And as Joe Biden has consistently said and done as President of the United States, still there with liberty and justice for all. 10:43:55;13 Are we ready to just win baby, elect Kamala Harris and Tim walls, President, vice President of the United States, Tammy Baldwin to the United States and Peter Barker and Rebecca to the House of Representatives. 10:44:10;03 Thank you for the honor of sharing some thoughts for you as a former party chair, recognizing the work that you, that you do that is running for these positions, the grassroots activity of it just to own the ground, baby. 10:44:25;20 And that's our message. 10:44:26;17 That's how we're gonna win. 10:44:28;01 Thank you all so much. 10:44:34;09 Thank you, Wisconsin. 10:44:39;06 Yeah. 10:44:41;15 Right. 10:44:45;29 Speaker Nancy Pelosi author, I might add of the new book must read and she reads the audio book in her own voice. 10:44:59;04 The Art of power, a true artist. 10:45:02;20 Our amazing speaker, Emerita Nancy Pelosi, Wisconsin. 10:45:10;01 Are you ready to own the ground? 10:45:14;02 Are you ready to just win, baby? 10:45:17;17 Let's give another giant round of applause and thank you to Nancy Pelosi for joining us this morning. 10:45:22;25 Holy smokes. 10:45:30;01 Ah, I'm thrilled to be able to welcome this morning's final guest speaker. 10:45:39;22 I'm so pleased and proud to introduce someone who has brought case after case after critical case forward to advance the cause of justice, freedom and accountability in the state of Wisconsin. 10:45:53;18 Someone. 10:45:54;03 I'm proud to call a friend and neighbor. 10:45:56;11 Our one and only attorney general of the great state of Wisconsin. 10:46:00;18 Josh. 10:46:08;05 Thank you. 10:46:09;08 Hello, Wisconsin. 10:46:11;26 Holy cow. 10:46:12;27 What a week this is. 10:46:14;15 You know, at first I got, I have to tell you a story and, and you're all gonna wanna hear this. 10:46:18;28 Uh, just a few minutes ago. 10:46:20;23 I had what I think will be a, a lifelong memory, which is, somebody came up to me and said, um, Nancy Pelosi's schedule has shifted a little bit. 10:46:28;26 Is it ok if she goes ahead of you, the Obamas weren't available. 10:46:36;28 Um, uh, the greatest speaker in American history just spoke to this audience. 10:46:43;19 What a day and by the, and, and what a week this has been and what a month this has been. 10:46:52;25 Um, I have a lot to say about that. 10:46:54;27 There's a lot to talk about right now, but I actually want to start with some Wisconsin business because there is a lot going on at the state level right now. 10:47:03;13 We, I think deserve a round of applause for all the work that you have done that the state party has done because last week and it's hard to believe this was just last week. 10:47:13;18 We had a primary in Wisconsin where Republicans put two amendments to grab power away from Governor Ebers and give it to our legislature. 10:47:23;15 And Wisconsinites organized, they got information out about the stakes of that vote and we overwhelmingly defeated those Republican amendments. 10:47:33;10 Great work, Wisconsin. 10:47:39;02 And I, I don't know if you saw Robin Voss remarks when he was asked about these amendments and what was coming in the future? 10:47:46;27 He said that he's going to double down on constitutional amendments. 10:47:53;17 Now. 10:47:53;26 I, I don't want to bring up bad memories, but you may remember that after Governor Ebers and I were first elected in 2018, Robin Voss began his power grab spree by bringing the legislature into special election and having them vote to take authority away from the governor's office and the A GS office. 10:48:12;29 But you know, I have a point I want to make about how things have gone with with Robin Voss as speaker. 10:48:19;08 When Robin Voss was elected, speaker, Republicans had overwhelming majorities in the state legislature. 10:48:26;06 Republicans controlled the governor's office. 10:48:28;29 Republicans controlled the A GS office. 10:48:31;13 Republicans had a clear majority on the state Supreme court. 10:48:36;20 Well, now Governor Evers is in his second term as governor. 10:48:44;01 I am proud to be in my second term as attorney general. 10:48:48;07 Our state Supreme court majority has flipped Robin Boss's power grab with the amendments has gone down. 10:48:56;08 Robin Voss has seen defeat after defeat after defeat, but we've got one more defeat to hand him because this fall, we have the opportunity to vote with fair maps for the first time in more than a decade. 