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<pi> This package/segment contains third party material. Unless otherwise noted, this material may only be used within this package/segment. Usage must cease on all platforms (including digital) within ten days of its initial delivery or such shorter time as designated by CNN. </pi> --SUPERS-- :11 - :14 WFTV :14 - :25 Twitter :25 - :42 CBS This Morning 32 - :37 Joel Manby CEO, SeaWorld :53 - 1:21 "Blackfish" From Magnolia Pictures/CNN Films 1:21 - 1:26 YouTube/PointLomaPictures 1:26 - 1:29 WFTV 1:32 - 1:38 SeaWorld 1:38 - 1:43 Twitter 1:43 - 1:46 (quick) Wayne Pacelle CEO, The Humane Society 1:53 - 1:57 SeaWorld 2:03 - 2:08 Naomi Rose Animal Welfare Institute 2:18 - END Twitter --LEAD IN-- A BOMBSHELL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM SEAWORLD... THE COMPANY SAYS IT WILL NOT BE ADDING ANY NEW KILLER WHALES TO ITS WATER PARKS. SEAWORLD SAYS ITS CURRENT GENERATION OF ORCAS WILL LIVE OUT THEIR DAYS... AND THE PROGRAM WILL BE PHASED OUT. AS MARTIN SAVIDGE REPORTS, THE ANNOUNCEMENT IS A MAJOR U-TURN FOR THE COMPANY. --REPORTER PKG-AS FOLLOWS-- THE ANNOUNCEMENT IS AS BIG AS THE CREATURES IT"S ABOUT… SEAWORLD SAYS ITS RETIRING ITS STAR PERFORMER KILLER WHALES… AFTER DECADES OF SHOWS AND YEARS OF CONTROVERSY OVER ORCAS IN CAPTIVITY. THE COMPANY REVEALING THE SURPRISE IN A VIDEO TWEET… (Natsot/Seaworld announcement) "The company who helped the world fall in love with Orcas will end all orca breeding and transition away from theatrical orca shows…." SPEAKING THIS MORNING ON CBS THE COMPANY"S CEO SAID PUBLIC ATTITUDES HAVE CHANGED. (Joel Manby, CEO, SeaWorld): "It"s about where society is shifting. I have seen, clearly that society is changing their attitude about these unbelievable majestic animals being in human care." FOR YEARS ANIMAL WELFARE GROUPS HAVE BLASTED SEAWORLD FOR THEIR KILLER WHALE PROGRAM… SAYING THE MAMMALS WERE TOO LARGE, TOO SMART AND TOO SOCIAL A CREATURE TO BE KEPT IN THEME PARKS. ("Blackfish") BUT IT WAS THE CNN DOCUMENTARY FILM BLACK FISH FOCUSING ON THE DEATH OF SEAWORLD TRAINER DAWN BRANCHEAU AND QUESTIONS REGARDING HOW CAPTIVITY MIGHT HAVE TURNED TILIKUM, ONE OF SEAWORLD"S BIGGEST ATTRACTIONS, INTO A REAL KILLER THAT WAS A TURNING POINT. (Natsot/ad): "...there will be no more admission tickets, no more rides, no more teddy bears." SEAWORLD NEVER RECOVERED FROM THE PUBLIC BACKLASH. ATTENDANCE DECLINED. SO DID ITS STOCK PRICE… NOW SEAWORLD SAYS IT WILL FOCUS MORE ON ITS ANIMAL RESCUE AND REHABILITATION EFFORTS EVEN PARTNERING WITH ONE OF ITS FIERCEST OPPONENTS, THE HUMANE SOCIETY (Wayne Pacelle, CEO, The Humane Society): "We"ve been talking for the last three months very quietly." MARINE BIOLOGIST NAOMI ROSE HAS WORKED MORE THAN 20-YEARS FOR THIS DAY... (Naomi Rose, Animal Welfare Institute): "This is really stunning news." SHE"S THRILLED, BUT SAYS KILLER WHALES CAN SURVIVE FOR DECADES AND WONDERS WHERE AND HOW THE REMAINING 28 ORCAS AT SEAWORLD WILL LIVE. (Naomi Rose, Animal Welfare Institute): "They need to get out of those tanks, I don"t think those tanks are good for them, and so I would like to continue dialogue that explores options such as seaside sanctuaries, coastal sanctuaries for those animals where they will be in more space and a more natural habitat..." SEAWORLD HASN"T SAID SPECIFICALLY HOW IT"S GOING TO CARE LONG-TERM FOR ITS ORCAS... RIGHT NOW IT"S JUST CONTENT WITH TAKING A BIG STEP TOWARD HOPEFULLY SOLVING AN EVEN BIGGER CONTROVERSY. -----END-----CNN.SCRIPT----- --KEYWORD TAGS-- KILLER WHALES ORLANDO FLORIDA CAPTIVITY ANIMALS
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SeaWorld announces it will end its orca-breeding program