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Washington, DC
Sen. Mitch McConnell
(R) Kentucky
I've spoken before about Hungary's decade long drift into the orbit of the West's most determined adversaries.
It's an alarming trend and nobody certainly not.
The American conservatives who increasingly form a cult of personality around Prime Minister Viktor Orban can pretend not to see it.
Hungary's leaders are cozying up to Moscow but you and Tehran in private, they're doing it publicly and vocally as well.
The Orban government has welcomed China's view of a European bridgehead in Hungary as the perfect complement to its own declared policy of an opening to the East.
And it hasn't been shy about turning words into actions when Chinese state enterprise said jump hung.
Hungarian officials have asked how high as European allies begin to heed warnings from the Trump administration to reduce reliance on Chinese industry and technology.
Budapest repeatedly blocked eu progress and welcomed a Geyser.
A literal geyser of Chinese Belt and Road investment included in the torrent of PR C influence was €500 million for a Chinese electric vehicle manufacturer to build a new facility on Hungarian soil and another €7 billion investment in a new EV battery plant.
Meanwhile the Prime Minister of a former vassal of Russian communism.
Has nothing but praise for the Neo Soviet imperial is responsible for the first major land war in Europe since 1945.
Victor Orban describes the regime that has sacrificed chance if not hundreds of thousands of Russian lives and more than $200 billion in military force for its unprovoked and thus far unsuccessful aggression against Ukraine.
He calls it hyper rational but this NATO Prime Minister doesn't just admire Putin.
He helps him, his government runs interference from Moscow, gumming up European and transatlantic efforts to combat Russia's unlawful aggression.
At every turn.
European allies are providing more assistance to Ukraine than the US has.
But Americans who complain the eu isn't doing more to help Ukraine should look no further than to Budapest's efforts to block additional eu assistance for the answer.
And then there's Budapest relationship with the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Hungary's Foreign Minister has bemoaned that ongoing international sanctions make it quote really challenging to build effective economic and trade cooper operation with the world's most active state sponsor of terror.
I have little sympathy for Hungarian companies that struggle to profit from their ties to the genocidal regime in Tehran.
Of course, that hasn't stopped Hungarian firms from committing tens of millions of dollars to financing joint nuclear projects with Iran.
It didn't stop a National Hungarian University for inviting former Iran Iranian president to a conference on quote.
Listen to this common values in the global environment, common values with Tehran.
And here I thought it was American conservatives who claimed shared values with Hungary's ruling party as the urban government forgot its adoring fans on this side of the United.
No, Hungary's leaders have made no secret of their conviction that the future is one of American decline.
The future is one of American decline.
That's Hungarian views.
They're not hiding the ways they're preparing for American weakness and betting on our failure, there's nothing tough about bowing to autocrats and there's nothing for America's leaders to gain by praising those who do subservience to rant his powers is not an American value, but far more importantly, it is not in America's interest.
Footage Information
Source | CNN Collection |
Link | View details on CNN Collection site |
Date | 09-26-2024 |
Description |
--SUPERS-- Wednesday Washington, DC Sen. Mitch McConnell (R) Kentucky --TRANSCRIPTION-- 00:00:00;21 I've spoken before about Hungary's decade long drift into the orbit of the West's most determined adversaries. 00:00:07;23 It's an alarming trend and nobody certainly not. 00:00:10;28 The American conservatives who increasingly form a cult of personality around Prime Minister Viktor Orban can pretend not to see it. 00:00:21;11 Hungary's leaders are cozying up to Moscow but you and Tehran in private, they're doing it publicly and vocally as well. 00:00:34;11 The Orban government has welcomed China's view of a European bridgehead in Hungary as the perfect complement to its own declared policy of an opening to the East. 00:00:48;10 And it hasn't been shy about turning words into actions when Chinese state enterprise said jump hung. 00:00:56;15 Hungarian officials have asked how high as European allies begin to heed warnings from the Trump administration to reduce reliance on Chinese industry and technology. 00:01:09;12 Budapest repeatedly blocked eu progress and welcomed a Geyser. 00:01:14;24 A literal geyser of Chinese Belt and Road investment included in the torrent of PR C influence was €500 million for a Chinese electric vehicle manufacturer to build a new facility on Hungarian soil and another €7 billion investment in a new EV battery plant. 00:01:44;07 Meanwhile the Prime Minister of a former vassal of Russian communism. 00:01:49;15 Has nothing but praise for the Neo Soviet imperial is responsible for the first major land war in Europe since 1945. 00:01:59;22 Victor Orban describes the regime that has sacrificed chance if not hundreds of thousands of Russian lives and more than $200 billion in military force for its unprovoked and thus far unsuccessful aggression against Ukraine. 00:02:18;17 He calls it hyper rational but this NATO Prime Minister doesn't just admire Putin. 00:02:27;13 He helps him, his government runs interference from Moscow, gumming up European and transatlantic efforts to combat Russia's unlawful aggression. 