10:49:12;03 So this fall, let's flip the majority in the assembly and let's end the speakership of Robin Vos, we, we've got seats to gain in the Senate as well and we have a clear path to a majority in the Senate if we put in the work in this election and the next election and think about what it would mean in Wisconsin to have Republic to have Republican majorities gone and to have Democrats in the majority. 10:49:44;01 It means common sense, gun safety legislation get past, like Chris Murphy talked about it means expanding Medicaid. 10:49:51;28 So more of our residents are able to get access to the health care they need. 10:49:56;20 With a democratic majority, we can codify reproductive rights into Wisconsin law and we can finally fully fund education in Wisconsin if we have a democratic majority. 10:50:14;01 And of course, we've got critical congressional races. 10:50:17;18 The two that Speaker Pelosi mentioned, I also want to highlight the eighth congressional district where our outstanding candidate Kristen Lyerly Kristen, are you here? 10:50:27;03 Is running, is running to win that district and flip that blue. 10:50:32;28 Now, I don't need to tell anybody here about the stakes in the senate election and how critical it is that we reelect Tammy Baldwin. 10:50:39;18 This is somebody who fights every day for Wisconsinites. 10:50:44;20 Tammy Baldwin has gone to bed for us. 10:50:47;11 She's fighting for Buy America. 10:50:49;13 She has succeeded in protecting same sex marriages. 10:50:53;05 She is fighting to codify reproductive rights at the federal level. 10:50:57;27 Tammy Baldwin has expanded access to affordable health care. 10:51:02;05 She is a champion for us on issue after issue and her opponent is in Wisconsin sometimes. 10:51:11;16 Well, she has been talking to communities to people across our state. 10:51:16;11 Eric Hovde has been, I think doing beach is the phrase for that. 10:51:22;25 The contrast could not be clear, but he has talked about ending the Affordable Care Act. 10:51:27;21 He's talked about how he's wanted to overturn Roe V. Wade. 10:51:32;16 The stakes could not be more clear. 10:51:35;03 And speaking of races where the stakes could not be more clear. 10:51:38;20 We have all been hearing about the presidential election for the last few days. 10:51:43;11 I just want to add a few points to some of what we've heard first. 10:51:47;09 I, I believe that this is the most important election in any of our lifetimes. 10:51:53;04 The difference in the path that Kamala Harris and Tim walls have laid out and the path that Donald Trump and JD Vance have laid out is as big a difference as you can possibly imagine. 10:52:04;15 But let's talk about competence, you know, the values, the principles matter, but let's talk about competence and I'll just give you one example. 10:52:12;16 I spent a lot of time as your attorney general thinking about public safety. 10:52:16;27 We've held big pharmaceutical companies accountable for their role in the opioid epidemic. 10:52:21;20 We fought to strengthen our sexual assault kit laws. 10:52:24;29 We have stood up against gun violence and for common sense, gun safety measures and when it comes to public safety, I don't know if you saw JD Vance's remarks last week in Milwaukee, but in talking about his approach to public safety, I'm not making this up. 10:52:41;03 He pointed people to the movie, The Gangs of New York for how we should think about public safety in Kamala Harris. 10:52:49;20 We have the former attorney general of the largest state in the country who has taken on people responsible for mortgage fraud. 10:52:57;01 A former prosecutor from one of our largest counties who put dangerous violent offenders behind bars. 10:53:05;16 And on the Republican side, you've got one guy who's seen gangs of New York and another guy who's seen Silence of the lambs. 10:53:12;19 This is not a tough choice. 10:53:15;22 I will say if there's one movie I associate with Donald Trump, it's actually a Jim Carrey movie. 10:53:21;23 It's called Liar, Liar. 10:53:29;04 But we also see the impact of that expertise in the results we've gotten when Donald Trump was in office. 