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--SUPERS-- :00-:04 Donald Trump (R) Presidential Nominee :21-:25 Donald Trump (R) Presidential Nominee :32-:35 Donald Trump (R) Presidential Nominee :42-:55 Donald Trump (R) Presidential Nominee 1:03-1:08 Ivanka Trump Donald Trump"s Daughter 1:20-1:35 Donald Trump (R) Presidential Nominee 1:40-1:52 Donald Trump (R) Presidential Nominee --LEAD IN-- PRESIDENT OBAMA IS TAKING ISSUE WITH PARTS OF DONALD TRUMP"S SPEECH AT THE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION. WHILE TRUMP SPENT HIS FIRST DAY AS THE OFFICIAL G-O-P NOMINEE DEFENDING SOME OF HIS WORDS AGAINST TED CRUZ. SUNLEN SERFATY REPORTS --REPORTER PKG-AS FOLLOWS-- (Donald Trump/ (R) Presidential Nominee) "We had an amazing convention, it was one of the best." THE NEWLY-MINTED NOMINEE, HIS RUNNING MATE AND FRESHLY BRANDED PLANE ARE TRYING TO MOVE FORWARD. (Donald Trump/ (R) Presidential Nominee) "The party"s just come together." ….BUT TWELVE HOURS AFTER DELIVERING THE MOST CONSEQUENTIAL AND CAREFULLY-TAILORED SPEECH OF HIS LIFE, DONALD TRUMP IS LOOKING BACKWARD. (Donald Trump/ (R) Presidential Nominee) "I don"t want his endorsement. Just, Ted, stay home, relax, enjoy yourself." ... RENEWING AN OLD FIGHT. (Donald Trump/ (R) Presidential Nominee) "...somebody got booed the hell out of a place by thousands and thousands of people." RESURRECTING NOT ONLY HIS FEUD WITH SENATOR TED CRUZ BUT AGAIN RAISING A BASELESS ATTACK ON CRUZ"S FATHER. (Donald Trump/ (R) Presidential Nominee) "All I did is point out the fact that on the cover of the National Enquirer there was a picture of him and crazy Lee Harvey Oswald having breakfast. Now, Ted never denied that it was his father." TRUMP"S TIRADE IS THREATENING TO OVERSHADOW HIS TRIUMPHANT MOMENT AND BLUNT THE MOMENTUM COMING OFF HIS CONVENTION. (Ivanka Trump/ Donald Trump"s Daughter) "Our next president, Donald J. Trump!" THE NOMINEE CAPPED OFF THE WEEK DELIVERING A MORE SERIOUS ADDRESS. (Donald Trump/ (R) Presidential Nominee) "I alone can fix it!" ....AS HE ACCEPTED THE GOP NOMINATION THURSDAY NIGHT IN CLEVELAND. (Donald Trump/ (R) Presidential Nominee) "Our convention occurs at a moment of crisis for our nation. The attacks on our police, and the terrorism of our cities, threaten our very way of life." ... PAINTING A DARK AND OMINOUS PICTURE OF A NATION IN CHAOS. (Donald Trump/ (R) Presidential Nominee) "Homicides last year increased by 17% in America"s fifty largest cities. That"s the largest increase in 25 years." THAT VIEW DRAWING A QUICK REBUKE FROM PRESIDENT OBAMA TODAY. (Pres. Obama) "This idea that America is somehow on the verge of collapse, this vision of violence and chaos everywhere, doesn"t really jive with the experience of most people." COUNTERING THE GOP NOMINEE"S CLAIMS ABOUT RISING CRIME RATES. (Pres. Obama) "The fact of the matter is that the murder rate today, the violence rate today is far lower than it was when Ronald Reagan was president and lower than when I took office." --SUGGESTED TAG-- THE POLITICAL WORLD IS NOW TURNING ITS ATTENTION TO NEXT WEEK"S DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION IN PHILADELPHIA. SOME OF THE BIG SPEAKERS WILL INCLUDE: FORMER CANDIDATE SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS, FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA AND OF COURSE HILLARY CLINTON, WHO IS SCHEDULED TO ACCEPT HER PARTY"S NOMINATION THURSDAY NIGHT. -----END-----CNN.SCRIPT----- --KEYWORD TAGS-- TRUMP CONVENTION CRUZ OBAMA POLITICS
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29.97 fps
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Trump talks about Cruz a day after his RNC speech; Pres. Obama took issue was parts of Trump"s speech.