00:02:38;19 At every turn. 00:02:40;21 European allies are providing more assistance to Ukraine than the US has. 00:02:46;00 But Americans who complain the eu isn't doing more to help Ukraine should look no further than to Budapest's efforts to block additional eu assistance for the answer. 00:02:59;11 And then there's Budapest relationship with the Islamic Republic of Iran. 00:03:04;23 Hungary's Foreign Minister has bemoaned that ongoing international sanctions make it quote really challenging to build effective economic and trade cooper operation with the world's most active state sponsor of terror. 00:03:21;27 I have little sympathy for Hungarian companies that struggle to profit from their ties to the genocidal regime in Tehran. 00:03:31;10 Of course, that hasn't stopped Hungarian firms from committing tens of millions of dollars to financing joint nuclear projects with Iran. 00:03:41;16 It didn't stop a National Hungarian University for inviting former Iran Iranian president to a conference on quote. 00:03:50;00 Listen to this common values in the global environment, common values with Tehran. 00:04:01;01 And here I thought it was American conservatives who claimed shared values with Hungary's ruling party as the urban government forgot its adoring fans on this side of the United. 00:04:15;15 No, Hungary's leaders have made no secret of their conviction that the future is one of American decline. 00:04:25;13 The future is one of American decline. 00:04:28;27 That's Hungarian views. 00:04:31;00 They're not hiding the ways they're preparing for American weakness and betting on our failure, there's nothing tough about bowing to autocrats and there's nothing for America's leaders to gain by praising those who do subservience to rant his powers is not an American value, but far more importantly, it is not in America's interest. --KEYWORD TAGS-- SENATE FLOOR WEDNESDAY HUNGARY VIKTOR ORBAN |
Class | Footage |
Length | 00:04:59 |
Frame Rate | 29.97 fps |
Format | High Definition |
Synopsis |
--SUPERS-- Wednesday Washington, DC Sen. Mitch McConnell (R) Kentucky --TRANSCRIPTION-- 00:00:00;21 I've spoken before about Hungary's decade long drift into the orbit of the West's most determined adversaries. 00:00:07;23 It's an alarming trend and nobody certainly not. 00:00:10;28 The American conservatives who increasingly form a cult of personality around Prime Minister Viktor Orban can pretend not to see it. 00:00:21;11 Hungary's leaders are cozying up to Moscow but you and Tehran in private, they're doing it publicly and vocally as well. 00:00:34;11 The Orban government has welcomed China's view of a European bridgehead in Hungary as the perfect complement to its own declared policy of an opening to the East. 00:00:48;10 And it hasn't been shy about turning words into actions when Chinese state enterprise said jump hung. 00:00:56;15 Hungarian officials have asked how high as European allies begin to heed warnings from the Trump administration to reduce reliance on Chinese industry and technology. 00:01:09;12 Budapest repeatedly blocked eu progress and welcomed a Geyser. 00:01:14;24 A literal geyser of Chinese Belt and Road investment included in the torrent of PR C influence was €500 million for a Chinese electric vehicle manufacturer to build a new facility on Hungarian soil and another €7 billion investment in a new EV battery plant. 00:01:44;07 Meanwhile the Prime Minister of a former vassal of Russian communism. 00:01:49;15 Has nothing but praise for the Neo Soviet imperial is responsible for the first major land war in Europe since 1945. 00:01:59;22 Victor Orban describes the regime that has sacrificed chance if not hundreds of thousands of Russian lives and more than $200 billion in military force for its unprovoked and thus far unsuccessful aggression against Ukraine. 00:02:18;17 He calls it hyper rational but this NATO Prime Minister doesn't just admire Putin. 00:02:27;13 He helps him, his government runs interference from Moscow, gumming up European and transatlantic efforts to combat Russia's unlawful aggression. 00:02:38;19 At every turn. 00:02:40;21 European allies are providing more assistance to Ukraine than the US has. 00:02:46;00 But Americans who complain the eu isn't doing more to help Ukraine should look no further than to Budapest's efforts to block additional eu assistance for the answer. 00:02:59;11 And then there's Budapest relationship with the Islamic Republic of Iran. 00:03:04;23 Hungary's Foreign Minister has bemoaned that ongoing international sanctions make it quote really challenging to build effective economic and trade cooper operation with the world's most active state sponsor of terror. 00:03:21;27 I have little sympathy for Hungarian companies that struggle to profit from their ties to the genocidal regime in Tehran. 00:03:31;10 Of course, that hasn't stopped Hungarian firms from committing tens of millions of dollars to financing joint nuclear projects with Iran. 00:03:41;16 It didn't stop a National Hungarian University for inviting former Iran Iranian president to a conference on quote. 00:03:50;00 Listen to this common values in the global environment, common values with Tehran. 00:04:01;01 And here I thought it was American conservatives who claimed shared values with Hungary's ruling party as the urban government forgot its adoring fans on this side of the United. 00:04:15;15 No, Hungary's leaders have made no secret of their conviction that the future is one of American decline. 00:04:25;13 The future is one of American decline. 00:04:28;27 That's Hungarian views. 00:04:31;00 They're not hiding the ways they're preparing for American weakness and betting on our failure, there's nothing tough about bowing to autocrats and there's nothing for America's leaders to gain by praising those who do subservience to rant his powers is not an American value, but far more importantly, it is not in America's interest. --KEYWORD TAGS-- SENATE FLOOR WEDNESDAY HUNGARY VIKTOR ORBAN |
CNN ID | 56749053 |
Name | 370E19_EFSX0NA73V |