10:53:34;27 As president, violent crime went up, shootings went up, homicides went up including in Wisconsin and with the Biden Harris administration in office, shootings have dropped. 10:53:48;24 Homicides have dropped at historic levels. 10:53:52;15 They have been investing in and supporting the FBI and the US DOJ while Donald Trump has been attacking them and claims that if he's elected president, he will weaponize them. 10:54:04;25 That is not an approach that is going to make our communities safer. 10:54:08;09 It's not an approach that's gonna make our community stronger. 10:54:10;25 We cannot afford another four years of their incompetence in the White House and when it comes to our values, the contrast could not be clear. 10:54:20;11 I wanna tell you a quick story about Kamala Harris. 10:54:23;16 She is fighting to strengthen our middle class. 10:54:26;05 She's fighting to expand access to affordable health care. 10:54:29;14 She's fighting to protect our natural resources and she has made our freedom a centerpiece of her campaign. 10:54:36;11 Well, when the Dobbs decision was pending at the Supreme Court, we had a good sense of where that case was going. 10:54:43;19 And Kamala Harris herself, a former A G convened several A GS including me from around the country asked us to come meet with her at the White House. 10:54:54;10 So several of us went there. 10:54:55;25 Some of us showed up by Zoom and Kamala Harris wanted to hear from us about what we needed in our States. 10:55:02;04 If the Dobbs decision came out the way we feared, she wanted to hear about how we were elevating the concerns that people were having about their own reproductive freedom, about the health of their families if access to abortion was lost and she wanted to know how she could help. 10:55:18;25 Well, it turned out that was the day before the Dobbs decision came down. 10:55:23;20 And you may remember four days after that decision, Governor Evers and I announced a lawsuit to block enforcement of our 1849 ban and we have now restored reproductive freedom in Wisconsin. 10:55:40;21 But, but the fight isn't over, it is still going on in the courts, it's going to go on in our state legislature and it's going to go on at the federal level. 10:55:49;00 Kamala Harris is a leader who understands the importance of protecting our freedom and who's going to put in the work to get it done. 10:55:56;11 On the other side have, how many of you have heard about project 2025? 10:56:02;11 The secret is out, right. 10:56:04;04 The secret is out 900 plus pages that I can boil down. 10:56:09;17 Actually, I can save you a lot of time. 10:56:11;11 It's about attacking our freedoms. 10:56:13;16 It's about attacking the middle class and it's about attacking equality of opportunity. 10:56:20;05 So with those 40 hours, we just saved, let's make sure that 2025 project doesn't go into effect in Wisconsin or anywhere in this country. 10:56:30;11 It's a, it's a project about fundamentally taking our country backwards, taking us backwards in some cases, hundreds of years. 10:56:40;09 But as Vice President Harris likes to say about going backwards, we're not going back, we are not going to go back, but we know what it takes in Wisconsin to make sure that we move forward and not backward. 10:56:55;17 We know what it means to put in the kind of work we do to get elections across the finish line and to win. 10:57:01;17 And if you need any extra motivation over the next 76 days, let me just say this. 10:57:07;14 I don't know how many of you had the chance to hear from Hillary Clinton, uh on the first night of the convention. 10:57:14;04 But it brought back a lot of memories for me from that 2016 election. 10:57:18;05 And one thing that I will always remember is the videos that were going viral on election day of people who had cast their ballot, had those I voted stickers and put them on Susan B, Anthony's gravestone. 10:57:32;11 And what we all thought was going to be a celebratory night as those election results rolled in became a nightmare. 10:57:39;25 Uh And we have now lived through years and years of Donald Trump's divisiveness and even now with Joe Biden, the White House, Donald Trump casts a pall over what is happening in this country. 10:57:53;09 He brings division, he encourages Republicans to obstruct. 10:57:57;02 He has stood in the way of progress. 10:58:01;21 But in 76 days, we can fundamentally change that narrative. 10:58:07;16 We can elect Kamala Harris as the next president of the United States. 10:58:11;13 And think about what that will mean for little girls across this country, not just to be told that they can do anything but to see it in the highest office of our land. 10:58:23;16 And as the father of two boys, let me tell you think about what it means for all of our Children to grow up in an America where equality of opportunity is not just something we say, but is something we can show is true for every American when we stand up for equal justice under the law. 10:58:41;08 We all benefit when we speak out against hate against the transgender community. 10:58:47;02 All of us become safer when we speak out against racial injustice. 10:58:51;22 All of us get to live in a society that is more equal when we come together. 10:58:57;02 When we are united, we are as strong as we can be and we all benefit no matter what. 10:59:03;16 Donald Trump and JD Vance say as they try to divide us. 10:59:07;08 So in 76 days, let's get engaged. 10:59:10;20 Let's make sure we knock on doors. 10:59:12;28 Let's make sure we pick up the phone. 10:59:14;18 Let's have those difficult conversations with our friends and our family and our neighbors and let's elect Kamala Harris and Tim walls as the next president and vice president of the United States. 10:59:26;12 Let's do it. 10:59:27;01 Let's go. 10:59:27;19 Thank you, everybody. 10:59:29;09 Thank you, Attorney General, Josh Cole. 10:59:40;00 Let's give him of applause fighting for all of us. 10:59:46;21 Oh, what a breakfast. 10:59:49;08 What speakers? 10:59:50;08 What a day we have got. 10:59:52;23 We have one final order of business before we get, which is the drawings for the guest masses and the prizes for today before I introduce our executive director, Cassie Felli and our deputy executive directors, Abel for the drawing. 11:00:08;04 Let me say a couple of things, a reminder first to make sure tonight if you are in, if you have a delegate pass or a guest pass that you are in your seat by 6 p.m. So you can cheer on Mayor Cavalier Johnson. 11:00:21;01 When he addresses our convention tonight, we are so excited, so excited to show what Wisconsin sounds like when we cheer. 11:00:31;11 Secondly, if you do not have a pass tonight, there are many places you could go to watch. 11:00:36;00 One of them is the into action reception area where there's beautiful screens and snacks and food and art. 11:00:41;22 And everybody is invited there throughout the day. 11:00:43;20 And then after the gavel drops, everyone is invited to DNC committee man, Alex Lasry special party to celebrate the Wisconsin delegation. 11:00:52;03 So make sure you go to that party tonight and lastly be thinking about your stuff. 11:00:59;06 I know of at least one phone that has gone missing in this very room this morning. 11:01:03;06 If you find that room, bring it to the reception table so that its owner can claim it, but make sure you have your phone. 11:01:10;19 Make sure you have your cheese head. 11:01:12;07 Love seeing some cheese heads here this morning, be there tonight. 11:01:15;20 Ready to go. 11:01:16;13 You might want to have some extra water and some snack bars. 11:01:18;29 It's gonna be an amazing, amazing night. 11:01:21;16 And with that, let's give a giant round of applause. 11:01:24;12 Let's give a round of applause to everyone working here at the Sheridan Riverwalk today. 11:01:29;08 Everyone on the Democratic Party of Wisconsin team who's working here today and let's give a big Wisconsin. 11:01:34;24 Thank you and welcome to Cassie Felli and Sarah Abel for today's drive. 11:01:39;24 Thank you. 11:01:46;06 Hello, I'm back again. 11:01:47;17 My voice is dying. 11:01:48;18 So Sarah is gonna do the talking 10. 11:01:53;18 All right, we have 10 guest passes to give away. 11:02:03;11 Um. 11:02:03;26 Ok. 11:02:04;05 First we have Madeline Buckles guest of Henry Freeze Madeline. 11:02:11;28 Are you here? 11:02:15;05 We hold it till the end. 11:02:16;06 Reminder of the rules. 11:02:17;10 You have to be in the room to win your ticket. 11:02:20;14 We will hold it um until the end and then we will redraw P A Yeah. 11:02:32;17 Uh Stephanie Begat guest of Arvia. 11:02:40;10 Oh, ok. 11:02:41;03 --KEYWORDS- ILLINOIS DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION WEDNESDAY PELOSI |
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